Planting, diving and growing eggplant seedlings at home. Extra fertilizing of eggplant seedlings with fertilizers, yeast, iodine, ash, banana skins, folk remedies

Secrets of correct growing, diving, feeding and disembarkation of aubergine seedlings.


  • Preparation of aubergine seeds for seedling: seeding in potassium permanganate
  • Soil preparation and seeding of eggplant seeds for seedlings
  • Video: How to sow an eggplant? Seeding of aubergine seeds on seedlings.
  • How often to water the seedlings of eggplants on a windowsill, in a greenhouse, open ground?
  • How to treat eggplant seedlings with hydrogen peroxide from pests and diseases?
  • Yeast feeding for eggplant seedlings: recipe
  • How to feed eggplant seedlings with ashes?
  • Feeding a seedlings of eggplant iodine: recipe for breeding
  • Fertilizer from banana skins for aubergine seedlings: recipe
  • Than to water the seedlings of eggplant to grow better and was strong: folk remedies
  • Lighting for aubergine seedlings at home
  • Diving and hardening of eggplant seedlings
  • When andhow to plant an eggplant seedlings in a greenhouse?
  • What temperature does the aubergine seedlings withstand?
  • instagram viewer
  • Cultivation of aubergine seedlings on toilet paper without earth
  • Planting aubergine seedlings in the open ground
  • Video: Eggplants in the open ground. Features of care

Eggplant - temperature and humidity demanding plant. Improper organization of conditions for the growth of eggplant seedlings can lead to her illnesses and even death. At the same time, adherence to simple recommendations will yield a good harvest from strong strong healthy plants.

Eggplant seedlings

Eggplant seeding for seedling: seeding in potassium permanganate

Seed preparation for planting is the same as seed preparation for other vegetable crops and consists of several stages:

  1. Visually evaluate the eggplant seeds, discard the empty, small, damagedand black.
  2. The remaining good seeds for are poured into the solution of table salt ( 1 tsp salt at 1 tablespoon water), gently mix and leave for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Discard the surfaced seeds on the surface of the water - they are not suitable for planting.
  4. The seeds that have fallen to the bottom are extracted from the salt solution and spread out to dry.
  5. Treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate ( 0.3-0.5 g of potassium permanganate per 0.5 of water).
  6. To protect the roots of future seedlings from decay, and leaves and stems from Fusarium wilt, treat the seeds with Trichodermine or Phytosporin.
  7. Abundantly soak with warm water clean cosmetic cotton wool and spread them on a large flat plate.
  8. Place the eggplant seeds on the discs .
  9. Each disc with seeds is covered with the second disk .
  10. Place the plate with the discs in the plastic container or cellophane bag and put it in a warm place until germination( for 5 - 7 days).
Manganose solution for soaking the eggplant seeds

IMPORTANT: The soak phase is optional. Seeds of aubergines can be planted in the soil immediately after their disinfection treatment. It is also possible to skip and soak in the antifungal solution. However, two-hour soaking of seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate must be done in any case.

Before being soaked or planted in the soil, seeds can be placed for several hours in a growth stimulant( Kornevin, Etamon, Zircon, Epin ).

Experienced gardener spend warming seeds before planting , which allows to improve the quality of seedlings and increase its resistance to diseases and pests. Warm up the for 3 to 5 minutes in the oven at 50 ° C or in a thermos with the same temperature water.

Soil preparation and seeding of eggplant seeds on seedlings

For planting the seeds of eggplant, should be cleaned with loose loose soil with neutral acidity .Before the seeds are planted in the soil, it must be disinfected. To do this, the ground is kept above a steam of boiling water for about 30-40 minutes or carefully spilled with steep boiling water.

Preparing the soil for planting the eggplant seeds

IMPORTANT: You can start planting seeds only when the soil is completely cool after disinfection treatment.

If there is a planned pickling of eggplant seedlings, special seedlings are used to plant seeds.

If the plants grow without picks, peat cups or cassettes with sections( 10 * 10 cm), in which the root system of each plant will be formed individually.

IMPORTANT: Growing aubergine seedlings without picks gives the best results.

To the drawers in such a way that the distance between adjacent seeds is about 2 cm, and between the rows - 6 cm. The depth of planting should be within the range of 1.5 - 2 cm.

The seeds are seeded at the same depth with the dredging method of growing. In each cup place 2 to 3 seeds.

In the cups and drawers, holes must be made in advance to prevent water stagnation.

Peat cans for growing eggplant seedlings without picking

IMPORTANT: Before planting seeds, soil in pots and boxes must be sufficiently moistened.

