Can there be friendship between a guy and a girl?

Recently, a bosom friend Vaska, with whom you staged a lot of "sabotage" in the kindergarten, and teenagers whipped at the entrance to the "Rum-Cola" and were dragged out with their first cigarette, began to look at you strangely? Yes, and you noticed that his biceps are very even nothing, and blue eyes and beckon, devils?

It's time to figure out what it is and can there be a friendship between a guy and a girl in general ?

Impossible is possible: 3 situations when there really can be friendship between a guy and a girl

Probably somewhere in hell a special cauldron is prepared for those who pester psychologists with the question of whether there can be friendship between a guy and a girl, because when the author of the article askedthis question to a friend who graduated from the Faculty of Psychology, he grimaced, as if from a toothache( they say, and you there too?), but singled out 3 situations when platonic relations are possible:

  • guy and girl are familiar from childhood.

    instagram viewer

    Well, it's true, it's hard to see a romantic partner in the one who steals cherries with you from the neighboring garden with you, was treated for chickenpox and saw you with green snot to the floor;

  • the guy and the girl work together and, left alone, enthusiastically discuss the chief tyrant and the expected increase in salary.

    At the same time, the guy sees in the girl is not a seductress with a 3-m chest size, but a barge-hauler on the Volga, going with him in one work team, and the young lady values ​​her colleague not for the ass pumped up in the gym, but knowing where the paper is hiding in the office;

  • you "make friends at home," as Gosha bequeathed from "Moscow does not believe in tears, that is, you - with the husband of your girlfriend, and she - with your wife.

    "In the anamnesis" - a hike to the mountains where you spent a week without a shower, Birthdays, where you were reveled together before the pig's squealing and the case when you cut a leg with a glass on the river, and your "friend, friend and brother" dragged you, blanched to the blue, to the nearest trauma center, like a nurse - a soldier during the Great Patriotic War.

    Well, what else can there be except friendship?

How it looks and what it eats: 4 signs that there really can be a friendship between a guy and a girl

Well ok - we have found out that after all in the world there can be such a "miracle wonderful, wonderfully wonderful" asfriendship between a girl and a guy, it remains only to find out how to "identify" it:

  1. No in your relationship is not something that sexual overtones, and even the easiest flirting.

    This is the case when you can "score" on dirty hair and forgive white socks, dressed under sandalaki - total asexuality.

    I confess honestly: the author of the article has a long-time acquaintance who, from her light hand, wears the nickname "anti-intimacy"( Ilyusha, I'm sorry!) Because of her peculiar manner of dressing, but she does not care a bit about it.

    And this does not prevent us from crying at each other's meetings "to the waistcoat" about the fate of the villain and remembering the glorious "military past" in the regional newspaper( oh, these layouts before 4 am!).Well, who dares to throw a stone in our kitchen garden and say that this is not a light version of friendship between a woman and a man?

  2. Friendship can be between a guy and a girl if she is "behind the high fence" of her personal life, that is:

    • , they know exactly which one is in the pair and with whom.

      You would not hide from your beloved friend, if David Beckham invited you for a date, tired of your wife's whims? That's the same. Ideally, the girl and the boy should also be familiar with the other halves of each other, so as not to give cause for idle gossip;

    • if a girl with a guy can enjoy gossiping among themselves about their favorite - that's all, guys, this is friendship.

      But here you need to be vigilant to distinguish desire to interest, to cause jealousy, from friendly "confession":

      "Somehow I was called to the coffee sent by the" retired "boyfriend. The whole evening he told me about the angelic character, noble manners and mighty intellect of his new passion.
      And I did not know the poor fellow that I was familiar with the hostess of the apartment he was renting. This woman told me a couple of days before our meeting and told me that Vova lives like a Christian hermit - a house-work-house, "- says Christina from Novgorod;

    • being "in active search" a guy or a girl this same search leads outside the friendship of and does not think of any serenades under the moon( with a friend of the opposite sex).So it will be quieter.
  3. A guy or a girl does not mind at all if you get to know him / her with someone from your environment, so that on Mother Earth one more couple becomes more enamored.

    But if the "friend" starts to evade from promising acquaintances, like a hare in the field with peas, there is reason to doubt that there is only friendship between you.

  4. Friendship is just a friendship, if in the priority of your good friend - the other half.

    No, of course, the same Vaska will grumble and grumble and drown, like a sweetheart in a pharmacy, when you call and say in a voice of a dying swan that you can not fall asleep without drops from the cold, but go horribly and sadly yourself.

    But, please, "move" further away with your runny nose, if a guy calls his girlfriend to invite her to her first brewed borscht himself( a boring evening in bed is attached).

Have you read the signs of friendship between a guy and a girl? And now try to remember a couple of guys whose relationship really resembles a friendship, not a sluggish romance in which someone hopes for more, and the second - lets hope.

Well, a lot of remembered such cases? Yeah, here we are about the same. It seems that the friendship between a man and a woman, like a vanishing species of animals from the Red Book, has all heard of it, but few have seen it with their own eyes.

This is the story from real life we ​​are going to tell you next.

The story of Lena about a mad school graduation or Can there be friendship between a guy and a girl + three joint children?

Classmates of the author of the article, Lena and Tolya, were friends from times immemorial kindergarten: together they learned to ride a bicycle, went to the circus and overeated the green cherry to the death.

Lena regularly passed Tolik's love letters to classmates, and he advised her how to get the boy's favor.

And everything would be nothing, their friendship would continue to "bloom and smell", but the girl's parents decided to send her after school to study for a graphic designer to the other end of the country. Tole on the family council decided to go to the correspondence department of the local university and help parents in the family business.

And since both father and mother did not have sugar, the guys did not dare contradict them.

The guy and the girl were so imbued with the impending separation that the whole school graduation acted like parrots-lovers. Lenochka only occasionally ran out to cry out into the street, and Tolik was overcast November sky.

The story is silent about all the details of that holiday, but exactly 9 months after the prom, the girl gave birth to Tolya two charming boys, and 2 years later - a girl. So she had to study in absentia.

Now, looking at this family couple, few can believe that their love story began not with a romantic acquaintance somewhere on the sea coast, but with a fight for a plastic dragon in the kindergarten.

Hug & Cry: 5 touching art books about friendship between guy and girl

Book title Author
1 "Waffle heart" M.Parr
2 "Consuelo" J.Sand
3 "Veronica decides to die" ПKoelo
4 "Norwegian Forest" H.Murakami
5 "Bridge to Terabithia" K.Paterson

5 best films about possible friendship between a guy and a girl: a happy end is not promised, but it will be great!

No matter how many inveterate cynics shout that there can not be friendship between a girl and a guy, and filmmakers continue to shoot real masterpieces on this topic, and here are the best of them:

No. Title of the film Released
1 "Boysand the girls » 2000
2 « Kit » 2008
3 « With love, Rosie » 2014
4 « Fall in love with me if you dare » 2003
5 « Promise - does not mean getting married » 2009

Is there a friendship between a guy and a girl?

Clinical psychologist Veronika Stepanova puts everything on the shelves in her video:

And let all the art of the world convince you that the answer to the question "Can there be friendship between a guy and a girl?" - "Yes, but smoothly turning into love", We advise you to leave the" Frenchzone "only when you are morally ready to refuse from a friend / girlfriend. Otherwise you will simply spoil the friendly relations, and not having built romantic ones.

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