Dandelion - roots, leaves, flowers, stems: medicinal properties, use and contraindications for women, men and children. Salad recipes for men and women, broths, jams, tinctures, juice, ointments, extracts, syrup, medicinal wine from dandelion

Article on the therapeutic properties of dandelions. How to be treated with a decoction, infusion, syrup, jam and a dandelion salad?


  • Recipe for flowers, roots, leaves and stems of dandelion
  • Dandelion: medicinal properties and applications for men, women and children
  • How to make a dandelion tincture for joints?
  • How to prepare dandelion jam?
  • Dandelion roots: medicinal properties, use, contraindications, prescriptions
  • Dandelion leaves: medicinal properties, use, contraindications, recipes
  • Dandelion flowers: medicinal properties, use, contraindications, prescriptions
  • Dandelion stems: medicinal properties, use, contraindications, prescriptions
  • Video: Useful properties of dandelion

Dandelions are one of the first spring flowers that blossom, please us after the winter. But it's not only beautiful flowers, but also very useful. In dandelion everything is curative: flowers, leaves, roots and stems.

Recipe for flowers, roots, leaves and stems of dandelion

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For joints, a healing decoction of various herbs with dandelion roots will help the joints.

. Decoction of herbs with inflammation of the joints.

. Recipe :

  1. Take the grass: for 3 parts of the root of barberry, dandelion and elderberry black;3 pieces of tansy flowers;3 parts of hops;for 4 parts of St. John's wort and sporicha;2 parts of blueberry leaves and 2 parts of flax seeds.
  2. Grind the herbs, mix them all together.
  3. To 6 g of a mixture of herbs add 1 glass of water , let's pour for 10 minutes, insist for half an hour.
  4. We take before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Also from this broth do compresses on the aching joints .

A dandelion is useful for people with diabetes mellitus .Infusions and decoctions from the whole plant help the body produce insulin, have a diuretic effect, thereby lowering sugar in the blood, urine and kidneys.

Dandelion: medicinal properties and applications for men, women and children.

Therapeutic properties of dandelion

The dandelion has: vitamins A, E, PP and group B, potassium, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, iron, calcium, boron and copper .Also dandelion is rich in carbohydrates and resins, proteins, tannins and organic acids .

Dandelion treated :

  • Wounds
  • Arthritis Atherosclerosis
  • ischemia
  • Diabetes
  • Diuretic cystitis
  • Heart and vessels
  • Tumors
  • Warts
  • swollen parts of the body from the bites of mosquitoes and blackflies

important .When purulent inflammation of the skin apply bandages, soaked in a decoction of dandelion.

Important .With atherosclerosis it is useful to drink infusion from the root of a dandelion, 2 times a day.

Therapeutic properties of dandelion, useful for men

Salad with leaves and dandelion flowers is useful for men . It promotes excitement, sexual attraction to women, erection and ejaculation.

Salad for men

Recipe :

  1. Leaves and flowers of dandelion salt , pour for half an hour with cold water.
  2. Cut finely 1 lemon together with the skin.
  3. Three on the grater 1 small carrot.
  4. We grind a handful of walnuts.
  5. We cut several leaves of sorrel.
  6. We connect all ingredients, fill with 3 cloves of crushed garlic, vegetable oil( 1-2 tablespoons).
  7. In a salad, you can substitute carrots - beets, sorrel - nettles, walnuts - cedar.

Note .You can not get too involved with a salad, you need to take breaks for a week, every 10 days.

Therapeutic properties of dandelion, useful for women

A dandelion is useful for women. Salads, infusions and decoctions help with female inflammatory diseases and hormonal races, resulting in further cysts and tumors .

Inflammation of the genitourinary system and appendages to women is useful for decoction.

Decoction of leaves and dandelion flowers

Recipe :

  1. Take 20 g of leaves and 30 g of dandelion flowers , fill with 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes.
  2. We insist in a warm place for 40 minutes, covered with a towel.
  3. Filter and drink 2 times a day, 150 ml each.

If breast tumor is observed, in addition to the decoction, need to compress on the chest from the crushed dandelion root of , and should be smeared with ointment.

Dandelion root ointment

Recipe :

  1. 10 g of ground dandelion root , pour with 50 ml of vegetable oil.
  2. Let's brew the night, and then you can apply.

Note. If the ointment applied to the chest is quickly absorbed, apply again, and in the evening repeat the procedure.

With various gynecological diseases or irregular monthly , a decoction is useful.

