Burning, pain and rez when urinating in men and women: causes and treatment

In a healthy person, discomfort is not observed when urinating, and if you have burning and pain while urinating, you are ill with one or more of the diseases described in the article.


  • Burning with urination in women: causes
  • Burning with urination in men
  • Burning with urination in women
  • Burning with urination in women and discharge
  • Treatment for painful urination
  • Folk remedies for cutting and burning urine
    • Treatment for urethritis with folk remedies
    • Folk remedieswith urolithiasis
    • Folk remedies for cystitis
    • Folk remedies for trichomoniasis and other diseases, sexually transmitted
  • Tablets and antibiotics for painful urination
  • Video: Pain when urinating

Burning with urination in women: causes of

Burning and pain when urinating in women is much more common than in men because of the special structure of the body.

Women are much more likely than men to have urineto bear pain when urinating .This is an obvious sign of diseases of the genitourinary organs of .

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There are several factors in , why women are more likely to suffer from these diseases :

  1. Women have a short urethra, is close to the vagina, and bacteria easily penetrate it.
  2. Women do not have a body that emits a disinfectant, as in men( this function is performed by the prostate in a man).
  3. Women have to suffer more often than men, and urine retention in the bladder also affects the disease.

Causes of genitourinary diseases :

  • Presence of infection
  • Damage to sexual intercourse, even small
  • Pregnancy
  • Subcooling
  • Stress
  • Postoperative operation( after urinary catheter insertion)
  • Allergy to synthetic clothing, cosmetics

There are two main reasons for the occurrence of

pain during urination: infectious and noninfectious .

Causes of burning not due to infections:

  1. Irritation by sand and small stones that go out of the kidneys.
  2. In case of injury.
  3. Compression of the urethra by a tumor, adhesions.
  4. Impairment of urine acidity due to unsuitable medications.
  5. With a nervous breakdown.

Causes of burning due to diseases caused by infections.

Infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs :

  • Cystitis
  • Urolithiasis
  • Urethritis
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, thrush and herpes

Burning with urination in men

Burning and pain when urinating in men can be from acutefood

Pain and slight burning sensation when urinating take place:

  • After salty and spicy food
  • After alcoholic drinks

After a few hours or days, the burning sensation disappears.

Burning and pain when urinating in men with an itch of the head of the penis is a sign of a disease with urethritis.

Burning and pain during urination occur with urethritis .The causative agent of the disease is infection.

Causes of the disease are :

  • Sexual contacts
  • Frequent hypothermia
  • Kidney stones and sand
  • Incorrect nutrition
  • Large physical loads

Symptoms of urethritis :

  • Penis head itching
  • Purulent and mucosal discharge, sometimes mixed and blood
  • Emptying urine
  • Inflammation of the penis head
  • Pain at bowel movement
Burning and pain after urination and frequent urination urination in men - a sign of prostatitis

Burning and pain in men after urination often happens with prostate disease - prostatitis .

Causes of the disease are many :

  • Infections and viruses
  • Injuries
  • Seated work
  • Severe hypothermia
  • Irregular sexual relations
  • Frequent constipation

Symptoms of prostatitis :

  • During the urination process, pain and burning
  • The lower abdomen, genitals and sometimesintestines
  • Urination very frequent, urine goes out a little
  • Impotence
  • Urine during urination with the presence of blood
Burning and pain when urinating in men occurs with uricemia

disease pain and a burning sensation during urination occurs if go stones from the kidneys and bladder. So happens with urolithiasis .

reason for the formation of stones and sand in the bladder and the kidney is :

  • Malnutrition
  • violated exchange
  • substances Chronic
  • diseases of blood Changes in chemical composition
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Heredity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hyperthyroidism - disease Thyroid

Symptoms disease:

  • Aching inthe lower back, especially the lower part, when walking, the pain becomes stronger, can give in the abdomen, leg, genitals, bladder.
  • Frequent and painful urination.
  • Urine with blood.
  • Increases blood pressure.

If a man has symptoms of urolithiasis, consult a doctor immediately. And the specialist will prescribe the treatment depending on the severity of the disease: treatment with pills or surgery.

Important .Do not pay attention to the disease, and you can not tighten with it, as removing stones, when they grow large, will be very difficult.

