The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve congestion located in the sacral spine. Its passage into the soft tissues runs through the gap in the pear-shaped muscle, then between the large gluteal and twin, then between the inner blocking, square muscle of the thigh and the ischial tuber with the trochlear. The pinch of the sciatic nerve is the squeezing of the nerve fibers by the nearby muscle tissues.
- Causes of
- Symptoms of
- Consequences of
- Treatment of
- At home
- During pregnancy
- After delivery
As a rule, infringement is accompanied by severe pain syndromes, limited motor functions, discomfort and difficulty in self-movement, in some cases may cause temporary disability ordisability.
The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve fiber that runs from the bottom of the spine, passes through the hips and buttocks on the back of the legs to the feet. And although the nerve is a pair formation, located on both legs, often signs of its pinching are observed only in one of them. However, it must be borne in mind that the pinched sciatic nerve is a signal that there are some changes in the patient's body that can have very sad consequences.
Causes of
The development of the disease is mostly caused by diseases of the spine:- Intervertebral hernia or protrusion. The prolapse of the intervertebral disc, which leads to the compression of the roots of the spinal nerves, and painful sensations give to the region of the sciatic nerve.
- Osteochondrosis, which disturbs metabolic processes in the body, and, consequently, in the bone tissue of the vertebrae and cartilage. Intervertebral cartilages lose their properties, flattened, sag, squeezing nerves.
- Spondylosis of the spine. As a result of aging and gradual wear and tear of the body, not only cartilage but also ligaments supporting the spine in a natural vertical state lose its qualities. To compensate for the stability of the spinal column on the bodies of the vertebrae, bone sprouting grows in the form of spines, which traumatize nerve endings in the spinal cord.
- Tumor processes. Sometimes the pinch can be caused by a tumor that grows in the nerve tissue or in the bone and soft tissues around it.
- Pinching of the nerve can cause spasm of muscle tissue after excessive or unusual physical activity, after the transferred infectious diseases( acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, tonsillitis), after hypothermia, etc.
- Stenosis of the spinal canal. A disease that causes a persistent chronic narrowing of the lumen of the spinal canal, where the spinal cord lies with the nerve branches that leave it.
- Another common cause is pregnancy, during which the uterus constantly increases in size and presses on the nerve, and it can also be clamped in the bone channels.
For health of the spine, rest on a good mattress is very important. Read the tips of specialists how to choose the right mattress for a healthy sleep
Symptoms of
The main symptom of a pinch is the pain that initially appears at the bottomBacks and gradually spreading over the entire surface of the leg, innervated by the sciatic nerve. They can be, aching weak, chronic and barely perceptible, or, conversely, strong and sharp. Often the pain in the foot is accompanied by a burning sensation, like electric shocks, shooting.
The second symptom of the infringement is numbness in the leg( loss of sensation) or in some part of it. These sensations can also be given to other parts of the body. In addition, the patient may feel tingling, burning in the fingers of the lower extremities or, conversely, constant cold.
Often, jamming causes the patient to lose control of the bladder or intestine. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor, since this condition is very serious. In some cases, such pinching causes a lumbosacral radiculitis.
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A person with an affected nerve acquires a specific gait: to alleviate a little pain in the leg, while walking, he tends to lean in the opposite direction and transfers weight to the second leg, which eventually changes the posture and symmetry of the development of the muscular corset of the back. Gradual atrophy of the gluteal muscles causes the development of rapid fatigue, weakness, difficulty in movement.The side on which the sciatic nerve is trapped loses its habitual sensitivity, but in some cases it, on the contrary, reacts even more sharply to external stimuli. When jamming the patient's muscles are weakened. Signs of this disease become more vivid when a person sharply turns his torso, lifts weights, coughs, or sneezes.
to table of contents ^Consequences of
The compression of the gluteus nerve, first of all, negatively affects the quality of life of the patient, his working capacity and the ability to serve himself independently. Constant chronic pain, discomfort during movement, deprive the person of normal sleep and rest, the ability to move around freely, causing irritability, nervousness and various psychoses.