After the seeds have been planted, the containers are covered with glass or wrapped in polyethylene and placed in a warm room before emergence.

IMPORTANT: During the waiting period for emergence, sudden fluctuations in air temperature are not permissible.

Tanks with seeded seeds covered with polyethylene

Video: How to sow an eggplant? Seeding of aubergine seeds on seedlings.

How often to water the seedlings of eggplants on a windowsill, in a greenhouse, open ground?

The first soil moistening in pots and drawers produces 3 days after the seeds are planted. Then the shoots are waiting.

IMPORTANT: For watering the seedlings of eggplant, water that melts or remains stationary for at least 24 hours, the temperature of which is within 28-31 ° C.

When cotyledonous leaves of young plants unfold, you need to arrange regular watering( 1 time in 5 days ).In order not to wash off the tender shoots of eggplant with a stream of water, watering is carried out from a watering can with a nozzle or from a sprayer. Watering plants preferably in the morning.

IMPORTANT: Sprinkle the eggplant seedlings so that the land is neither overdried nor waterlogged. If the soil is still moist after the last watering, it is not necessary to fill the plants, as this can lead to decay of the root system.

Watering the eggplant seedlings

How to treat the aubergine seedlings with hydrogen peroxide from pests and diseases?

Hydrogen peroxide can be used instead of a solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect the eggplant seeds. To do this, it is sufficient to soak the seeds selected for cultivation in a 10% solution of peroxide.

If the seeds are soaked in a 0.4% hydrogen peroxide solution and left for 10 to 12 hours, the agent will act as a growth promoter. Seeds that have undergone such treatment are not afraid of disease. They will quickly ascend, seedlings will develop more intensively, and yields of bushes will slightly exceed the yield from untreated plants.

IMPORTANT: After treatment with hydrogen peroxide, the seeds must be washed and dried.

Preventive spraying with hydrogen peroxide solution will save adult eggplant plants from fungal diseases. In a bucket of water, 1 tbsp.peroxide of 10% and are processed.

Hydrogen peroxide protects eggplant seedlings from pests

Yeast feeding for eggplant seedlings: recipe

Common baker's yeast are microorganisms, single-celled fungi. Getting into the well-heated soil, they distinguish a few important substances for seedlings of eggplant. At the simultaneous intake of of vitamin B, thiamine, auxins and cytokinins , plants respond well to growth and ovary, the rapid development of a powerful healthy root system, and in the future - a rich harvest.

To prepare a yeast dressing for eggplant seedlings, you will need:

  • yeast
  • sugar
  • water

Recipe No. 1 with dry yeast:

  1. Fill with warm water with a liter jar
  2. Add dry yeast( 1 g) to the water
  3. Add sugar( 1 tsp)
  4. Stir well and leave for 2 to 4hour
  5. Before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 5
  6. Water the plants

Recipe No. 2 using live yeast:

  1. Fill with water with a liter jar, leaving room for the yeast
  2. Add the yeast alive( 50 g)
  3. Mix, leave for 2-4hours
  4. Before usem dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 5

IMPORTANT: Yeast dressing will not work if the water or soil will cool. If you pour a yeast solution of eggplant seedlings in cold ground, the effect of feeding will not be.

After application of yeast solutions, it is necessary to add ash or crushed eggshell to the soil in the bed with eggplant seedlings.

Yeast feeding for eggplant seedlings

How to feed seedlings of aubergine ash?

Addition of aubergine plants with dry wood ash is important at the stage of flowering and fruiting. Soil soil is sprinkled with ashes at the rate of 1.5 glasses per 1m2.

Eggplant seedling with iodine: the recipe for breeding

Iodine is an excellent antiseptic that can prevent the development of putrefactive diseases on eggplant seedlings.

Iodine solution is sprayed with aubergine plants just before flowering. This treatment will strengthen the plants and protect them from rot. To prepare a solution in 10 liters of water, 10 drops of iodine are dissolved. The water temperature should be 22 - 24 ° C.

Also with water with iodine water the seedlings immediately after disembarking in the ground at the rate of 1 l of iodine solution per 1 bush of eggplant.

Preparation of a solution of iodine for dressing eggplant seedlings

Fertilizer from banana skins for eggplant seedlings: recipe

Banana crust is a source of potassium and calcium , the content of which in the soil is necessary for normal growth and development of eggplant seedlings. Also, a fertilizer made from banana skins can effectively fight some insect pests that do not tolerate potassium-saturated soil.