Burning and pain when urinating in men can be a sign of cystitis;it is necessary urgently to address to the doctor

Burning and a pain at an emiction happens at the inflamed bladder( cystitis) .

Symptoms of cystitis :

  • Frequent urination with pain
  • Darkening of urine
  • Lower abdominal pain

What can cause cystitis?

  • Infections
  • Subcooling

If there is a disease you need to go to the doctor immediately and he will prescribe medication and physiotherapy procedures.

Burning and pain when urinating, and promiscuous sexual intercourse in men - a sign of a disease of sexually transmitted diseases

Burning and pain when urinating in men who have promiscuity can mean the presence of sexually transmitted diseases : chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.

After infection with sexually transmitted diseases , the latent period of first occurs when the disease does not manifest itself( 1-10 days).

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases :

  • Discharges with pus from the urethra
  • Sharp cutting pain during urination
  • Turbid urine, blood
  • may be present. Belly of the abdomen
  • In the morning, a drop of urine with pus on the surface of the urethra

If the disease is not treated, it goes on for 2 months, into a chronic one, and then all the symptoms show up poorly, and the disease continues to hit all the nearby organs.

Burning after urination in women

Burning and pain after urination in women may be a sign of cystitis

Most often, burning and pain when urinating happens if an infection has entered the vagina. And then there is inflammation of the bladder or cystitis .

Infections in the bladder can get in different ways :

  • Of the kidneys if they are inflamed
  • Of the inflamed organs that are located near the
  • Outwardly through the vagina

Symptoms of cystitis are :

  • Painful frequent urination.
  • Pain is not at first, but at the end of urination, and after nngo.
  • Pain inside the abdomen, above the pubis, can be felt, regardless of urination.
  • When urinating a little urine, and the impression that I again want to go to the toilet.
  • At the end of urination, urine with blood.
  • Urine may be released spontaneously.
  • Weakness, body temperature can rise.

Burning with urination in women and discharge

Burning and pain during urination in women can be with urethritis

Pain and burning with urination occur with urethritis ( urinary tract inflammation).May be manifested with or apart from cystitis. The cause of urethritis is Trichomonas, chlamydia, gonococci .

Symptoms of urethritis :

  • Pain is felt throughout urination
  • Urine reddish in color, cloudy, in it flakes with mucus
  • Urine sometimes with blood
Burning and pain when urinating in women can be with sexually transmitted diseases

Burning and pain when urinating women can have infectious diseases transmitted through sexual relations: gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, thrush .

Symptoms of diseases :

  • Pain with urination with cuts
  • Pain during sex
  • Vaginal discharge - mucous, purulent, with thrush - white
  • Itching and swelling of the genitals
Burning and pain when urinating in women can be with urolithiasis,when stones

Rezi come out, pain and burning during urination can occur with urolithiasis( pyelonephritis) when stones come out.

This is a chronic disease of , which occurs with a disordered metabolism. Stones are formed from the urine of .

Reasons for the formation of stones :

  • Lack of vitamins
  • Excessive production of hormones in hyperthyroidism

Symptoms of kidney stone disease :

  • Acute, possibly dull pain in the left or right side of the waist, gives in the groin, external genitals
  • Nausea with vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Maybe a temperature increase
Burning and pain when urinating in women can be with inflammation of the external genitalia and vagina - vulvitis and vaginitis

Burning with urination causes vulvat( inflammation of the genital organs from the outside) and vaginitis( inflammation of the vagina) .

The cause of these diseases is :

  • Low immunity
  • Prolonged intake of antibiotics
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Genital infections
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Allergy

In addition to painful urination, the signs are :

  1. Purulent discharge, unpleasant to smell.
  2. Itching in the genitals.
  3. May cause fever.

Treatment of painful urination

Burning and pain during urination can not be treated alone, you should immediately contact a specialist

If you have painful urination , can not be treated by . You need to contact an specialist.

Itself can only stop the pain for a while, taking a pill "No-shpa" or "Spazmalgon" , and then only, if there is no temperature increase, there is no nausea and vomiting .

