Features of keratin hair straightening

  • The essence of the procedure
  • How is the procedure performed in the salon?
  • How do I make a house keratin?
  • Precautions
  • Use of Keratation
  • Contraindications
  • How to care for the hair after keratizing?

This service, like keratin hair straightening, has become known not so long ago. It is positioned as the best way out for those who want to have perfectly even hair. Salon keratation copes with even curly by nature ringlets. The procedure, which is also called Brazilian straightening, has not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect, smoothing the scales and improving the appearance of the hair. Curls become shiny, silky, they are easier to stack.

The essence of the procedure

What is keratin hair straightening? The main component of the agent used in this procedure is artificially obtained keratin. The liquid form allows it to enter the hair cavity faster, filling it from the inside and sealing it. Under the influence of high temperatures keratin is transformed into a layer that protects curls from negative factors. Unlike other procedures, this straightening does not spoil the structure of the strands.

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Brazilian keratin straightening helps straighten curls for 3-4 months. It is also done on straight hair, it restores their damaged structure.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Cleansing. The head is washed with a specially designed shampoo to remove the remnants of styling products and dirt. This will prepare the locks for deeper penetration of keratin.
  2. Treatment with Keratin.
  3. Straightening curls, sealing keratin inside each hair.
  4. Finishing the head.

Who is suitable for kerating?

Procedure shown:

  • In the absence of gloss.
  • If you need to straighten the strands.
  • If curls are curled, do not comb well and do not fit.

Specialists also argue that keratin straightening solves the problem of split ends.

How is the procedure performed in the salon?

Hair saturation with keratin in the salon is as follows:

  1. The head is thoroughly washed with a special shampoo so that the scales of each hair are opened and the keratin can freely penetrate into the deepest layers.
  2. After washing, the curls are dried and well combed.
  3. . Apply a straightening agent on them, stepping 1 cm from the roots, squeezing each hair to the tips, and blow drying. The product is selected in accordance with the type of hair.
  4. Each strand is pulled out with an iron on which 230 oC is exposed. This allows you to close the scales in a hair.
  5. The head is washed without shampoo to remove the remnants of the mixture.
  6. Dry with a hairdryer without styling.

It takes 10-20 minutes for the passage of each stage, depending on how thick and long the hair is.

How do I make a house keratin?

For keratin hair straightening at home, the following will be required:

  • Deep cleanser or shampoo with a peeling effect. He will remove from the hair remnants of styling, paint, silicones and chlorine, which is contained in tap water. This will make hair more susceptible to protein composition.
  • Set for keratin hair straightening at home. Means included in it, usually have a natural composition, enriched with vitamins and proteins for hair restoration.
  • Sprayer for even distribution of keratin on strands. Without it, there is a risk of "burning down" the hair, since a deeply cleansing shampoo deprives them of the protective layer.
  • Iron with temperature regulator and gentle tourmaline or ceramic coating. The device should be heated to 230 оС, otherwise it will not be able to seal keratin in the hair.
  • Hairdryer with gentle drying. Cold air will not hurt your hair.
  • Additional tools - clamps, comb, gloves, brush and ceramic or plastic bowl.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The hair is washed with shampoo twice and dried with a hairdryer so that they remain slightly moist.
  2. Curls are combed, divided into strands of the same thickness, superfluous fasten clamps.
  3. Each strand is treated with a composition, evenly spreading it over the entire length. It is necessary to observe the measure. Too much keratin will make the curls very fat, and they will look untidy. If too little is used, it will not saturate the hair with nutrients.
  4. wait for about half an hour, so that the mask is absorbed and acted. Then you need to dry your hair with a hair dryer at the lowest temperature.
  5. Hair is divided into thin strands and straightened with hot iron. If curls were in the past clarified, then the temperature can be reduced to 200 ˚C, so as not to damage them. Each hair is ironed several times.
  6. The hair is then combed and applied with a serum or mask to fix the effect, which contains many "keratin" kits.


The procedure for kerating at home should be carried out according to the rules:

  • When working with chemical preparations, a protective mask should be used, since many products contain formalin. When heated, it becomes toxic, turning into formaldehyde.
  • Special earplugs may be needed that will not allow them to burn when working with iron. Usually this is done in the salon, but nothing prevents them from using them at home.
  • In order to limit contact with chemicals when working with keratin, protective gloves should be worn.
  • The room in which the procedure is performed should be well ventilated, as keratinous vapors can cause pain in the eyes, sore throat and even a sensation of suffocation.
  • It is also recommended that the composition does not get on the scalp, it can cause irritation.
If you follow all the recommendations, then the procedure will be safe. Do not spend it with your own hands. It is better to ask someone to apply the composition on the hair.

Use of Keratation

Keratin hair straightening has its pros and cons.

