How to make a changing table by yourself? Scheme and materials for the assembly of a changing table

A changing chest or table with your own hands. What is needed, drawings, assembly.

Contents of

  • What types of changing mats exist?
  • Materials for changing mat
  • How to make a changing table by yourself?
    • Drawing for changing table with
    • dimensions Video: Assembling the chest
  • How to make a hanging swaddling table? How to make a wall changing table?
  • How to make a portable changing table?
  • How to make a mattress for a hanging table with your own hands?
  • How to assemble a changing table at home: tips and feedback
    • Video: How to make a changing table from the chest?

Waiting for a new family member is a touching and troublesome time. And especially expensive, because the birth of a baby is so much needed: a cot, a stroller, and a bath, a changing table, and a new chest of drawers specially for storing a large heap of clothes, and of course clothes and a variety of textiles.

If the future father or grandfather loves to make by hand, then some parts of the interior of the children's bedroom can be created by themselves. This article contains all the necessary materials, how to make a changing table, as well as tips on how to make it as convenient and functional as possible.

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Changing Console

What kinds of changing mattresses exist?

At a time when a toddler is not in a crib or a manege, he must be constantly under the careful supervision of adults. Swaddling tables are specially created in such a way that everything was at the mother's fingertips, and there was no need to depart from the child, which ensures the safety of the child and excludes any possibility of injury.

If you decide to make a spreader yourself, you need to consider some of the nuances:

  • The material must be safe and certified
  • The design must be stable, strong, smooth, so that the child can not get injured.
  • Dimensions of the swaddler. You can make changes in the height of the chest, in the number of boxes and stuff, but do not change the standard dimensions of the swaddler, since they are designed for a child up to a year. It will be a pity if the baby grows up, and it will be impossible to use the much-needed thing
  • Mattress. Necessarily water repellent fabric. Many parents brush aside this point, believing that you can put a piece of cloth on and on. But the oilcloth will crumble and there is a chance that a liquid will fall on the mattress, which can not always be washed.
  • Also, the mattress must necessarily be rigid. On it you will do massages and exercises. The child will try to roll over, sit down and this also requires a hard surface
Kid on the swaddler

The swaddlers can be portable and stationary. To the stationary are the swaddler-chests. It is very convenient, all the baby's things are gathered in one place.

Portable swaddler

Optimal mobile versions include swaddlers-boards and swaddlers of the bookcase, which can be folded and transported. This model is needed in the event that the family lives in several places and constantly moves.

Mattress for the swaddler

For those who wish to create the most convenient conditions for their child, but live in small apartments, the ideal ideal for hanging swaddlers. By the way, later, after hanging lower, such a swaddler will turn into a pendant table for playing and drawing a grown-up karapuza.

Hanging swaddler with pockets

And here's another functional table. Pelenator with a baby bath and a mass of shelves for everything necessary for bathing and caring for a child.

Pelennator with a baby bath

And finally consider another model swaddler-chest of drawers. By the way, such beds transformers are often rebuilt from a bed for a newborn to a teen bed. Only one thing will last for a child up to 13-14 years of age.

Bed with swaddler

Materials for changing pad

The dressing gowns refer to modular furniture, which is feasible for a man who knows how to draw and hold a drill. Manufacturing by own hands has a number of advantages.

Individual sizes( especially important for small apartments), budget savings, creating unique things for your child.

Pelenator with own hands made of laminated chipboard

It is preferable to use wood, as it is rightfully related to eco materials. But the cost of natural wood is quite high, and working with it is very laborious. An excellent alternative are chipboard and MDF laminated boards. Before purchasing materials for the children's room, be sure to check the quality certificates. This applies to any material.

How to make a changing table by yourself?

In this part we will tell you how to make a changing table-chest of drawers yourself. Such a chest of drawers will last for many years, in the first year it will perform the role of a swaddler and chest of drawers, in subsequent years it will be a chest of drawers. This model can be made both from wood, and from laminated chipboard or MDF.

To begin, we present a sketch of the future chest of the

Sketch of the future chest of the

Next step is to draw a drawing. In the event that our dimensions do not suit you, you can proportionally increase or decrease any parameters of the swaddler. Be sure to pay attention to your height and chest height.

