Useful and medicinal properties of St. John's wort and contraindications for men, women and children. Application of St. John's wort and broth

Our article will tell you about the healing properties of St. John's wort, and also tell when it is best to abandon its use.


  • Grass of St. John's wort: useful and healing properties
  • St. John's wort harm and contraindications
  • St. John's wort for men, use
  • St. John's wort for women, use
  • Grass St. John's wort during pregnancy
  • Grass for St. John's wort. Is it possible to give St. John's wort to children?
  • Is it possible to drink tea with Grasshopper's herb?
  • How to brew St. John's wort?
  • Treatment Hypericum Depression
  • St. John's wort to treat liver
  • Treatment of Vitiligo Treatment
  • hunter hunter
  • sinusitis treatment of hemorrhoids Treatment
  • hunter hunter hunter alcoholism
  • treatment of gastritis gastric intestinal
  • hunter
  • Treatment Treatment of prostatitis hunter
  • Video: St. John's Wort. Useful, healing properties of grass

St. John's wort is a flowering plant, growing mainly in the middle climatic zone. Since the earliest times, people have used it to treat various diseases. St. John's wort treats skin problems, diseases of internal organs, and also helps to normalize the mental state. For the preparation of useful tools, flowers and young leaves and shoots are mainly used.

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Of them are prepared ointments, decoctions, lotions and a variety of masks. In St. John's wort there are a lot of useful substances essential oil, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, flavonoids, as well as vitamins E, C, P, PP.From it you can prepare antibiotics that will block disease-causing bacteria, while not depleting the body.

But most importantly, it is that the medicinal preparation from the flowers and leaves of St. John's wort does not suppress the properties of other components, and even strengthen them. Therefore, it can be safely combined with other plants without fear that it will negatively affect them.

St. John's wort: useful and healing properties of

St. John's wort possesses the anti-inflammatory property of

A person knows almost one hundred species of this plant. But for medicinal purposes, the hole pierced by St. John's wort is used most often. It is believed that it contains the maximum amount of vitamin and mineral substances.

With proper and regular use this plant in the shortest possible time can normalize the work of internal organs and put in order dermatological covers.

Useful properties of St. John's wort:
• Quickly stops bleeding
• Has a positive effect on capillaries
• Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
decreases rapidly • Has anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect of
• Tidies up the nervous system
• Prevents the formation of vascular plaques
• Increases the protective properties of the body

St. John's wort harm and contraindications

Allergy is a serious contraindication to theSt. John's wort

But, despite the fact that this plant has a lot of positive qualities, in some cases it can worsen the state of health of a sick person. If, for example, you have hypertension, then take medicine, which includes St. John's wort carefully.

In case the dose is large, then there is a possibility that a person will develop a hypertensive crisis.

Also do not forget that in the composition of St. John's wort there are some not very useful substances. Therefore, you should not take it for a very long time. This can provoke problems with the liver and digestive tract.

• Cirrhosis
• Jade
• Allergy
• Menstruation
• Lactation period
• High body temperature
• Diseases of the vascular system

St John's wort for men, use of

St. John's wort helps to get rid of erectile dysfunction
  • If we consider the use of this plant for men, then the very first thing to talk about potency. Since ancient times, people called the decoction of St. John's wort "the love" drink
  • It was believed that he helped the person to be liberated. This action is due to the fact that the composition of the herb has a positive effect on the nervous system, raising moods and reducing the apathy of
  • Therefore, a person who drinks this miracle tea, usually quickly quickly disappear all fears and there is vivacity and the desire to live. And since the problems with potency are most often associated with a bad emotional state, its normalization usually quickly establishes an intimate life.

The use of St. John's wort for a male body:
• Treats gastroenterological diseases
• Relieves inflammation of the prostate
• Normalizes urination
• Increases immunity

St John's wortfor women, the use of

St. John's wort for women

It is proved that for the female body St. John's wort is the most indispensable tool. Its application has a positive effect on the hair, nails, skin and internal organs. Due to the fact that this plant has an analgesic effect, it can reduce the manifestation of PMS.

