Cultivation of lilies from scales and seeds for sale in spring and autumn. Reproduction of lilies with scales in summer, in August, in autumn

Detailed description of the most common methods of reproduction of garden lilies.


  • How to breed, multiply lilies from scales?
  • How to propagate and grow a lily from a scales in August, in the autumn?
  • How to grow lilies from flakes in one year?
  • How to store lilies grown from scales in winter?
  • Growing lilies from scales in the spring
  • Lilies from seeds: planting and care
  • Sale of bulbs of lilies by mail
  • Sale of flowers of lilies
  • Video: Reproduction of lilies with flakes

Reproduction of lilies with scales makes it possible to obtain a large number of new young bulbs in a short time. On each scale an average of 2 to 4 onions grows, and plants can be propagated in this way at any time of the year.

Propagation of lilies with seeds takes more time and energy from gardeners, however, each of these methods is quite effective and deserves special attention.

Growing lilies from scales

How to breed, multiply lilies from scales?

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Breeding by flakes is a vegetative method of reproduction. Almost each of their species can be propagated in this simple way:

  1. Loosen the bulb from the ground. Carefully shoving it off, try not to hurt or disturb the roots.
  2. With a peeled bulb, separate several scales( no more than 5).
  3. Fracture sites and separated scales should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with charcoal.
  4. Fill the bulb again with a medium and pour it gently.
  5. Treat dried flakes with ground charcoal.
  6. Plant scales to grow.

IMPORTANT: Flakes selected for breeding should not have stains or damage.

Lily flakes

How to propagate and grow a lily of flakes in August, in the fall?

Feature of the lilies that are separated at the end of summer and early autumn is that they will be ready for planting in greenhouses or boxes by February-March. Prior to this, the selected flakes should be properly processed and preserved:

  1. After washing thoroughly, flush the scales with water.
  2. Place in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.
  3. 12 hours stand them either in a solution of succinic acid, or in a solution of epin.
  4. Dry on dry cotton cloth.
  5. Pour the scales with dry sand or substrate.
  6. Place in plastic bags, store in this condition for up to 8 weeks at a temperature not exceeding 22 ° C.
  7. Next 3 - 4 weeks, store the bags at a temperature of 16 - 18 ° C.
  8. In the period when small bulbs begin to appear at the base, it is most favorable for planting.

IMPORTANT: If it is not possible to dispose flakes on time, subsequent storage should take place at a temperature of 4 ° C.

Lily bulbs on the scales

How to grow lilies from flakes in one year?

To obtain the first flowers of lilies grown from scales, after a year, start the planting works in late April - early May:

  1. Sprout flakes in pre-prepared and disinfected sawdust, placed in plastic bags, at a temperature of about 22 - 23 ° C.
  2. During the germination, perform moderate watering. Excessive moisture in the sawdust can contribute to decay of the scales.
  3. After 12 - 16 days, transplant the scales with the bulbs that appeared on them in the ground.
  4. The soil should be regularly loosened and moderately watered, avoiding stripping the parts of the flakes.
  5. In late autumn, cover the lilies with dry hay, sawdust or humus. So you will provide plants with a comfortable winter.
  6. In spring, release the lily from the heater and evaluate the condition and color of the sheets. If the plants successfully hibernated, the leaves will have a brownish hue.

In June - July, the young plants will bloom for the first time. Thus, the first flowers of lilies you will receive a year after the landing of the scales.

IMPORTANT: Reproduction of lilies by separating flakes is most suitable for varieties that do not form a sufficient number of daughter bulbs.

Lily bulb before scaling

How to store lilies that have grown from scales in winter?

One of the reliable ways of winter storage of scales and bulbs that appeared on them is as follows:

  1. Mix the selected and processed lily flakes with moistened milled sphagnum moss, charcoal or coniferous sawdust in a ratio of 1: 4.
  2. Distribute the resulting mixture over plastic bags.
  3. Until the bulbs appear, pack them at 22 - 23 ° C.
  4. After 1 - 1.5 months, when the diameter of the onion cup reaches 0.5 - 0.7 cm, packets are moved to the refrigerator for 4 weeks, ensuring a temperature of 3 - 4 ° C.
  5. Separate bulbs from scales and plant them.
Storage of lilies that grew from scales in winter

Growing lilies from scales in spring

Spring separation of adult bulbs of lilies allows you to quickly get a large number of new young plants. The separation of scales and their placement for germination should be carried out in early March. By the planting season on each scales bulbs are formed.

For growing small onions, a separate bed is built. All summer young lilies will grow, gain strength, and by autumn from half-centimeters babies will form quite large bulbs.

IMPORTANT: Comfortable wintering for young lilies can be ensured by reliable warming of the beds.

Seed lilies: planting and care

Reproduction of lilies by seeds is a long and painstaking process. Young plants that have emerged from the seeds will be able to please the horticulturist with the first flowering not earlier than the in 3 to 4 years. However, this method of reproduction is quite popular, as it makes it possible to obtain simultaneously a large number of new plants.

IMPORTANT: A responsible approach to the reproduction of lilies by seeds involves finding out and studying the selected variety in detail. To ensure maximum germination of the seeds of lilies of some species, it is preferable to create special temperature and light conditions.

Sprouted seeds of lily

There is an easy method of growing from seeds, suitable for any kind of these plants:

  1. Soak the selected seeds for 12 to 16 hours in a solution of zinc sulfate( 0.04%).
  2. Prepare the primer. To do this, mix leafy earth and sand.
  3. At the end of February - beginning of March, sow the seeds in the prepared soil to a depth of 0.5 - 0.6 cm.
  4. Provide an air temperature of 22-24 ° C in the room.
  5. Use the spray gun to water.
  6. After emergence, lower the temperature to 12 - 15 ° C and ensure regular access to scattered light plants.
  7. The first transplantation of young plants into separate containers should be done immediately after the appearance of the leaves.
  8. Provide seedlings with lighting, watering and loosening of the soil.
  9. At the end of spring, transplant seedlings into well drained fertile soil, about 35 cm apart.
  10. Provide plants with regular watering, feed them with fertilizers.

IMPORTANT: Lily seeds lose the ability to germinate very quickly, so they are sown no later than 2 years after harvesting.

Let's assume an option of sowing seeds in the open ground at the end of autumn. At the same time, it is important to carefully insulate the cropbed for crops in winter. In spring, young shoots will appear from the seeds.

Seeds of lilies

Sale of bulbs of lilies by mail

Florists who want to decorate flower beds with new varieties of lilies as soon as possible can order the delivery of bulbs by mail. The sale of bulbs of lilies by mail is quite common. Selecting the varieties of interest on the flower sites selling plants, it is enough to place an order, and you can wait for an early replenishment of your own flower collection.

Typically, lily supply sites provide photographs and detailed information about each plant variety, indicating the conditions of care and breeding.

Sale of bulbs of lilies by mail

Sale of lily flowers

Breeding lilies from a fascinating hobby can turn into a profitable business. Due to its unpretentiousness, the ability to grow rapidly and the extraordinary beauty of flowers, these plants can become a true "golden dwelling" for the florist.

Sale of flowers lilies

Lilies can decorate any celebration, present them to their beloved girl, a strict boss or to please a bouquet of an elderly person. These flowers are appropriate in any situation. Therefore, having organized the business competently, the lily breeder will certainly succeed.

Video: Reproduction of lily with scales

  • May 19, 2018
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