What is a fistula on the coccyx, how it looks, what is dangerous? Fistula on coccyx: symptoms, causes, treatment, removal, operation

The human body is very hardy and strong. We can tolerate a large number of unpleasant, serious, complex diseases. But in our time, due to various unfavorable factors, people are increasingly suffering from a variety of problems. One of them is a fistula on the coccyx, which will be discussed today.

Contents of

  • What is a fistula on the coccyx, how it looks, what is dangerous?
  • Fistula on coccyx: symptoms and causes
  • Fistula on coccyx in newborn: causes of
  • Fistula on coccyx: treatment at home with folk remedies
  • What antibiotics to use in fistula on coccyx?
  • Ointment from the fistula on the coccyx
  • Which doctor treats the fistula on the coccyx?
  • Removal of the fistula on the coccyx: operation
  • Video: Modern treatment of the coccyx coccyx

What is the fistula on the coccyx, how it looks, what is dangerous?

Fistula is a small hole, a channel in the coccyx. Everyone knows that the coccyx is the last part of the spine, it is almost immobile and there is a significant amount of

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nerve endings. Therefore, even with minor injuries, acute pain may occur.

Fistula on coccyx

The first mention of a problem such as a fistula, or as it is also called dermis, pilonidal or coccygeal cyst, epithelial coccygeal, occur during the Second World War.

How does the coccygeal cyst occur? It can be of two types: purchased and congenital .The emergence of the first type is provoked by various surgical interventions.

A congenital type occurs even during the development of the fetus in the womb.5-6 weeks is the time when the fetus develops a small tail, which in the process of further growth normally disappears.

But due to various pathologies, it can stay and then a fistula is formed. This channel is most often covered with a significant hair ball. And because of the significant hair and sebum secreted by the epithelium, bacteria develop there and an inflammatory process occurs. Almost 90% of cases are congenital.

But more common in males

What is the danger of this disease? It is the purulent process of that poses a danger. Because it can arise at any time and it is not controlled. As a complication, fade of ( extensive inflammation of fatty tissue without borders) can occur.

In this case, a large number of operations will be required to deal with it. But, in addition, against the background of inflammatory processes can occur eczema and purulent abscess .

Fistula on the coccyx: symptoms and causes

It is believed that, in most cases, this unpleasant disease occurs in a person still in the womb, because just then, as already mentioned above, the pathology of this department of the spine develops. If we talk about symptoms, then they often do not appear in childhood, so during this period it is very difficult to diagnose a fistula. But during puberty, the disease begins to manifest itself.

Of course, it happens that, even with this pathology, a person does not experience any painful or other unpleasant sensations. But still, most often some problems with the coccyx are observed. It can be painful sensations when walking, sitting or when changing positions. Other symptoms include:

  • Unpleasant sensations in the coccygeal, interannual area
  • Inflamed, red skin
  • Discharge of pus
  • Elevated temperature
From the fistula, there can be not only unpleasant sensations, but also quite severe pain

But if the fistula development stage is acute andquite neglected, the pain can be so strong that it can not be removed, even painkillers. In such cases, it is impossible for a person to walk or take any other position.

With regard to temperature, it can reach 40 ° and there will be a severe malaise. If we talk about the causes, then, in addition to the fact that this disease arises from congenital pathology, it can be triggered by by inflammatory processes in the coccygeal region of .And they develop for the following reasons:

  • Sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle
  • Significant physical overstrain, loads
  • Lack or, on the contrary, an overabundance of calcium. Most often, this problem occurs because of incorrect exchange
  • substance is frequently hypothermia
  • diseases of infectious nature
  • pinched nerve
Sedentary work - is one of the causes of fistula

fistula on the coccyx in the newborn: Causes

As has been stated above, the fistula to coccyx, inmost cases, develops in the uterine period. Therefore, most often this disease is congenital.

In newborns there are fistulas

But even if it is in the newborn, it is very difficult to diagnose it because the fistula begins to develop during the period of youthful maturation. Unless, that skilled experts can find out a coccyx coccyx in earlier childhood.

Fistula on coccyx: treatment at home with folk remedies

In our time of modern technology, people still often resort to traditional medicine. That's inflammation in the fistula, you can try to remove different folk methods - compresses, tinctures, lotions.

The first plant-helper is the St. John's wort .For fistula treatment, take:

  • 3 tbsp.of medicinal St. John's wort
  • Pour 1.5 cl water
  • Bring to boiling
  • cook a few min.
St. John's wort - the first helper from the fistula

After percolation, put the plant on a dense surface and sit on it. If possible, you must sit for as long as possible. This procedure should be done until the time that the inflammation passes and the purulent discharge does not disappear.