You can not eat:

  • pickles
  • spicy seasonings
  • smoked meat and fish
  • many sweet
  • drink alcoholic drinks

In addition, needs to drink a lot of liquid( water, compote, unsweetened boiled tea, cherry branches, weak broth from bearberry) .

Treatment for urolithiasis involves using drugs that can dissolve stones , and if the stones are large, then you should resort to a surgical procedure.

Treatment of urethritis .

To recover from this disease, you need :

  • Restore the mucous membrane of
  • Restore vaginal microflora
  • Raise immunity

The doctor prescribes :

  1. Antibiotics that act on several microorganisms.
  2. Vitamins C, B1, B6.
  3. Calming agents( decoction from valerian, motherwort), seduxen.
  4. Oil of sea buckthorn or dog rose to lubricate the affected area.
  5. Heating procedures with ozocerite, mud, paraffin.

Treatment for thrush.

Only women suffer from vaginitis or thrush. Independently with the disease of thrush, can not be treated. Be sure to contact a gynecologist.

The doctor will take a smear, prescribe pills and ointment with an antibiotic, as well as syringing with decoctions: chamomile, sage, oak bark .

Treatment of genitourinary organs for sexually transmitted diseases.

The most effective drugs are :

  • Metronidazole
  • Nitazole

Also, is given topical treatment with candles and tampons with metronidazole or nitazole, douching with furatsilin, chloridoxidin .

Before taking the patient, the doctor takes a smear, and if the pathogen is not found, the patient has recovered .

Folk remedies for cutting and burning urination

Traditional medicine, decoctions and infusions, helps treat doctors from official medicine burning and pain when urinating

Treating urethritis with folk remedies

Recipe 1. Decoction of linden.

  1. We take linden flowers( 2 tablespoons) , pour with boiling water( 2 glasses) , for 10 minutes with low heat, strain and drink before going to bed, 1 glass each.2. Infusion of cornflower.
    1. 1 teaspoon.spoon of flowers of cornflower fill with 1 glass of boiling water , we insist 1 hour, we take and drink before meals, 2 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

    With urethritis, juices of cranberries and carrots , as well as tea from currant leaves ( 3 tablespoons of leaves per 0.5 liters of boiling water) help.

    But some folk remedies can not be cured. Herbs can only be a supplement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

    Folk remedies for urolithiasis

    Burning and pain when urinating in folk medicine is treated with leaves and berries of cranberries
    1. Decoction of watermelon crusts .Dried crusts watermelon pour boiling water 1: 1, weighed on low heat for half an hour, we knead and drink before eating, 1-2 glasses 3-5 times a day.
    2. Infusion of berries from cranberries . 2 tbsp.spoons of dry berries pour boiling water( 1 glass) , put on a water bath for half an hour and insist, we knead and drink half a cup, or 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day.
    3. Decoction of potato purification .We take 2 handfuls of potato peel, wash it, fill it with water to cover the cleaning, and cook until it is cooked. We merge the broth and drink before meals, half the glass 2-3 times a day.
    4. Infusion of nettle from a dioecious . 20 g of leaves or roots of nettle brew with boiling water( 1 cup) , insist for half an hour, decant and drink before meals for 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.
    5. Juices .Extrude juice from 1 lemon , dilute half a glass of hot water and drink for 1 time, and so several times a day. In addition to lemon juice, you need to drink for half a cup of a mixture of beet, carrot and cucumber juices, equally taken .Drink 3-4 times a day until the stones dissolve, and sand leaves the kidneys and ureter( from several days to several weeks).

    Folk remedies for cystitis

    Burning and pain when urinating, with cystitis disease, are well treated with fennel seeds

    Treatment with fennel seeds

    Recipe 1. Infusion of dill seeds

    1. 1 tbsp. Spoon the milled seeds of fennel in the thermos of with boiling water( 1 cup) , insist 2-3 hours, drink half a glass 1-2 times a day.

    Recipe 2. Decoction of fennel seeds

    1. Fill 1 tbsp.a spoonful of ground dill seeds , brought to boiling with water( 1 cup) , cooked in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, we knead and drink half a glass 4-5 times a day. Treatment lasts 7-10 days.