The main advantages of the procedure

  1. Practically harmless formula of preparations. The content of aldehydes in many modern formulations is below the established permissible norm.
  2. Keeps the structure of healthy curls, delicately working and effectively smoothing the hair.
  3. Rapid and simple application of drugs.
  4. Improves the appearance of hair. They look clean and shiny.
  5. After straightening the hair with keratin, the strands can easily be curled. Curls will last until washing hair.
  6. The shape and structure of the haircut after the procedure remains the same.
  7. Keratation can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, for example, with staining. The painting is carried out until the hair is saturated with keratin, taking into account that after it the curls will lighten by 1-1.5 tone. Re-dye your hair will be in a couple of weeks.
  8. The effect of keratation accumulates. For example, if there are repaired tips, then you can perform the procedure again after 1.5 weeks. In this case, the agent is applied only to them.
  9. Keratin does not clog the hair, but allows them to breathe. Appearance of the head of hear does not deteriorate even after the effect passes.

In addition, the benefits of keratin rectification at home are as follows:

  • Keratin molecules perfectly restore hair after lightening or perm, improving their structure.
  • Thanks to the fact that keratin envelops each hair with a film, it is reliably protected from any negative influence from outside - sunlight, cigarette smoke, smog.
  • Enrichment of damaged and thinned ringlets with nutrients, which makes them much stronger and stronger.
  • The procedure saves time on the hairstyle, as curls do not need to be stacked, they look perfect.
  • Even if the air in the street is wet, the hair will remain straight, shiny and even.
  • There is no need to take extra care for the hair.

Keratizing, in contrast to many other procedures, does not really damage the hair.

Disadvantages of

procedure As with any cosmetic procedure, Brazilian straightening has its drawbacks:

  1. For three days it is forbidden to wash your hair.
  2. If, when leaving the master it turned out that it rains on the street, it is necessary to protect the head from moisture, otherwise the effect will be lost.
  3. Chemical components of keratizing agents can provoke an allergy.
  4. After straightening, ammonia paints should not be used.
  5. For three days you can not tie curls in braids, do bunches and tails. All this can injure them and ruin the styling.
  6. The straightening procedure can cause lacrimation due to the aldehydes included in the composition. Their fumes are irritating to the mucous eye. Although there are already newer drugs with keratin, in which there are no these components.
  7. If the room where the procedure is performed is poorly ventilated, there is a risk of poisoning with formaldehyde vapor. They are so poisonous that they can lead to the development of cancer.
  8. After a while, the ends of the strands break off, so you have to constantly cut them.
  9. Sometimes girls complain that after keratin straightening hair falls out. This can occur if the follicles were weakened before the procedure. After her, the hair became heavier, which means that the load on the roots also increased.
  10. Sometimes the strands look dirty.
  11. On thick hair, the effect can last only a short time.
  12. The procedure takes a long time. With a significant length of hair, you must prepare to stay in the cabin for 3 to 5 hours.

Many who have tried keratizing complain about a visual decrease in the volume of the head of hear.


Is it harmful to do keratin straightening? Despite the fact that keratation is considered to be extremely useful, there are contraindications that need to be considered:

  1. Various damage to the scalp. If there are slightest injuries, then the procedure should be postponed until better times. Some of the scalp diseases require medical advice.
  2. If there is a problem of hair loss, then the procedure is better to postpone and strengthen the head of hear. After keratin straightening, the hairs thicken and become much heavier, which means they can start falling even more.
  3. The procedure for people with bronchial asthma is contraindicated.
  4. Do not straighten strands and people with cancer.

Many wonder if it is possible to make keratin straightening for pregnant women? Physicians are unanimous in opinion: it is not recommended to carry out the procedure during the period of gestation and breastfeeding.

How to care for the hair after keratizing?

Hair care after straightening procedure provides the following:

  1. In the first days after keratation, the curls can not be wetted, so it is recommended to wear a hat in the shower.
  2. Shampoo and balm for washing should be special, without sulfate. They should also not contain sodium chloride. These substances are washed out as natural, contained in hair, keratin, and acquired. As a result, the curls lose their appearance ahead of time.
  3. For three days you can not use ironing, hair dryer and apply stowage.
  4. You should first avoid the hoops and pins. It is best to leave the hair alone.
  5. To protect the hair from the water and the sun before vacation, it is better to stock up with special indelible whey, which is applied before visiting the beach. It will create a protective barrier against negative factors. After swimming in the sea, ringlets must be washed with fresh water.
  6. If there are any creases on the hair, then they should be straightened immediately.
  7. Once a week, keratin-based products should be used for strand care. Masks with it will help to prolong the effect of the procedure. But too often they can not be used, because they make the curls heavier, and they soon begin to look dirty.
  8. On the ends of damp hair after washing, apply oil.
  9. When laying hot, it is necessary to use thermal protection means.

With careful care, the effect of keratin straightening will last for several months. The way the procedure lasts, that is, how long the hair will remain beautiful and perfectly even, depends on their type. At the end of time, you can make a correction, which takes less time and costs much less.

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