Uraza 2017 calendar: schedule. Month of Ramadan 2017 - beginning and end: Uraza Bayram in 2017

How to fast in Ramadan?

Contents of

  • When the month of Ramadan in 2017, from which date does the Uraza begin?
  • Uraza Bayram in 2017
  • When fasting the Muslims of Ramadan in 2017, its schedule?
  • Ramadan or Ramadan as correct?
  • What violates the fasting in the month of Ramadan?
  • How to keep Ramadan, how to fast? Ramadan: what can you eat?
  • Intention for fasting Ramadan
  • Health Benefits of Ramadan for Health
  • Can I brush my teeth in Ramadan
  • Can I swallow saliva during Ramadan?
  • Congratulation on the coming of the month of Ramadan
  • Prayer before eating in the month of Ramadan
  • What should you do in Ramadan?
  • Ramadan Rules for Women
  • Why in Ramadan eat only at night?
  • Namaz in the month of Ramadan
  • What can not be done during the month of Ramadan?
  • Video: how to meet and spend Ramadan?

There are many significant dates in every faith. In Catholicism, some are noted, in Orthodoxy - others.

In Islam, too, there are special dates when believers abstain from all human passions and purify the soul and body from the filth of the earth the share of eternal bliss. In the article, we will consider in more detail how to fast in Ramadan and what prohibitions impose a fast on believers.

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When the month of Ramadan in 2017, from which date does the Uraza begin?

Muslims are no different from other believers: solemn events for them take place in an atmosphere of joy, holiness, when hunger and thirst meet with satisfaction, and the fate of the poor is fully realized.

A month passes in observance of fasting and reading of prayers on the days of commemoration. Like other believers, Muslims have certain prohibitions on the human passions that are imposed by fasting

Ramadan begins in 2017 with 27.05

What kind of holiday is this - Ramadan?

  • The holy month of Ramadan is considered the most honorable for believers. It is attached to faith in Allah. A full fast will be when a person cleanses himself of his sins by his behavior and receives the satisfaction of Allah
  • It is considered impermissible to waste time during the Holy month. Indeed, it is in these days that Muslims can be rewarded for their good deeds. The wisdom is not to violate the rules of fasting imposed on believers by Allah
  • In Ramadan, there is an improvement in the good qualities of believers who fast. Quarrels and strife cease, the hearts of friends unite and instill a sense of responsibility and compassion for the poor.
Ramadan - the time of purification, spiritual perfection

A great fast comes to the feast of Ramadan. And all believers are obliged to adhere to its

  • . As with the Orthodox, the date of the Easter holidays is changed every year, so for Muslims the beginning of the month of Ramadan is calculated according to the phases of the lunar calendar and the difference from previous years can be within 10-11 calendar days. Therefore, the date of the Sacred for Muslims period changes every year
  • In 2017, Ramadan will come in May, namely on the 27th. The end of Ramadan falls on June 25
  • The sacred period for Muslims has long been born in the warm season, as it always falls on the summer months.

In a literal translation, Ramadan means "hot," "hot."However, not all believers perceive the holiday in this way. For most, literal translation means not the summer season, but following the strictest rules, binding for execution.

Quran sent down to people in the month of Ramadan

Historical background

  • How do you determine the exact date of the onset of Ramadan? Every year the date of the coming of the Holy period for Muslims is indicated in the teachings of theologians. They also determine the day of Ramadan on the basis of the Moon phases of
  • . The 9th month of the calendar is the offensive of the sacred period of the Muslim faith. By the way the night star is located, the date of the
  • is determined. The mission of the prophet was indicated in "Mere words" received on that day by Muhammad. At the same time, Muslim believers had a Koran presented by Allah
  • According to the ancient tradition, on the day when the Sacred period comes, Allah becomes open to the fate of believers safely and fulfills their forgiveness.
Ramadan comes on the 9th month of the

calendar of Uraza Bayram in 2017

Those who profess Islam are often interested in the question of the offensive of the post of Uraza-Bairam. After all, it also does not have a fixed date. Traditionally, the fast comes the ninth month for the Muslim calendar

  • Since the Ramadan fast in 2017 begins on May 26, and the Holy period ends on June 25, Uraza Bayram falls on June 26.Fasting during one of the biggest holidays in Islam Uraza-bairam is very strict
  • The great feast of dispatch begins after the fasting is over. At this time, all the faithful are allowed to eat everything they could not afford to post
  • Believers are preparing for the holiday one month before his offensive, and expect him all year. After a great fast lasting throughout the month, the day of the
  • breaks out. All adult Muslims are obliged to adhere to the rules of the post of Uraz. Children, sick, insane may not fast. The whole month, believers only after dark are entitled to eat. Only under this condition is the spiritual purification of the faithful
  • . The fasting takes place in the muffling of all your passions and desires. You should spend time in hours of prayer. There is an equalization of the poor with the rich, which cleans from the committed sins, among which gluttony takes first place.
In Ramadan it is forbidden to eat food and water in the daytime.

. At nightfall, believers can begin to break out. Only eating should be carried out at the same table with friends and acquaintances, and not exclusively in the family circle or alone.