Banana pelts for the preparation of fertilizer

There are several options for preparing fertilizer from banana skins for aubergine seedlings:

Recipe No. 1. Universal compost of banana skins .Prepare compost in the fall.

  1. Finely chopped banana skins mix with the ground in a ratio of 2: 1.
  2. Place in a tight black plastic bag.
  3. In the package, make holes and leave for the winter.
  4. In the spring, compost can be used for its intended purpose, and so that it can be thawed, the bag can be temporarily put in a hotbed or a heated shed.

Recipe # 2. Dry skins. Dry banana skins can be on a hot battery or in the oven. Then they are ground and stored in sealed containers. Use such a fertilizer at the bottom of the vessels with eggplant seedlings, because mold can appear on the surface of the soil.

Recipe # 3. Injecting banana skins into the ground .Finely chopped banana skins are buried in close proximity to the aubergines that need fertilizing. In a week the plants will find a healthy appearance.

Recipe № 4. Infusion of banana skins for greenhouse seedlings of eggplant.

  1. Put in the three-liter can of skins with 4 bananas and pour water.
  2. Leave in a dark place for 3 days.
  3. The resulting liquid is diluted with water( 1: 1).
  4. Use to irrigate plants in the greenhouse at a rate of 1 liter of infusion per 1 m2 of beds.
Infusion of banana skins for greenhouse seedlings of aubergine

Than to water the seedlings of eggplant to grow better and was strong: folk remedies

It's impossible to get a good harvest of aubergine, it's impossible not to take care of good fertilizing of seedlings on time. The standard feeding scheme consists of three stages and can be carried out both with the help of chemical fertilizers and by introducing organic substances into the soil according to folk recipes.

For the first time , young plants feed during the formation of cotyledon leaves. For fertilizing apply any complex fertilizer with a large content of nitrogen. You can use manure infusion( 1:10), chicken manure( 1:20) or weed infusion( 1: 5).

Animal manure spread for eggplant seedlings

IMPORTANT: It should be borne in mind that the birds metabolism is peculiar, therefore different portions of the litter from the same bird may contain different amounts of nutrients. It is very easy to "burn" the roots of seedlings, not observing the proportion when breeding litter.

The second feeding of is carried out, if the eggplant seedlings are dived with .After 10-14 days after the picking, mineral fertilizers contribute to the development of a healthy root system. At home, you can prepare a fertilizer from the egg shell. To do this, you will need:

  • egg shell( half a 3-liter jar)
  • melt water
  • Preparation:
  • Shell fill with water
  • Leave for 3 days in a warm place
  • Drain and pour new
  • Leave for three days
  • Drain and refill the new
  • Drainwater, remove the shell from the jar and dry it
  • Grind or chop the shell
  • Pour the powder onto the beds( 3 tablespoons per 1 m2)
Eggshell for the preparation of fertilizer

6-7 days before planting in open ground ,dy eggplant best means to process the purchased Ekogel ( flow rate of 1 liter per 100 liter of water).It is a biological preparation containing organic acids, chitosan and silver ions. Ecogel stimulates the development of roots, disinfects and forms immunity to various diseases.

IMPORTANT: Ecogel is safe for humans, animals and insects.

Eggplant lighting at home

Eggplant seedling needs intensive lighting with daylight duration 10 - 12 hours .

IMPORTANT: If the necessary lighting is not provided for the seedlings, it will stretch, the stems and leaves will lose strength and color, the plants will ache and suffer heavily in picking and landing in the ground.

When natural light is not enough, fluorescent lamps are installed above the eggplant seedlings. The optimum height of their fastening - 50 - 60 cm from shoots .

Lighting for eggplant seedlings at home

Diving and hardening of aubergine seedlings

Often, experienced vegetable growers try to plant eggplant seedlings in such a way as to exclude the stage of its diving. This is explained by the fact that the weak roots of the aubergines are heavily ill after transplantation, and the plants that survive diving are severely lagging behind in growth.

Indeed, planting the seeds of eggplant originally in individual pots is preferable. However, if it is not possible to plant the culture in this way, and diving can not be avoided, then it is necessary to try to fulfill it so as not to harm the weak roots of seedlings.

IMPORTANT: Dive is carried out when the second large leaves appear on the shoots. This usually occurs from the 20th to the 30th day from the time of sowing. If you dive earlier, young plants are likely to die, if later - they will be ill for a long time in a new place.

