What flowers to give the girl to please her?

Almost every girl thinks a bouquet of flowers is a wonderful gift - all the guys know it.

And then, what flowers to give the girl , understand not all, so often do not guess with the present and disappoint the representative of the beautiful half of humanity, which they wanted to please.

Can I avoid serious misses when choosing a bouquet?

Of course, you can if you approach the matter with all responsibility, and even prepare theoretically for the purchase of flower presents for ladies of different ages and taste preferences.

3 useful tips on what flowers it is better to give to a girl

Guys have difficulty in choosing a gift. They almost never know what to please your loved one, unless you tell them directly about it.

Dear boys, if you, too, are having difficulty in choosing a presentation for your young ladies, do not philosophize craftily, do not buy the first thing that comes to hand or some nasty stuff lying on store shelves - a beautiful bouquet and a box of quality chocolate will be enough.

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Here are some tips for those who do not know what flowers to give the girl:

  1. What flowers she likes - the first thing you need to find out from the girl you like.

    I always wonder the guys who have been dating a girl for a long time and do not even know which flowers she loves the most.

    Well, how can you be such a dunce and do not find out? !

    If you know her taste preferences, then problems with the choice of presentation you will never arise.

  2. A beautiful bouquet is not necessarily huge and expensive.

    Of course, a bouquet of a million scarlet roses looks impressive, but such a gift is too expensive for a student, but for an average middle-class office worker.

    The main thing is not the size of the bouquet and its price, but what exactly you give and how you do it.

    Modest daisies, if presented correctly, can impress us much more than a bunch of roses.

  3. Creative is welcomed by the beautiful sex.

    If the flowers are not an escort to the main gift, but a full-fledged present, show creativity in their choice.

    For example, you can order an original flower arrangement that will impress any one.

  4. It's important to choose fresh flowers so that they will delight your loved one for a long time.

    When deciding which bouquet to give the young lady, pay attention to the freshness of the flowers.

    It is better to buy three fresh tulips than an ornate bouquet of wilting flowers.

  5. Even the most beautiful bouquet can be spoiled by incorrect presentation.

    Let you have bought a bouquet of luxurious roses, but if you make a sullen mug and silently poke a lady's heart with this bouquet in your hand, the girl will be very disappointed.

    Accompany your gift with a smile and warm words( compliments, a declaration of love) and then even a modest bouquet of wildflowers will be greeted with delight.

What does each flower mean?

If the girl you want to give a bouquet, you have not yet had time to get acquainted, it is worth studying the symbolism of flowers.

You will know which symbol is each of the plants, what color best fits your intention and how many flowers should be in the composition, you will be able to tell her about your feelings without words.

1) What flowers to give to the girl - the interpretation of each of the plants

The language of flowers( his scientific name, floriography) came to Europe from the East. In the East in general, they are very sensitive to the symbolism, and you should follow this tradition.

If the girl is clever( and why should you be stupid, right?) She will correctly explain what you wanted to tell her.

So, before you give flowers to a girl, you need to know what each symbolizes:

  1. Carnation - an underrated flower among the guys today, and there is no mistake, because with the help of a carnation, women admitted to men in love, and not vice versa.
  2. Gerbera is appropriate to give to the girl on the first date or girlfriend, which you would like to transfer to the category of a loved one, because they, like no others, are suitable for a period of flirting and courtship at the initial stage.
  3. Iris is a neutral flower that can be presented to both the boss and close friend, because it means that you trust this person, believe in his wisdom and look with hope for your further relationship.
  4. Calla .Here if you want to show your beloved, that you just bow before her, boldly choose this flower.

    Perhaps there is no plant that would symbolize deeper feelings.

