Where to meet a rich man: TOP 5 ideas

Life in a metropolis is as follows: blinking did not have time, as the turmoil and perpetual traffic jams tightened you on this day marmot called "everyday life".Has emerged - and to you 30. So, actually, has occured and with me.

In line for the cat food for my "until the first cat" I froze in place with bulging eyes: where is my man? No, I'm serious. When did I manage to turn into a "strong independent"?

Then, having missed my turn and a glass of cappuccino in the neighboring coffee house, I firmly decided - I want to get acquainted with a rich man.

When I got home, I immediately plunged into the Internet. Picking up a spoon in ice cream, I stubbornly looked for answers to the questions: Who is this "rich man"?What interests and why so demanded? And most importantly: where to get acquainted with the rich man ?

You're also interested, I know. Catch the bottom of the answers.

TOP-5 ideas where to get acquainted with a rich man is easier

Of course, many of the girls are eager to get acquainted with a rich man. ..

instagram viewer

The motive is different for everyone. In silicone dolls, it is - never work and be something of a personal decoration for a man. Some want to get out of the oppressive financial situation.

My motive is the following: to my 30, I'm standing on my feet well, buttering butter on a regular basis and with a less successful man I will be frankly bored.

Whatever motive you have is your life, and no one has the right to condemn you for your choice.

Idea # 1. Dating sites

"Rich man, above all - a successful man" - I wrote in my notebook."He knows how to achieve his goals, properly conducts business, appreciates his time, and therefore conducts it qualitatively. A rich man is often hard-working and hardworking. Or just. .. a foreigner! "

Yes, the first item on the list of my conclusions is the dating sites with foreign fiancées! I drove into Google "sites where you can get acquainted with foreigners" - and there is where the soul roam.

Frankly, a few of my friends really married this way. All you need is to go to any vending site and register. I liked that for girls registration at almost all sites is free - they pay for communication men.

To start getting acquainted with men "with money" it is enough just to press the button "Registration":

The method is really simple, but there are also pitfalls. For example, on the Internet and live, the man you met could be two completely different people.

But if you are ready to practice your English and fly out of Motherland's nest, then this way to get acquainted is definitely yours.

Idea # 2. Sport is life!

The second place where you can get acquainted with the rich and beautiful, in my list deservedly occupied by sports clubs.

At the well-to-do representatives of the strong half of humanity free time is catastrophically small, that's why they spend it qualitatively. I do not represent the head of the oil company Arnold Aristarkhovich in the disco bar for a non-filtered litrum.

Prestigious sports centers, yacht and golf clubs, tennis, swimming pool. .. Raising their lives to a new level of quality, these guys can not imagine it without physical activity.

And, girls, you do not need to portray a sinking in the pool, in order to get to know the most daring "rescuer" - in all things the main thing is moderation.

Idea # 3. The way to the heart of a man lies through. ..

I also understood from my co-operation with Google that a rich and successful man is a living creature. And he sometimes eats. As a rule, in good and expensive restaurants. Because successful men want quality service, impeccable serving of dishes and delicious taste. And not bootstraps with sausage from a bag.

Of course, to come in your best attire and order a glass of water - not the most successful idea. A lonely glass on the table and a glance wandering around the room is immediately clear - "bait", which came to meet someone. It is unlikely that a worthy man will bite on such a cheap trick.

By the way, specially for you I prepared the TOP-5 restaurants where rich men dine( this information look for below).

Idea # 4. For those who love sports. .. from afar

Theaters, exhibitions and concerts are places where rich men are unlikely to walk alone or with friends.

Rather, a man can bring his wife there. And this is not the best condition under which you can get acquainted.

But car racing, horse racing, football matches, boxing and everything that is saturated with testosterone and money - it is likely.

I was especially interested in the fact that rich men fly to matches of favorite teams in different countries. I wonder how many suitors I missed while I considered football boring?

Idea number 5. Rich man - kind man

Charitable events.

To be honest, I was surprised at how popular charity became. The rich and successful increasingly want to share their well-being with people in need.

This I respect, and these men seem to me the most interesting, they really want to meet. Therefore, the closest charity event is mine!

Rich man - where else are they found?

If you are a free bird now and are looking for work - this option where to get acquainted with the rich and beautiful, just for you. Charge your shotgun success and smash one shot of two birds with one stone at a time!

Stores of expensive shoes and clothes, car dealerships, sports equipment stores, luxury classrooms, class A sports clubs, premium-class restaurants. .. Young and energetic young professionals are always required for such trades.

If education and qualification permit, take the bar higher. Oil companies, large construction companies, banking and legal spheres are a good chance to get acquainted with a rich and successful man.

. .. and you can also look for a man "with money" here:

Travel is an integral part of every person's life that wants to expand their horizons. A rich man certainly likes to know the world. And cool rest!

I'm not hinting at anything, but dozens of travel agencies regularly look for tour operators or tour guides.

Ski resorts, countries of Europe and Asia, America, the best beaches in the world - there are thousands of rich and even famous men who come to rest with friends every year. Therefore, there is someone to meet.

. .. However, there are also those who come to rest with their half, families and mistresses or lovers. But this is no longer our field of action.

TOP-5 places where rich men dine to meet them

The next morning I signed up for a dentist. The same day, she arranged a general cleaning in the apartment, threw out the half-cupboard of things "someday I'll put on," scrubbed the scrub and choked the refrigerator with vegetables.

Does this surprise you? The explanation for my strange behavior you will find in the next section with recommendations on how to please a rich man.

