How to survive the betrayal of her husband?

Adultery inflicts a serious blow to marriage, often completely destroying it.

But whatever the result of marital infidelity( you want to stay with the traitor, despite all his adventures to the left, or you decided to get involved with this failed marriage), you need to figure out how to survive the betrayal of her husband .

The life of a wife who has learned that she has lived with her for so many years with a person who can easily change it will not be the same, but if you can not survive this situation, you simply will not be able to move on.

Dangers lying in wait for women who could not survive the betrayal of her husband

Every woman perceives the news of adultery in her own way and decides what to do with this walker to the left, the wives also accept different.

Someone on the move decides: "Get away from this reptile! I will not forgive! "Someone begins to look for arguments in order to stay:" I love him. .. Two little children. .. Mortgage. .. ", and someone prefers to pretend that nothing has happened, guided by the principle of" Such-syakoyPantelei, if only in the house - more fun. "

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To which camp you are not attached, you first need to find ways to survive the betrayal of your husband, and then make decisions about what to do with your marriage, whose wing was betrayed by treason.

How to behave after the betrayal of her husband?

Women who do not try to survive the betrayal of their husbands face a number of dangers:

  1. Hatred that destroys from within.
  2. Ridiculous actions that can lead to terrible consequences( it is not uncommon for an insulted wife to kill her husband and / or mistress and end her life in prison).
  3. Broken children's lives.

    No matter how painful it is for you, remember that you have a huge responsibility for your children.

    In the end, it was you who chose your husband, and him - your father.

  4. Alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictions.
  5. Suicidal depression and other nervous disorders.

Your life after adultery does not end, although it will never be the same.

But you just have to move on for yourself and for your loved ones.

I do not need to advise how to survive the betrayal of my husband, or "Congratulations, you have a whole bunch of female diseases"

There is another danger that lies in wait for women who try to pretend that the problem does not exist, instead of looking for ways to survive the betrayal of her husband.

Do you remember, I told you about my mother's colleague, who for a long time pretended that she did not know anything about her husband's betrayals and accused the well-wishers who tried to bring the truth to her, into lies?

Well, the one from which the husband still went to the young mistress who gave birth to his child?

So even after the husband filed for divorce, this same colleague could not find ways to survive the betrayal of her husband, although others were trying to give her advice: "Put yourself in order and start going out into people," "Go on a journey," "Be like a psychologist. "

The lady of all the advisers sent away, saying like a mantra: "Everything is fine with me."

Her good mine in a bad game could not deceive her loved ones, although she tried very hard.

Is it worth while to forgive treason?

It all ended very sad: five years after the divorce my mom's colleague discovered a whole bunch of female diseases, from which she had long been trying to recover.

And this can be avoided if she did not eat herself from the inside, if she did not try to pretend that everything is fine with her, but really tried to regain her happiness.

How to survive the betrayal of your husband: your actions immediately after receiving the sad news

The hardest thing in adultery is the first few days after receiving the news.

Women, who learned that their husbands are changing them, are going through a whole bunch of unpleasant emotions.

Someone falls into a stupor, someone rolls a tantrum, someone simply escapes, and someone starts to convince himself: "No, no, he could not change me."

Your reaction may be different, because every woman tries to survive the betrayal of her husband in their own way.

Of course, it hurts.

Of course, you do not fully believe that you could have done this, because you were confident in his feelings and convinced yourself that you have the perfect marriage.

But, whatever your reaction, you need:

  1. Do not cut from the shoulder and do not take hasty decisions until you regain the ability to think soberly.
  2. Try to understand the circumstances and causes of treason.

    This will help you make a well-considered decision: there is nothing to save a marriage or save.

  3. Take time to calm down and think away from an unfaithful spouse.

    Ask him to leave for a while from home or go to a sanatorium for a week.

    Children, if you have them, it is better not to take them with you, but ask the spouse to take care of them or their parents.

The main signs of male infidelity

See for yourself how much time you need to put your thoughts and feelings in order, whether you can do it yourself or need the help of a mother, a close friend, a psychologist.

And in any case, do not let the wrong spouse put pressure on you.

Nascodil - let him patiently await your decision.

How to survive the betrayal of her husband, if you decide not to leave?

There are marriages that are restored after adultery.

If the wrong husband:

  • sincerely regrets what he did;
  • swears that this was only once, and then by stupidity;
  • does everything to deserve your forgiveness -

is worth trying to save the family.

To leave, slamming the door, you always have time, but if you do not give your marriage a chance, you will surely regret that they took such a quick and thoughtless decision.

Surviving the betrayal of her husband and becoming closer to a friend is possible, if

  1. Never remember what happened.

    There was not this - and that's it.

  2. Trust your spouse.

    However hard it may be.

    If you start constantly suspecting him of infidelity, seek evidence of infidelity, then you will destroy your marriage.

  3. Do not let go of the harsh remarks.

    Do not blackmail your spouse: "Aha, I forgave you, the goat of this, now you owe me for the coffin of life."

  4. More time to spend with your husband.

    Return romance in a relationship, establish an intimate life.

  5. Get rid of everything that reminds of treason.

    Whether it's some kind of things given by a mistress, or a former best friend who sinned with your spouse.

Your marriage broke up: how in this case to survive the betrayal of her husband?

It's not uncommon, when after the betrayal of a husband, marriages break up: the wife realizes that she can no longer live with this traitor, or the spouse himself leaves, considering that with his mistress he will be much better.

But the divorce will not heal the wounds on the heart, and the stamp in the passport "Divorced" does not turn into a stamp in the soul "Cured."

To survive the betrayal of her husband after a divorce, you need:

  1. Forgive him.

    Yes, he did something terrible. He's the last bastard.

    Scold him for a while, mess around with him, pobozhaytes, but do not freeze in this state.

    Find the strength to forgive.

  2. Sincerely wish him happiness.

    With razluchnitsey or with someone else.

    You can not curse another person and wish him all the possible misfortunes - get the same thing for yourself.

  3. Release the situation.

    Stop telling everyone around you how unhappy you are, victimized by the betrayal of your husband.

    He left, everything, it's time to lick your wounds and start living on.

  4. Change your life.

    Find another job, make repairs in the apartment, change your image, find a hobby, change the city or even - the country of residence, simply put - fill the emptiness or, if you need it, start life from scratch.

  5. Start meeting other men.

    Yes, it's hard to get rid of the fear that the second husband will change you and again you will have to experience this pain.

    But these fears are uncaused and, feeding them, you ruin your chance of a happy life.

In the video below are some more effective tips,

how to survive betrayal faster and what to do:

And the last thing: if you do not know how to survive the betrayal of your husband yourself, ask for professional psychological help.

It's time to adopt the experience of civilized countries in solving difficult life situations.

  • May 19, 2018
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