Correction of occlusion with the aid of the apparatus of Gerbst

Violation of the right bite is one of the most common dental disorders among the inhabitants of the whole planet. If earlier the curvature of the teeth was a given, with which no one even thought of fighting, then in our time there are many ways to correct the bite, make your smile beautiful, and your teeth are even and pleasant.

One of the devices used to correct the occlusion is Herbst Appliance, which is used to treat distal occlusion.

Originally created by the German firm Dentaurum, in the west it is used by dentists-orthodontists very often and for quite a long time. Our specialists have only recently begun to actively apply it, since they have many fears about some of the problems that can cause the device.

For example, it is believed that it exerts an excessive force on the temporomandibular joint. Nevertheless, Western experts are boldly using the device and are achieving excellent results in treatment.

As for the usefulness of the device, it is due to its special design, which is designed so that the

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fixes the lower jaw in the optimal position( providing a normal bite) and keeps it in this position for a certain period of time.

After passing a certain period, the muscular system and the joints of the lower jaw undergo the so-called remodulation - they adjust to the constant pressure from the device side and thereby the correction of the existing problem is achieved.

The very design of the apparatus of Gerbst requires more detailed consideration.


  • Design features
  • How is the treatment
  • Advantages and disadvantages of
  • technology Cost of treatment

Design features of

The main components of Herbst Appliance are such components:

  1. Supporting crowns .As a rule, there are 4 of them. Crowns are installed on the side teeth and are, as it were, fasteners for the entire system. It is thanks to them that the fixation of the mandible in the desired position is finally achieved.
  2. Crowns are interconnected by with special hinged beams .There are 2 of them: one for each pair of upper and lower crowns. Beams are not just metal rods, but a kind of telescopic design that easily lengthens and shortens. This is very important in order to provide a person who has the apparatus of Gerbst installed, the ability to speak, chew and perform other necessary actions.
  3. Metal rings .This is an auxiliary part of the device, which plays the role of a fastener for the beams when they are attached to the crowns.

Depending on the type of problem that the patient needs to address, as well as some individual characteristics of each person, the Gerbst's apparatus may differ slightly in its structure. Allocate the most common options:

  1. The classic case of .In this case, the device is attached exclusively to the above-discussed artificial crowns made of metal.
  2. The apparatus of Gerbst, combined with a system of brackets or plates, aligning the dentition rows of the .It often happens that, in addition to correction of bite, a person needs to align teeth that by nature grow crooked and not in one beautiful row. With the help of braces or correcting plates, this can be corrected.
  3. Use of an additional plastic basis .This option is used in rare cases when the patient has serious abnormalities with teeth, for example, adentia.

These are the most common modifications of the considered device and they are quite enough to treat almost any kind of problems with bite and curvature of teeth.

How the

is treated The main acting force for correcting occlusion when using the Gerbst apparatus is its permanent effect on the joints and muscles that regulate the position of the lower jaw.

During installation, the lower jaw is pushed forward by the doctor to the desired position and fixed in this way.

Thanks to a fairly long time of use of the device, which is approximately 8-12 months depending on the level of the problem, all joints and muscles adapt to the constant effects of the apparatus and the jaw is in its new position no longer forced by the device in question, but completely voluntarily. This is the basis of the treatment process in this case.

Muscles, as well as ligaments responsible for the position of the lower jaw, gradually stretch, yielding to mechanical action on them. This ultimately establishes the correct position of the mandibular joint.

As in any other case, when using the Gerbst apparatus, there are a number of nuances that affect both the course of the healing process and its final result. To take them into account and to turn in favor of the patient is the immediate task of the attending physician.

Advantages and disadvantages of

technology In assessing the positive and negative aspects of using Herbst's device, there are voices for both and against. As already mentioned in passing, in the West this device is used without any unnecessary precautions and receive remarkable results.

Our doctors, at least some of them, look at the possibilities of the Gerbst system more restrainedly and do not always agree to its application.

Undoubted advantages of using the device:

  1. Invisibility for the surrounding .The device is attached to the teeth in such a way that it is virtually impossible to see it to an accidental person. Due to the fact that the crowns attach to the lateral teeth deep in the oral cavity, and the hinge beams pass behind the cheeks, it is very difficult to see this design even for a laughing person. This is a big plus, because many refuse to seriously treat their teeth, for example, because they are afraid of appearing ridiculous in braces.
  2. The device is non-removable in contrast to the twinblock. This ensures its greater effectiveness due to continuous exposure to the jaw 24 hours a day.
  3. Each patient of receives significant confidence in the success of treatment immediately after the installation of this unit, because the jaw is immediately set to the desired position, which is reflected at least on the profile of the face and evenness of the front rows of teeth.
  4. Unlike many other cases, this does not require too long and painful addiction .As a rule, a couple of weeks of wearing is completely addictive and a person lives a completely comfortable life.
  5. To clean teeth with the installed device you need exactly the same as without it .It's nice, because you do not need to change your habits for the sake of treatment.
  6. No external factors can influence the final result of treatment. Moreover, it is visible to the patient from the first day of wearing the device.
  7. Thanks to its thoughtful design, the device is not clogged with food residues , it does not need to be cleaned like the same twinblocks.

And these are just some of the mass other advantages. As for the shortcomings, they are also available and look like this:

  1. The device is quite bulky. This brings some inconvenience to the person, for example, with a big smile or conversation, the device can sometimes be noticed. This causes some psychological discomfort in many people.
  2. During the process of food intake, the jaws and working mechanism of the means under consideration are actively moved for correction. This often causes damage and rubbing of the soft inner tissues of the cheeks .It can cause unpleasant sensations, pain.
  3. Because of the presence of crowns in the design, it is very difficult to brush the last teeth in the rows with side teeth. This leads to the fact that the hygiene level in some way worsens .

In the photo the dentition before and after treatment with the aid of the Gerbst apparatus in the first case and together with the Braces of Incognito in the second:

Cost of treatment

One of the main questions that arises in each person - and how much will this treatment cost? Here everything depends on the features of the materials used in the device design, the clinic where the treatment is planned, the level of the doctor being taken.

The price of treatment with the help of the Gerbst system is usually around 20-60 thousand rubles.

This is tangible money, but for the sake of correcting problems with bite, you can spend them, since the positive effect will please the rest of your life.

  • May 18, 2018
  • 69
  • 299