Dive the eggplant seedlings as follows: :

  1. For a few hours before diving , sprout seedlings.
  2. Prepare cups with a diameter of about 10 cm.
  3. Fill the cups with an earth mix .
  4. Pour ground in cups with nutrient solution( mullein -130 g, urea - 0,5 tbsp, ash - 0,5 tsp for 5 l of water).
  5. With a pencil , make a small hole in the center of each cup .
  6. Hold the leaves, using a spatula carefully remove the plant from the common box.
  7. Visually estimate root length , pinch root after 0.5 cm.
  8. Plant into the hole made before the cotyledonous leaves of and pour the soil of emptiness.
Pickled seedlings of aubergine

An eggplant seedlings are seasoned for 14 to 18 days before the expected date of planting it in open ground. As soon as the temperature on the street is established and will exceed 15 ° C, boxes with seedlings are daily put on the street for 2 - 3 hours.

If the air temperature is much lower, you can not tolerate seedlings. Sufficient watering will be reduced and the room thoroughly ventilated.

IMPORTANT: Hardened aubergine seedlings are easier to survive in the ground, react calmly to changes in air temperature and weather changes.

Hardening of seedlings

When and how to plant an eggplant seedlings in a greenhouse?

If the hothouse is not heated, the eggplant seedlings are planted at a steady temperature of 16-18 ° C.

IMPORTANT: Eggplants are planted separately in the greenhouse from other plants. If there is no such possibility, it is permissible to be neighbors with tomato seedlings.

Eggplant plants are planted in such a way that there is a distance of 40-50 cm between them and 50 cm between adjacent rows. Do not overcut the plants too much. The grooves should be 1.5 to 2.5 cm above the earth's coma.

Before planting seedlings, , the soil in the greenhouse can be prepared as follows ( application rate per 1 m2 of soil):

  • , add ash( 2 items)
  • superphosphate( 1 tbsp.)
  • ammonium nitrate( 1 - 1,5 tbsp)
  • potassium sulfate( 1.5 tbsp)
  • peat( 0.5 buckets)
  • river sand( 0.5 buckets)
  • dig in the ground and level its surface
  • prepare wells
  • in each well pour1-1.5 liters of water

When the wells are prepared, they carefully plant the plants and sprinkle the soil with voids. If the seedlings are placed in the holes in peat pots, it is necessary to cut off their bottoms and tear one wall to help the roots to get through as quickly as possible.

IMPORTANT: If eggplant seedlings are very weak or overgrown, it is best to tie it.

Greenhouse for growing eggplant seedlings

What temperature does the aubergine seedlings withstand?

Eggplant seedlings feel best with + 22 ° C. With decreasing temperature, plants become ill, their growth and development slow down.

If the seedlings are planted in the ground, and the air temperature drops to 1 - 3 ° C, the seedlings will die. To prevent this from happening, when an eggplant is planted early in a greenhouse, it is necessary to equip it with an oven in case of an unforeseen snap.

Optimal temperature for aubergine seedling + 22˚С

Growing eggplant seedlings on toilet paper without earth

The technology of growing eggplant seedlings without earth on toilet paper is very simple, besides this method allows the trucker to save time and space:

  1. Slice dense polyethylene into strips of arbitrary length, 10 cm wide.
  2. Place a strip of toilet paper on top of each cellophane strip.
  3. Drink copious amounts of water.
  4. Spread the eggplant seeds, leaving a bit of free space on the edges.
  5. Cover the seed with one more stripe of paper on top.
  6. Dampen the top strip.
  7. Cover with polyethylene.
  8. Roll everything into a roll.
  9. Insert the roll into a cut bottle or glass.
  10. Pour 3 - 5 cm of water( depending on the diameter of the cup).
  11. Leave on the windowsill, from time to time changing and pouring in a glass of water.

7 days later, the first shoots will appear from under the film layers, and by the end of the second week all the plants will ascend. In the greenhouse, transplant the plants when they have two genuine leaflets.

Growing aubergine seedlings on toilet paper without earth

Planting aubergine seedlings in the open ground

In the open ground seedlings seedlings are planted when on plants appears at least 5, but not more than 7 leaves .In this case, the height of the seedling will be 8-10 cm.

IMPORTANT: The obligatory condition for planting the eggplant in the open ground is the air temperature from + 22 ° C.

Soil preparation and seedling planting technology in open ground is similar to planting in a greenhouse.

Cultivation of aubergine seedlings on toilet paper without earth

A good eggplant crop will be the reward of a patient attentive vegetable grower. After 30-40 days from the beginning of flowering, the first fruits will appear on the bushes. The most important thing is to collect them on time, not allowing full maturation, and to provide the best conditions for preserving: stir with ash and put in a cool dark place.

Video: Eggplants in the open ground. Features of care

  • May 19, 2018
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