Use of St. John's wort for the female body:
• Adjusts the menstrual cycle
• Treats endometriosis and fibroid
• Eliminates digestive tract problems
• Promotes healing of
wounds • Gives shine to the hair
• Adjusts the metabolic processes in the skin

Herb sparred in pregnancy

Pregnant is bestto abandon the use of St. John's wort
  • Usually gynecologists forbid pregnant women to use for treatment of diseases drugs containing St. John's wort
  • As in thist period, the hormonal background of a woman is slightly elevated, it is believed that the body may not properly respond to such treatment, and this will lead to a problem pregnancy or even a miscarriage.
  • It is also believed that regular reception of St. John's wort can spoil the taste of breast milk and the baby will refuse itthere are

Side effects that can occur in a pregnant woman:
• Allergic reaction
• Puffiness of the extremities
• Heartburn
• Developmental fetal disorders

Grass hunterth children. Is it possible to give St. John's wort to children?

St. John's wort can cause nausea in children

Although the St. John's wort is considered a non-toxic plant, it is best not to give it to small children. This is due to the fact that no one has ever studied how it affects the developing children's body.

Usually, young children have a tendency to allergies, and as is known, it is the herbs that provoke the development of this pathology. Therefore, all you can afford is to use a decoction for bathing or treating inflamed skin.

Side effects of children:
• Dry mouth
• Dizziness
• Anxiety
• Lethargy
• Headache
• Photophobia

Is it possible to drink tea with grass Hypericum?

Hypericum tea of ​​the St. John's wort

The most unraveled way of using St. John's wort is correctly brewed tea. Of course, you can drink it, but do not forget that the substances that are in this plant can accumulate in the body.

Therefore, a long and uncontrolled reception of such tea can lead to not very pleasant consequences. If you want it to only benefit you, then add other herbs to the tea leaves, and do not forget to make at least a minimum break in taking this decoction.

Recommendations that will help you drink tea correctly:

• Never make a very concentrated tea brew
• Brew tea directly before using it
• It is best to drink this drink in the autumn-winter time

How to brew the St. John's wort?

Brewing tea with St. John's wort

Since St. John's wort is a medicinal plant, it is best to consult a doctor before starting taking it. Only in this way you can be sure that this tea will have an exceptionally positive effect on your body.

Brewing tea brewing rules:
• Rinse the kettle with boiling water
• Pour 1 tbsp.of dried St. John's wort flowers
• Fill them with freshly boiled water
• Leave the infusion to infuse
• Pour boiling over the cups and add water to it( adhere to the ratio 1: 3)

Treatment of St. John's wort depression

Depression is a mental state,at which the person will lose the desire to do business, meet with friends and just live. Usually people who develop this pathology go bad enough to contact and try to lead a reclusive way of life.

The remedy can be remedies that have a positive effect on the nervous system and contribute to a better mood. Such a tool may well become St. John's Wort.

Soothing tincture recipe for alcohol: So, take a half liter of vodka or medical alcohol, add in it 20 g of dried St. John's wort leaves and put the liquid in a dark place. After two weeks, the plant mixture should be filtered and poured into a clean container. Take a sedative should be 30 drops twice a day for 45 days. Be sure to wash it with plenty of water.

St. John's wort for liver treatment

Drug based on St. John's wort

This plant is good enough cholagogue, not addictive. Therefore, if you have problems with the liver, then without hesitation, start taking a decoction of St. John's wort.

He, for the fastest possible time, will help to establish the work of this body, and also will have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Recipe for healing decoction: For its preparation you will need the leaves and stems of the plant and water. First, put the vegetable raw material in the pan, fill it with water and boil it for 10-15 minutes. After this time, remove the saucepan from the heat and leave the mixture to infuse. Then the broth should be filtered and can be taken. Drink 3 times a day for 1/4 cup for a month.

Treatment of vitiligo St. John's wort


Vitiligo is a disorder of the pigmentation of the skin in the result, which on the human body there are spots of pink and white. Usually, ointments containing a photosensitizer fight with this problem, which increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

This makes it possible to gradually equalize the color of the skin and shine manifestation of the disease to a minimum. St. John's wort possesses all these qualities.

