Development of the fetus for weeks of the third trimester of pregnancy. Fetal chart by week

It remains very little to wait and mom will embrace her little miracle. The kid is growing rapidly and developing. He is quite similar to the newborn and has the right to life, even in the case of premature birth.


Pregnancy by week: development and sensation

Pregnancy by Week: Development and Sensationse

28 week of pregnancy

The uterus has increased in size and squeezes the diaphragm, preventing breathing. It becomes more difficult for a woman to move. Colostrum may be secreted from the chest. She should be prepared for the possible development of gestosis, the threat of premature termination of pregnancy, squeezing the inferior vena cava.


  • The future mom can notice that the baby's activity is affected by her psychological state and the nature of the food eaten
  • The back and legs are hurting
  • It's hard to breathe
  • Sleeping uncomfortably
Finding a comfortable sleep pose is more difficult

29 week of pregnancy

The stomach is growing very fast, causing inconvenience. Weight also increases. It is necessary to monitor the level of iron in the blood. The volume of blood has greatly increased and this provokes the appearance of veins on the body.


  • Nipples increase
  • Appetite increases
  • During sneezing or coughing, it may be urinary incontinence
  • Sleepiness and fatigue can occur
  • Back and leg aches

30 week of pregnancy

Follow the protein level, pressure and swelling. They can be symptoms of gestosis. The resulting training bouts should not bring pain, otherwise you need to seek medical help.

  • Sensation:
    • Large abdomen does not give lightness, it is difficult to move.
    • Strongly aching legs and back
    • Breathing very hard
    • Acid reflux more expressive
    • Toddler does not move much more often, but stronger
    Cute tummy

    31 week of pregnancy

    IMPORTANT:You can not sleep in a position on your back. This can lead to negative consequences. Mom can lose consciousness, and the kid will get oxygen starvation.

    The hormone relaxin is produced in the body. He is responsible for weakening the pelvic bones, this ensures the passage of the baby through the birth canal. The chest is enlarged. Kidneys are difficult to cope with the load, there may be edema.


    • It's harder to breathe and move more
    • Take care of yourself from possible falls
    • Increased sweating brings discomfort
    • Depression can occur, a woman wants to cry about and without it
    • There are fears of childbirth

    32 week of pregnancy

    New hormonal changes begin in the body. They affect the production of milk and breast growth, as well as the softening of pelvic bones. The uterus still presses on the internal organs.


    • Hard to breathe and move
    • Hard to fall asleep
    • Ribs ache due to pressure on them of the uterus
    • Pelvic bones widen and bring discomfort
    • Navel ridiculously bulges, or smoothes with stomach
    • Pulling the baby can cause pain to the mother
    It's important to gain strengthup to the crucial moment, the birth of the baby to the light

    33 week of pregnancy

    The stomach is already big enough. Produced hormones, preparing the body for childbirth. This brings a new share of discomfort. The breast becomes even bigger. Blood pressure may rise, edema may occur. The uterus squeezes all internal organs, causing unpleasant sensations.


    • woman is very difficult to move around, lie down and breathe
    • childbirth fear gradually fade, and now comes the desire to accelerate the time
    • Heartburn enhanced
    • sore back
    • breathe very hard
    • itchy skin on
    • stomach due to improperly selected mum posture, babycan hurt to hit
    Toddler's leg is visible through the mother's belly

    34 week of pregnancy

    The tummy has grown even more, and the weight has increased. The state of the body is the same as last week. He is preparing for the forthcoming birth.


    • Tearful state has already passed, mood improves
    • Mom can not wait for the birth of a baby
    • You have to get up at night several times in the toilet
    • Appetite worsens due to permanent heartburn
    • Sore legs and back
    • Training bouts can bring discomfort
    • The baby became very tight in the abdomen, he became more lazy
    • Many women begin to worry because of a lack of stirring

    35 week of pregnancy

    The uterus this week is highestabout. Because of this, bronchial tubes increase to help a woman breathe. The body as much as possible prepare for childbirth and breast-feeding.


