What is an antimulylerov hormone? Can I get pregnant if the hormone is lowered? Antimueller hormone table

The doctor has appointed or nominated to become a blood on analysis AMG, and you do not know what is it such and what for it or him to hand over? In this article you will find answers to your questions, and also learn how to treat increased or decreased content of AMG, and what the level of this hormone in general affects.

Contents of

Antimulylerov hormone plays a large role in the reproductive function of man, both women and men. Controlling the level of AMH in childbearing age is very important, especially for couples planning a child. After knowing the level of the content of this hormone in the body, the doctor can determine whether future parents are ready to conceive a child and evaluate their reproductive system as a whole.

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The effect of the normal level of antimulleur hormone on the development of the follicle

What does and what affects the antimulylerov hormone?

Antimiller hormone( AMG) mainly affects the reproductive system's proper functioning, and also plays a big role in the formation of tissues in the body and their growth.

The role of AMG in men

While the child is in the womb, the proper production of AMG promotes the formation of healthy and full-blown genitalia in men. Further, before the onset of childbearing age, AMG is produced by male testicles. During this period, the amount of hormone produced is significantly reduced and remains at this level.

If hormone production is impaired, this causes undescended testicles in the scrotum before the birth of the child. Also, inguinal hernias and disturbances in the proper functioning of the reproductive system are possible.

The role of AMG in women

The development of AMG in the female also begins before birth and continues until the end of the reproductive function. Before the onset of childbearing age, AMH in women is low, then its amount in the body becomes larger.

If the level of AMH when reaching puberty is not high enough, this negatively affects the reproductive function of a woman, and can lead to infertility. A low level of AMG does not allow the follicles and eggs to ripen normally.

Proper development of a healthy egg at a normal level of the antimueller hormone

The norm of the antimueller hormone in women

In girls under 9, the norm is 1.7 to 5.3 ng / ml, and from the beginning of the period when puberty occurs and before the onset of menopause -2.1-6.8 ng / ml.

High antimulylerov hormone, the causes of

The reasons for the increased level of AMG can be as follows:

  • the presence of an ovarian tumor
  • the presence of oncological diseases
  • observed polycystic ovary
  • possible delay in sexual development
  • infertility

However, according to doctors, an elevated level of AMG can play into the hands of an artificialfertilization. In women with elevated AMH, 2.5 are more likely to become pregnant with this procedure, becausethey have more eggs that are ready for fertilization.

Low antimulylerov hormone, causes

With low AMG, the following deviations from the norm are possible:

  • premature sexual development
  • approach of menopause
  • ovarian depletion - few healthy eggs
  • overweight - obesity in reproductive age
  • congenital absence of ovaries
Decrease in antimulylerovogo hormone level with age of women

Antimueller hormone table

AMG, ng / mL
High & gt; 6.8
Normal 4-6,8
Normal low 2,2-4
Low 0.3-2.2
Very low & lt; 0.3

Where and for what day of the cycle should I take the hormone for antimulylerov?

If you are going to take an analysis on AMG, you should undergo the following preparation for it:

  • 3 days before blood donation for analysis do not engage in serious physical exertion, i.e.miss sports training
  • avoid stress situations
  • if any acute illness has been transferred, then it's better to postpone
  • for an hour, do not smoke, do not eat anything and preferably do not drink, if you really want, then drink some pure water
  • to give blood for analysis betterin the morning and on an empty stomach

The delivery of blood to the AMG is done on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle.

Assay analysis for antimulylerov hormone
  • Analysis of AMG is done in any private laboratory. For him, blood is taken from the vein, the results are ready in 2-3 days
  • If the result of the analysis shows a violation in the production of the hormone, you need to visit your doctor and pass such narrowly focused specialists as the endocrinologist and reproduologist
  • Also do not forget that there could be an error inlaboratory, and if the results are far from normal, then before starting any treatment and expensive examination, repeat the analysis. In addition, the results could be affected by improper preparation before donating blood

Antimulyler analysis results,

This assay is administered to women in the following cases:

  • in order to determine whether the development of the reproductive system was premature or delayed with
  • to determine the causes of infertility
  • in order to detect polycystic ovaries or the presence of tumors

The results of the analysis on AMG show how much a woman has healthy eggs that are ready for fertilization.

Thanks to the analysis on AMG for 4 years, it is possible to predict the onset of menopause, overseas, in such cases, cryocoagulation of eggs is practiced abroad, which allows a woman to become a mother after the onset of menopause.

Puncture of healthy eggs for in vitro fertilization

Antimiller hormone: treatment of

  • Unfortunately, if AMG is below normal, then no medicine can raise the level of the hormone in the body. Even if this is done artificially, the healthy eggs will not be added
  • . If the AMG is initially produced in the body incorrectly, the woman will not be able to become pregnant, becauseit will simply not be ready for fertilization of eggs and no treatment can change it
  • However, most often the treatment of the cause of the disease gives positive results and the hope for a fast motherhood
Healthy egg

Antimulylerov hormone and pregnancy

  • When preparing for artificial insemination,mandatory procedure, becausefrom the results of the analysis depends on how fertilization will take place. If the rates are very low, doctors will most likely offer a woman to use donor eggs
  • . Moreover, the result will depend on which woman will be trained for in vitro fertilization, as well as the number of drugs and their dosage. At high rates and improperly matched dosage of drugs, ovarian hyperstimulation can occur, which is very dangerous for a woman's health.
  • Recently, the number of artificial inseminations using donor cells has increased significantly. Doctors explain this by the fact that in recent years many operations have been carried out affecting the ovaries, thus reducing the number of healthy eggs in them.
Pregnancy after treatment of a decreased or elevated level of antimueller hormone

This analysis is also recommended to be taken during the preparation and planning of pregnancy in a natural way so that the doctor can assess the condition of the reproductive function of the woman and her ability to procreate.

VIDEO: Antimiller hormone: when, why and how?

  • May 19, 2018
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