In addition, the pinch of the sciatic nerve is dangerous due to the development of dysfunctions of the internal organs or the inability to control them, curvature of the posture, abscess of nerve fibers, spinal cord or necrosis, resulting in paralysis, complete immobilization and disability.
to table of contents ^Treatment of
The main conservative methods of treatment:
- Physical exercises aimed at stretching the tissues, ligaments and strengthening the muscular corset of the back, buttocks and the press.
- Hot and cold compresses, relaxing baths.
- Anesthetic tablets - Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen.
- Muscle relaxants - substances that reduce muscle activity and relieve spasm( Atrakury, Tubokurarin, Vekuronium).
- Physiotherapy - procedures affecting the body by physical forces: electromagnetic fields, eclectic currents, ultrasound, laser, etc.
- Classical massage and manual therapy( acupuncture, reflexology and relaxation therapy, plantar and acupuncture massages of active points on the feet, palms, auricles, the back).Analgesics of local blockade with Novocain or Lidocaine allow local elimination of pain, relax muscles, release jam.
- Injection of steroids epidurally - with a prolonged and intense pain syndrome to relieve inflammation in the nerve endings.
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Surgical operation is offered to the patient as an extreme measure only if all the above listed traditional methods have not produced results, or nerve compression has caused loss of control of the bladder and / or intestine.Laminectomy( removal of part of the bony body of the vertebrae), discectomy( removal of part or entire intervertebral disc) - these operations are performed with the formation of a hernia of the spine, which compresses the nerve. Sometimes such operations are combined with the installation of stabilization systems, for example, with stenosis of the spinal canal.
to table of contents ^At home
It is also advisable to independently treat injuries of the gluteal nerve after consulting a specialist and prescribing a specific therapy. It can be:
- All kinds of massages( classic, canned, hardware) with warming ointments or herbal infusions.
- Compresses or rubbing with infusions of mint, dandelion, pine or spruce essential oils.
- Thermal applications with beeswax, creosote, paraffin.
- Regular sets of exercises for stretching and strengthening the muscles of the back and buttocks.
In pregnancy
Sciatic nerve impairment during pregnancy is due to the growth of the fetus and the increased strain on the joints, spine, pelvic bones. To facilitate the state of the future mother, it is recommended: easy relaxing gymnastics, yoga, swimming, warm baths or compresses with sea salt, medicinal herbs, massage, rubbing Menovazine or similar drugs. In this case, all appointments are conducted by the supervising physician and in the absence of allergic reactions.
For treatment of a pinch in pregnant women, exercises are also used:
- Pelvic incline. It is necessary to squat, fixing the position with the help of hands and knees. The back of the pregnant woman should be flat, and the neck and head - be in the same plane. It is necessary to bend the lower back and stay in this position for a while, then return to the starting position.
- You can perform the first exercise while standing. The legs should be widely spaced, slightly bent at the knees. In order not to fall, you can stretch your arms forward. Then the lower back is bent and returned to its normal position after a while.
- Stretching of the muscles of the thigh. You need to put a chair in front of you, put your foot on it and straighten your back. The woman slowly bends to a chair, stretching the back of her thigh. If possible, you should stay in this position for a few seconds, then straighten up. This exercise must be done at least 10 times on each leg.
In addition, pregnant women themselves must monitor their health. Regularly take walks in the open air, do not forget about physical activity, follow the posture, wear comfortable shoes, and if necessary - orthopedic the table of contents ^After delivery of
Nasal congestion in parturients causes not only discomfort and discomfort during movement, but also considerably complicates the care of the child.
Infringement of the gluteal nerve after delivery occurs due to:
- spasms of the muscular tissues of the buttocks after attempts;
- discordance of the hip bones in the process of child's release;
- tissue injury if the fetus was large enough;
- presence of hernias, protrusions of intervertebral discs, displacement of vertebrae or other pathologies of the spine that existed earlier and worsened after childbirth.
To ease the condition of the mother, local anesthetics, preparations with herbal components or homeopathic medicines that do not carry or cause minimal harm to the baby are used. Then connect massage, exercise therapy, swimming, rubbing with warming ointments, etc.