  • It is also good to call for the joint rendition of the poor, because helping the suffering means creating a deed that pleases Allah.
  • Having finished their meal, the faithful go to the mosque to pray and indulge in the reading of the Koran.
  • During prayer, the faithful ask for all people's good and forgiveness for their sins. After the appearance of the new moon, the fast ends
  • . Muslims begin the holiday. They read morning prayers. There are many believers in mosques at this time. Not everyone gets inside the mosque and makes prayers next to her.
  • On such a joyful day, the worshipers feel themselves to be one family. The poor receive gifts, because each family prepares help in advance for them and presents them during the celebration of
. In Ramadan, it is customary to give alms to

. Traditionally, on such a day parents are visited. The further meal is spent together with them.

When the fast of the Muslims of Ramadan in 2017, its schedule?

The Muslim fast begins on May 26, 2017.Completes by June 25, 2017

Timetable for the

  • fasting time food consumption should be completed 20 minutes before the time FADER
  • You can start eating while you are at MAGRIB
Id-Namaz - the festive prayer

Ramadan or Ramadan as correct?

  • The Arabic word "Ramadan" is based on the name of the most venerated month. But to simplify the pronunciation of the name of the holiday by non-Arabs, the word changed: the letters "dad" were replaced by the letter "for".
  • This is due to the presence of a specific letter "dad" exclusively in Arabic and the lack of its analogue in other languages. Only knowing the special qualities of the letter "dad" can achieve a clear and correct pronunciation.
  • It is correct to pronounce Ramadan and Ramadan in common speech. But while reading the Koran, the letter "dad" is not replaced with the letter "for": it distorts the meaning, which is unacceptable.

What violates the fasting in the month of Ramadan?

Muslims learn about the basics and prohibitions of fasting from the Koran

In Ramadan, the believer should give up unclean deeds and thoughts in spite of the grueling heat of the

. According to the schedule of Ramadan's basic rules, the fast should:

  • completely stop eating food and water
  • to start eating before dawn
  • during the day excluded snacks, drinking any liquids( compotes, fruit drinks, water, tea)
  • to abandon the intimacy, various caresses and exciting actions
  • abandon tobacco smokingI, the use of drugs, drinking alcohol-containing drinks( they poison the human body, therefore, should not penetrate the body of the believer during the Holy Fast)
  • not to deceive
  • not to slander
  • not to mention the name of Allah during the swearing of
  • not chewing the chewing gum
  • notcleanse the body with enemas( purification by unnatural way is forbidden)

The violation is:

  • swallowing liquid( even bathing water)
  • pass( conscious action;nyit should be pronounced every day during the Holy month between night and morning prayers)

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

Ramadan passes for believers without entertainment and pleasures

In the daytime one should work, pray and read the Koran. It is important to follow the unshakable traditions and do good deeds, engage in charity, give alms.

Recommendations for fasting:

  • , after sunset, exceptionally light food
  • , before dawn( two hours before dawn), you can eat more abundant and heavy food
  • should be excluded or maximally reduced the amount of fatty and spicy foods, as their consumption intensifies thirst
  • having arbitrarily violated the post, the believer should extend the fasting time for 1 day and pay the poorer money equal to 3.5 kg of wheat or pay with products for the same amount of
  • the performance of the carnal gthe fasting during the fast is compensated by 60 days of fasting or the organization of feeding the beggars
  • if the believer had valid reasons for non-observance of fasting, then he can compensate the missed day by any other day of fasting until the next Ramadan
  • in the last days of Ramadan, believers persistently pray, repent of perfect sins andanalyze their mistakes
  • on the last day of fasting, Muslims read a solemn prayer. An obligatory condition is the distribution of alms. It can be dry food or money
While eating Iftar, you can eat several dates, drink water

Ramadan: what can you eat?

  • The first days of fasting are very difficult. But then the body begins to rebuild and the restrictions in food are transferred easier
  • At the end of the day after sunset the time comes for eating Iftar, which should not end with overeating
  • It is recommended to eat a few dates, drink water
  • And only after a while can start eating the main dishes

Optimum optionmain meal:

  • restriction of floury and roasted
  • vegetable dish
  • meat and vegetable dish
  • fish dish
  • vegetable salad
  • dishes from cereals
  • limited amount of sweets
  • It is possible to arrange 3-5 changes of dishes


  • freshly squeezed juices
  • juice juices diluted with water to reduce acidity
  • fruit drinks
  • compotes
  • jelly
  • water and tea
  • not strong coffee
From drinks you can have tea and compotes

Intention for fasting Ramadan

Intention is pronounced nightly before fasting. But the intention, which the believer pronounces at the beginning of the night, is counted. However, it is better to say the intention and in the second half of the night, which is closer to the post

. The intention after the dawn breaks the post.

