Overeating and overeating at night: signs of cause, consequences. What to do when overeating at night, how to get rid of hunger at night?

If you or your family regularly make night walks to the fridge, read the article and think about whether you have encountered the problem of overeating at night.


  • Why do I wake up from a strong feeling of hunger at night?
  • Overeating and overeating at night: signs of cause
  • VIDEO: Compulsive overeating
  • Overeating and overeating at night: consequences. Can I put pancreatic overeating at night?
  • How to fight and get rid of night gluttony?
  • Drug for overeating at night
  • How to get rid of hunger at night? What to eat for the night if hunger suffers?
  • VIDEO: What to do if you do not want to eat?( I want to eat at night)

There are a lot of stories and jokes about overeating at night. Husbands tease their wives and husbands' wives. Like, you go every night to the refrigerator, like a ghost, do not fall asleep until you choose from it all the most delicious. In fact, there is not much fun here, it is extremely undesirable and unpleasant to eat at night. Periodic or regular night "doorman" speaks about serious psychological problems and very quickly has a detrimental effect on health.

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Why do I wake up from a strong feeling of hunger at night?

The desire to "wrap" a refrigerator late in the evening or at night, arising occasionally, may well be the norm. If it is always, causes suffering and prevents living, regardless of whether it is satisfied or not, it is already a pathology.

"The Nightly Dog".In fact, there is not much fun here.
  1. The appearance of hunger at night is normal, if during the day a person has been active, engaged in sports, at the same time he ate enough or skipped dinner. In order not to wake up from the desire to eat, before going to sleep you can afford a low-calorie protein product - a glass of yogurt or yogurt, 100 g of cottage cheese, the like. And at night you can suppress the feeling of hunger in this case, even a glass of plain water.
  2. A hard-won desire to eat at night occurs in women who are sitting on trendy, promising stunning dietary results. Hungry, unbalanced, with an unreasoned menu of tasteless foods. During the day, a woman struggles with herself and with a feeling of hunger, stoically chews celery or is filled with yogurt, and at night, the body that lacks energy and nutrients rises, conscience is sent far away. So it turns out: "I do not eat after six in the evening, but eat after twelve nights."Nutritionists and doctors shout: it is necessary to lose weight correctly, so that the imaginary benefit does not turn out to be a big harm.
  3. There is a special type of eating disorder, which in psychology is called compulsive overeating, and in the people simply by overeating at night. Emerging against the background of stress, a strong experience, chronic fatigue syndrome characterized by the emergence of unbridled hunger in the evening and night hours, eating everything indiscriminately to stomach pains, the appearance after a strong sense of guilt for their own behavior. Compulsive overeating is not always possible to win alone. Sometimes you need help from a psychologist and treatment with drugs.
For the gluttony at night, mostly women are inclined.

IMPORTANT: Empty the refrigerator at night once or permanently, the main thing is to understand what to eat at night is wrong, to try to find the reason why the famine could not fall asleep. Then the problem of overeating at night will be much easier.

Overeating and overeating at night: signs of cause

Compulsive overeating against stress along with anorexia nervosa and bulimia are the three most common eating disorders.

Psychologists believe that the night "doorman" is the response of the body to stress, psychological trauma or depression. An eating disorder occurs if:

  • is a traumatic factor that is a single but very strong negative emotion, for example, arising in response to a loved one's loss, unhappy love, unloved work, etc. The
  • traumatic factor affects constantly( such a factor can be constant reproaches withthe parents' side, the ridicule of others, etc.)

Not being able to control and express their emotions without having a "friendly shoulder", a person begins to seize the stress. Mostly, in the evening and at night.

IMPORTANT: There is a theory of the development of compulsive overeating at the level of the central nervous system, in the hypothalamus of the brain. Here are located the center of hunger, and the center of happiness. Some experts believe that with diseases of the nervous system, patients can substitute these two concepts.

The eating disorder in the form of overeating at night is most often a psychological cause.

A person suffering from overeating at night understands not immediately that something is wrong with him. He begins to sound the alarm only after awakening at night to eat, begin to stop him from living, he always blames himself for the "products" posted at night, because of them he accumulates a certain amount of extra pounds and earns serious health problems.

About the presence of a psychological problem that cleverly disguises itself as an innocuous "wanted to eat", one should think about discovering the following clinical manifestations in oneself or one's near ones:

  • appearance at night of uncontrolled hunger
  • Absorption of food indiscriminately( patients with compulsive gluttony eat literally everything, that they see)
  • lack of pleasure from the food intake process
  • episodic bulimia( due to a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, from shame or fear for one's own behavior a patient with aimpulsive gluttony can induce vomiting)
  • feelings of shame, guilt or fear associated with overeating at night
Overeating at night, the patient experiences a feeling of guilt.

A patient with compulsive binge eating at family members, in a society can eat quite rightly, but he notices the desire to consume food alone, and then the control over this process is lost.

IMPORTANT: You can talk about overeating at night if binge eating at night happens twice or more per week, 4-5 weeks in a row.

