Irregular monthly: reasons for the cycle failure. Treatment of irregular menses with drugs and folk remedies

Many girls believe that it's impossible to get pregnant with irregular menstruation, but it's not. It is necessary to be examined by a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment.

Contents of

  • Why do menstrual irregularly come? Why did the monthly cycle get lost?
  • Causes of irregular monthly after cesarean
  • Causes of irregular monthly breastfeeding
  • Can I get pregnant with an irregular cycle of menstruation?
  • How to calculate ovulation with irregular menstruation?
  • Drugs for the treatment of irregular monthly
  • Irregular monthly: treatment with folk remedies
  • Consequences of irregular monthly
  • Video: Delay of monthly

Diagnosis "Breaking the menstrual cycle" doctors put very often. Irregular periods are one of the most common symptoms of many gynecological diseases. This term suggests that a woman has a malfunction in the body, but this does not reflect a possible pathology.

If the periods are irregular, their flow patterns are also disturbed. They become abundant and painful.

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Why do menstrually irregularly come? Why did the monthly cycle get lost?

Why do menstrually irregularly come? Why did the monthly cycle get lost?

There are several reasons for irregular monthly. They can be:

  • Physiological. If a woman has recently had an abortion or scraping after a miscarriage, then an irregular cycle is normal. After delivery, this pathology also arises, but usually the cycle is restored independently. In some cases, a woman may need a small treatment with oral contraceptives.

Important: If a girl's period is irregular, even after the cycle is established, after the birth of a woman who has already grown up, the cycle can become regular.

  • Pathological. Tumors, cysts, endometrial polyps, uterine myoma, endometriosis - all this leads to malfunctions in the menstrual cycle. Pathological causes include iatrogenic disorder - improper selection of contraceptives or long-term use of these drugs may lead to the appearance of irregular monthly

. Important: If you have a question: why do menstrual irregularly come, then you should contact a gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist. These specialists will conduct a survey, will assign the delivery of tests, and will be able to answer why the cycle has lost its way.

Causes of irregular monthly after cesarean

Causes of irregular monthly after cesarean

A young mother who went through a cesarean section knows firsthand about all the complications and painful sensations. To conduct localization of this type of failure, many facts are being studied. But it should be noted the following:

  • Each lady has her own individual organism
  • The recovery process after birth and cesarean section occurs in all women in different ways
  • This process depends on whether the young mother feeds her baby with her milk
  • During breastfeeding, menstruation occurs later thanWhen feeding with

mixtures Often such an operation as a caesarean section may be accompanied by inflammation of the uterine mucosa. This refers to the first reason for irregular monthly after cesarean delivery. Allocations can be copious and very painful.

Important: This condition is due to a violation of the nervous and emotional systems of women.

Tip: If a menstrual cycle is observed for several months in a row, then consult a specialist. This may indicate the presence of a cyst, fibroids, erosion or even a tumor.

Causes of irregular monthly breastfeeding

Causes of irregular periods with breastfeeding

Important: Do not confuse the secretion after childbirth for 30-40 days with menstruation. After placenta rejection in the uterine body, a large wound is obtained. It covers, especially in the first 3 days after the appearance of the baby.

Then the volume of these secretions is reduced, they become white with a yellow tint and completely disappear.

To the reasons for irregular monthly breastfeeding should include:

  • The presence of the hormone prolactin in the body of a young mother
  • Thanks to it, the milk of
  • appears in the mammary glands. It exerts a suppressive effect on the production of progesterone, a hormone that promotes the maturation of the female cell.

Doctors call this phenomenon "lactational amenorrhea" or "replacement".When the level of prolactin decreases, and progesterone rises, the woman will recover her menstrual cycle, and she will be ready to become a mother again.

Can I get pregnant with an irregular cycle of menstruation?

Can I get pregnant with an irregular cycle of menstruation?

It is worth noting: Regular monthly reports indicate that the reproductive function of a woman is not violated and she can become a mother. A girl with a regular cycle is easier to plan a pregnancy.

But whether it is possible to become pregnant at an irregular cycle monthly or it is necessary to descend or go on reception to the doctor to make inspection? There is no universal advice and no answer to this question.