Decoction of dandelion root

Recipe :

  1. To 1 tbsp.spoon of ground dandelion root add 1 cup boiling water.
  2. Cook in a water bath, stirring for 50 minutes.
  3. 40 minutes insist.
  4. Filter, press cake and discard.
  5. Add boiled water to have a full glass.
  6. We take before meals, 0.5 glasses, 3 times a day.

Note .Decoction should be applied with caution to women breastfeeding, who have a lot of milk, since dandelion preparations strengthen lactation.

The healing properties of dandelion, useful for children

Treats dandelion and some childhood ailments, for example, rickets .To cure this disease, it is necessary, as soon as dandelions appear, to prepare a salad of leaves for the child , to brew tea from leaves and dandelion flowers with the addition of lemon, to cook syrup, jam and honey .

Syring for treatment of baby rickets

Recipe :

  1. Take juice from the leaves and flowers of dandelion( 1 part) and mix with sugar( 2 parts).
  2. We insist in an open dish, stirring after 1 hour, until all the sugar has dissolved, about 2-3 days.
  3. Add fresh carrot juice( 1 part) to the syrup .
  4. Store in a cool place, give the children 15 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

How to make a dandelion tincture for joints?

The therapeutic properties of dandelion are used in the treatment of

joints. For the treatment of joints, an alcoholic tincture of dandelion flowers is suitable.

Alcohol tincture from dandelion flowers

Recipe :

  1. Dandelion flowers( 50 g) fill with half a liter of vodka, insist in a closed jar, in a dark place for several weeks, occasionally shaking.
  2. After infusion, tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Compresses and trimmings with tincture from dandelions help with rheumatism, osteochondrosis, gout, convulsions, joints and colds .

Rubbing is done so : gauze is moistened in a tincture and rubbed the place where it hurts, or chest and back with cold, until the warmth is felt in this place, then covered with a warm blanket.

Make compresses : soak the gauze in the tincture and apply it to the sore spot, from above we are wrapping cellophane.

How to prepare dandelion jam?

The healing properties of dandelion in jams do not disappear

In jam from dandelions, and "honey", contain all the vitamins and minerals, as in a fresh plant.

Useful components from jam improve metabolism, help with colds, anemia, asthma, rejuvenate the body, clean the blood, lower the blood pressure .

So it looks like medical honey from dandelion flowers

"Honey" from dandelion flowers

Recipe :

  1. Take dandelions, rinse and tear off the green part, we need 200 g of dandelion petals , fill with 1.5 liters of boiling water andinsist the day.
  2. Filter the infusion, squeeze the petals and discard.
  3. In the infusion add juice of 2 lemons, 1.5 kg of sugar and cook, stirring with a gentle boil until thickened.
  4. Hot "honey" is poured into clean, closed cans. Add a few teaspoons to the green tea. Dandelion preserves preserves all the therapeutic properties of dandelion

    Dandelion preserves( classic recipe)

    Recipe :

    1. We collect 360-400 pcs.dandelion flowers without stems , rinse them, pour with cold water( 2 cups).
    2. Let's puff for 2 minutes.
    3. We insist 20 minutes, then filter through a colander, squeeze the flowers.
    4. In the broth we add 7 glasses of sugar , let's boil and cook for 7 minutes.
    5. Jam hot poured into clean jars and closed with lids.

    100 grams of jam cooked according to a classic recipe contains :

    • 3940 mg of beta carotene
    • 232 mg of potassium
    • 140 mg of calcium
    • 44 mg of sodium
    • 42 mg of phosphorus
    • 24 mg of magnesium
    • 18 mg of vitamin C
    • 2.4 mgvitamin E
    • 1.8 mg of iron
    • 0.28 mg of zinc
    • 0.23 mg of manganese
    • For 0.12 mg of copper and selenium

    Note .The rate of beta-carotene for a human a day is 5 mg.

    Note .To strengthen cholagogue and anti-inflammatory properties, dandelion jam is eaten and washed down with green tea, can be a decoction of milk thistle.

    Dandelion roots: medicinal properties, use, contraindications, prescriptions

    In dry roots, all the medicinal properties of dandelion

    are preserved. With medicines with dandelion roots, can heal the liver, kidneys, stomach, improve metabolism, and preserve the youth longer.

