How many years on average do dog mongrels, Chinese crested dogs, chihuahua, Yorkshire terrier, Alabai, that terrier, Jack Russell terrier, Belgian griffins, Pekingese, sheep dogs, spitz at home? Which dogs live the longest?

Which breed dog lives the longest? This and other questions are answered in this article.


  • How many years on average do mongrels and mongrels live on chains?
  • How old do Chinese crested live on average?
  • How old do the chihuahuas live on average?
  • How old do the terriers live on average?
  • How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?
  • How many years do Alabai live on average?
  • Video: Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Turkmen Alabai
  • How old do the Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average?
  • How old do Belgian Griffons live on average?
  • How many years do Pekingese live on average?
  • How old do sheep dogs live on average?
  • How many years live Spitz on average?
  • How old are large dogs and small breeds?
  • Which dogs live the longest?
  • How much do dogs live?
  • Video: How many dogs live |At home |Average.

For many people, a pet is an equal member of the family, a true friend and personal psychotherapist. But animals have not been given a human age, but they want so that they live longer and delight their owners with fervent tail swings and a loving glance. Therefore it is not surprising that many people ask themselves: How many years do dogs live?

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  • It's difficult to answer this question right away, because everything depends on the conditions of the content, on what you feed the dog, and how to treat it.
  • Also the life of a dog depends on the breed, heredity, prevention of infectious diseases( vaccination).
  • In this article we will consider how many live the representatives of this or that breed, which dogs live longer and what is the world record for the life expectancy of a regular mongrel. Read interesting information below.

How many years on average do mongrels and mongrels live on chains?

How many years on average do mongrels and mongrels live on chains?

I'd like so much for my four-footed friend to be there for as long as possible. But this is impossible, because dogs have their own age of life. How many years on average do mongrels and mongrels live on chains?

  • Home dogs without breed or mongrel can live from 9 to 12 years. Some of them with good care and nutrition live to 20 years.
  • Life expectancy of domestic dogs does not differ much from the life of pets - 8-11 years. The main thing is that the animal should eat well and not become infected with any disease.
  • The mongrel on the chain will live less, as it moves little, and as a rule, it is fed to the dump. The dog must move, run. If she is always on a leash, then her eyelid will not last long.

The yards of the poochs, even those who run a lot, the age can also be short. Their life expectancy is affected by winter cold, poor nutrition, the presence of diseases from which they can quickly die.

Interesting to know: The smaller the dog in size, the more life it has.

Read more about each breed below.

How old do Chinese crested live on average?

How old do Chinese crested live on average?

Chinese Crested - beautiful dogs of medium size. This is a very loyal and friendly breed. How old do the Chinese crested live on average? Dogs of this breed live an average of 12 to 13 years. But, if you watch your pet: feed it right, take it for a walk, then it will live 15 years or more.

It is important to know: This breed of dogs needs skin care because it has little wool. Therefore, in the winter, the dog should be worn, and in the summer it should be lubricated with special creams. This will help prevent acne and scaling.

How old do the chihuahuas live on average?

How old do the Chihuahua live on average?

Despite the fact that the Chihuahua breed dog has a fragile body, it is very hardy. Depending on the size of the dogs of this breed, life expectancy may fluctuate. How many years live on average Chihuahua?

  • Dogs of standard size - from 1.5 to 3 kg. Such representatives of the Chihuahua breed live on average 10-16 years. But with good care and beautiful heredity, your pet can live much longer - up to 20 years.
  • Chihuahua-mini weighing from 500 grams to 1.5 kg. There is an opinion that such dogs do not live long - no more than 8 years. But this applies only to those animals that weigh less than 1 kg. That's because such small dogs often have congenital diseases, and they also have an additional risk of injury during walks or because of careless actions of the owners.

To prolong the life of a chihuahua, you can if you follow several rules:

  • Only get puppies from proven breeders.
  • Regularly show the dog to a veterinarian. The animal begins to age by the age of 5-6, and from this time it is necessary to carefully monitor its health.
  • Do all vaccinations in a timely manner.
  • Treat the dog against parasites: fleas, mites and helminths.
  • Create the right diet. Do not feed the pet sweets and other dishes from your table.
  • Wear clothing only when necessary - in the cold season. At home, clothes and a collar should not be worn so that the delicate body of the dog does not get injured.

Important: The duration of dogs of this breed is affected by castration. The sterilized animal will live longer. This is due to the fact that the castrated animal does not accumulate hormones, which can contribute to the growth of various neoplasms.

In addition, the level of aggression decreases, the animal becomes balanced, which means it will live longer.

How old do the terriers live on average?

How old do the terriers live on average?

Another representative of the breed of dogs of small sizes. Their growth does not exceed 30 cm, and the weight does not exceed 3 kg. Such dogs also seem fragile, but they are much better in life expectancy than chihuahua. How many years do they live on average?

  • Dogs of this breed live on average from 12 to 16 years.
  • The number of deaths at an early age in these dogs arises from the inexperience and irresponsibility of the owners.
  • If the dog has the right care, good nutrition, she will lead an active lifestyle and regularly walk, then the life expectancy can increase to 22 years.

Longevity of representatives of this breed is usually explained by good immunity and ability to recover quickly after illness.

How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?

How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?

Yorkshire Terrier - another representative of the breed of small dogs. Such decorative room dog is a real flower of the canine world. It must be protected, protected, groomed and cherished. Yorkie is very kind, loves children and never offends them. How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?

  • The average dog of this breed live 13-15 years.
  • But, if the owner will monitor the quality of his pet's diet, in reality he will live longer.
  • A characteristic disease of this breed is caries. In itself, this disease is not dangerous, but because of the pain of the teeth, the dog can refuse food, then suffer a long time.

