Teeth grow in two rows - the "shark jaw" in the mouth of our children

Human teeth, especially at an early age, are often exposed to various problems, deviations from normal development, and diseases. Among the dentoalveolar anomalies are rare, but sometimes there is such a phenomenon as teeth that grow in 2 rows.

People call it shark jaws. Of course, such a phenomenon can not paint a child, and even more so an adult, significantly spoils the appearance, a smile, makes one feel extremely uncomfortable. It is very important not to run the problem and contact the doctor as soon as possible to correct it.

Shark teeth arise for quite understandable reasons and in the hands of a good dentist the problem is solved relatively easily and quickly. But do not underestimate the possible dangers - if you do not start treatment on time and just ignore the problem, it can lead to negative consequences, a violation of the normal development of molars.

On the whole, a running problem can lead to the emergence of other troubles and coping with all of them will soon not be so simple and easy. Let us consider in detail why a child has a root in the second row before the dairy rises, which contributes and how to correct the defect so that it does not entail other problems and diseases.

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Contents of

  • The main causes of
  • What can be the problem of
  • How to see an abnormal development on time?
  • Correction and prevention measures

The main causes of

The second supercomplete series of teeth is a problem that in the majority of cases excites in children aged 4-6 years. It is during this period that a gradual replacement of the molar teeth with radicals begins, which, as a rule, occurs in a rather strict sequence, well studied by the dentists.

The process of gradual replacement of teeth is quite individual and in some children it can be delayed approximately until the onset of adolescence( 12-13 years).That is, theoretically the second row of teeth can grow even at that age.

The main reason why two rows of teeth grows is the beginning of the growth of the indigenous, while the dairy in some positions still hold tight to their place and do not want to give it up. The root does not get to grow normally in the right place and because of this it has to grow where the situation allows. As a rule, such growth passes in parallel or with a shift from the milk teeth, which generates the effect of the second row or shark jaws.

Child Shark There are various factors that can affect the probability of such a defective development. These include:

  • features of genetic heredity, when the problem was also observed in relatives;
  • child's rickets, which occurs due to a lack of vitamins and can lead to a weakened development of the body;
  • consequences from the infectious diseases experienced at an early age.

Also important is the way of life of the child. If at the age of 4-5 years the baby eats very little solid food, then some of its milk teeth will be quite strong, which can cause the growth of the second row of teeth.

These are the main reasons for the development of the shark jaw, although other less common factors are quite possible.

What can be the problem of

In most cases, the development of the anomaly is due to the fact that some of the milk teeth are still strong or grow crooked and do not want to give way to new indigenous ones. Because of this, new teeth grow crooked, but the situation gradually changes in the right direction. But there are also cases in which a similar phenomenon is caused by the presence of some anomalies in the development of the oral cavity.

In general, there are two main predisposing factors:

  1. Superfood .This is a serious problem, the essence of which is that an anomalous amount of teeth appears in a person. They can be either less than normal( 20 dairy and 32 indigenous) or, which is more common, more. This deviation is genetically and fairly persistently transmitted by inheritance. Many cases, when the extra 33-d tooth was at the grandmother, and then went to her grandson. Such an anomaly occurs for various reasons, but usually it does not bring problems to its owner and it can normally live with it. Of course, if necessary, supercomplete teeth can be removed. Modern dentistry is able to do this.
  2. Underdevelopment of the dentoalveolar system , which in medicine is called micrognathia with insufficient development of the upper jaw and microgenia - the lower one. The reasons for which such an anomaly can develop are quite a lot. This includes poor or inadequate nutrition of a woman during pregnancy, disorders in the metabolism of the fetus, bite problems, too early loss of milk teeth, the same negative genetic heredity.

"Milk" and root climb each other. ..

These are the main developmental anomalies, which often accompany the emergence of the second row of teeth.

How to see abnormal development on time?

In order not to miss the period of development of the shark jaw and not to start the problem, it is necessary, first of all, to carefully monitor the baby and its dentoalveolar system during the beginning of the growth of the molars. It is possible that the baby will complain of some pain in the oral cavity, an inconvenience when eating solid foods.

It is necessary to look closely at the smile of the child - if in 4 years there are no known large crevices between his teeth, then it can signal that the narrowing of the rows is developing. This phenomenon can directly affect the appearance of the second row or the fact that the molars will grow crookedly.

Correction and prevention measures

Anomalies can be treated in many ways depending on the level of the problem and the attendant factors. The first thing to do is to remove those "milk jugs" that interfere with the normal development of indigenous. Usually this is enough to cause the problem to disappear. Further self-regulation takes place, due to the constant action of the lips and tongue, a slightly twisted tooth assumes the normal position.

If the dentist after the examination has decided that the pathology is developing too actively and the mechanisms of self-regulation are not able to correct it, then it will have to be applied more drastically - usually by wearing special bracket systems that for a long time affect the teeth of the second row and cause them to returnin the normal position.

No methods of prevention, which would have 100% saved the child from the probability of abnormal development there. Here you can advise only such measures:

  • inclusion in the diet of a child of solid food, which will help the "milk" in a timely manner to fall out;
  • timely control of problems in the oral cavity;
  • also needs to take care of the baby learning to breathe through the nose, not the mouth.

In general, shark jaws are quite a rare problem, but in most cases it is relatively harmless and easily adjusted.

It is enough to be attentive to your child and to notice the problems that have arisen in time to correct them quickly and without much effort.

  • May 18, 2018
  • 38
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