    For the treatment of various diseases, infusions, decoctions and powder from dandelion roots are used inside. They are of great help:

    • Helps in the prevention of viral diseases
    • Lower blood cholesterol
    • Improve appetite
    • Toughening tuberculosis
    • Diabetes patients
    • Cure insomnia
    • Eliminate chronic constipation
    • With liver diseases
    • With a sick bladder
    • With anemia
    • With joints

    Brothfrom the roots of a dandelion

    Recipe :

    1. Take 2 teaspoons of ground dandelion roots , fill with 1 glass of water and cook for 15 minutes.
    2. We insist, until it cools down and filters.
    3. We take half an hour before meals, 1/3 of a glass, several times a day.
    4. The remaining broth can be stored for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

    Infusion from the roots of a dandelion

    Recipe :

    1. 1 tbsp.spoon of ground dandelion roots fill with 1 glass of boiling water.
    2. We put it for 2 hours.
    3. Filter and drink 1/3 of the glass 4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

    To to lower cholesterol in the blood it is useful to eat 1/3 of a teaspoon of powder from the ground dandelion root of , 2-3 times a day, before eating.

    All the useful properties of dandelion were transferred to the ointment
    • Also from the roots of dandelion ointments are prepared, oils with the addition of powder from them.
    • With eczema, the sore spots of are smeared with honey and dandelion root powder, taken evenly.
    • With bedsores and burns, lubricates the skin with oil with dandelion root powder.

    Oil with dandelion root powder

    Recipe :

    1. 1 tbsp.a spoonful of powder from the ground dandelion root of is mixed with 0.5 cups of vegetable oil.
    2. We insist 1 day and can be used.
    Useful healing tea from dandelion rootlets

    The medicinal properties are: coffee, tea, dandelion root salad .

    Coffee from Grounded Dandelion Roots

    Recipe :

    1. The roots of the are mine and fry until dark brown in a dry griddle.
    2. You can dry it in the oven at a low temperature until it becomes brittle.
    3. Dried roots are ground in a coffee grinder and cook coffee.
    4. Add sugar, cinnamon and other spices to the ready-made beverage to improve taste.

    Patients with diabetes mellitus use tea, listed below.

    Tea from dandelion root, bean leaf, blueberry and nettle leaves

    Recipe :

    1. For tea we take and grind the components equally, pour boiling water, half an hour, we insist, we take before meals, for half an hour.
    Salad from grated roots of dandelion and spring greens

    Salad from root of dandelion

    Recipe :

    1. Take fresh roots of dandelion, carrots and grate.
    2. Add the green salad, green dill, parsley, torn with .
    3. We fill with vegetable oil( 1-2 tablespoons) .Therapeutic salad is ready.

    Contraindications to the use of dandelion root :

    • Do not use in the period of exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcers and cholelithiasis.
    • It is forbidden to use for women during pregnancy.
    • It is limited to use for mothers during lactation, since it can be bitter milk.
    • Do not give children younger than 12 years.
    • In people prone to allergies, a medicine from the roots can cause an allergic reaction.

    Dandelion leaves: medicinal properties, use, contraindications, recipes

    Useful properties of dandelion leaves

    Young dandelion leaves are edible. They improve appetite, contain carotenes, saponins, proteins, vitamins C, B, calcium, manganese, phosphorus and iron.

    This antiscorbutic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory agent. Leaves have a good effect on the liver, kidneys, have an expectorant property.

    From the leaves of dandelion it is possible to prepare juice, salad, broth, infusion .

    • Kashitsu from fresh dandelion leaves is applied if there is warts on the body or after insect bites.
    • With vitamin deficiency , is a useful decoction of dandelion leaves.
    • With eczema you need to take bath with the addition of decoction of dandelion leaves.

    Juice from dandelion leaves

    Recipe for :

    1. We collect the young leaves of dandelion for 30 minutes in salted boiled water, then we pour with boiling water.
    2. We pass through a meat grinder and squeeze out through gauze. The juice is ready.
    3. Before taking inside, dilute the juice equally with boiled water.

    Juice uses :

    • For herpes, lubricate the affected area 3 times a day.
    • After biting insects - the juice removes redness and itching.
    • If there are pigmented spots and freckles on the body, then rubbing the face with juice several times a day makes them invisible.
    • If you spread warts and pimples with undiluted dandelion juice, they will disappear.
    • For fast healing of injuries and small wounds.
    • To stop bleeding.
    • If there is no appetite, a breakdown, lack of vitamins, should be taken orally 20 minutes before meals, 0.5 cup diluted with half the water of the dandelion juice.
    From young leaves of dandelion prepare useful and therapeutic salads

    Salad from dandelion leaves


    1. Take leaves of dandelion , soak them for half an hour, so as not to bitterly, finely chopped.
    2. Add fresh cucumber, boiled potatoes, boiled egg, green salad, greens of dill, parsley, green garlic and onions.
    3. We mix, fill with sour cream and lettuce is ready.

