Why do I need orthodontic wax when wearing braces and how can I replace it?

For many people, braces are associated with unpleasant sensations, pain and uncomfortable sensations in the oral cavity, since this device actually rubs the mucous membrane of the mouth for the first time.

In order to remove discomfort, the patient is not initially prescribed orthodontic wax, which will be discussed.


  • Medical wax, adaptive, increasing comfort
  • Positive and negative aspects of application
  • Correct and correct use of
  • tool
  • hand tools Useful information
  • Price

Medical wax, adaptive, increasing comfort

Regardless of the type of bracket system,lingual, ligature or self-ligating, at first it provides a certain discomfort, which is difficult to get used to, since the bulging elements of the contruktsii cause quite severe damage to soft tissues and mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

Also do not forget about the not quite familiar feeling of the presence of a foreign object in your mouth. In order to first get rid of all these "delights" when using braces, most doctors recommend using a specialized orthodontic wax.

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Dental wax - a fairly dense mass, reminiscent of the touch of ordinary children's clay. It includes:

  • silicone base, which gives wax elasticity and elasticity;
  • additional natural flavors( for example, mint, strawberry, citrus and so on).

Medical wax is designed to close the wiping elements of braces, thus stopping the trauma of the mucosa of the oral cavity.

Also in the pharmacy or the Internet you can buy varieties of wax with antibacterial effect( used in the event that the mouth already has a lot of sores and shallow wounds from braces).

As a rule, with the task the tool copes on all 100%.For many people, such a wax has become a lifeline, because after its use, pain and discomfort are minimized, and then completely disappear.

Thanks to microelements that are part of the wax, irritation of the mucous membrane passes, and the sores and scars quickly heal.

Advantages and disadvantages of using

Advantages of orthoscopy:

  • clinical studies have established that the is absolutely safe and does not contain toxic substances, which means that if the wax plate is accidentally swallowed, nothing terrible will happen( the gastric mucosa will not be affectedirritating effect);
  • also take into account that wax is hypoallergenic ( allergic reactions from its use should not occur);
  • consumption is minimal ( packing is enough for a month).

There are also some disadvantages:

  • a low-quality wax can soften and quickly run off with saliva;
  • before taking food plate must be removed in order that it does not mix with food;
  • if the patient has a predisposition to allergic reactions, then this criterion should be taken into account when choosing( in this case it is better to buy the wax without the addition of aromatic substances).

Correct and correct use of

The main task of using medical wax is to create a barrier between the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the braces.

So, how to properly use wax to minimize the impact of braces on mucous:

  • should be thoroughly washed with soap and water;
  • with a sharp circular movement to separate from the total mass of a small amount( if you pull the wax in length - you will tear off a large piece that you can not use all, which means there will be a large consumption of the product);
  • with a usual wadded disc or stick to dry the braces and tooth surface;
  • well warm up the wax in your hands and roll a ball out of it;
  • with effort to firmly fix the wax, to press the received ball to that place on the bracket system, in which area there is a discomfort.

To achieve the maximum effect of the particles, the means should protrude slightly above the orthodontic structure. Otherwise, the mucosa will still be traumatized and painful sensations will not pass.

In order to prevent the wax from getting into food, you should clean your teeth before eating. Do this with the help of brushes for the bracket system, which will help to completely remove the remnants of the remedy.

It is important to know: this product is contraindicated to use repeatedly, because in this case it will not fix on the teeth and will cause discomfort during wearing.

It should also be remembered that after each wax removal, the braces should be thoroughly cleaned of its residues, since small pieces can get stuck in the structure.

These simple tips will help to avoid discomfort and pain when wearing orthodontic products for the alignment of teeth and correction of bite.

Orthovosk can also be used for breakage of the bracket system. For example, if a patient breaks down a portion of the bulging structure, sticking a medical wax will reduce friction on the mucosa prior to taking the doctor.

If in the composition of the plate there is also a flavor, then the remedy is also suitable for refreshing the breath.

hand tools If you do not have a specialized medical wax at hand, it can be replaced with the following ingredients:

  1. In order to prevent the formation of ulcers in the mouth and to protect the mucous membrane, you can take advantage of folk medicine. For example, the oral cavity can rinse with broths from medicinal herbs , which are sold in pharmacies( tinctures from chamomile, calendula, mint, etc.).
  2. If the presence of aromatic properties is not critical, then the wax is replaced with the usual paraffin , because in their composition they are almost identical and the function performs the same.
  3. Well, in order to refresh the oral cavity it is recommended to use beeswax , - a natural product that does not require additional prescriptions from a doctor, and it can be found not only in the market, but also on supermarket shelves.

Useful information

In order for the braces to last as long as possible and with minimal health consequences, it is necessary to take care of them correctly and in a timely manner, as well as adhere to several rules:

  1. Do not use the chewing gum as a substitute for wax. Although it may seem to many that she and the wax are similar in their effects, not everyone understands that the chewing gum will simply stick to the brackets and, when removed, will leave their particles on them that will be difficult to clean. If the chewing gum is on the braces, then it can be quickly removed using a conventional ice cube, which must be taken along the affected part of the structure( due to the effect of cold temperature, the elastic will lose its properties and quickly stiffen).
  2. In order for the wound to heal quickly and minimize discomfort after the braces are installed, recommends not to talk to for several days if possible, as it promotes the fastest healing of soft tissues and minimizes the formation of new wounds and ulcers.
  3. Also is contraindicated in using cold and hot products at the same time , as sudden temperature changes not only affect the mucous membrane of the mouth, but also damage the design itself.

Price issue

You can buy wax for braces in pharmacies, specialty shops and on many Internet sites, the cost of such a tool is available for most segments of the population and ranges from 100 to 300 rubles( the price depends on the use of fragrances and other additional substances).

Orthodontic wax is designed to quickly eliminate discomfort and pain when wearing braces, and it is recommended to use it regardless of their type and kind, since they can all severely injure the delicate mucous membrane of the mouth and skin of the lips.

  • May 18, 2018
  • 83
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