The second way is a compress from butter and tar:

  • Mix 2 tablespoons.oil and 1 tbsp.tar
  • Apply to problem
  • Cover with a bandage overnight
  • Compress put up as long as the problem persists
also use tar with butter

For the following recipe will need fresh herb wormwood .It must be grinded before the appearance of juice and attached to the problem site. In the same way, you can use both plantain, and onion mush with juice.

Wormwood is also effective

Tincture of propolis and calendula will be effective enough. To prepare the first one you need:

Make a tincture of alcohol and propolis ( the ratio of 6 parts of alcohol, 1 part of propolis):

  • Clean the damp cloth in water
  • Dip the napkin into the tincture of
  • Apply it to the sore spot
  • Keep the napkin a few hours.
  • Treatment continueat least 5 days

second infusion made using fresh marigold flowers and alcohol , strength 70%:

  • Moisten napkin in water
  • Pour on napkin bit tinctures
  • Attach to cyst
  • Leave a cure for a few hours or even a whole night
  • course of treatment lasts at least a week
Propolis and calendula yet another folk assistants

What antibiotics used in the fistula to coccyx?

In order to prescribe antibiotic treatment, physicians first need to determine the type of fistula and bacteria that triggered the development of inflammatory processes. But such diagnostics, in most cases, expensive, so doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics.

The course of antibiotic treatment is usually about 7-10 days. To do this, use Gentamicin, Metronidazole or its analogs for 2 ampoules up to a week to relieve inflammation.

Do not rely on this question only on the antibiotics

Such drugs in this case are not very effective and, in addition, have a large number of adverse events. And also their disadvantage is that they eliminate for a while the discomfort and symptoms, but the problem itself remains. Therefore, it is best to do the operation.

Ointment from the fistula on the coccyx

If we talk about the removal of the inflammatory process in the fistula on the coccyx, then to prepare medicines at home, you can try using the ointment Vishnevsky and the mummy .But in this way, it is possible to remove only the inflammation. No homemade medicines will help to eliminate the problem completely.

Treatment of fistulae
Treatment of fistula

Which doctor treats fistula on coccyx?

In case of suspicion of the presence of a fistula on the coccyx, first of all, a person needs to go to the reception to the local therapist. It is this specialist who will assess the situation and refer to such physicians as a surgeon and proctologist. And only then, these specialists will prescribe all the necessary tests and be determined with treatment.

Fistula removal on coccyx: operation

As it was said before, surgical intervention is the only, most reliable and effective way to completely get rid of fistula on coccyx. She is appointed by a surgeon with a proctologist after taking all the necessary tests.

After the surgery, the patient will stay in the hospital for a couple of days, or even up to a week. After stabilizing the condition, he is sent home and attributed to the first few days of bed rest.

Only on the 4th-5th day you can start trying to walk. After 2 weeks, remove the stitches. But it must also be strictly remembered that for 3 weeks you can not sit or wear weights.

Operation is the most effective method of

The postoperative period is easy, if you listen to the recommendations of specialists. At this time, in addition, use antibiotics and pain medications.

What I would like to talk about yet, so it's about the methods of conducting an operation. And there are several of them:

  • The first one is with open wound .With this method, the doctor completely removes the fistula, creating a natural drainage. With this method, the patient's rehabilitation time is up to a month, but the efficiency is also high. After such an operation, in rare cases, relapses of
  • may occur. Second - when wound is closed .In this case, the surgeon excludes the cyst, but at the same time leaves the hole and daily performs drainage. This method is best used during the period of remission. This method is good because healing is faster, but there are possible recurrences of
  • . There is a third method. In this case, the wound will also be closed, but the essence of the operation is slightly different. The fistula is removed from the primary opening to the secondary one under the skin. And, if the primary is sewn, then through the secondary and drainage occurs
  • And the last method is the Karidakis method. But some say that it is necessary to call it the name not only of this scientist, but also of Bascom, who took part in the research. The essence of this method is that not only the fistula is removed, but also a small struck scrap of skin. In this case, the wound moves slightly and becomes between the buttocks. Recovery is quicker and relapses are rare
Stitches can be imposed by several methods

Whichever method you choose, do not be afraid, but it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. By the fact that, as you understand, this is the most effective way to fight the fistula on the coccyx.

Video: Modern treatment of coccyx coccyx

  • May 17, 2018
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