How to apply hyaluronic acid and what are the contraindications

Women who care about their beauty know well what hyaluronic acid is( hyaluronate).It is found in the skin of a person and helps the elastin and collagen fibers to stay toned, filling the space between them and holding them in the correct position. However, trying to get an attractive appearance, women often forget about the contraindications to the use of hyaluronic acid or do not suspect about their existence.



  • Uses
  • Injections
  • In tablets
  • Cosmetics
  • In food
  • Contraindications to injections
  • Procedure procedure
  • What can not be after
  • Effects of injections
  • In pregnancy
  • Also hyaluronate is one of the main components of a biological joint lubricantsynovial fluid), as well as a component of articular cartilage, ensuring its resistance to pressure.

    How to get

    Methods for obtaining hyaluronic acid are constantly being improved, and the side effects of its use are getting smaller. The most allergenic and dangerous to use are preparations of HA of animal origin, but the effect of their work is short-lived, so they are hardly used in cosmetology. The animal product can contain impurities in the form of various proteins, bacterial cells and their toxins, which are difficult to remove. As a result, along with the acid, proteins come into the skin that can cause allergic and autoimmune reactions.

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    An alternative solution is synthesized preparations, but they can not be considered completely safe. To obtain a preparation of non-animal origin, the biofermentation method is used: in a special environment, streptococcal microorganisms are grown, with growth and reproduction of which the GC is secreted. Then, in several stages, the raw material is purified, precipitated and dried before further use.

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    Application of

    The main task of hyaluronic acid is the normalization of water balance and maintaining the tone. It makes the skin smooth, tightened, elastic due to its special physical properties: 1 molecule of HA is able to attract and retain in the intercellular matrix up to 500 molecules of water, which the body constantly needs.

    Initially, the body independently produces hyaluronic acid in sufficient volume for its needs, but from the age of approximately 25-30 years, gradually the production of HA gradually slows down, the natural processes of aging of the skin begin. With a decrease in skin hydration, its tone and elasticity decrease, the intercellular matrix gradually loses its shape, soft tissues sag, small wrinkles develop, with a tendency to deepen and elongate them.

    The main tasks of using hyaluronic acid are to combat the manifestations of age and photoaging, restore moisturizing and tone of the skin, provide hydrodynamics of soft tissues, elasticity of cartilage. Use HA in various ways: injection, taking in tablets, external application in cosmetics for skin and hair. Compensate for the deficiency of hyaluronate in the body can and with the help of certain foods.
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    Injections of

    It is believed that injections with it are one of the effective methods of rejuvenation, but it should be understood that this is a temporary measure, since with time the acid dissolves. When administered under the skin, it accumulates water molecules, forms a gel-like substance, due to which it fills hollow areas, as a result wrinkles disappear, the skin visibly tightens.

    Injection cosmetology therapy involves the use of HA in several variations:

    • Mesotherapy with hyaluronate, supplemented with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other active ingredients to rejuvenate the skin of the face and body, providing the effect of lifting.
    • Biorevitalization using low molecular weight HA for deep skin hydration.
    • Biomineralization - injections of medium-density HA to create a new and strengthen the weakened intercellular matrix.
    • Contour plastic with preparations of high molecular weight HA( fillers) for correction of age wrinkles of any depth, length and firmness, modeling of facial features - lips, cheekbones, nose, chin.
    • Volumayzing - correction of missing volumes of soft tissues as age changes, as well as congenital or acquired deficiencies of facial and body tissues.
    • Hyaluronic acid is used in medicine, for example, in gynecology for the plasticity of intimate zones and for solving other problems of the genital sphere, or in orthopedics in the form of injections in the joint to moisten it.
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    Read more about mesotherapy of face and body, indications and contraindications, the possibilities of mesococtails
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    In tablets

    Currently, pharmacies sell a largeamount of drugs with HA in the form of tablets or capsules. However, many specialists, despite advertising, say that such a method of obtaining the body hyaluronate is ineffective. Acid - a complex polysaccharide, which in the stomach is split into ordinary sugars, and therefore digested in this form and is not able to have the effect inherent in HA in the injection form.

    Nevertheless, many people take hyaluronate in tablets for the purpose of improving the condition of the skin and its lifting, joint treatment, improving vision( in the treatment of cataracts), HA is also part of some drugs for the treatment of cancer.

