Provision of first emergency aid for allergic reactions to an insect bite, with swelling, hives. How to avoid bites?

  • Since the middle of spring, it's time to activate various insects
  • A person who in the warmer season yearns to be more airborne, outdoors, often gets them
  • You need to know how to insure yourself against insect bites and what help to give if this bite is all-


  • First aid for biting insects for children and adults
  • What are the consequences of insect bites?
  • Symptoms of an allergy to insect bites
  • Can swelling appear after an insect bite?
  • Hives after an insect bite, causes
  • Dangerous and poisonous insects, and how to avoid their bites?
    • Mosquitoes and gnats
    • Pliers
    • Bees, wasps, hornets
  • VIDEO: Emergency help with tick bite
  • Treatment for insect bites. Ointment from insect bites
  • VIDEO: What should I do if I bite a wasp or a hornet?
  • Balsam after insect bites
  • Insect bite compress
  • Insect repellent tools
  • VIDEO: Insect bites - Dr. Komarovsky's school

First aid for bites with insects for children and adults

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For the rules of emergency care for insect bites, see article:

Whicheffects of bites of insects?

Consequences caused by bites of various insects may include:

  • redness of the bitten site
  • its compaction and pain when touching
  • swelling and swelling
  • irritation and itching
  • burning
  • allergic reactions
Swelling and swelling after an insect bite.

Symptoms of allergy to insect bites

  • Allergic reactions to insect bites can occur in humans if a bee or wasp is stung. Then the body can react specifically to the insects injected with the bite of the poison
  • . Also, an allergic reaction can follow after bites of mosquitoes and midges, then the body's reaction follows the saliva of the insects.
  • . An inhalation route of allergens to the body is also possible, and reaction to it can be rhinitis, conjunctivitis anddermatitis
  • In rare cases, suffocation. Such a clinical picture can be observed due to contact with bees, for example, in beekeepers
Manifestation of an allergy to an insect bite.

IMPORTANT: Symptoms of allergies may occur immediately, or after a while

  • First, swelling with redness at the site of the bite( most often from mosquito, mosquito, flea bites), then a knot-like rash and itching
  • Swelling may eventually increase and persist a fewdays
  • Symptoms of allergy in insect bites can also be malaise, weakness, nausea
  • Sometimes, more complex reactions of the body to allergens after insect bites occur, which are manifested by urticaria, intoxication, swellingBronchospasm and angioedema

IMPORTANT: In exceptional cases, an allergic reaction can be anaphylactic shock, mainly from bites Hymenoptera, which is what bees and wasps.

Allergic reactions to insect bites can be divided into three degrees.

  • 1 degree - easy. Common symptoms are urticaria, itching, swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, possibly the mucous membranes. These symptoms may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, fever, or chills, an increase in temperature
  • 2 degree - when spasms of smooth muscles appear in labored breathing, suffocation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • 3 grade - severe, anaphylactic shock

Can swelling appearafter an insect bite?

  • Swelling and swelling at the site of an insect bite is common because the body reacts invariably to ingestion of foreign biological substances
  • Swelling and swelling after bites may be small in volume and may cover a significant part of the human body
  • All depends onindividual reaction of the organism. In the soft tissues of the body, lymph accumulates at the site of the bite because of the appearance of the inflammatory process
as a reaction of the body. The edema after an insect bite.
  • If there is a bite of stinging insects or spiders, the poison of some of them can lead to destruction of tissues at the cellular level
  • For example, poisonous wasps or hornet also leads to the destruction of the walls of blood vessels
  • Under the skin with a damaged place, blood accumulates and the volume of intercellular fluid increases, as the edema or swelling of

is formed. IMPORTANT: For particularly large and manifested swelling and tumors, medication is needed to prevent serious allergic reactions,holi on other systems and human organs, infection of the wound and the whole organism.

Urticaria after an insect bite, causes

Urticaria after an insect bite.