But in order for this method of treatment to give a good result, it should be started, as soon as the body appears the first speck. The older the vitiligo, the harder it will be to get rid of it.

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis

Treating sinusitis with St. John's wort

A man who at least once in a lifetime was sick with sinusitis knows how much this is an unpleasant problem. This disease in its most acute stage provokes not only stuffiness of the nose, but also headache, and fever. Therefore, often enough to treat sinusitis, antibiotics are prescribed.

Everyone knows that, although these drugs contribute to the disappearance of the disease, they have a bad effect on the internal organs of man. The most harmless side effect of such drugs is dysbiosis. If you want to avoid such problems then try to treat sinusitis with St. John's Wort.

Prescription of drops for the nose: So, take 1 of St. John's wort and chamomile, fill them with water and put on fire. Bring the liquid to a boil and leave the vegetable mixture to infuse. When the liquid darkens and cools, you can pour it into a convenient bottle. The resulting remedy should be dripped 4 drops into each nostril 3 times a day.

Treatment of hemorrhoids aspicosis

Sitting bath with St. John's Wort infusion

Hemorrhoids are a rather unpleasant, painful pathology that is familiar to many adults. Most often, the development of this disease provokes dysfunction of the vessels in the rectum. All this leads to the fact that in the anal opening there are painful cracks and bumps, which interfere with normal defecation.

Quickly get rid of this problem will help you with the decoction of St. John's wort. All you need to do is brew a concentrated solution and add it to the water for seated baths. If you repeat this manipulation every evening before going to bed, then in 10 days you can forget about hemorrhoids.

Treatment of St. John's wort of alcoholism

  • At the initial stage, when the dependence of a person on alcohol is exclusively psychological for treatment, St. John's wort
  • can be used. Due to the fact that this plant has antiseptic, tonic soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, it quickly normalizes the emotional state of the drinking person,internal organs and will contribute to the gradual withdrawal from alcohol
  • Of St. John's wort, it is necessary to prepare a decoction and take2 times a day for 20 days

Treatment of St. John's wort gastritis

Application of St. John's wort for the treatment of gastritis
  • People usually find out that they develop gastritis when they develop late symptoms. The patient has bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, dizziness and bloating
  • . Further, these minor manifestations recede into the background and severe pains appear in the stomach area, get rid of, which can only be done with the
  • analgesic tablets. And since the medicines have the capacity toirritation of the mucous membranes, they may well be replaced by St. John's Wort. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties will help to reduce painful manifestations, and after a while, generally, will rid you of gastritis.

Treatment of intestines by St. John's wort

St. John's wort helps to regulate the digestive tract

In case of intestines, treatment of the disease should be approached in a comprehensive manner. It is necessary to choose a remedy that simultaneously restores the water balance, removes toxins and kills harmful microorganisms. A good option in this case is a slightly concentrated broth from the leaves of St. John's wort.

It will improve the process of digestion of food, will contribute to the correct assimilation of useful trace elements, and also will adjust the perelastotics of the intestine. But know, the St. John's wort can stimulate the appetite and you will want to eat more than usual. This may be another problem for you, as treatment of an intestinal infection requires dietary nutrition.

Treatment of prostatitis Hypericum

Infectious prostatitis

The most common development of prostatitis provokes infectious inflammation of the prostate tissue. If the problem does not begin to be eliminated with the appearance of the first unpleasant sensations, then after a while the man will have pain when urinating and begin to have problems with sexual activity.

Therefore, for the treatment of such pathologies, herbs that can remove inflammation and normalize blood circulation in tissues are ideally suited.

Recipe for decoction from prostatitis: Take 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort leaves and pour and a glass of hot water. Wrap the herbal remedy in a cotton towel and leave to infuse. The resulting liquid must be filtered, divided into three equal parts and drunk during the day. Treatment should last at least 25 days.

Video: St. John's wort. Useful, medicinal properties of grass

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