In the meantime, I will return to my last promise: to tell about 5 Moscow restaurants where you can get acquainted with the "prince with money":

  1. White Rabbit.

    Who does not know this incredible restaurant on the "top" of Moscow?

    Rich cities often come here for an amazing wine list and a delightful view. Moscow here is visible as in the palm of your hand, and the dishes are melting in your mouth.

    Average check: from 300 thousand rubles.

  2. Restaurant La Maree.

    In this marine restaurant you can try various exotic and not very reptiles, as well as royal lobsters.

    Of course, expensive.

  3. Restaurant "Mario".

    In secret - there is a gossip in the air that the place is popular with the rich and. .. criminal! Allegedly criminal authorities and various mafiosi - regulars Mario.

    Believe that it is possible to get acquainted with a dangerous man, or not - everyone's business.

    The only thing I'll say for sure - it's sooo expensive.

  4. Restaurant Megu.

    Too expensive and very laxhery.

    Probability to get acquainted with a rich man in such a place is almost 100%.

  5. Restaurant Soluxe Club.

    Restaurant of Asian cuisine. Very expensive.

    And if you like miniature Chinese men, your soul will be where to go for a walk. The regulars are mainly businessmen from China, Korea, Japan.

8 tips on how to interest a rich man

Having decided where I can get acquainted with the future bridegroom, I set myself one more question. Frightening of its importunity, it hangs over me from the 7th grade.

Then I got involved in Igor Kladova and every day spent in meditation how to win his heart."And if I never like him?" - I suffered.

Years passed, but the question remained the same. In search of an answer, I convened a consultation - my unmarried friends.

Already at 21:00, armed with a notebook and pen, I sipped "Margarita" in the bar at Andryusik - the men of my friend Sonya.

Sonia in our meetings always acts as an expert. A living proof of this is her wonderful and prosperous husband in business.

"How to interest a wealthy man" flaunted on the top line. But what 8 tips did we get during our "meeting":

  1. Nonsense - no.

    Rich man will never choose a stupid woman. This is the first thing that we met with the girls unanimously.

    It's important that you have a passion, from which you get pleasure and develop.

    Therefore, reduce the time for viewing social networks. Read more different literature, visit the galleries more often, become closer to art!

    Learn what distinguishes Baroque from Gothic, Monet from Van Gogh, Beethoven from Bach. And, at last, sign up for piano lessons, you've been wanting so long!

  2. Speech.

    You can be infinitely smart, but what's the point, if your man's ears bleed from your squealing?

    Endless research of scientists has shown that lower "velvet" voices are better perceived.

    And find the golden mean in the conversation - Sonia had to listen to more than one story about the fishing of her future husband, before he proposed to her.

  3. The body is our temple.

    A rich man is unlikely to want to meet a woman who treats her body without love and shoves fried potatoes with mayonnaise into him. Remember that the dimples adorn only the cheeks, but not the hips!

    Sport activities - обязательно!

    This is an added plus: you can make joint jogs with a man, and his desire to change his posture in bed will not result in pinching of the sciatic nerve for you.

  4. A rich man is not a "money bag".

    It is important to understand that a rich man has achieved his position by hard work. Respect his money, do not demand anything.

    Sonechka paid for herself on her first date with Andryusik.

    Of course, the choice is yours. But looking at their happy couple, I'll take the purse for the first meeting.

  5. Be wise.

    Do not make intellectual debates with a rich man, do not try to suppress it, show your superiority.

    At least, any person does not like it if someone tries to humiliate his dignity. And secondly, a decent man just will not let you. And you again will remain at the broken trough.

    Simultaneously it is not necessary to build a silly woman. Be yourself, speak sincerely, reason boldly and broadly, listen more.

  6. Health and appearance.

    Do not forget to take care of your appearance. If you have augmented eyelashes, but "the mustache remains crumbs" - to get acquainted with a rich man just will not work.

    Pure hair, neat manicure, radiant skin and healthy teeth is the base.

    Throw out of the closet "laxter" rhinestones, summer knitted boots and a cap with an embroidered crown. If for you the word style and "leopard" in one plane - we have problems.

    Equally follow your health. Rashes on your skin can talk about a variety of diseases, bad breath or flatulence - also reduce your chances of getting to know a rich man to zero.

  7. Power engineering.

    Why is Sonya crazy about Sony? Yes, because when you communicate with her, "I want to live," as our common friend Makar once put it.

    More laugh, learn to see the beautiful in small things. Do not complain and do not whine. Ask for help - yes. To breathe and resent the whole world - never!

    Remember - every day, it's a holiday. For this we amicably took the throat of Margarita.

  8. No availability.

    We have such a tradition: take the second cocktail and go to intimate topics. Unanimously voted against sex on the first and even second date.

    Andryusik, who sat down to us, assured: the available girls are not interested in rich men. And Marina told how she did not make depilation before a date, in order to protect herself from ill-considered actions.

Who can know better "fish places" than a charming sexologist and psychologist?

Where to find a rich man in Moscow?- Secrets from Inna Paustovskaya:

After analyzing a bunch of articles, having collected a consultation from girlfriends + Andryusik, I groped several answers to the question that fell on me on that ill-fated Thursday: where to get acquainted with the rich man ?

Now I am ready to go to my bright future with my cured teeth and the twitching eye from the diet. I hope, in one of the "fish" for the rich suitors, I will meet you. ..

  • May 18, 2018
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