In the modern world, the world of corruption and permissiveness, the diploma of higher education does not yet guarantee that someone will take you to work!
In addition to the diploma of higher( and not only) education, modern employers require a kip of recommendations and positive characteristics.
However, even having provided all these pieces of paper, you will have to "dance with a tambourine" before the employer and convince him that you are the most worthy candidate among all comers!
But how to successfully pass the interview, if you are a young graduate who has no recommendations and records in the workbook?
That's what we'll talk with you next!
What is necessary for a successful interview?
Any applicant, whether a beginner or a scorched wolf, will only need 4 things to successfully complete the interview:
- Preparing the
- Manners
- The ability to submit yourself
principles Now let's look at each point in more detail.
I think, by the end of the article you will know exactly what to say and do during the interview.
Let's go!
To successfully complete the interview, you need to prepare!
As the Germans say: "Those who are well informed, won the floor of the war."
So take an example from the Germans!
Going to meet with the employer, read about the company on the Internet, learn what it does and how long it has been functioning.
It is also not unpleasant to study reviews about the company.
I'll give you an example.
One of my friends needed work so much that she went to a little-known company, not knowing absolutely nothing about her.
After looking at the location and office, successfully passed the interview and started working.
And already literally a couple of months, it rained claims of angry customers.
It turns out that the company turned out to be a sharash, breeding people.
Director appeared in the company seldom, and all claims went to my friend.
She was shouted at, rushed with fists and even threatened with reprisals.
TOP-5 questions that ask at the interview
And now tell me if it's worth working in a similar place?
The answer is obvious.
But if a girlfriend had flirted and knew the information about the company in advance, she would obviously have bypassed her.
Learning manners or how to successfully pass an interview?
Manners of behavior, as well as the manner of conversation are extremely important for the successful passing of the interview.
Nobody will take a rude or a bully to his office.
P.S.An exception can only be if you are a bouncer!
So, having come for an interview, start the conversation with a smile.
Be sure to introduce yourself and say the position you are applying for.
If you are asked to wait, do not be indignant.
Agree with a smile and, in no case, do not take a sign like disrespect.
Successfully pass the interview will help you just patience, smile and tact!
At the beginning of the interview, be sure to smile, shake the hand of the interlocutor and thank for the invitation and attention. This you immediately arrange for an employer.
Sitting on a chair, take a business pose.
Do not fall apart at all, as if at a friend's house.
Answer questions only if they are clear to you.
Answer confidently.
At the end of the conversation you can ask your clarifying questions.
The best advice how to write a resume
Do not hesitate to do this and ask about training, further training, etc.
So you will show your professionalism.
Correctly submit yourself and successfully pass the interview
In addition to training and good manners, you just need to correctly sell yourself at the interview.
Yes, yes, I did not make a reservation!
At the interview you sell yourself.
And if you do it badly, then go look for work further.
But how to successfully pass the interview and sell yourself?
It's simple!
First, be confident.
Answer clearly and loudly.
Bubnev under his nose here does not ride.
You, as well as the employer, can mention in the conversation that you have planned another meeting in another organization and from all options you will choose the best one.
Let the employer know that you are in great demand.
So he can hurry up with a solution faster.
Do not give up the principles of
I will tell you a secret: many employers think that they are a light in the window for applicants.
Yes, and applicants sometimes behave appropriately.
They almost lay around at the employer's feet, begging for work and promising everything in the world.
Let's not do this with you.
Let's be principled and keep our face.
If you do not get taken into the company due to excessive adherence to principle, then certainly remember!
For my long 5 years of work, I have changed a lot of work places.
Over the years I have passed not even dozens, but hundreds of interviews and I realized one thing: people with firm principles and not sagging views on life are more likely to be hired than those who already begin to lick their backs from the first minutes of the interview.
It's simple.
If you are a fan of licking someone else's backs, then you always and in everything will agree with the boss.
In this case, the company will always stall in one place.
But a person with their own principles and views can give good advice in the future and look at emerging problems from a different angle.
He will not be afraid to confront the boss and defend his position.
And in the future can bring something good to the company, and there is just around the corner and career growth with a salaried wage increase!
How to successfully pass the interview - 8 tips
Of course, you can be disagree with me.
But I'll tell you one thing: I've never been afraid to tell my employers everything I think.
I always defended my point of view.
And I always had a choice of work.
I could dictate my terms and refuse not very good vacancies.
But my friend, the opponent of my tactic of communicating with employers, has been sitting for two years without a job and can not understand what she is doing wrong?
I recommend to watch a funny video,
as a "dummy employer" to conduct an interview with
applicants for skype!
P.S.look at the expression on the faces of applicants and on emerging issues!
To summarize, I will say one thing: be yourself, do not be afraid to defend your point of view.
After all, the director of the company takes you not to be like a dog running after him with a wagging tail and agreeing with everything, namely, so that you can bring something new to the development of the company.