What is dropshipping in sales, how to use it, where to start cooperation? How to organize dropshipping VKontakte with Aliexpress online?

Features organization of sales by dropshipping.

Contents of

  • What is dropshipping in sales?
  • Dropshipping from the manufacturer: Russian and Chinese suppliers
  • How to start dropshipping from the ground up and step by step, how to properly deal with them?
  • System dropshipping: terms of cooperation
  • How to organize dropshipping VKontakte?
  • With Aliexpress online?
  • Dropshipping system: pros and cons
  • Dropshipping system: reviews
  • VIDEO: Dropshipping

Dropshipping is an excellent way of making a profit without attachments. To engage in this type of activity, you do not need a warehouse and seed capital. This is a simplified system of wholesale sales, but at retail.

What is dropshipping in sales?

The formulation itself is quite complex, but in fact everything is much simpler. In some areas, clothes or shoes must be purchased by the growers, so you have to collect them to buy the entire box. This is the time for which the reservation for the goods itself can not be actual. Sometimes entrepreneurs are forced to invest their own money to close the summer ranch. Then they simply sell the remaining goods on their pages, which nobody has booked. This investment and risk.

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Dropshipping does not imply the collection of sneakers or batches. You find wholesalers or manufacturers ready to work under this scheme. Most often to purchase one unit at wholesale prices you just need to register on the manufacturer's website, indicating that you are a dropshipper. All, now you have access to all products at retail, but at a wholesale price.

What is dropshipping in sales?

Dropshipping from the manufacturer: Russian and Chinese suppliers

First you need to find partners who agree to work on dropshipping. This is not easy to do, because in most cases the wholesale price is not low at all. But nevertheless there are Russian manufacturers who at low wholesale prices work on the system of dropshipping.

List of Russian wholesale sites for dropshipping:

  • stock-sale.ru
  • viktoria-opt.ru
  • vilnoshop.ru
  • dropshopping.ru
  • postavshhiki.ru
  • dropshopping.ru
  • aplix.ru
  • ulmart.ru
  • russia-dropshipping.ru
  • optlist.com
  • suppliers.rf
  • za-optom.com
  • optomtovar.ru

Here you can find the right store with the right products. The main advantage of working with Russian sites is fast delivery and simplicity in communication, since the language is your native language. When there are discrepancies, they can be easily solved.

Now many dropshippers work with China. This is really very profitable, because the prices are minimal, so you can make a good mark-up, increasing your profit. But the lack of such cooperation - a long delivery, so it is necessary that the client was willing to wait.

The main sites for drop shipping in China:

  • en.aliexpress.
  • com tinydeal.
  • com sammydress.
  • com bestchinashops.ru
  • clothing-dropship.com
Dropshipping from the manufacturer: Russian and Chinese suppliers

How to start dropshipping from scratch and step by step, how should they be properly dealt with?

To begin with, find the sites with which you are ready to work, that is, where low prices and they are ready at wholesale price to retail.

Instruction for the operation of the dropshipping system:

  • Your task is to copy a photo of a product, place it on your page or in your online store and put the right price.
  • You can create a trading page on any site. It can be Avito or a normal VC page, but remember, now the site administration actively blocks the trading pages, so be sure to create a group.
  • That is, you set a small extra charge that will cover the delivery costs and a small percentage of the profit.
  • Now you simply receive the order from the customer and transfer it to the manufacturer or wholesale company. Specify in the order the address of the recipient and all the details.
  • Wholesale company will ship the goods to the address you specify. Everything is simple, you do not need to rent a warehouse and initial capital.
How to start dropshipping from scratch and step-by-step, how should they be properly dealt with?

System dropshipping: terms of cooperation

Not all manufacturers are ready to work under this scheme, as the product is manufactured by the usd. Naturally, some size is more than others. Thus, the manufacturer has a lot of clothes or shoes of the same size. It is difficult to realize such footwear, it is necessary to organize actions for sale of such goods. But novice manufacturers are happy to work on this scheme. Since this is a great source of funds.

Despite a small number of goods sold, dropshippers are very numerous, therefore the supplier has constant orders and money. He can track which model is bought most quickly and increase the production of this product.

Familiar work systems for dropshipping:

  • It is necessary to find a wholesale site that works under this scheme and register.
  • Some manufacturers require you to prove that you have a sales outlet. But it's also quite simple. Register on Avito, or any other site where you can all sell and buy. Create a page selling the clothes of this supplier. You can take a photo from the manufacturer.
  • After registration and confirmation, your status will change to "JV Drupshipping" or something like that. Each supplier has his own designations.
  • Now you can order clothes or equipment at a wholesale price, buying only one unit.
System dropshipping: terms of cooperation

How to organize dropshipping VKontakte?

The scheme is quite simple, to begin with, make contact with the supplier or manufacturer.

Dropshipping organization VKontakte:

  • Create your own page or group
  • Publish product photos
  • In comments write description and dimensions, price
  • Now actively add everyone to friends
  • You need the maximum number of
  • customers When you receive an order from the buyer, ask to transfer money to your
  • accountNow make an order from the vendor and upon receipt of the confirmation, pay the required amount
  • Specify the recipient information and delivery address
  • The difference between your cost and thethe driver is profit
How to organize dropshipping VKontakte

With Aliekspress online?

If your customers do not mind waiting, then you can safely work in the system of Dropshipping with Aliexpress. You after the order of the buyer leave the order from the seller to Aliexpress. The fastest way to establish communication through online chat. Each store has a button "chat", where you can on-line discuss all the details with the seller about the order, size and delivery time. This significantly reduces the time for receiving and ordering and goods. So, you minimize the delivery time.

With Aliexpress online?

The system of dropshipping: the pros and cons of

This sales system has a number of negative and positive sides. For the seller it is an opportunity to gain a decent customer base, implementing a quality product. The dropshipper itself, that is, the intermediary, can make good money without investing in business anything.

Pros of dropshipping:

  • Possibility to purchase goods from one unit at wholesale prices
  • Possibility to install a surcharge on your own
  • No need to rent a warehouse
  • No need to invest your personal money
  • You do not need to store things at home, as everything comes to the buyer

Disperse cons:

  • Inability to control the quality of goods
  • Oftenthe dimensional grid does not coincide with the real measurements and you can not help the client correctly determine its size
  • The competition is constantly increasing, because of this I fallt sales
System dropshipping: pros and cons

System dropshipping: reviews

The one who was able to earn a permanent customer base, quite well earns. The main thing is to choose the right manufacturer, which makes a high-quality product and install a small extra charge. After all, the low price attracts buyers. Ideally, it is best to create your own online store, develop it and invest in advertising. So, you can attract the clientele. And it is better to sell goods of not one manufacturer, but several.

Dropshipping: feedback from

As you can see, dropshipping is a great way to make money without investing anything.

VIDEO: Dropshipping

  • May 19, 2018
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