The term urticaria denotes not one disease, but the whole group, one of the manifestations of which are skin rashes, similar to blisters that resemble a nettle burn.

Allergic urticaria can be the result of an insect bite and of falling into the human body of an allergen with their saliva or poison.

Dangerous and poisonous insects, and how to avoid their bites?

Mosquitoes and midges

For some, mosquitoes and mosquitoes, insects, the most common in our latitudes and especially annoying people, especially in rural areas, off the banks of rivers and other water bodies, can be bitten. In such people, various allergic reactions are possible.

Mosquito bite.
  • Some mosquito bites are not terrible. In the worst case, they will scratch the place of bite, and soon pass without a trace
  • In order not to experiment with your body, going to nature, it is best to wear such clothes and shoes that can protect against harmful insects, for example, linen shirts with long sleeves
  • .the advice will have with you special remedies that repel mosquitoes( fumigators), or agents that soothe the bite site, for example, Fenistil gel, which should be used as soon as you feel that you were bitten by an insect


more trouble man can bring ticks. These creatures are especially active in the spring-summer period( May-August).

During the bite, a person does not experience any sensations, but then the consequences for the body can come very serious.

Mite bite
  • If you walked in the woods, undressing, inspect yourself so that there are no mites on the body or clothes.
  • If you are going into the woods, make sure that all parts of the body are securely closed with clothing or shoes
  • The mite is takenin the human body( under the knees, in the groin, in the armpits, in the back - these are the favorite places for ticks) with its front part, and the back part of it remains on the surface of the
  • . If you saw on your body or someone from a familiar tick, it does not need to be torn from the place where it was fastenedI - you just come off his back, while the front part, where the poison will remain in the body, causing the same damage
  • If you find a tick on the body, it is best to consult a doctor. Self-extract the tick will help the vegetable oil, poured into the place of bite.
  • The tick will feel oxygen deficiency and will come out itself. The mites cause tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease

Bees, wasps, hornets

The bites of these stinging insects are very painful. In addition, the body's reaction to a bite can be serious and unpredictable.

In any case, after a bite, it is best to take precautions. Well, if you have an antihistamine. Drink a tablet at once to avoid trouble.

A bee sting.
  • It is known that insects will not bite just like that, especially since, as is known, the bee perishes immediately after bite, leaving its serrated
  • in the body of the victim. Therefore, if they are where burning stinging insects swarm, do not need to tease them, brush offand to show aggression. It's better to deal with them calmly and not to provoke
  • . For example, do not use perfume and deodorant with a sweet or floral smell that can attract an
  • insect. A bee or wasp accidentally seated on your hand, if not disturbed, it will fly away safely without causingyou harm
  • You do not need to kill an insect with cotton, as we sometimes do with mosquitoes
  • It is believed that by dying, the bee secretes a special enzyme that can call the rest of the bees to come to her aid.
  • There are also observations that bees are moreivlekaet dark color, so it's best to wear light colors was
  • Once bitten should try to pull out the sting and rub the bite with a disinfectant solution.
  • If you are harassed by a hornet or you are on his way, try to move away from this insect. He not only painfully bites, he also tolerates the corpse venom

VIDEO: Emergency assistance with a tick bite

Treatment of insect bites. Ointment from insect bites

There is no single remedy for bites of different insects. Therefore, having become acquainted with the available pharmacy opportunities, everyone will choose for themselves the remedy that suits him specifically.
Before applying any cream, whether ointment, or balm to the place of bite, it must be:

  • free from the sting( if there was a sting of a bee, wasp, mite)
  • treat the bite site with alcohol raster, a solution of potassium permanganate or cologne like Taiga orTriple
  • further apply ointment
Remove sting.

IMPORTANT: The ointment will reduce the body's reaction to a foreign biological substance trapped in it with an insect bite. Some ointments have antiseptic effect, some - antiallergic

Ointments can be in the form of ointments, creams and gels. The gel differs from the cream in that it has a water base, whereas the cream is made on a fat basis.

