Feng Shui for love

  • Why use the secrets of Feng Shui to attract love?
  • Getting ready to attract love and activate positive energy for feng shui
  • Preparing apartment to attract love
  • Feng Shui for love and marriage

Now the popularity of the teachings of feng shui is growing steadily. It brings beauty and harmony to our lives, gives people self-confidence. Even skeptics admit: the secrets and techniques of feng shui allow you to restore emotional balance, tune in to a positive mood, make the world a little more beautiful and brighter.

You can actively use feng shui to attract love, perfecting your home, inner peace, achieving spiritual harmony. Be sure to remember all the important points, tips, specific techniques and algorithms to use different ways to attract love as efficiently as possible.

Why use the secrets of Feng Shui to attract love?

Feng Shui gives each person a lot of valuable, useful. You will learn how to correctly determine the most important for you, to precisely prioritize.

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If you want to apply techniques to attract love to your life, you will have to admit that a romantic relationship is very serious. They have nothing to do with fleeting connections, rare encounters, passion without true love, love without a sense of responsibility.

Following the rules of feng shui, you will be able to significantly improve your life, create an excellent atmosphere in the apartment, achieve peace of mind. It is important to achieve harmony, to make the useful energy of Qi freely circulate in your home, without fail passing through the place where love lives.

It is the zone of romantic relationships, love will become central for you. This sector of the apartment you will be able to determine in many ways, also such a zone can be created artificially.

Several key advantages of attracting love for Feng Shui make the teaching especially important for many people.

  1. you will be able to accurately determine your priorities. Having created a concrete image of a person with the advantages that you dream about, free from unacceptable shortcomings, you will stop wasting time on doubts, unpromising relationships.
  2. You will be tuned to a very serious relationship. Feng Shui is used only to attract true love for many years.
  3. You will start to change internally and externally, because, according to the teaching, it's important to become better yourself to attract positive energy.
  4. You noticeably transform your house. To attract love for feng shui, you need to determine its sector, a specific zone and improve the site. In addition, the whole house should become free for good circulation of Qi energy.
  5. You will act by special techniques, algorithms. This will bring in your life a lot of new, useful, order it. A number of recommendations for attracting love are focused on improving the person as a whole. You will increase self-esteem, set goals in life, create a positive atmosphere around yourself.

Use the Feng Shui teachings for love - change your life for the better!

Getting ready to attract love and activate positive energy for feng shui

First you will need to conduct a general training to attract love for feng shui in the future. It is extremely important to correctly tune in the use of techniques, answer for yourself a number of questions, determine the main priorities and values. Act according to the algorithm.

What kind of love do you need?

First of all, ask yourself the main question: are you ready to activate the energy of love, is your intention serious? Are you focused on attracting true love?

If you are still thinking only of love, passion, dating and sympathy, and not about living with your loved one, uniting with him into one whole, it's too early for you to go to feng shui.

Teaching, all techniques and techniques are aimed at attracting true love, in which a person becomes better, draws vitality, harmoniously complements a loved one. It can not be a question of something coming, temporary, such a feeling for feng shui is really stable, unshakable.

Tune in to attract love emotionally

Remember the right emotional state.

  1. Immediately decide for yourself that the teaching of feng shui does cause you some confidence. Do not waste time experimenting if you are skeptical.
  2. Try to achieve a serious and positive attitude. Include pleasant music, please yourself with your favorite dessert.
  3. Do not let anyone disturb you. Great, if you stay at home alone with your thoughts.

Simple ways to create a good atmosphere will help you. You have to determine the portrait of your loved one, and for this you need to achieve a special state of mind.

Your priorities

Then you need to define clear priorities. Of course, you will not draw a portrait of a potential lover, telling about his height, hair color, year of birth. Similar parameters for many do not have a defining value. However, it is very important to describe in detail the main qualities of a person and to clarify which features are inadmissible.

If this is difficult for you, try to go "on the contrary".Then your list will be concise, but capacious. Remember simple tips and algorithm.

  1. Take the "portrait of a loved one" seriously. This is a separate technique to attract love for feng shui. Prepare a pen, pencils, a sheet of beautiful paper, a ribbon.
  2. Remember that compiling a list of qualities is a kind of coding of your destiny. No joke, ambiguity here is not the place. Are you more motivated by curiosity, not confidence in the effectiveness of the technique? Then temporarily trust in it for 100% and act from the heart! Otherwise, feng shui will definitely not help you, but you will not know anything about its effectiveness.
  3. It's usually easier for people to start with the positive qualities of an imaginary lover.
    Remember that writing too many properties of character, mark the smallest traits is not worth it!
    It is likely that your true chosen one will not be able to meet such strict parameters.
    Choose only the key qualities, without which you do not represent a loved one. If you make too high demands, you run the risk of being left without a chosen one.
    For example, indicate loyalty, love for you, the ability to take responsibility and make decisions in difficult situations. If some features are not necessary, you will love the person without them, it is better to omit them. Ideal does not exist.
  4. When the pen and paper are already in your hands, this does not mean that you have to make the entire list in half an hour. You can go back to it, supplement it, even rewrite it completely. But do not abuse it! You can "confuse" the flower of romance, bring down the energy of Qi from the right direction.
  5. Denoting negative qualities is also very important. Do not pay attention to minor shortcomings that you can live with. There are key features. If you know for sure that a particular property will immediately put a taboo on your relationship with your loved one, you can safely replenish your list with them. For example, cruelty, unpredictability, duplicity.
  6. After compiling the lists, carefully read them again. Think whether there are people who meet your requirements, how much your portrait is realistic. Do not forget that a worthy chosen one, depicted by you, must also have a real love for you. Your task is to make a harmonious pair with him, and not to lag behind him in many ways. Pay attention, are not you too loyal, will you be able to live with the possessor of such a set of qualities, free of several shortcomings, all your life. Such an analysis will help you to delete unnecessary items, add new ones.
  7. Everything is ready? Then gently fold your sheet, tie it with a red ribbon and hide it. The best place for him is the right corner near the front door. This place is considered the angle of marriage, is of particular importance in feng shui.