    • The abdomen is still above and does not allow to breathe normally
    • The food also does not bring the desired pleasure
    • The sensations are the same as before this week
    • Heartburn
    • Back and leg pain
    • Frequent urination, and possibly incontinence
    • Edema
    • Insomnia
    • Sweating
    • The kid has very little space in the uterus and he can only occasionally kick
    Fetal movements very exciting for parents

    36 week of pregnancy

    All processes in the body are aimed only at preparation for childbirth. Weight should no longer be typed. The cervix becomes softer. Possible discharge in the form of mucus from the vagina, it starts to go away cork. If twins are born, childbirth is possible already this week.


    • Toddler starts to lower, getting ready for light
    • Becomes easier to breathe, passes heartburn
    • That's just the toilet you need to run more often
    • Back pain does not recede

    IMPORTANT: Training bouts should not be painful if it's not so, should be sent to the hospital.

    37 week of pregnancy

    The body is not yet ready for childbirth, and actively does it. The belly descends, there comes a long-awaited relief. The breast is almost ready to be fed.


    • Future moms can react very violently to inquiries about the date of birth
    • It's very hard for them to move and they feel well very clumsy
    • Disturb the pain in the back and pelvis, it seems unreal
    • Training bouts strong enough
    • Weight is no longer dialed, and even decreases
    Soon the baby will be born

    38 week of pregnancy

    The ancestral ways are actively preparing for the forthcoming birth, and they can take place this week. Because of hormones, there can be attacks of already forgotten toxicosis.


    • Women, this week, are very afraid not to recognize real bouts and not be in time before the birth in the hospital
    • The baby is very hard pressed to the bottom of the abdomen, bringing mum discomfort to
    • Feeling tired and lack of sleep until they leave
    • Colostrum

    39 week of pregnancy

    The body is almost ready for childbirth and breastfeeding. It remains only to wait for the fights. If there are any pathologies, a woman can be put in a hospital. If everything is good, there is no need for this.


    • It is during this period that a woman begins to actively equip, clean, repair or rearrange the
    • . There are mixed feelings, this is both fear and desire to give birth
    • . It is often necessary to run to the toilet, it should be noted that the problem of locks has already departed
    • Very oftenfrighten training fights
    Soon there will come an important moment

    40 week of pregnancy

    The kid is already very closely in the womb of the mother, but the birth has not yet come. Hormones prepare bones for the baby's passage through the birth canal, which causes very strong discomfort in the mother. Childbirth can take place from day to day.


    • Mood is very changeable
    • Nausea attacks can occur
    • Bones, back, legs
    • very painful In the chest, pain can also be felt
    • Diarrhea occurs

    41 week of pregnancy

    The hormones responsible for the birth activity begin to excel. Outwardly, nothing changes. You should be attentive to training battles, they can go to the real ones.


    • The woman is already psychologically attuned to the birth of
    • The sensations are the same as on week 40
    • The bag has long been folded, things are only being revised
    Things in the maternity hospital have long been stacked and are only being reviewed

    42 week of pregnancy

    The woman's body is ready for delivery. They can linger, it depends on the wrong string.


    • Woman already tired of waiting, she can look depressed
    • All the discomforts have already been thoroughly tortured
    • Plus, everything can be exacerbated by hemorrhoids
    • Soon the meeting with such a long-awaited baby

    will soon be pleased. The third trimester development calendar for weeks

    Week 28: Childalready can blink, there were cilia. The skin becomes smoother. Grow hair on the head. The brain has increased, the part that is responsible for thinking is actively developing. The lungs are still developing.

    Video: Video guide.28 week. Partner births

    Week 29: Starting this week, the prematurely born baby may already be able to breathe on its own. The liver is improving. Gradually disappear pushkovye hair. The kid plays with his legs and arms, pops out his tongue, can even scratch himself, smiles. Requires a lot of calcium from my mother.

    Video: Video guide.29 week. Collection and storage of cord blood

    Week 30: The kid actively turns his head. Blinking eyes. He follows the ray of light that breaks through my mother's belly. Gaining body weight. Actively trained to breathe.

