Decorating eggs for Easter with your own hands: ideas, creative ways

  • Interpretation of drawings and colors in the decoration of
  • The most popular ways of staining
  • Decoration with napkins and wax
  • Egg styling options - simple and creative
  • Decoration of the Easter symbol with beads and newspapers
  • Decoration with threads and croup

Easter eggs have long been a symbol of this beautiful religious holiday, and without them to imagine a festive table is impossible. Many housewives show a fairy imagination in the matter of decorating them, and now there are several dozen ways to make this holiday attribute creative. How to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands, and what nuances are worth considering here?

Interpretation of drawings and colors in the decoration of

In ancient times, not every color could be used to decorate a festive treat. So, for example, black was considered a shade of grief, and if the mistress painted them eggs, she needed to put a bright pattern on top of him. Otherwise, the design directly contradicted the bright Easter holiday.

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What colors can one use safely for decoration, and what do they mean?

  1. White color was considered noble and denoted the fate of a man who is lining up in the sky.
  2. Cherry blossom was considered a symbol of a new life, therefore on such background made painting for the kids.
  3. Brown was associated with the earth and foreshadowed fertility.
  4. Also used for decoration is the yellow color, personifying the sun and heavenly blessing.

There were also favorable patterns for decorating Easter eggs. Their use could bring success and financial profit to the family.

  • If the mistress wanted to paint eggs for Easter in brown, then she could use as a picture a variety of images of berries( a symbol of fertility).
  • Also eggs were often decorated with the image of pigeons, which meant the human soul and its freedom.
  • If the girl wanted to quickly find a betrothed, she decorated the Easter eggs with flowers, which symbolized the maiden integrity.

Now all these traditions and symbols have already been forgotten, and people decorate Easter eggs in many different ways, practically without thinking about what this or that drawing means. Staining eggs for Easter has long become a tradition, not a magical rite, but here you should also show your imagination so that the decor is extremely original.

The most popular ways of coloring

You can beautifully decorate an egg without making any special effort. The most elementary way of painting - with the help of onion husks.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The hostess needs to boil the onion husks in a bowl of water for an hour. Eggs all this time should lie on the table, because, warmed to room temperature, they do not exactly break and keep their attractiveness.
  2. Next, the onion husks should be pulled out by dipping eggs into the pan. In order for the shell to absorb the onion solution better, eggs should be rubbed with vinegar before immersion in water.
  3. Now it only remains to cook them on a slow fire for 20 minutes. Such a method of staining was widely used a couple of centuries ago, and now the procedure has practically not changed.
Decoration of Easter eggs is a whole art, and more and more housewives refuse the standard coloring of onion husk, since it does not have an element of creativity.

Create a fancy drawing using all the known techniques can be in the following ways:

  • to make the drawing more original, after the vat with onion husk the eggs should be lowered into a container with a few drops of green;
  • before putting the Easter symbols in the water, it is necessary to wrap a few ribbons of dill around the eggs to get an interesting pattern in the form of a pattern left from the plant;
  • before laying eggs in the water, around them a few threads should be wrapped around to make the pattern uneven and creative.

At first glance, this technique of decorating Easter eggs is extremely simple, but it can also surprise the received effect. Instead of a dull brownish color from onion husks, you can get a creative coloring with a variety of ornaments or even a combination of several colors.

  • By the way, greening is also very popular. To conduct it, you should add 7-8 drops of zelenka to the water, then drop the eggs there. The more color the person adds, the brighter and more effective the color will be.
  • To obtain a pleasant purple color, experts recommend using a beetroot decoction. To do this, boil 2-3 beets for half an hour in boiling water, and then add the Easter symbols to this water.

Methods of painting Easter eggs almost always involve the use of natural dyes. They certainly do not harm your health, and the color obtained in the end will not disappoint in terms of its brightness.

Decorating with napkins and wax

How to decorate Easter eggs with napkins? This is a rather popular question, to which there is a simple and prosaic answer.

Beautiful pattern with swipe can easily be transferred to the Easter symbol. So, how is this decoration done:

  1. The area where the napkin will be used is covered with white paint and left until it dries completely.
  2. The PVA glue is then applied to the same area.
  3. On top of the glue, a beautiful pattern with napkins should be attached.
  4. As soon as the image dries, it must be topped with a simple, colorless varnish.

This kind of decoration is good for several reasons:

  • First, it is elementary simple.
  • Secondly, with its help you can create a very unusual and quirky decor. From napkins you can cut images of birds, plants and flowers.
Some go a little further in the use of napkins. This is understandable: when we decorate Easter eggs, sometimes we want to bring in the color design truly original notes.

For example:

  1. After the standard coloring of the onion peel, it is possible to stick a few pieces of napkins for a few minutes on some sections.
  2. After two to three minutes, these napkins should be removed.
  3. As a result, small color fading will remain on the surface of the egg. With the help of the resulting effect, you can create the most bizarre and unusual drawings.