It's important to use feng shui to attract love, otherwise the techniques will not work. So remember all the nuances.

Preparing an apartment to attract love

It is important not only to determine the sector of the apartment, responsible for love, but also completely transform your house. An apartment is a zone in which you are going to attract a new feeling. It must fully meet all the requirements, so that the energy of love freely rushes into it.

Feng Shui claims that the zone of love is the south-western part of the apartment.

This is how the majority of people who do not know it deeply understand the doctrine. In fact, there are a lot of nuances that need to be considered. It is necessary to determine correctly where the real sector of love is, but at the same time take care of the whole apartment as a whole. Let's start with the main thing.

The whole apartment is a zone in which you draw love

Remember that the apartment zone should be prepared to attract love completely. For this you need not just arrange the appropriate symbols, hang pictures and decorate the house with fountains or vases with live water. It is important to completely transform your apartment, turning it into an ideal sector for attracting love. When you do this, you can take and for a specific sector of love.

Remember the important points.

  • Be sure to create the appropriate atmosphere to attract a new feeling to your life. If you have a photo with an old friend, lover, his gifts, letters, all this should be removed.
  • Soft toys, various trinkets, your children's clothes also "scare away" the energy of love. It is important to hide all this, remove from the apartment. Do you want to continue decorating the house with teddy bears? Then reduce their number, be sure to remove all toys from the bedroom. This is your main sector of love.
There should be no mirrors in the bedroom. It is extremely important that the bed does not reflect in various surfaces.
  • The bed should be taken care of separately. It should not be single, it should be moved away from the wall.
It is advisable to use two pillows, a wide blanket, to give preference to a double bed.

You will need to use symbols to attract love through Feng Shui. They should decorate not only the specific sector, but also other places in the apartment.

Symbols for attracting love

Feng Shui for love pays great attention to various subjects. You will be able to apply all kinds of symbols to actively draw love into your home.

  • Pictures depicting the moon, the moonlit path is worth hanging in the bedroom, corridor. It is the night star that symbolizes love, its energy will increase the possibilities for attracting love.
  • The sea shell that lies in the bedroom will also enhance the energy of love. For it, the sector of romantic relations - south-west.
The energy of Qi rises thanks to the red color, so during the dates it is worth giving preference to the elements of clothing, accessories of this shade.
  • Pictures with images of peacocks, phoenixes, any other birds, it is worthwhile to hang in the living room. They attract good luck in love, good acquaintances.
  • Any paired items, especially mandarin ducks, must definitely decorate your love sector. These symbols of loyalty, romantic relations and mutual understanding are necessary for you.

Now you know a lot about the ways to attract a loved one. Feng Shui for love can be used even more effectively if the main emphasis is on a specific place. This is the zone of love in the apartment.

Creating the right zone of love in the apartment

The love sector in the apartment should be designed separately. It is important in it to pay close attention to symbols, shades.

The sector is defined in many ways.

  1. You can focus on the south-west side of the apartment. This is a traditional zone of love for feng shui.
  2. Someone uses Flying Stars, wanting to determine the sector of love. Maps of Flying Stars are compiled by specialists, they can be found on websites or ordered from a master of Feng Shui.
  3. The direction of Yan-Nan also plays a huge role. To make your love sector as effective as possible, the head of the bed should be directed specifically to Yan-Nan. It can be determined from the table below.

Pre find out your Gua number .Men need to add the last two digits of the year of birth, until they get a single number. It must be subtracted from 10.The female Gua number is the same, but it does not need to be subtracted from 10.Add to it 5.

The definition of Yan-Nan

In addition, the love sector must necessarily be decorated with a flower of romance. To begin with, determine by using a special calculator on any specialized site the animal of your birthday .After that, you will easily recognize your Flower of Romance( peach flower) by examining the table:

The zone of love will actively attract the right energy if you focus on the figure of the animal that is your flower of romance.

Engage in attracting love for Feng Shui! Useful tips and techniques will certainly help you achieve what you want. It is important to define the love sector, use different symbols, get rid of all the superfluous things and accurately identify your priorities.

Feng Shui for Love and Marriage

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