Myths and truth about eggs

Eggs are one of the most popular products on our table. Not surprisingly, they are overgrown with many myths. What is more useful - protein or yolk? And is it true that dishes with eggs are spoiling faster than others? Let's find out answers to these and many other questions.

Myth 1: Protein is more useful than yolk

The belief that only an egg white is really good for health, persists. The yolk contains fats, so it is more caloric.

Nevertheless, if someone decides to give up yolks forever, then he does not do a favor to his organism. Because the alleged "harmful" yolk contains useful fats, as well as all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. Without the yolk, ultimately, not only vitamins A, D and B12, but also important minerals: calcium and folic acid, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, will be missing.

Myth 2: Eggs are forced to take off the cholesterol level

It's true that eggs contain large amounts of cholesterol. But this cholesterol is less dangerous than expected. The body, as a rule, suppresses the production of its own cholesterol, if it is additionally supplied from the outside. That's why cholesterol regulates itself.

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But this rule has an exception: there are people who have such a process does not work smoothly. Therefore, additional cholesterol for them is harmful. In general, it is important to know that cholesterol from chicken eggs, as a rule, in any case has a negligible effect on the overall level of this substance in the blood. Much more dangerous saturated fats, for example, contained in sausages and meat.

Myth 3: Dishes with boiled eggs deteriorate faster

This is true. At least for long-cooked dishes. Warm up and eat them with caution. Warming up can affect the taste and consistency. As a result, they can change and become not very appetizing.

Although some dishes with boiled eggs can be heated up even 3-4 days after cooking. But they must be stored in the refrigerator.

Myth 4: Raw eggs tone the muscles of

In his legendary role of Rocky Balboa, Sylvester Stallone drank raw eggs every day. There is an assumption that the rapid absorption of a large amount of protein helps the body in a short time to build muscle mass.

The method is actually quite widespread among bodybuilders, although the effect is questionable, because the body is better able to absorb proteins if the eggs are cooked before consumption. There is also a risk of contamination with salmonellosis when eating raw eggs.

Perhaps, the given data will help to better understand the benefits and harms of eggs. But if you decide to completely abandon them, then make a blunder.

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