How to grow wine, tea, rice, kefir and milk mushroom at home from scratch?

The instruction on cultivation of wine, rice, milk and a tea mushroom.


  • How to grow kefir fungus at home from scratch, how to care?
  • How to grow a milk mushroom at home from scratch, how to care?
  • How to grow a rice mushroom at home from scratch, how to care?
  • How to grow a wine mushroom at home from scratch, how to care?
  • How to grow a tea mushroom from scratch, how to care?
  • VIDEO: How to make a home mushroom?

Mushrooms are useful microorganisms that help us prepare delicious food and drinks. What is home made yogurt, kvass and cottage cheese. All these drinks are obtained by growing mushrooms and special bacterial starter cultures.

How to grow a kefir mushroom at home from scratch, how to care?

From scratch to grow kefiric mushroom will not work, as it is a symbiosis of algae and fungi. But if you want to prepare homemade yogurt or ryazhenka, you do not need it.

Simply purchase in the store natural biochetozer without impurities and pour it on the bottom of the pan. It is enough that the fermented milk product takes 3-4 cm on the height of the vessel. Pour in the cold milk and leave for a day. In ready-made yogurt already has a milk mushroom, so a delicious drink in the morning you are provided.

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Instructions for the cultivation and care of kefir fungus:

  • Take a piece, the size of a tablespoon of
  • Put the starter in a glass of milk and leave for a day at room temperature. Do not take boiled milk. It is better to take home and fresh
  • On the tablespoon enough 250 ml of milk. After the preparation of the drink, strain it, and rinse the remaining mushroom in cool water again with milk. Every day you need to immerse the mushroom in fresh milk, this will allow it to grow
  • After three weeks, the mushroom will be very large, so you can safely give it to a friend
  • Do not use hot water for washing. To prepare the drink, use only fatty milk. Low-fat product does not fit
  • If you do not plan to prepare a drink yet, mix the water with milk in a ratio of 1: 1 and pour into a three-liter jar. Leave for a few days. This drink can be used to make baking or pancakes

How to grow a milk mushroom at home from scratch how to care?

Kefir and milk mushroom are one and the same. This microorganism was first discovered by Tibetan monks. It was they who first learned about the medicinal properties of the drink. You can not grow it from scratch, get a piece in the store or ask your friends. The microorganism grows very fast, so your friends will share it with pleasure.

Instructions for the use of milk fungus:

  • Put three teaspoons of microorganism in a liter jar and fill with milk. Take fatty product, do not boil it beforehand.
  • Leave for a day, covered with gauze. You can not cover the lid, the composition should "breathe"
  • After a day, take a plastic colander and pour the contents into a bowl. What remains on the sieve, rinse with cool water from the mucus
  • Healthy mushroom is white and pleasant aroma
  • Pour the substance again with milk and leave for a day.
  • If you do not want to get a drink yet, pour the microorganism with milk and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days. Cool will prolong fermentation time

Brown mushroom can not be used, it needs to be thrown away.

How to grow a rice mushroom at home from scratch, how to care?

Rice mushroom has nothing to do with rice, it is so called because of its shape and appearance. The mushroom is similar to the transparent grains of rice. He was first found in Tibet and explored useful properties. It is recommended to drink infusion for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, weight loss and cholesterol level. From scratch, you can not prepare a mushroom, you can buy it in a phytoapteke or take it from friends.

Instructions for the use of rice mushroom:

  • Put a spoonful of raw material in the jar and fill it with water. On a three-liter bottle you need 10 spoonfuls of sugar and a handful of dried fruits
  • Take raisins, dried apricots and prunes
  • Cover the jar with gauze and leave it on the windowsill or in the closet in the kitchen for a few days.
  • After preparing the drink, strain it and, and rinse the crystals and refill with watersugar and fruit
  • Do not use boiled water to prepare the drink. The filtered liquid
  • becomes ideal. If the crystals are smaller, the fungus will soon die, possibly a low temperature in the room. At a temperature of 18-20 ° C, the fungus practically does not grow

How to grow a wine mushroom at home from scratch how to care?

Wine fungus is a symbiosis of myxomycetes and bacteria. They form complex substances from simple substances. Looks like a wine mushroom on a dark mass of reddish color with a characteristic smell. This mushroom is used in wineries in the production of sparkling wines and the Monastery Hut.

You can not prepare or grow the mushroom yourself, you need to buy it or ask a friend for it. Now this mushroom is not very common, as the wine can be purchased in any supermarket. This substance was most popular in Soviet and post-Soviet times, when alcohol could only be purchased by coupons.

The instruction on cultivation of a wine mushroom and preparation from it of wine:

  • Strangely enough grapes for preparation of a drink are not necessary. It is necessary to pour 2000 ml of water into a three-liter jar and add 0.5 kg of sugar to it.
  • In a separate dish in 500 ml of water, dissolve 150 g of tomato paste. It is necessary to take the product without odor and additives. You can not have spices or salt in the pasta. Stir until all the lumps of
  • dissolve. Mix the two solutions and pour in 250 ml of the wine mushroom. Put a glove or condom on the bottle and leave for 8-14 days
  • Immediately the glove is inflated, and after the fermentation process is over, the
  • will be blown off. Drain the wine from above, it will be white. At the bottom there is a muddy reddish liquid. This is the mushroom. It must be rinsed and poured into a container of cold water. Cover the jar with gauze and store in the refrigerator. It can stand for a very long time.
  • . If you want to prepare a new portion of wine, divide the remainder at the bottom of the jar with two 3 liter containers and repeat the process.
  • . For each fermentation cycle, the mushroom increases twofold.

How to grow a tea mushroom from scratch?

You can cook the mushroom yourself, however, it takes about 30 days. Externally, the fungus is a strange dense substance, smooth from above and with fins below.

Instructions for growing a tea mushroom:

  • Pour two tablespoons of black tea( dry leaves) with a liter of boiling water and leave until cooling.
  • Strain the solution and put in 50 g of sugar. Pour the liquid into a three-liter jar and cover with gauze or a napkin
  • Place the jar in a dark cabinet for 3-5 weeks. The mushroom must float on top
  • Now wash the substance and can use it to prepare kvass.
  • Store the mushroom in a sweetened solution.20 grams of sugar per liter of water is enough. The water should be boiled, and the sugar is completely dissolved. If you need to leave, put the mushroom in the refrigerator. But the best temperature is 25 ° C.Once a week, the nutrient solution needs to be changed to a new

. If a brown plaque appears, be sure to clean it, otherwise the fungus will fall ill.

As you can see, it is very easy to make delicious and healthy drinks from mushrooms. Keep and care for them is also easy.

VIDEO: How to make a home mushroom?

  • May 19, 2018
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