Nutrition during the hot season

Hot, sharp, fatty dishes do not want to eat in a thirty-degree heat. What then to eat at this time of year? Fruits and vegetables, berries and greens are asked on the table. It is necessary to prepare from them useful and tasty dishes.

What to eat in the summer heat

Pay attention to the lungs, including the cold, the first dishes. Excellent options - gazpacho( tomato soup), cold oxalic borsch, okroshka. These dishes both satisfy hunger and thirst. You can choose any of the many recipes for their preparation and a hot summer day to diversify the menu to your taste.

Of fresh vegetables and greens, which are abundant and not so expensive in summer - turnips, cucumbers, tomatoes, radish, dill, parsley, green onions, etc., it is possible and necessary to prepare all kinds of salads. Served with vegetable oil, cream or sour cream, they will be an excellent addition to the summer table. If possible, salads should consume a minimum of salt. It delays moisture in the body, which can adversely affect health.

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Without any restrictions you can eat vitamin fruits and berries with a deposit of useful minerals. Summer is a season of juicy strawberries, strawberries, cherries, apricots, sweet cherries, watermelons, peaches and melons. Fruits and berries contain a lot of life-giving moisture necessary for the body in the heat. You can eat them as an independent dish, as well as prepare a delicious dessert from them. Mixing different fruits and filling them with cream, you can get a delicious fruit salad, or simply add to the curd berries and pieces of fruit. The ideal breakfast in the summer is porridge. Oat, wheat, rice, buckwheat and any other porridge contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins and other very useful substances. She will charge with energy for the whole day and fill up in the body a supply of all the necessary substances.

Drinks that perfectly quench your thirst - tan, kefir, ayran, compote, homemade kvass, freshly squeezed natural juices. Even green hot tea without sugar will perfectly cope with a thirst and give the body vivacity for the whole day. To those drinks that drink on a hot summer day do not include: tea, coffee and sweet soda water. It is not recommended to use a lot of baking and fast food.

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  • May 17, 2018
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