    Video: Video guide.30 week. Fighting with fatigue

    Week 31: Beginning this week, if the kid catches his eye, he immediately closes his eyes. He is very active, does not allow to rest at times. The brain, liver, lungs and pancreas are being improved.

    Video: Video guide.31 week. We visit the pool

    Week 32: The original grease is washed off. The skin becomes more pink in color. The fluff almost disappeared. The uterus is already cramped and the toddler must take the position upside down.

    Video: Video guide 32 week Future dad

    33 week: The fetus is already very similar to the newborn and is almost ready to go out. He can already have dreams, because the nervous system develops very quickly.

    Video: Video guide.33 week. Possible complications

    34 week: The kid has a little more to gain weight and he can be born without risk to his life. The lungs are almost ready for the first breath.

    Video: Video guide.34 week. Excursion to the maternity ward

    35 week: The weight of the baby is typed faster. Muscles become stronger. Some children can have long enough hair on their head, and a certain color. The kid has little room for curtsy in his mother's tummy, and he just kicks, it hurts enough.

    Video: Video guide.35 week. Relieving pain in

    contractions Week 36: Almost all systems are ready for the birth of a baby. Bones become harder, taking calcium from my mother. The skull is still soft enough, it is necessary for passage through the birth canal.

    Video: Video guide.36 week. Preparing for a trip to the maternity hospital

    Week 37: The Kid is training to suck and grab. Places in the womb is very small, even for kicks. He is completely ready for birth.

    Video: Video guide.37 week. Postpartum procedures with the child

    Week 38: The baby goes lower to the exit from the uterus. Weight, it almost does not grow anymore, as the placenta grows old. There is meconium in the intestine.

    Video: Video guide.38 week. Breastfeeding

    39 - 41 week: The kid is already ready for birth and to meet with the outside world.

    Video: Video guide.39 week. Beginning of childbirth

    Fetal weight for weeks of pregnancy

    In the third trimester, the baby begins to gain weight rapidly. And by the time of delivery, he can gain more than 4 kilograms. It all depends on how the pregnant woman watches her food.

    • 28 week: 1000 grams
    • 29 week: 1150 grams
    • 30 week: 1300 grams
    • 31 week: 1.5 kg
    • Week 32: 1.7 kg
    • Week 33: 1.9 kg
    • Week 34: 2.1 kg
    • 35 week: 2.4 kg
    • Week 36: 2,6 kg
    • 37 week: 2,9 kg
    • 38 week: 3 kg
    • 39 week: 3,2 kg
    • Week 40: 3,4 kg
    • Week 41:3.5 kg
    • Week 42: 3,6 kg

    Fetal rates for weeks

    In recent months, fetal growth rates are very important. With their help the doctor evaluates the development of the baby, and also he can plan the course of childbirth.

    Fetal standards by ultrasound scores for weeks of development

    Fetal size in the third trimester by weeks

    In order to imagine the size of the baby in the third trimester of its development, it can be compared with vegetables or fruits.

    • 28 week: lettuce head
    • 29 week: cabbage
    • 30 week: sweet melon
    • 31 weeks: pomelo
    • 32 week: jicama
    • 33 week: pineapple
    • 34 week: pumpkin
    • 35 week: jackfruit
    • 36 week: papaya
    • 37week: watermelon
    • 38 week: long as a celery
    • 40 - 42 week: pumpkin
    it is very important to do all planned ultrasound for the evaluation of fetal development

    Fetal length in the third trimester for weeks

    In the third trimester, the baby slightly slows down its rates in growth. It grows about 1 cm per week.

