Facial mask in orthodontics: the purpose of application, the variety and the process of treatment

In order to understand how the orthodontic facial mask works( Dilara and less popular other constructions), one should remember the principle of the bow or crossbow: its arch bent in an arch, trying to straighten, pulls a string-string tied to its ends.

Due to its tension, when you pull the bowstring even more backward, there is a force pushing forward the arrow or a short iron dart.


  • General design and operation principle
  • Why choose Dilyara?
    • Indications and contraindications for
    • Versions of
  • treatment and price
  • "Sling" Tubungera
  • designs
  • summary

    general design and principle of operation The meaning of the face-mask used in orthodontics is approximately the same: a frame of metal arcs, which has several points of support on the head and face, serves as the basis for the string - the thread, which "pulls out" slowly, like a heavy gun, pulls forward the jaw, as if "I "inside person" sunken "back for one reason or another.
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    With the difference that the "string" in these devices is cut in half( therefore, the work done by the mouth, the device does not interfere).And every half of it is fixed at the deepest tooth deep in the mouth with the help of arcs, loops and hooks.

    The bone base of the jaw is not of stone hardness, but with constant and regular pressure, stretching, gradually moves forward and occupies a place appropriate to it. Due to this, the dental arches are closed properly, and the pathological bite becomes physiologically normal.

    With a similar effect on the entire jaw, there is also a movement of individual teeth that are bored in one place to leave holes in others, with their dilating - stretching into a uniform row-chain.

    For the effectiveness of this simple method, it is necessary to fulfill the only condition: it must be applied with magic regularity, methodically and persistently, despite the mood swings of a small or growing patient - the owner of tooth-jaw disharmony. For the application of masks we are talking about the bite, either dairy, or early replacement.

    Depending on the purpose and design features( appearance, size, method of attachment on the face), orthodontic masks are divided into:

    • having a universal purpose;
    • vertical( large and small);
    • horizontal( small and large);
    • having support on the cheeks.

    Mask devices traditionally bear the names of their authors. The most popular among dentists-orthodontists is the facial mask of the Dilyar( Delare) design.

    Why Dilyara?

    Advantages of the device are:

    • apparent efficiency from application;
    • the small weight of the device, comparable with the weight of wearable sunglasses on the nose;
    • convenience in use( the possibility of an independent easy removal, the absence of annoying details in the oral cavity).

    The only drawback is that the course of treatment is delayed due to the impossibility of a round-the-clock wearing of the device due to:

    • its cumbersomeness and volume, a narrowing of the review, limiting the freedom and range of activities of the wearer;
    • feelings of restraint in a person due to the unusual nature of his appearance, causing ridicule of peers.

    Indications and contraindications for wearing

    Contraindications to wearing a Dilar mask result from the age-related features of the patient's psyche or the presence of a somatic or neurological disease:

    • of mental disorders or chronic brain diseases( epilepsy and the like);
    • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;
    • arterial hypertension with frequent relapses;
    • disorders of respiratory function.

    The use of the device is meaningless at the age when the formation of the dentoalveolar apparatus is completely completed, it is advisable only in the childhood-adolescence period.

    Assign the wearing of the Delayra mask in cases:

    • requiring correction of bite abnormalities( in particular, mesial with a significant forward extension of the mandibular series due to slowed development and growth of the upper jaw);
    • need to move abnormally located groups of teeth;
    • combined treatment with the use of bracket systems.

    Versions of the

    designs The design of the modifications of the Dilar machine is dictated by the need to perform the tasks assigned to the mask, including individual nuances of treatment.

    So, the mask of the universal type with fixation on the forehead and chin, creating maximum traction for the upper dentition, perfectly corrects the mesial bite, contributing to the acceleration of the growth of the upper jaw and pulling it in the desired direction.

    Mask with cheekbones( cheeks) and forehead, adjustable in size of the face, develops maximum traction in the buccal zone, dilating the bored teeth and reducing the excessive width of the interdental spaces on the lower jaw, especially in its frontal area.

    Masks vertical( large or small) with proper consideration of the angle of inclination of the jaw, as well as its length, width and depth give an effect in all versions of inclusions( deep, straight, sagittal).

    The area of ​​application of a horizontal mask( large or small) is:

    • correction of a significant mesial occlusion( third category by Engle);
    • high-quality( up to one tubercle) correction of mesial dystopia of the mandibular molars;
    • elimination of the diastema and trema, as well as reverse overlapping in the incisal area, not exceeding 2 mm.

    How the treatment and the price of the

    service are performed The period of correction of the maxillofacial pathology by the DeLair mask takes an average of 3 to 4 months( with a small age of children it can be reduced to several weeks).A more specific period depends on the degree of violation and willpower of the patient( forced to wear a doctor's device at home) - when wearing less than 10-12 hours a day, the treatment process is delayed or comes to naught.

    If necessary, an orthodontist trained patient can remove the device himself to clean the oral cavity hygienically. The unit itself is washed with warm soapy water, rinsed and dried without leaving moisture on the metal parts.

    Carefully remove, store it in a separate container, dry and clean.

    Forecast with strict adherence to the rules of wearing is favorable, the price of the same service is the cost of an optimally suitable model( within 4-9.5 thousand rubles) and payment for the services of an orthodontist( usually 20-30 percent of the cost of the device for correction).

    "Sling" Tubungera

    The principle of operation of the Tubunger mask( in another transcription of Tubinger or Tubinger) does not differ from that for the design developed by Dilyar.

    The difference is only in the details of the design: it is an elastic, but a fairly firm sling on the chin of the lower jaw and made of a similar material( plastic) overlay on the frontal area of ​​the face.

    Between each other, the pads are connected by means of two metal rods forming the skeleton of the article and running along the central line - the axis of the face with a smooth protrusion-arc, leaving free space for the nose.

    The screw-clamping system allows, by changing the distance between the upper( frontal) and lower( chin) overlays, securely fixing it under the dimensions of the patient's face. The cross-bar at the level of the mouth opening serves for external fastening of the intraoral rubber traction.

    According to experts, unlike the Dilyar mask, where the frame has a large width, this construction is more "crowded" to the middle, not providing freedom of maneuver for the extension of the jaw, which is its drawback.

    The device for correcting the maxillofacial dystopia, leading to difficulty in the performance of the teeth by chewing function and irregularities in the formation of the facial skeleton, is intended.

    Constructions of Petite

    The device serves the same purposes as the above-described designs - to restore the natural occlusion and positioning of the teeth in the jaws by creating a mesial-horizontal traction.

    It is based on the middle steel axis of round wire with caps at the ends to protect against accidental damage, in the center( at the level of the mouth) is a steel crossbar with bends or hooks for fixing elastic( rubber) traction.

    In terms of ease of use with a therapeutic purpose less preferred by orthodontists than Dilar's apparatus.

    As a summary of

    Despite the solid theoretical justification and practical results obtained with the use of this type of apparatus, not all practicing orthodontists approve this method of correction of the maxillofacial pathology.

    Fixation of the apparatus on the chin, according to individual experts, leads to rotation of the lower jaw with an elongation of the face along the vertical axis.

    In this regard, new modifications of orthodontic masks with a lower area of ​​fixation on the neck( in American models) are being developed, which leads to greater efficiency of the method. The inconvenience to the patient arising from the wearing of the apparatus also causes complaints.

    However, the method exists and demonstrates sufficient efficiency, and this is the main thing.

    • May 18, 2018
    • 60
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