Women's energy. How do women affect a man? What fills the woman, and what deprives her of her strength?

What factors affect the filling of a woman with her energies. As we kill our femininity.

Contents of

  • Fatigue and Depression. Why do we lose energy?
  • Sources of female and male energy
  • What happens when a woman loses energy?
  • What are the advantages of female energy?
  • What destroys female energy?
  • 10 ways to be filled with feminine energy
  • Tips for energy storage and reviews
  • VIDEO: Why should a woman be feminine energy

probably already many heard , that there men energy - is invasion, RGM Assumption , directionality , vector . AND female energy - is softness , flexibility , softness and compliancy .

We live in modern world , in which is dominated by male energy - by speed and aggressiveness of . AND therefore to the woman is very it is important to know how to save its energy , where its feed and as to accumulate .

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Fatigue and Depression. Why do we lose the energy of ?

IMPORTANT: According to the principles of Eastern psychology each male consists of large part of from male energy and small from female . The of the itself concerns the and the of the female .

When woman in force its image life constantly struggling for survival , where - the hurry , stops think of currently and just feels is losing the female energy .


if if it its loses , then that same then remains ?

Remains masculine , which on the contrary starts to prevail and more more drives its in dead end . Because that accounts win its right be strong , competing with themselves men , agressirovat and at this wonder - where all is in me? A men very strongly feel of and women start their to shun . Or same if it lives with it under one roof , then enter more feminine and compliant mistresses .

Sources female and male

energy Due different not only mental , but and physiological structure and men women nature was thought different sources filling.
For male main source male energy - Cosmos . For , women - is Earth .

IMPORTANT: eruyuschie people know , that in temple , where under dome is huge concentration celestial energy woman should wear handkerchief , which protects its from this energy .

A long domed skirt on the contrary reinforces inflow energy from of the Earth .And vice versa man should be without head-dress and in trousers , that overlap on his structure flow earth energy.

What occurs when , when the woman loses energy to ?

Energy male and female are connected to moments proximity . It is the then the male gets the part of the earth energy female.

This energy helps the it to materialize its ideas and targets , then is set directivity its strength . More female energy calms its and sends to creative acts .

When same man not gets this energy on reason failure in proximity or decline energy in women , the he becomes more hard and rough. starts with problems on work , business ceases to bring profit , leads friends .
Therefore to woman is very dangerous to deny to male in near . It itself pushes its so most on searches for new energy and inspiration .

Which benefits the from the female energy ?

When the female is filled with with the correct female with energy, male nowhere is is missing . It also is required us for supporting of the important personal . Main observe the balance .

When sufficient amount femininity we always calm and sure in that , that our man all can , thought flow more calmly and measured and we just know how to enjoy themselves by themselves .

When a woman can receive buzz from herself itself , knows itself please and pamper , rises not only self-esteem . But and have the attention of to men . We translate energy pleasure . AND these fluids for kilometer will feel most courageous and successful male .

What destroys the female energy ?

1 . Responsibility of a woman .

This is the pure Mens feature character . We sometimes forget or we have take responsibility in that or is another moment . This and takes from us force.we have the right to be responsible only for our lives and children's lives. Trust the rest of the universe.

2 . Adopting solutions .

Allow to the men of to take solution . Even if the they are wrong . Thanks to the this they grow . When same female already is on guiding posts , is worth making decisions with love and on - female .

3 . Pursuing .When

we often say « you should , you obliged . .» we start lost and break its essence , adjusting under circumstances . This takes very a lot of female energy . Because , that awakens energy protection . A is an already another side of the medals of the . therefore let know how softly go from words " must " and listen to true " want ".

4 . The need for to be protected by .

When woman not feels protection strong men , when its nobody protect , she again resorts necessarily to its male energies and starts defend yourself itself .

5 . Objectives of .

As only we in targets - we already not we get pleasure from process and fall into male energy . The objectives of the - is the prerogative of the male , its vector . A woman receives pleasure from of each of step of process and gradually comes to result of .

10 ways is filled with female energy

1 . Meditation of the .

It is meditation that allows to feel again itself in this moment . Consciously we disable thread thoughts . Which interfere with us to stay .

AND thanks to calm and relaxing music and set up , we again plunged into its female images . With using meditation a woman can dream imagine all that will want . And this will come true . Because the that shaped the and female thinking the energy create wonders .

2 . 's pleasure from itself .

The ability of to receive buzz from itself of itself and have source of filling itself of energies .

We in any body are beautiful for are unique . AND we have the right to be such what us have created . learn love yourself , indulge and allow imagine make mistakes - this great and good quality .

3 . Shopping .

Well about this and say nothing . Buying yourself new stylish slippers we really fill with hormones happiness and we begin glow .Even if

not always have means allow yourself extra purchase , let it be inexpensive , but joy for themselves most .

4 . Creativity .

Sewing , knitting , quilling , doll Tilda , dancing , singing , de blend - incredible choice directions allows Now find his niche and implement its talents .

Energy creativity always is creative and carries huge potential female energy .

5 . Communication with nature .

The nature is our external the source , which to us is put on essence birth .

Woman - as we already wrote , is earthly energy .And communion with nature , picnics , just walks along the river or on park fill you own and inspire creativity .

6 . The bodily pleasures .

Massage , spa , yoga , bath oils , sauna or Bath - is all allows us return in body and feel harmony with him .

We need to take care of about it . AND do this need regularly .

7 . Communication with girlfriends .

Just conversations or about than : about men , about sex , about purchases and updates for new . All is allows us to unload head from thread thoughts and feel itself in moment .

No gossip and convictions of anyone - or . This is forbidden and will deprive of you of energy completely !

8 . Sweets .

Honey , natural pollen , chocolate - is elixirs beauty and happiness .

woman needs sweets from . They soothe us . But does not forget about measure . We do do not need extra kilo .

9 . Privacy .

Yes it having stayed alone with a , rested and reading book , listening just silence , we too are filled with women energies and return currently yourself.

1 0 . Beautiful clothing and decoration .

Here already is not comes speech about shopping . Just trying on the , that in you accumulated in and closet creating new images , you not only can bring order in thoughts and cabinet. In addition, you still and fill with from as . AND of course same add ornaments . Even if you very not habitually carry that - or , accustom themselves to start least to pair bracelets.

Tips for energy storage and reviews

  • Each a woman on the period encounters with and problems with " thoughts that with me is not so ?" and then in searches for responses , we are submerged in the sea information and starts sinking in it . hope, that we chosen for you most important and useful , and it help you further move on life smoothly and allow problems by solved
  • Be always kind not only to surrounding , but and to imagine . Having learned to take itself and to forgive oversights and errors, we will always in its energy . AND us will simpler forgive other
  • Allow male energy to exit to paper . If you that - then offended or upset , write letter offender and burn . Will become easier . AND you not destroy yourself from within and outside all will remain unscathed . On change male energy you get bonus sea female

Femininity you , dear our women !

Elena , 33 of the year .
I 5 years worked on leadership positions and only Now realized how much male actions and habits had make in his life . I has managed to understand , that is greater than so is not I want . with with was dismissed. Found simpler , but without constant rush . Allowed to men me to manage , to myself to be weak , ceased to accept solution and became more often asks for help . Became to wear skirts and dresses . Now total for year , i already other . Dreams of about children already closer , because that appeared young man and soon wedding . All I wish the to be only feminine .

VIDEO: Why should a woman be in a woman's energy

  • May 19, 2018
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