Extremely popular is the method of staining with wax. Here are the following steps:

  1. First the symbol of the celebration should be painted in one color, it is desirable to choose a bright, bright tint.
  2. Then with the help of melted wax on eggs it is necessary to put tiny dots or lines.
  3. Now it is necessary to lower the eggs in the vat with the other coloring liquid, so that a contrasting color appears in the place of the points.
  4. After that, it only remains to remove the wax, and the creative design is ready.

A similar variant of decorating Easter eggs is suitable for those housewives who do not want to complicate their life with design. The procedure takes no more than half an hour, and the resulting effect will later be pleasantly admired.

Egg coloring options - simple and creative

Painting options for Easter eggs often involve drawing a picture, and you can do it in many different ways. If the landlady does not want to apply the image using napkins, as described above, she can create a creative design by resorting to acrylic paints.

Applying them, you can create a variety of options for decor. Limit yourself to standard characters such as a cross or letters "ХВ" is not worth it, because a lot of creative flowers look like flowers and leaves.

If a person does not know how to draw well, but still wants to apply an original drawing to the surface, he should use the gifts of nature. So, for example:

  1. To the Easter symbol it is necessary to attach a small leaf to the bandage, and then to lower this "construction" in the boiling broth of the onion husks.
  2. After 20 minutes the egg will uniformly color, and on the place where the leaf was attached, there will be an original impression, repeating its shape.
  3. This design seems very original and suitable for those people who want to achieve a beautiful effect, and do not want to make special efforts.

Drawings for coloring can be used in a variety of ways, from abstract symbols to natural motifs. Since Easter always comes in the last months of spring, natural motifs will be most important as a symbol of the awakening nature.

Original decoration of Easter eggs with colorful drawings can be obtained if a person uses special dyes of different shades, sold in stores on the eve of the holiday. With their help, you can create the most original drawings, experimenting with colors and mixing them in many different ways.

Decoration of the Easter symbol with beads and newspapers

Ideas for decorating Easter eggs are not limited to drawings and using onion husks. Now people with imagination approach the process of decorating very seriously, literally using everything that they just come to hand.

There are a lot of different ways to decorate Easter eggs with beads, and here are just some of them:

  • it is possible to make a kind of braid from a bead for an egg, connecting a small belt with a fishing line;
  • also it is possible to plant beads on PVA glue, creating bizarre drawings on the entire surface of the holiday symbol;
  • with the help of several beads it is possible to decorate drawings, denoting, for example, the eyes of an animal or emphasizing certain details of colors.

Of course, work with beads can show a very tiring, but the decor, resulting in the end, is simply unforgettable. With this technique you can decorate a wooden Easter egg. Guided by the size of the egg, you can weave a single design for it with beads and fishing line. Such a braid will, like a caftan, be worn on a wooden egg, decorating it from all sides.

How to make a wooden egg with the help of paints? Here a person can show full imagination, using any drawings and the most unusual elements of decor. Drawing on the tree is quite simple, but after the end of the procedure, the handicraft should be varnished to make the image look more interesting.

If a person asks himself how to decorate eggs for children, then the technique of working with beads will also suit him. Drawings usually turn out to be very bright, and so they like babies.

By the way, lovers of all the original will be delighted with the way of creative decoration of the symbol of the holiday with the help of newspapers:

  1. For this it is necessary to cover the entire surface of the egg with PVA glue.
  2. Next, carefully attach the newspaper, enveloping the holiday symbol, as a cocoon.
  3. As soon as the newspaper dries, you can decorate it with a wide variety of colors. After the paint has dried, it remains only to coat the product with varnish.

This design looks very creative and hardly anyone will remain indifferent. In addition, it is simple in execution, which means that a person will be able to cope with the decor in a matter of minutes.

Decorating with threads and groats

Decorating Easter eggs with threads is one of the most popular decor options. It has already been mentioned that it is possible to wrap the eggs with threads before painting, so that the color turns out to be uneven, and the whole design is more interesting.

  • In the use of multi-colored thread, you can go further, creating from them a fancy net. To do this, it is necessary to cover the eggs with PVA glue, starting to apply threads of different colors to the surface. The more bizarre and original the picture will be, the better. Once the glue dries, the resulting pattern will remain on the Paschal symbol forever.
  • Another interesting design option can be created using a variety of cereals. Here you also need glue, on which are superimposed and buckwheat, and rice, and beans. You can place the rump in a chaotic manner or with unusual patterns. As a result, the design is voluminous and very creative.

Interesting painting eggs or decorating them with a variety of objects - these are great ways to show your imagination. On the eve of Easter, you can decorate the symbols of the holiday with the whole family, coming up with your own decor options. Here the most important thing is not to overdo it with the decoration of eggs, because it is important that the symbol of Easter is not only elegant, but also edible.

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