What does dizziness say? How to cope with dizziness?

The article provides information that will help to find out the causes of dizziness.

Contents of

  • Why does dizziness occur most often?
  • What types of dizziness are there?
  • Dizziness and numbness in the hands, causes of
  • Changes in temperature and dizziness: decreased and fevered with dizziness
  • Causes of vertigo when body position changes
  • Severe dizziness at normal pressure, causes of
  • Causes of dizziness in men and women after 50 years of age
  • What helps with dizziness?
  • Why dizziness: tips and reviews
  • Video: Causes of dizziness

Dizziness can occur in people of any age. Sometimes, it is accompanied by a general weakness of the body. Dizziness may indicate a violation of the vestibular apparatus, cardiovascular or nervous systems.

Sometimes, dizziness indicates a lack of minerals or vitamins in the body. To find out the cause of dizziness for sure, you need to see a doctor. Preliminary assessment of your condition can be done on your own by analyzing all the symptoms.

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Why does dizziness occur most often?

There are several common causes of dizziness:

  • Oxygen starvation. It can occur for several reasons. The most common is a low level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Vestibular apparatus disorder that can occur due to inflammation in the area of ​​the auricles
  • Cardiovascular system diseases
  • Nervous system disorders, headaches and migraines
  • Brain injury( eg, concussion) ortumor
  • Depletion or dehydration of the body.
Causes of dizziness

What types of dizziness are there?

Vertigoes differ in the form of their manifestation and sensations that a person experiences:

  • Systemic dizziness. With such dizziness, there is a loss of a person in space: it seems that the objects move chaotically. Also, there is pain in the ears and foreign sounds are heard. Systemic dizziness occurs due to disturbances in the vestibular apparatus, inflammatory processes in the brain or tumors of
  • . Systemic dizziness. It resembles a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person can lose consciousness for a while. Such dizziness occurs with anemia, exhaustion or dehydration of the body.
Kinds of dizziness

Dizziness and numbness in the hands, causes of

Dizziness, which is accompanied by weakness and numbness of the hands, may be caused by a lack of hemoglobin and the development of anemia.

  • Numbness is the absence of sensations in the hand or part of it, for example in a hand. Numbness starts from the fingertips and can cover the entire brush
  • If numbness is severe and occurs frequently, it can be caused by a breakdown of the nerve endings in this area. Diagnosis can be established after a thorough examination of
  • . When developing a brain tumor, neurologic connections in different parts of the body can be broken, so one of the signs is numbness in the hands of
  • . If numbness of the hands occurs along with weakness and dizziness, then most likely you have oxygen starvation. The blood has too little hemoglobin and he can not cope with his mission of transporting oxygen. Numerous can be affected not only by hands, but also by the lips, tongue, and toes.

. Changes in temperature and dizziness: decreased and feverish dizziness

  • A low temperature for some people is a normal state of the body. But if it is accompanied by dizziness and headache, then this may indicate the development of one of the diseases: tumors or brain supplements, vegetovascular dystonia. The same symptoms are observed after a strong uneven shock or with a debilitating diet. But in this case, with normalization of nutrition and nervous state, the symptoms disappear
  • If dizziness is accompanied by fever, this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Often the inner ear is affected, because of which the vestibular apparatus suffers. If the fever is not significant( about 37 degrees) and there is a lot of sweating, then it can talk about thyroid diseases.
. Temperature and dizziness.

. Causes of dizziness when the body is changed.

  • . If you suddenly change the position of the body( for example, quickly rose after sleep), dizziness is a normal reaction of the body.
  • . Also, dizziness when changing the position of the body can be associated with a weak vestibular apparatus. Other symptoms of this phenomenon: intolerance of amusement park rides, inability to balance, nausea when traveling in transport
  • Vertigo may appear with low physical activity. For example, if you have a sedentary job and you do not walk, then with severe physical exertion, the head of
  • may become dizzy. If you have a normal rhythm of life, and dizziness appears frequently, this may be a sign of the development of neuropathological diseases.
  • If pressure rushes,this may be another cause of dizziness
Body position change

Severe vertigo at normal pressure, causes

A sudden change in blood pressure often provokes dizziness. But sometimes the reason can be quite different.

  • To exclude pressure from the causes of dizziness, measure it with a tonometer
  • Diseases in the cervical spine, for example, osteochondrosis, is often the cause of dizziness without changing the pressure.
  • If the vestibular apparatus has a tumor or inflammation, it also does not affect the pressure.
  • Nervous system disorders,eg damage to nerve endings often provokes vertigo, but not pressure change

Causes of dizziness in men and women after 50 years of

  • Deterioration of bloodsupplying the vestibular apparatus causes dizziness of the elderly. It happens with a sharp change in body position or with increased physical exertion
  • Neuropathological diseases at any age provoke vertigo
  • Visual impairment, aging of the muscular and skeletal systems also supplement the chances of suffering dizziness
  • Stress and nervous tension can lead to headaches along with dizziness
  • Elderly people are very prone to sudden pressure changes, which provokes a loss of balance
Vertigo in the elderly

What helpsDoes it make you dizzy?

  • Diagnosis should be done to identify the cause of the disease. Diagnosis is carried out by means of examinations, taking tests and assessing the condition of the doctor
  • . If the cause of dizziness is oxygen deficiency, then the proper nutrition will help restore health. Need to eat grenades, red lean meat, liver
  • Some essential oils help cope with dizziness. Among them: peppermint, melissa and eucalyptus
  • When dizziness you need a network or lie down to not lose consciousness
  • Regularly measure the pressure and normalize it with the help of medications. It is impossible to allow free pressure surges, this can lead to a stroke.
  • Drink herbal teas that normalize the nervous system. A good recipe - tea from mint leaves and flowers of clover meadow with the addition of honey

Why dizziness: tips and reviews

  • You can not delay with finding out the cause of dizziness. This may be the first symptom of serious pathologies
  • Observe the pain: earache or cervical pain. They may be the attendant causes of dizziness
  • Observe the doctor's advice on the use of medications, do not self-medicate
  • Eat well and watch your neuro-psychological balance

Video: Causes of dizziness

  • May 18, 2018
  • 74
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