In a timely manner, show your pet to a doctor in a veterinary clinic. This will help to avoid undesirable consequences if your dog is sick.

How old do Alabans live on average?

How many years do Alabai live on average?

This breed is more than 5000 years old. It was originally intended for the protection of caravans and dwellings. She has a thick coat that protects from cold, thick and sturdy skin, protecting from insect bites and impressive sizes, thanks to which everyone will be afraid of her and no one will think to get inside the living quarters. How many years on average do Alabai live?

  • On average, the representatives of this breed live 11-15 years.
  • Alabayev breeders warn that it is necessary to walk with this dog all day, and if you are not ready to do it, then it is better to abandon this breed.
  • If the dog does not run much, then her character may deteriorate and she will quickly grow old.

But, if you are not too lazy to walk a lot with your pet, then he can live up to 20 years and will always be positively tuned.

Video: Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Turkmen Alabai

How old do the Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average?

How old do the Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average?

A moving, active dog on short legs will turn the life of its owner into an event full of adventures. This dog does not sit still and will be the favorite of all family members. On the street, he will require mobile games from the owner, but he will not tolerate training, since he does not like training. Good care is needed for any dog, but this terrier in particular. The health of these dogs is generally excellent, but some individuals can suffer from hereditary diseases.

How old do the Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average? Thanks to good health, care, daily active walks and proper nutrition, the dog of this breed can live more than 15 years. Genetic diseases can not be cured, so it is important to know the breeder personally in order to be confident in his puppies.

How old do Belgian Griffons live on average?

How old do Belgian Griffons live on average?

Expressive appearance of griffons suggests that these are decorative dogs. Such tender pocket animals have been bred for hunting rodents, but they have perfectly taken root in people's homes and become their friends. How old do Belgian Griffons live on average?

  • The Brussels Griffon lives from 10 to 15 years.
  • Health problems are usually associated with reproductive function. Dogs-girls can not bring offspring, and if they become pregnant, complications during childbirth are possible. They are often given a caesarean section.
  • Small puppies are born weak, and many of them die in infancy.
  • Hereditary diseases do not cause much harm to health( cataracts, glaucoma), but prevent the dog from living a full life. It can become aggressive and will bark loudly at any rustle.

Important: If you are going to get yourself a puppy of this breed, then remember that such a dog does not tolerate the heat. Short coat does not protect against cold. Therefore, the Brussels griffon will have to be guarded, so that he lives longer.

How many years do Pekinese live on average?

How many years do Pekingese live on average?

Pekingese is one of the oldest breeds on our planet. Owners should monitor not only the proper nutrition of the dog, but also for its fur: wash, comb. It is the wool of such a dog that causes inconvenience, since it is long. On a summer day it can be hot and the animal can overheat and become tired, which will lead to dehydration of the body and the dog will die. But, if you follow the health, how many years live on average Pekingese?

  • If the dog is not sick and has quality care and proper nutrition, then it will be with you 16-18 years.
  • This breed also met long-livers who lived to be 22 years old.
  • Genetics also has a great value in life expectancy.

To extend the life of your Pekingese, owners should observe the health of this pet: visit a veterinarian, do tests and inoculations.

Tip: When purchasing a puppy, ask the breeder when the last vaccination was performed to know when to do the next inoculation.

How many years do sheep dogs live on average?

How old do sheep dogs live on average?

German Shepherd is a special dog that requires not only careful treatment and proper care, but also a good psychological climate in the house where she lives. If the dog will live in stress, it is not necessary to rest fully and suffer from hypodynamia, then its age will be no more than 5-6 years.

How many years do sheep dogs live on average, if they are properly cared for? A dog of this breed with a good attitude towards him, a proper diet and a day-time mocage will delight you with his presence for 10-13 years.

How many years live Spitz on average?

How many years live Spitz on average?

Pomeranian Pomeranian - a beautiful fluffy baby - a real lump of happiness for their masters. The main condition for the long life of these fluffy "bears" is a good owner. He should treat his dog with love, all the time spending time with games with her. But proper care and good nutrition are also of great importance.

How many years live Spitz on average? A dog of this breed will live with you for 12-15 years. But, if you surround him with care and constant attention, the Spitz will be much longer to please you with his cheerful disposition and beautiful appearance.

How many years live large dogs and small breeds?

How many years live large dogs and small breeds?

As mentioned above, the smaller the dog the size, the more it lives, and vice versa, the larger the dog, the less its life span. How many years live large dogs and small breeds? Large dogs live from 10 to 13 years, and pets of small breeds - from 12 to 16 and even more.

Which dogs live the longest?

Which dogs live the longest?

Some people choose a dog in appearance, along the length of the wool or in its absence. Others pay attention only to life expectancy, because they want their pet as long as possible to please with its cheerful disposition, kindness and love. Which dogs live the longest? Here are 10 breeds of long-liver dogs:

  • chihuahua - up to 20 years
  • toy terrier - up to 22 years
  • alabai - 15-20 years
  • pekinese - up to 20 years
  • that poodle - till 20 years
  • dachshund - 18-20 years
  • tires-tzu - 20 years
  • Lhasa Apso - 18 years old
  • New Guinea singing dog - up to 20 years old
  • beagle - 16 to 18 years old

These dogs are very beautiful, friendly and cheerful. Due to their mobility they live and please their owners for a long time.

How much do dogs live?

How much do dogs live?

From the facts described above it can be seen that dogs of many breeds live up to 20-22 years. But how much can a dog live? History knows the fact about a dog that ran with shepherds in Australia. This dog even got into the Guinness Book of Records, as he could live up to 29 and a half years. Scientists explain this by several factors: the fresh air of the meadows of Australia and the good physical activity of the dog, which every day ran after the shepherds along the green grass.

Video: How many dogs live |At home |Average.

  • May 17, 2018
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