It is noted that to a compulsive overeating, however, as well as to other eating disorders, women are more inclined. To fill their stomachs at night they are forced by complexes about appearance( with the husband, family, colleagues and friends such young ladies eat very little, and at night they empty the refrigerator), problems in the family, lack of attention from men, etc.

Suffering at night glutton, a man can not calm his appetite and eats everything.

VIDEO: Compulsive overeating

Overeating and overeating at night: consequences. Can I put pancreatic overeating at night?

A psychological problem borne by the front of the night entails a new psychological problem. A man blames himself for gluttony, he is no longer satisfied with reflection in the mirror, he falls into depression. To get pleasure from food becomes even more difficult.

He becomes irritable, does not sleep well, he has mood swings. Therefore, if you have three of the listed signs of compulsive overeating, you need to contact a specialist - a psychologist and a nutritionist.

Excess weight is the result of overeating at night.

Overeating at night is chronic, so after a month or two its unpleasant consequences occur:

  1. Food, consumed at night, is not helpful, but quickly stored in fat. The patient very soon faces a problem of excess weight. Everyone knows what it is fraught with.
  2. Has a gastrointestinal tract. Stomach is stretched, gastric juice is produced actively. The patient feels a heaviness in the abdomen, he may develop gastritis. His chair is broken( today there may be diarrhea, and tomorrow constipation).
  3. Metabolism is disturbed. As a rule, at night eat fatty and carbohydrate food. To process it in such quantity to an organism not under force.
  4. The level of cholesterol and blood sugar is increasing. A patient with compulsive overeating risks atherosclerosis, hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
  5. Appear edema. Because of overeating, water is retained in the body, so the patient notices swelling of the face and limbs in the morning.
  6. There is a hormonal failure. A woman can face irregular, abundant or scanty menstruation, a man with problems with potency. Libido, fertility are reduced in patients with complex overeating regardless of sex.

How to fight and get rid of night gluttony?

The diagnosis of "compulsive front" or "psychogenic overeating" is made by a psychologist. Further this expert develops tactics of treatment in which the complex of actions should enter.

  1. Together with the psychologist, the patient should realize the problem that exists with him. If this does not happen, the treatment will be in vain. To get rid of addiction, take control of food consumption, he can only with the support of a psychologist, his family and loved ones. The patient is shown individual cognitive-behavioral therapy and group sessions. The patient and his family should try to create a favorable atmosphere in the house, because conflicts and misunderstandings between relatives often cause stress, leading to night gluttony.
  2. Nutritionist should help the patient with a compulsive overeating to properly build a diet. If the eating disorder is already augmented with extra pounds, a specialist develops a diet for painless gradual weight loss.
  3. If due to gluttony at night the patient developed any somatic diseases, it is necessary to consult a therapist and other specialist doctors to cure them.
Faced with the problem of overeating at night, the patient should work with a psychologist.

Drug for overeating at night

From the night gluttony, as prescribed by the doctor, antidepressants are taken.

There is no special medicine for the treatment of the legend at night. But in some cases, medical therapy is used to eliminate its causes and consequences.

  1. By the decision of a psychologist, a patient may be prescribed antidepressant therapy. It will be effective only in conjunction with other methods of treating overeating!
  2. To reduce the feeling of hunger and contribute to weight loss, the patient is prescribed phytopreparations, for example, appetite suppressing herbal teas.
  3. If a physical examination reveals somatic diseases, a person with gluttony is prescribed medicines for their treatment at night.
  4. For the normalization of the work of the digestive system, a patient can be prescribed enzyme preparations.
When overeating at night, enzyme preparations are prescribed to help the digestive system.

How to get rid of hunger at night? What to eat for the night if hunger suffers?

If you want to eat at night from time to time, it's not about eating disorders, here are some tips on how to hold yourself in your arms and not overeat.

  1. During the day you need to eat regularly and in a balanced manner. To take the feeling of hunger under control, you need to develop your diet so that meals a day at least 5.
  2. Dinner should be sure. And not too early. What is after 6 is impossible - stupidity. The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.
  3. Sweet can not eat at night, it stimulates appetite.
  4. Before going to bed, a walk in the fresh air is recommended.
  5. You can also drink herbal tea before bed if there is no allergy. He and the appetite will dull, and sleep will improve.
Proper nutrition and good mood - insurance against overeating at night.

IMPORTANT: People prone to overeating in the evening, it is better not to keep a large supply of food in the refrigerator. In the house of sweet, flour, semi-finished products and snacks should not be at all.

If the feeling of hunger still does not allow you to fall asleep, you can suppress it by using:

  • glass of water
  • glass of green tea
  • glass of kefir
  • half of orange
  • half of green apple
  • pair of cabbage leaves
  • fresh cucumber
  • spoon of oat bran
  • a pair of almonds
Food that you can eat to avoid eating at night.

VIDEO: What should I not want to eat?( I want to eat at night)

  • May 18, 2018
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