Application of Brukle apparatus for the treatment of mesial occlusion

To date, many of the disadvantages of appearance can be corrected with the help of effective modern devices. This applies to dentistry, in particular, an abnormal bite and incorrect growth of teeth can be corrected in almost any specialized clinic with the help of braces and special orthodontic devices.

One such device is the Brukle apparatus, the installation of which is most often designed to normalize the position of the dentition in the mesial bite.


  • Contents

    • Contents
      • Content

        Assignment and features

      • Manufacturing and installation
      • Treatment process
      • Contraindications and limitations
      • Pros and cons
      • Ask price

    first acquaintance The Brukle device is a special removable orthodontic design that is designed for installation on the lower jaw, to whichis fixed by means of clasps.

    Clammers, in turn, attach to the last teeth, called chewing teeth. The vestibular arch is intended for the lower incisors, and the inclined plane is respectively for the upper incisors.

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    The competent position of the inclined plane located in the front part of the structure allows the upper teeth to slide freely along it and to shift backwards to the lower teeth without hindrance.

    The design of the device consists of the following elements:

    • plate designed for the lower jaw;
    • presence of a vestibular retraction arc with semicircular bends;
    • availability of clasps for the lateral teeth;
    • loops - to fix the device.

    The basis of the Brukle apparatus is a plate that is attached to the lower jaw from the inside. It should not fit snugly to the teeth.

    The outer part of the plate affects the upper teeth. Due to the specially created pressure on the incisors and the bite is leveled. The base or preliminary impression is made of wax, and then it is replaced by plastic.

    Purpose and capabilities of

    Not only an unesthetical appearance and psychological discomfort causes patients to resort to the use of various corrective dental devices, but also pain, crack and snap, discomfort at eating and other serious problems.

    Such serious symptoms are characterized by mesial bite, which, often, is due to genetic or hereditary factors, for the correction of which the Brukle device is applied.

    Strong external signs in mesio-occlusion are:

    • chin extended forward;
    • concavity of the face profile;
    • finding the lower teeth in front of the upper teeth when closing.

    The device is selected strictly in an individual order, for which the initially qualified specialist makes a cast of jaws. Precisely adjusted corrective plate should not cause discomfort and only so it is possible to correct an incorrect occlusion.

    The device is intended only for the adult part of the population, since in this case the person has already formed facial bones and a permanent bite.

    For greater effect, the dentist can recommend the use of additional structures, for example, in the form of chin caps or elastic bands that are attached outside the mouth.

    Manufacture and installation of

    For the correct selection of the Brukle apparatus, individual manufacture is required, which should include the following main steps:

    • assessment by a dentist of the current situation regarding the location of the teeth;
    • preparation of casts of jaws with the help of a tray in which impression material is poured;
    • the ratio of constructive bite to the finished impression;
    • from the mold of the lower jaw cast a plaster working model, and also produced retraction arches and clasps;
    • verification of fixation of fasteners;
    • preparation of the wax base and adjustment of the inclined plane, which should cover the height of the incisors by one third;
    • check the angle between the wax inclined plane and the surface, which is, in a regular way, at least fifty degrees;
    • , after all the tests, the billet is gypsum, and subsequently the gypsum is replaced with plastics.

    After passing all the required steps, the device is ready for installation, which in turn includes the following steps:

    • fixing the device to the front lower incisors;
    • installation of clasps on molars;
    • check of jaw closure by the patient without effort.

    During the installation to eliminate discomfort during application, the arc and loop are adjusted according to the shape and size of the patient's teeth.

    In the photo you can get acquainted with the principle of Brukle's


    treatment process In order for the treatment to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

    • strict adherence to all the recommendations of the treating dentist, including adherence to the rules of care of the device;
    • if necessary, in cases of nausea, restoration of respiration and rinsing of the oral cavity with salted water is indicated;
    • gradual development of the device, you should start with wearing two hours a day, subsequently increasing the time;
    • timely correction with the manifestation of constant pain and redness of the mucosa;
    • to exclude from the ration chewing gum or sweets, toffee, as well as rough and tough food;
    • mouthwash and device after eating;
    • use of own means of hygiene, including at a doctor's appointment.
    Once a week, it is recommended to perform correction in the observant orthodontist, the terms of wearing at the same time range from one and a half to two years.

    Contraindications and limitations

    The device should not be used in the following cases:

    • the depth of the incisal overlap is less than three millimeters;
    • presence of distal occlusion( excessively advanced upper jaw);
    • in the front area closely located crowns;
    • diseases of the oral cavity;
    • milky bite( formed the first set of teeth in a human).
    It is strongly recommended that you consult with a specialist before installing the unit to finally determine the feasibility of using this design.

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    Specialized Brukle design has a number of positive aspects, which include:

    • simple manipulations associated with fixation and removal;
    • real possibility of correction of mesial and deep occlusion;
    • comprehensive action, covering both jaws;
    • fixing effect of the metal arc;
    • tooth position adjustment;
    • elongation of the jawbone.

    The detachable mechanism also has a number of drawbacks, which is reflected in the following:

    • a long period of use;
    • account for all contraindications associated with wearing the device;
    • possible application of additional mechanisms;
    • the high price, connected both with installation, and with manufacturing;
    • frequent adjustment of the elements.

    Only after weighing all the pros and cons, you should make a final decision regarding the installation of the device.

    Price issue

    The cost of manufacturing and installing the Brukle apparatus is formed by their following components:

    • directly cost of the device;
    • advisory services of a dentist;
    • probable repair or design correction.

    Depending on the materials used in the constituent elements, the average cost of the device is formed, which is in the range of four and a half to six thousand rubles.

    Consultation of the doctor ranges from nine hundred to two thousand rubles. The remaining set of related services can reach up to one thousand seven hundred rubles. As a result, the total cost of an average of eight thousand rubles.

    Thus, this device can rightfully be considered an effective tool for leveling the bite, but to achieve a positive result, it takes time and compliance with the rules of care for the structure.