    • Week 28: 38.5 cm
    • Week 29: 40 cm
    • Week 30: 41 cm
    • Week 31: 42.5 cm
    • Week 32: 43.5 cm
    • Week 33: 44.5 cm
    • Week 34: 45,5 cm
    • 36 week: 48 cm
    • 37 week: 49 cm
    • 38 week: 50 cm
    • 39 week: 51 cm
    • 40 week 52 cm
    • 41 week 53 cm
    • 42 week 54 cm
    pregnant and ultrasound picture

    The weight of the child bystomach size

    In the third trimester, you can find out the approximate weight of a future child. For this it is necessary: ​​

    • Measure the abdominal circumference, at the level of the navel
    • Ask your doctor for the height of the standing of the uterine fund
    • Multiply one value by another

    The values ​​are not exact, but have an error.

    Video: How to know the weight of a child before birth? Calculator of weight during pregnancy

    Fetal head circumference in the third trimester for weeks

    It is very important that the size of the head circumference correspond to the norm. Deviations may indicate abnormalities in development or diseases. There are cases when the indicators are above the norm, but this is attributed to the individual characteristics of the fetus. It is for these indicators that the doctor can plan the course of labor.

    • Week 28: 265 mm
    • Week 29: 275 mm
    • Week 30: 285 mm
    • Week 31: 294 mm
    • Week 32: 304 mm
    • Week 33: 311 mm
    • Week 35: 322 mm
    • Week 36:week: 326 mm
    • 37 week: 330 mm
    • 38 week: 333 mm
    • 39 week: 335 mm
    • 40 week: 337 mm
    • 41 - 42 week: 340 mm

    Fetal heart rate per week

    It is very important that the fetal heart rate is in accordance with the norm. Both the slow pace, and the accelerated testify to hypoxia.

    Fetal heart rate

    Fetal images for weeks

    Fruit images
    Fetal images
    Fetal images
    Fetal images

    Fetal development of twins in the third trimester for weeks

    In the third trimester, double has very little space in my mother's stomach. It is very important that the woman follows the recommendations of doctors, during the entire pregnancy. Since the possibility of developing vices and diseases, in this case, is twice as high.

    everyone has already taken his place
    • 27 - 40 week: Very important period. Males complete their development and prepare to go out into the light, taking up every place. They weigh a little less than babies in single-pregnancy, but it's not scary. Birth of twins should be expected after 36 weeks of gestation.

    IMPORTANT: If a woman feels unwell and has indications necessary for hospitalization, she must be kept for safekeeping. In any case, starting from week 36, the pregnant woman should be under the supervision of doctors.

    Video: My pregnancy is twins / 3rd trimester of twin pregnancy

    Arrangement of the fetus in the abdomen for weeks

    • Approximately before 30 weeks the fetus freely moves in the uterus. Places for somersaults and coups are enough.
    • Beginning from the 34th to 35th week the kid already has his basic position

    IMPORTANT: It should be right upside down, otherwise there are indications for caesarean section.

    Fetal Cerebrosion by Week, Table

    Gestational Duration by Week Cerebellum Size, cm
    14 1 - 1.4
    15 1,1 - 1,5
    16 1,2 - 1,6
    17 1,4 - 1,8
    18 1,5 - 1.9
    19 1.6 - 2
    20 1.8 - 2.2
    21 1.9 - 2.3
    22 2 - 2.6
    23 2.1 - 2.7
    24 2.3 - 2.9
    25 2.4 - 3
    26 2.6 - 3.2
    27 2.7 - 3.3
    28 2.9 - 3.5
    29 3 - 3.6
    30 3.2 - 3.8
    31 3.3 - 3,9
    32 3.5 - 4.1
    33 3.7 - 4.3
    34 3.9 - 4.5
    35 4.1 - 4.7
    36 4.3 - 4.9
    37 4.4 - 5.2
    38 4.6 - 5.4
    39 4.8 - 5.6
    40 5.1 - 5.9
    41 5.3 - 6.1

    Fetal supplementation in the third trimester for weeks

    In the third trimesterthe baby is gaining weight well. To his birth he will weigh about 4 kilograms.

    • 26 - 30 weeks : increase from 100 to 150 grams
    • 30 - 42 weeks : the fruit on average collects 200 grams every week before its birth

    Video: Third trimester of pregnancy

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