    Contraindications to the use of leaves :

    • With caution in diseases of stomach ulcers and gastritis.
    • Not recommended for pregnant women.
    • Can not be taken if there is an allergy to the plant.
    • You can not use leaves for medicinal purposes if you are not sure that the plant is collected in an environmentally friendly environment, since a dandelion absorbs harmful substances from the ground and air, and can harm, and not cure.

    Dandelion flowers: medicinal properties, use, contraindications, recipes

    Useful properties of dandelion flowers

    Dandelion flowers well cure insomnia, liver diseases, hemorrhoids, and dandelion juice helps to make pigment spots, freckles, warts less visible.

    From dandelion flowers for therapeutic purposes tinctures, decoctions, ointments, extracts, jam, honey, syrup and wine are prepared.

    Decoctions taken orally if worried :

    • High blood pressure
    • Cold
    • Insomnia
    • Meteorism
    • Overstrain

    Decoction cooked on dandelion colors

    Recipe :

    1. 10 g of dandelion flowers fill with 1 cup of boiling water.
    2. Cook for 15 minutes, insist for half an hour, filter and drink 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

    Ointments are used for burns, bite of mosquitoes and mosquitoes, skin lesions and cuts of .

    Ointment, prepared on dandelion colors

    Recipe for :

    1. 20 pcs.crushed flowers, 1 finely chopped onion, 1 glass of vegetable oil is mixed.
    2. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes.
    3. Let's cool and strain through gauze. We store in a cold place. Lubricate sore spots 2-3 times a day.
    A useful and sweet extract from dandelion flowers like and bees

    Extract from dandelions is useful :

    • With fatigue
    • With reduced appetite

    Extract, cooked on dandelion colors

    Recipe :

    1. In a 3-liter jar we apply dandelion flowers ,3-4 cm, we compact them and is poured with sugar, 2-3 cm thick( 1-1.5 kg of sugar will be needed for a 3-liter jar).
    2. When the bank is full, add half a glass of water and tamp down again.
    3. We are waiting for sugar to melt. The resulting extract is taken 1 teaspoonful 4 times a day.

    Syrup, prepared on dandelion colors

    Recipe :

    1. Dandelion flowers are poured in a pan of with cold water to cover them.
    2. Let's boil, cook for 10 minutes, cover it with a lid.
    3. We insist for several hours.
    4. Then decoction decoction, add sugar, for 1 liter of broth 1.5 kg of sugar , cook until the sugar dissolves. We store in the refrigerator. Accepted for 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.
    Useful curative wine from dandelion flowers

    You can prepare curative wine from dandelion flowers. It is prepared from one petal or together with a green part of a flower, but then the finished wine will be bitter.

    Curative wine from dandelion flowers with green flowerpot

    Recipe :

    1. Clean dandelion flowers together with green part are passed through a meat grinder.
    2. Add to 1 l of juice 4 tbsp.spoons of sugar.
    3. We pour into a bottle, tightly clog, remove the tube and lower it into the water.
    4. So leave the wine until it's fermented.
    5. When the air bubbles cease to stand out, we pour the wine into another dish and store it in a cool place.
    6. To make the wine better preserved, you can add vodka to it( per 1 liter of wine 100 grams of vodka).

    This wine can take to relieve cardiac spasm instead of nitroglycerin .

    Contraindications to the use of medicines from dandelion flowers

    • : Not recommended for stomach ulcers and gastritis
    • Use with caution in people who have frequent diarrhea
    • Not recommended for increased acidity of the stomach
    • Can not be taken with blockage of bile ducts
    • Do not take with plant allergy
    • Limit pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding

    Dandelion stems: medicinal properties, use, contraindications, prescriptions

    The dandelion stems also have therapeutic

    Milk juice from the stems of dandelion displays dry calluses, warts;grease freckles, pigment spots, after which they become less noticeable.

    From the stems of a dandelion it is recommended that patients with diabetes mellitus suck out the juice( rubber juice), but do not swallow, but keep in the mouth. This juice reduces blood sugar.

    So, dandelions treat a lot of diseases, which we did not even suspect.

    Video: Useful properties of dandelion

  • May 19, 2018
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