Health Benefits of Ramadan for Health

Conventional diets help get rid of accumulated kilograms and reduce blood sugar, but can cause side effects. Therefore it is better to follow the diet under the supervision of the doctor

During the fasting in Ramadan:

  • the person does not remain hungry and consumes calories adequately: without any restrictions in the products of
  • carbohydrates are burned( the amount of sugar and insulin in the blood is reduced), from which the energy is extracted
  • burn fat accumulation
  • occurs body rest at physiological level
    normalizes metabolic process
  • no side effects
  • the body is cleared
  • man after fasting can onalways give up bad habits
End is the holiday of Uraza Bayram

Is it possible to brush your teeth in Ramadan

In Ramadan, Muslims use a special means to clean the mouth of food leftovers. This is sivak( miswak)

  • It is not considered a violation of fasting with toothbrush
  • However, the use of toothpaste breaks the post because a person can swallow the paste
  • It is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste in the evening or early morning

Can I swallow saliva during Ramadan?

  • The swallowed saliva during Ramadan does not violate the
  • post If dust or smoke accidentally gets into the throat, it also does not violate the post

Congratulations on the coming of the month of Ramadan

If you are looking for a beautiful congratulation with the coming of the month of Ramadan, then see the next selection.

Strict post. Tells the Qur'an
to Observe it.
All meet Ramadan
With a pure soul.

May Allah bless
For good cause,
Kindle light in hearts,
Helps faith.

In the glorious month of Ramadan
To the people was sent the Qur'an,
To truth carry
With the explanation of the way

Ramada is the month of forgiveness, mercy and contentment of Allah Almighty
As recorded in the Quran,
In this month the Muslims
In remembrance of their shrine
Observing the fastfrom now on.

Believers of fasting,
To be closer to God,
To grow spiritually,
Tame your passions.

There is a holy Ramadan -
Great holiday of Muslims.
For the purification of the soul
Fast, pray and do not sin.

And may Allah help us
Overcome vice and fear.
To help friends and family,
I only wish them well!

Congratulations on the onset of Ramadan. Let in life will strong faith, pure love and long-lasting happiness. I wish to save everything that you cherish and appreciate. Successful days, good people on the path of life and respect for others.

Ramadan came, I congratulate you! This month is the most important for all Muslims. A strict fast begins, it is called upon to help you strengthen your faith. May good and mutual understanding settle in your house and hearts, and let your prayers be heard by the Most High. Be happy, I wish you health and prosperity!

With the coming of the holy month of Ramadan! Sincerely I wish happiness and health, to rethink my life, to drive away all bad thoughts and intentions. Let faith and hope only be strengthened. Forces to you!

Children, elderly, sick, pregnant and lactating women, travelers

Prayer before meals in the month of Ramadan

Muslims say special prayers before the morning and evening meal .Here is their text:

Intention to fast: Navata savma gadin an 'ada'i Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati' imanan wa-htisaban liallahi ta'ala - I am determined to hold the fast of Ramadan tomorrow of this year in accordance with faith andsincere for the sake of Allah.

Or for a whole month, then the intention is made on the first night of Ramadan: Nawaitu siyama salasina yavman 'an shahri Ramadan hazihi-sanati - I set out to observe the thirty-day Fasting of Ramadan this year.

Before eating say: Ya Vasi'a-l-magfirati, Igfir li Bismi-lahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim - O Allah! You are the All-Merciful, Forgiving. I begin with the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful for all in this Light and only for the believers - in the Light of the World.

After eating, the following du'aa reads: Allahumma laka suma-vala rizkika 'aftartu - O Allah! For your sake I fasted and accepted the food that You gave me.

What should you do in Ramadan?

In the blessed minutes of the sacred period, the believer should behave as follows:

  • stop fasting after sunset
  • stopping fasting before the fourth prayer, eat the date or without drinking water
  • not slander and do not deceive
  • not look at the forbidden
  • not support empty conversations, fights

Ramadan rules for women

  • A woman should not stop fasting when she feels that menstrual blood begins to flow. Only when she sees her, she should stop the post
  • . In Ramadan fast, a woman is not forbidden to try food for salt.
  • . It is not forbidden to use perfume and ornaments for a spouse in the daytime at the house
  • . A woman can only fast after cleansing from bleeding and childbirth.
  • Women should remindhusbands in the daytime about the prohibition of sexual
  • At night, right up to the dawn, sexual intimacy is allowed
  • Women should not miss prayers, explaining this by the need to cook something in the kitchen
  • Do not be smartivat parties outside the house after breaking the fast
children can help prepare meals in Suhour and Iftar - the morning and evening meal during Ramadan

Why eat only at night?

This is the will of Allah. The meaning of fasting is that a person should cultivate in prayer and do good deeds. Corporal abstinence helps to increase attention to spiritual life.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

Among the injunctions of Almighty Allah, there are such duties that believers must follow scrupulously, without any omissions. Only in this way can a Muslim become closer to the Lord. Such a prescription is the fulfillment of five obligatory prayers during the day and night period.

A person commits in prayer during fasting

What can not be done during the month of Ramadan?

  • can not be kept in water or bath for a long time( water can get into the body)
  • can not be cuddled and perform actions aimed at exciting
  • can not rinse the throat
  • can not taste the taste of food
  • can not swallow saliva

Video: how to meet and spend Ramadan?

  • May 18, 2018
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