You should stand evenly, without bending or stretching over the countertop. If the spouses are different in growth, be guided by the future mother, since it is she who will spend most of the time around this chest.

Scheme for swaddling table

Drawing for changing table with dimensions

Drawing of side
Number of parts

For furniture exact dimensions and right angles are very important, otherwise it will look crooked, will not be stable, and the service life will be significantly reduced because ofinconsistencies in details. If possible, order a cut of material, most often in the places of its sale, this service is also offered.

In addition to this, the following materials will be required:

  • Full-length guide rails( 2 pcs per box)
  • Furniture handles( in our case 8 pcs)
  • Plastic legs 4 pcs( for the chest to be a gap of a few mm for air movement, as well as moisture protection)
  • Cross-section screeds 2 pcs 5 mm in diameter( for folding system)
  • Screws 16 and 30 mm
  • Confirms 70 mm 5 pcs.
  • Furniture corners, they are necessary for attaching from the bottom to the upper bulkhead. Size: 20 * 20 mm

If you are manufacturing from chipboard - edge band( the length is calculated along the perimeter of each part.)

It remains to collect everything in parts. If there are questions about the assembly, please see the video below.

Video: Assembling the chest


Suspension swaddler

As it was mentioned before, the overhead changing table is just a find for young parents living in small flats. The question is how to make the wall changing table strong and functional

Drawing of the hanging swaddler

The choice of the materials is the same as in the previous swaddler. What should be paid attention to: the wall to which the swaddler is attached. It must be strong to be sure thatthe regenerator pad will not fall with the severity of the things and the child himself

How to make a portable changing table?

For those who already have a chest of drawers, a suitable table and they only need a changing table, we suggest making it yourself.

The assembly is very simple. We make a drawing in which there are 4 parts. Bottom, right and left sidewall, and rear wall. By the way, the wall can be both at the height of the sides, and ends at the bottom, then it will serve as a stiffener.

Changing table with own hands
Changing table by own hands

How to make a mattress for a hanging table with your own hands?

Parents who go shopping for a baby's future are simply shocked by the prices of baby products. But since you are reading this article, the changing table is most likely made by a man in your house.

But the task of a woman is to supplement the swaddler directly with a mattress.

Rigid foam

Material: hard foam with a height of 5-7 cm;water-repellent material plashevka, is possible an oilcloth on a fabric basis.

Calculation of dimensions: we measure the width and length of the bottom. Foam cut out with a gap of 1 cm( 0.5 cm on each side).The mattress can be both flat and with the sides.


In case you decide to do with the sides, cut a strip of foam rubber, the length of which will be the length of the mattress. Cut along the diagonal along the piece. It turns out two corners long in a mattress. They are glued on the sides with hot glue. Then go to the pattern of the material covering the mattress.

Sew all, except one end side, through which we insert inside the foam. Sewing. The mattress is ready.

How to assemble the changing table at home: advice and feedback

Alexandra : Our first parenthood coincided with the graduation. It is not necessary to explain that there was no money for anything, and parents began to take a principled position - you are an independent family, and we will not give you any help. And we, after consulting with her husband, decided to make all the children's furniture on their own, so that it would be cheaper. The swaddler did the hanging from the photo of IKEA, the drawings and calculations all by themselves. On it, we already have a third child growing up, we do not even think about buying furniture. Made by own hands is especially expensive, much more reliable, and it's nice to have a shower when we look at things made by ourselves.

Ulyana : We have been planning a baby for a very long time. So long that during this time they managed to get along with their apartment, cottage and car. But here and on our street a holiday - two stripes on the test. Probably, the kid just waited for his parents to earn everything for his good life. Pregnancy is the time to equip the mini world of our baby. We opened the catalogs and were upset, something that we really like - somewhere in Europe, and we are all so stereotyped. But the budget does not allow us to buy in expensive European stores, and pay for shipping from the far end of the world. This evening, we shared our experiences with friends who gave us an idea. Individual solution! My husband became so fired up that he decided to make everything himself. His first product is a changing chest of drawers. Standard drawings plus a fantastic fantasy and a chest of drawers in the style of Cinderella with a swaddler crown we already have.

Video: How to make a changing table from the chest?

  • May 18, 2018
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