    Recipe 3. Broth from millet

    1. Wash 2 tbsp.spoons of millet and pour with boiling water( 2 cups).
    2. Cook, stirring for 5-8 minutes, let it brew for 5 minutes.
    3. The liquid is drained and drained.
    4. Day 1 - 1 tbsp.spoon every hour.
    5. Day 2 - 3 tbsp.spoons every hour.
    6. 3rd - 7th days for half a cup every hour. The course of treatment is 7 days.
    Burning and pain when urinating in folk medicine is treated with chamomile flowers

    Treatment with chamomile flowers

    Recipe 4. Chamomile extract

    1. 1 tbsp.a spoonful of chamomile water is poured with boiling water( 1 cup) , let it brew for 15 minutes, close it with a lid, then decant and drink with tea and a third glass 3 times a day.

    In addition to taking the infusion inside, from chamomile broth do baths and washings of the genitals .

    also helps with cystitis infusions and decoctions :

    • Parsley parsley
    • Leaflets
    • Cowberry leaves
    • Terrestrial parts of St. John's Wort

    Folk remedies for trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted diseases

    Burning and pain with urination in folk medicine is treated with garlic

    Recipe1. Juice from garlic

    1. From garlic( several denticles) squeeze out juice and drink half a teaspoon of tea three times a day. Juice we make every day fresh.

    Recipe 2. Treatment of trichomoniasis with garlic and onion for women

    1. Onion( 1/4 part of the whole bulb) and 3 garlic cloves rub finely grated, spread on the gauze, make and type tampon in the vagina, hold 4 h. If there is irritation of the genitals, then in the next tampon we add the ointment of calendula. The course of treatment is 5 days.

    Recipe 3. Aloe juice

    1. urging of leaf 1 Aloe and drink for half an hour before a meal, for 1 hour. The spoon 3 times a day.

    pills and antibiotics when

    painful urination burning sensation and pain during urination are treated with various medications

    medicines for diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Our grandmothers cystitis was treated with folk remedies, but now antibiotics can not do without .

    With cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary organs, such antibiotics as help:

    • Monural helps only in acute form, and when chronic does not have
    • Nitricin, normax, norbactin
    • Nitroxoline helps with cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis
    • Palin
    • Furagin treats inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system
    • Nevigramon has a good effect on bacteria
    • Runel has an antimicrobial effect
    • Furadonin

    Note. Bacteria have the ability to develop resistance to antibiotics, and then antibiotics have little or no effect.

    In addition to antibiotics, urologists and gynecologists widely prescribe phytopreparations - these are medicines based on herbs .

    If there are no complications of the disease, such phytopreparations well help:

    • Cyston is an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antimicrobial agent.
    • Cowberry leaves.
    • Monorail( cranberry juice).
    • Kanefron - tablets on the basis of a herb of a thousand-thousandths, rosemary leaves and lovage roots.
    • Phytolysin - paste on the basis of 9 herbs with the addition of pine, sage, orange oils. The drug treats inflammation, has a diuretic and antispasmodic effect. It removes sand from the kidneys and bladder.

    for dulling pain apply antispasmodics :

    • Drotaverinum
    • Nospanum

    When severe pain appoint non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs :

    • Ibuprofen
    • Ibuklin
    • Faspik
    • Nurofen

    And in order to restore the microflora in the gut, as well as in the vagina, doctors credited preparations of new generation - probiotics, prebiotics and biologically active additives .

    Probiotics :

    • Atsipol
    • bioflora
    • Bifiform
    • Lactobacterin
    • Enterol

    Prebiotics :

    • Hilak Forte
    • Lactulose
    • Lysozyme

    Dietary supplements better to take a Russian-made, as imports are adapted to their people, and people from Russia, Ukraine does notfit.

    Supplements of Russian origin :

    • Normoflorin B, L
    • Yogulact forte
    • Polybacterin
    • Euflorin
    • Bifacil
    • Biovestin lacto
    • Biovestin
    • Laminolact

    Note .Medication can only be taken if the doctor attributed it. Without a doctor's recommendation, all medications, including dietary supplements, can cause serious complications of existing diseases.

    If you find one of the diseases, do not despair, but you need to go, the sooner, the better, to the doctor.

    Video: Pain when urinating

  • May 18, 2018
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