Shoes for graduation: what to choose in 2016

  • Fashion trends
  • Combination of shoes and dresses
  • Style shoe
  • Convenience - first of all
  • Useful advices

Dress is one of the main components of the prom. Almost from the fifth grade the girl starts to think over her outfit for this day. However, the shoes at the graduation are no less important than the dress. Unsuccessful selection of shoes can negate all efforts to create an image, and well-chosen shoes, on the contrary, will perfectly complement and beautify the outfit of the girl. Fashion

Fashion trends

Fashion is a very changeable thing. Each year she presents us with new recommendations concerning the drawing up of an image and the selection of clothes. To be on the crest of a fashionable wave - that's very important for young girls who finish 11 or 9 class and are preparing for the most important event in their life. Let's get acquainted with what key aspects we are offered to rely on when choosing shoes for graduation in 2017.

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  • Nude is a style that relates to makeup, clothes and, of course, shoes. The word "Nude" denotes a shade that is very close to our skin. Sandals or shoes such a delicate beige color will be an excellent addition to the final image, and, in addition, will not dust on the shelf in the future.
  • An open toe is another stylish and practical solution for holiday shoes. Such fashionable shoes are comfortable and not hot, and this is very important, given that graduation parties are celebrated in the summer. The main thing that should be remembered when choosing such shoes is a beautiful pedicure and a comfortable shoe in which the toes will not fall too far into the hole.
  • The rich decor of shoes is another trendy trend. When, if not in youth, you can still afford to dress up in crazy shoes with a lot of jewelry? In this case, any charming details can be used as decor: flowers, bows, thongs, rhinestones and sequins, buckles, rivets and so on. If you have chosen a variant with an abundance of decorative details, give preference to neutral tones, so that your shoes do not look ludicrous.
  • The unusual look of the heel will help you stand out from the crowd of classmates no less than the abundance of decor. Modern shoe shops offer us styles with the most intricate forms of heels, but do not forget that the heel should be not only unusual, but also stable.
  • All kinds of ties and fasteners on the ankle are not only a trendy trend, but also a very practical solution. Such ties will make your shoes more comfortable and stable. In addition, they emphasize the beauty and grace of your ankles. Pay attention, this solution will look better at high girls.
  • Unusual prints on shoes remain in fashion for several seasons. This can be a color that mimics the skin of a python, leopard or other animal, or just any non-standard pattern.

Combination of shoes and dresses

When choosing shoes an enormous role is played by the length of the outfit. So, for any style of a long dress, whether it's a "mermaid", "princess" or an A-shaped silhouette, the most simple and classic shoes will do. Boats on a hairpin in this situation - the most correct decision.

But short dresses open up space for imagination. To them you can choose and sandals with a complex interlacing of straps, and massive heels, and all kinds of tankers. In addition, it is short dresses that will allow you to supplement your image with extravagant footwear. It can be decorated, for example, intricately curved heels or executed in the form of geometric figures. The main thing is that your dress in this case is not too bright and catchy. Let your accent stay on your unusual shoes.

Shoe style

When choosing shoes for graduation in the 11th grade( however, as in the 9th class), you must immediately determine their style, because every young woman of fashion has her own preferences in this regard.

  1. Ballet flats - this is the style that literally captured the world a couple of years ago and is not going to leave the fashionable Olympus. Completely in vain, many girls do not consider this option when choosing shoes for prom, considering it too simple and ordinary. In fact, ballet flats have a huge number of advantages, and the most important of them is convenience. If you do not know how to walk on heels, then this style is simply irreplaceable for you. Ballet flats are most suitable for gentle, romantic images with short and lush skirts. In addition, they will decorate the girls who decided to go outside the box unconventionally to their graduation party, preferring not to dress, but, for example, stylish leggings.
  2. Boats are an imperishable classic, which will equally well look with any dresses, as well as with sole pantsuits. To add to your alongside a fashionable note, give preference to boats with open fingers, because this is the key trend, which was discussed above.
  3. Platform shoes are the perfect solution for those who do not feel comfortable on their heels, but want to appear taller. It is very convenient that walking on the platform does not require any skills. These shoes are better suited more reserved and closed dresses( short), as well as beautiful suits with trousers.
  4. Sandals and high-heeled shoes are shoes that will help you feel like a prom queen - stylish, sexy and, of course, very grown-up. Of course, you will have to spend time to learn how to walk beautifully on such a heel and not to hit the dirt at the most crucial moment.

Convenience - first of all

Comfort, convenience - this is perhaps one of the most important criteria when choosing shoes for the prom. Remember, you can not enjoy this wonderful holiday if you suffer in uncomfortable shoes, no matter how luxuriously you look in them.

  • Firstly, before buying shoes, do not just try on them, but resemble them in the store. So you can immediately weed out the most uncomfortable options.
  • Secondly, be sure to carry the shoes before the celebration, having bought it in advance. Many girls immediately hide a new thing on the most distant shelf, because they want to appear on their graduation in brand new shoes. This is a big mistake that will cost you very much. As long as possible, wear out the final shoes, even if walking through it in the apartment.
  • Be sure to put in the bag a so-called rescue kit, which includes a skin-colored patch and silicone pads under the foot. However, the most successful solution is a change of shoes. You can always change your solemn shoes to simpler and more comfortable ones to continue lighting on the dance floor all night.
Every girl wants to show off at her graduation in luxurious shoes with the biggest heels, but if you do not know how to walk in such shoes, give up this option. There are a lot of styles of shoes in which you will look more harmoniously. For example, shoes with a small heel will perfectly emphasize your femininity and elegance.

Useful advices for

When choosing outlet shoes, it is important to pay attention even to the smallest detail, so that your image is complete and complete. During the turmoil and stormy preparations for the solemn event, it is very easy to forget something, so listen to the following tips to find your ideal version of the holiday shoes.

  • First buy a dress and then go for shoes. Even if you saw your dream shoes in advance, you can not be sure that in the future you will pick up a suitable outfit for them.
  • Your shoes should blend harmoniously with the style, color of the dress and the image as a whole. However, remember that combining - it does not mean "coincide in color."
  • Do not be lazy and take your dress to the shoe store in order to guess with a choice, or at least take a picture in the dress on the phone. Maiden memory is not the most reliable thing.
  • Our mothers are used to think that shoes should always match the color of the bag. However, this rule has long been obsolete, and you can safely break it.
  • If you chose a very bright and glamorous dress, give preference to shoes more modest.
  • Do not forget that black shoes look good only with dark outfits. With any light dress, such shoes will look the most strange.

Picking the right style, color and decor of the shoes for the prom, you will feel comfortable and confident. This will allow you to dance until the morning, communicate with friends and remember this important holiday for the rest of your life and in the most iridescent colors.

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