  5. Lilies will tell your sweetheart that you admire it and would not mind to start a closer relationship, but, given the specific aroma of lilies, it is better to choose those that do not smell.
  6. Narcissuses give to girls with whom they want to resume relationships, which for some reason went wrong.
  7. Orchid - a symbol of passion and sensuality, and yet - a way to express your most serious intentions towards your girlfriend, especially if you take into account such a high cost of this plant.
  8. Sunflowers indicate your pure and sublime feelings towards the girl, and they also raise the mood perfectly.
  9. Roses - one of the main symbols of love and passion, therefore, if you want to hint a young lady that you have very mixed feelings for her, feel free to buy roses.
  10. Camomiles is the personification of the charm of youth and the first trembling love, therefore they are most suitable for expressing the feelings of young gentlemen and their equally young girlfriends.
  11. Tulips is also a symbol of love, but love is exalted, undefiled, not overshadowed by unworthy thoughts and dishonest motives.
  12. Chrysanthemum means "I love you", "I'm having fun and comfortable with you," "I do not want our communication to be interrupted."

2) What color flowers should I give to a girl?

With the symbolism of each of the plants figured out, now let's move on to an equally important issue - the personification of color. The shades that prevail in your bouquet, too, can tell about the feelings that you feel for the girl.

If the young lady is still young and love between you is just beginning, it is better to choose florets of white, soft pink or cream shade.

Favorite, with which you are in a close relationship, the scarlet color is most suitable.

If you want to cheer up a girl, give her a charge of cheerfulness and bring a smile - there is nothing better than yellow color( and do not listen to fools who say that yellow is the color of separation).

For girls with whom you are connected by business relationships, as well as for older ladies, compositions with dark shades predominate: burgundy, purple, dark red, etc.

Give an orange bouquet to a girl who wants wealth and good luck in all your endeavors.

Lilac shade like creative nature and it is not surprising, because it symbolizes lightness, weightlessness, openness to everything new.

If you want to directly tell your beloved that you keep her faithful, you're going to continue to do it, buy blue flowers.

But the compositions in which the green color predominates will become a symbol of your hope. For what? And it's up to you to decide: perhaps on the fact that from the state of "friendship" you will pass to love, and maybe even that the annoying young lady will leave you at last in peace.

3) How many colors should be in the bouquet that you want to give to a girl?

Flowers are not favorite sweets, the principle "the more, the better" is not very appropriate. It is better to give preference to the quality and beauty of the composition than the number of flowers.

Depending on how many flowers you purchase, you can tell the lady that she is for you:

  • meaning of life( 1);
  • is not only the love of all life, but also a true friend that you do not wish to part with( 3);
  • object of great love and passion( 5);
  • the other half, which you are afraid to lose( 7);
  • is more than a friend and therefore you are not averse to making love relationships with her( 9).

But 11 or more flowers, especially if it is a question of large plants, rather than design compositions, is a demonstration of their financial capabilities and very serious intentions.

Want to hit a girl? Give her whole bunches of flowers.

What flowers do you give to a girl on your birthday, if you do not know her well enough?

Somehow my brother met a girl. ..

He did not meet for a long time, only a month and a half, but Anna was very fond of him. And now this young lady has a birthday.

Well, with a gift brother more or less figured out, but with a choice of colors somehow podzavis.

After gathering all the information that he had learned in such a short period of visits, I advised to look at the plants in the flowerpot.

The girl was an activist of the ecological movement, so she would certainly appreciate the "living" flower, which you can take care of.

Brother did not listen: "Come on, carry flowers to the ground, where it suits", and limited to traditional roses.

As a result, was the only guest who decided to present cut flowers. All the rest came with vases or, at all, only with a gift.

Anya, of course, did not make reprimands, but she did not experience any particular joy either. By the way, their relationship did not last long.

What flowers to choose, and how many should be in the bouquet, we have already told you.

And from the comic roller below you will find out how not to hand over the bouquet to the girls:

If you really want to please your girlfriend, then for the birthday she needs to buy what she adores.

Which ones? Learn it from her in person or from her friends.

It's better to ask in the forehead which flower is her favorite and come with the right composition / vase, than make the wrong choice and upset the girl on her birthday.

If you know exactly, what flowers to give the girl , then significantly increase your chances of a happy ending with her.

  • May 18, 2018
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