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    Hyaluronic acid is a part of many cosmetic products for both home and salon care. These are shampoos, creams, masks, lotions, tonics, serums and other products for external use that are designed to increase the hydration and lifting of the skin, improve the condition of the hair.

    Nevertheless, experts believe that such use of hyaluronate does not give the desired effect due to the large molecular size of the HA: it simply can not penetrate deep into the dermatological barrier, working only on the "surface".By creating a water-retaining film on the skin, the acid has a moistening effect, but not too short-lived.
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    Several methods are used to eliminate this shortcoming:

    • Reducing the molecular size of HA, but the duration and efficiency of the result is reduced.
    • Needle mesorollers for "pushing" molecules of hyaluronate deep into the skin.
    • Non-injection mesotherapy, which operates on the principle of electrophoresis, phonophoresis.
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    In food products

    Hyaluronic acid is found in many food products, but it also does not give such a "global" result as injections. You can find it in:

    • Products of animal origin - crests of roosters and chickens, rich meat broths from bones and tendons.
    • Soy products, which contain, in addition to hyaluronate and phytoestrogens, stimulating the production of its own HA.
    • Natural red wines and natural grape juice.
    • Fruits of plants, the leaders among which are burdock and burdock.
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    Contraindications to injections

    • Individual intolerance of HA.
    • Pregnancy and lactation.
    • Infectious skin lesions at the injection site.
    • Disturbance of the integrity of the skin at the correction site.
    • Blood clotting disorders.
    • Current reception of anticoagulants.
    • Inflammatory processes in the body or exacerbation of systemic diseases.
    • The presence of autoimmune diseases.
    • Diseases of connective tissue.
    • Recently conducted median or deep chemical skin peeling, laser resurfacing.
    • Propensity to form keloid scars.
    • Diabetes mellitus.
    • Oncological formations.
    • Age under 18 years.
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    Procedure of

    Injection with GC preparations is carried out according to the same scheme. First of all, a beautician or plastic surgeon cleans the surface of the skin from cosmetics and contaminants, apply to it a local anesthetic.

    In the eyes of the patient, a package is opened with a preparation containing a syringe with a HA and a disposable sterile microneedle. Further, the specialist performs injection manipulations according to the chosen method in advance, depending on the chosen procedure, the drug, the task. After performing the injections, you may need to gently use your fingers to "stretch" the jabs for better and uniform placement of the filler.

    According to the manufacturer's instructions, an allergy test should be performed before injections, but in practice it is not uncommon for the injections to take place without it, if there is no suspicion of an allergic reaction in the patient, before it was injected with HA, and if the quality of the drug, like its authenticity, is unquestionable.
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    What can not be done after

    For the first 3-4 days, doctors recommend avoiding:

    • do cold or hot compresses at the site of injections, use resorbable local ointments such as heparin and Traumeel to reduce swelling and bruise;
    • exposure to direct sunlight, solarium;
    • overheating in sauna, bath, hot tub;
    • any physical activity;
    • of any cosmetic procedures in the correction zone;
    • mechanical effects on the injection zone( touching, pressing, tight clothing, glasses on the face, etc.);
    • take alcohol, which further intensifies the puffiness and prevents the acid from fixing in the desired position.
    • It is not recommended to carry out for several months in the correction zone the hardware and manual procedures that improve metabolism and lymphatic drainage( miostimulation, thermolift, vacuum-roller, manual massage, microcurrents, etc.), since they significantly accelerate the rate of absorption of glucocorticoids.
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    Implications of injections

    Immediately after the injection, the skin in the processing site swells and turns red, papules may appear, the effect persists for several days and passes by itself. Also in the correction zone, there may be swelling in the morning for a month after the procedure, this is because hyaluronic acid molecules attract a large amount of water to themselves.

    For smokers, there is a risk of hematoma formation, which disappears for a long time, this is due to the weak walls of the vessels.

    Complications after hyaluronic acid injections are manifested in the form of scars with propensity to form keloids or granulomas, which eventually can independently resolve.

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    In pregnancy

    Pregnant women should take special care when injecting, these injections and breastfeeding are not recommended. This is due to the fact that the hormonal balance of a woman differs from the usual, injecting materials can not "digest" or quickly dissolve due to accelerated metabolism in the body.

    • May 18, 2018
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