The fatty component contributes to better penetration of the drug into the body through the skin.
The most popular and effective means of dealing with the effects of insect bites are:

Fistile gel

  • This product helps to remove itching, reduce the swelling of the tissues, stop possible allergic reactions
  • Especially effective Fenistil gel with mosquito, midge, flea bite
  • The drug is approved for useto small children

It is not necessary to smear Fenistil-gel scratches and woundi.

Ointment Levomikol

  • Ointment Levomikol has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Suitable for lubricating bites, wounds, burns, providing a regenerating effect.

Ointment Advantan

  • Is an antiallergic and anti-inflammatory agent
  • Helps reduce swelling and other effects of bites
  • Advantan has a hormone in its composition, so use this ointment with caution and in small areas of the body


  • Symptomatic of itching after bites of mosquitoes, bugsand fleas. Will help to remove puffiness


Due to its cooling effect of menthol in the drug, menovazine will help relieve pain and will have a symptomatic and anti-inflammatory effect.


  • Helps restore skin, quicker healing, relieves pain
  • As a drug has several options with the same activesubstance, depending on the manufacturer

Hydrocortisone ointment

  • Hydrocortisone ointment is intended for a massive fight against the rapidly developing allergic reaction of the body to the bite of the insect
  • . It promotes nonproliferation and reduces edema, reduces pain and itching.
  • Since hydrocortisone ointment contains a hormone, it should be used only in extreme cases of severe allergic reactions.

insect bites( for children) Gardex

This cream is an effective remedy against the effects of insect bites, especially for tender childrenth skin.

You can buy a cream from bites in a pharmacy.

VIDEO: What should I do if I bite a wasp or a hornet?

Balsam after insect bites

  • As it is known, balsams are made on the basis of plant extracts and natural resinous substances
  • Balms help in case of stings of stinging insects, helping to restore damaged tissues
  • For example, gel-balsam Mosquitall has well proven as a remedy for mosquito and mosquito bitesgnusi)

Insect bite compress

If you are bitten by an insect, in case you do not have specialized pharmacy products, you can make compresses from improvised environmentsSTV.


  • any food vinegar( apply a compress to the bite site)
  • lemon juice or orange
  • soda food mixed with water( to make pasty concentration and also attach to the bite site)
  • crushed activated carbon soaked in water and laid at the bite site(as the compress is drying it needs to be additionally moistened)
  • garlic juice or juice from the onion

These products will help prevent the spread of puffiness and localize and neutralize the poison injected with insects, leaving it only at the site of the bite. They also help relieve pain and itching.

Compresses help relieve pain and itching, reduce puffiness after bites.

From the "grass" means use:

  • chamomile
  • plantain
  • clover meadow
  • elderberry black
  • sorrel curly
  • mint lemon

Cut the leaves of these plants and attach to the wound as a compress to relieve pain and swelling from the bite. Before applying, if possible, rinse the grass.

Insect Protection

Well-known wisdom says that it is easier to prevent a problem than to solve it later. So it is with the bites of insects.

  • If you go to nature, to the country and to other places where you can be annoyed by biting, stinging, bloodsucking insects, then it is best to take the necessary precautions in advance.
  • Insect protection means are now many, including chemical, biological, mechanical electronic.
  • take an ointment or cream from bites. It is desirable that it combines anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic properties. Also take with you any antihistamine drug
  • Clothing should cover all areas of the body to the maximum, even if it's hot outside. You can choose natural clothes with long sleeves and trousers covering the legs
  • If you have them, then use special mesh mosquito repellent

. The body can be greased with such solutions and colognes as Masktal, Fumitox, Taiga.

  • repellents and fumigers should be used to protect the premises from insect invasion. Many insects repel the odors and unbearable sound
  • Such funds are available for sale in special economic divisions
  • Also available are special devices - destroyers and insect repellents

VIDEO: Insect bites -School of Doctor Komarovsky

  • May 18, 2018
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