One woman experienced stress, another has a hormonal failure, and the third has strong physical activity. All this can cause irregular menstruation, and in each specific case, certain examinations and treatment are needed.

Important: Following the recommendations of a doctor, pregnancy may occur. Therefore, in this case, the answer will be positive - pregnancy can occur at any time.

It often happens that a failure in the female body provoked inflammation or diseases of the female reproductive system. In this case, until the recovery of ovulation, pregnancy is impossible.

Important: In case of any violations of the menstrual cycle, you should consult a doctor who correctly diagnoses the disease and prescribes treatment.

How to calculate ovulation with irregular menstruation?

How to calculate ovulation with irregular monthly?

Important: It is difficult to calculate the time of onset of ovulation with an irregular cycle independently. You can do this if you use modern methods.

So, how to calculate ovulation with irregular menstruation? Use such methods for determining the time of onset of ovulation:

  • Calendar method .This is the most popular method, but it is not effective in the case of an irregular cycle of
  • Blood test for progesterone level .Blood should be taken several times a month.
  • Ovulation test .This test is similar to the pregnancy test. Two strips will mean the onset of the ovulation period
  • Baseline temperature monitoring .The exact method, but not very convenient. The temperature is measured every day for three consecutive cycles - in the morning, without rising from the bed
  • Ultrasound examination of the ovaries .An accessible and accurate method. The size of the follicle in the ovary that grows is determined. This "bag" breaks when the ovum descends into the uterus
  • Definition visually .Characteristic discharge in the period of ovulation( secretions are slippery and viscous).Each woman has her own individual characteristics that she can notice in her body.

Drugs for the treatment of irregular monthly

Drugs for the treatment of irregular monthly

First the doctor must prescribe a scraping to conduct the examination. When the histology is carried out, hormonal preparations are prescribed. They need to be applied according to the scheme.

Important: If there is a risk that impairment of the menstrual cycle can lead to infertility, then a pergonal and choriogonin is prescribed. To stimulate ovulation, clomiphene is administered.

Remember: Any medicine for the treatment of irregular menstruation should be prescribed only by a doctor! Do not self-medicate - this can lead to undesirable consequences!

Irregular monthly: treatment with folk remedies

Irregular monthly: treatment with folk remedies

Important: Smoking and alcohol can aggravate the problem. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to abandon bad habits.

A woman always experiences when she has irregular periods. Treatment with folk remedies will help alleviate the condition, but you should always seek advice from a gynecologist.

To restore the menstrual cycle, you can use such popular recipes:

  • Ginger .Helps relieve pain during menstruation and adjust the cycle. Drink three times a day tea from ginger: half a teaspoon of ground root boil in a glass of water. Strain and add sugar to taste
  • Sesame seeds .Contain a plant analogue of female sex hormones. Grind in a coffee grinder two tablespoons of sesame. Add a teaspoon of palm or other oil. Stir and take once a day one teaspoon of
  • Cinnamon .Reduces spasms in the uterus during menstruation. Add one teaspoon of ground cinnamon to a glass of milk or kefir. Drink for 2 weeks
  • Aloe with honey .Stir a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of aloe juice. Use on an empty stomach for a half a teaspoon of the mixture for a month

Also in the treatment of menstrual irregularity disorders, mixtures of honey and such plants can be used:

  • Turmeric
  • Coriander
  • Fennel
  • Mint

Important: It is useful to drink carrot juice during the cycle. Drink one glass of carrot juice daily for 3 months.

Consequences of irregular monthly

Consequences of irregular monthly

Women who plan to become pregnant should remember that regular cycle disorders indicate impairment during the maturation of the egg. Without this female cell, conception is impossible.

The delay in menstrual periods is observed in half of all women. It is necessary to remember the consequences of irregular menstruation, and you should not delay with a visit to the doctor.

Important: If this happens regularly, then such a pathology may indicate the presence of a gynecological disease.

A woman should find out the cause of the violation in time and undergo a course of treatment. Be healthy!

Video: Delayed monthly

  • May 19, 2018
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