How to solve the problem of scalp dryness

Everyone can face the dryness of the head cover. This problem can be associated not only with illnesses, but it can also be acquired through inappropriate hair care, with malnutrition and other negative factors. Solving the problem of dryness of the epidermis is only capable of a complex approach.

  • reasons
  • How to treat
  • Proper care
  • power adjustment
  • Prevention
  • Medical masks and
  • means on the basis
  • onions Based
  • herbs Based
  • oil with lemon juice
  • With avocado
  • Sea Buckthorn
  • Based

creamCauses of

Identify the main causes of dryness:

  • hair coloring, including excessive coloration,
  • incorrect or incomplete hair care,
  • excessive usehairdryers and ironing,
  • perming,
  • excessive exposure to the sun without a headdress,
  • prolonged outdoor exposure to windy weather,
  • too dry indoor air,
  • unbalanced food,
  • bad habits( especially smoking),
  • violation of the hormonal background,
  • genetic conditionality( disease).

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If dryness of the head is a consequence of jumps or falls of those or other hormones or diseases of a dermatological nature( alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis) - treatment should be under the supervision of a specialist trichologist.

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How to treat

The following tips can help with other problems.

Consider each item separately:

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Proper care

Very often, the dryness of the scalp is caused by improperly selected hair care products. With dry scalp, shampoos, balms and hair sprays must be used to help maintain a sufficient level of moisture, which is necessary for both hair and scalp. In winter frosts you need to wear a warm hat, and in dry and warm periods of time, moisten the air in the room.

It is necessary to adhere to a number of rules for hair care:

  • before washing, hair must be carefully combed beforehand( for better nutrition);
  • the agent used should be slightly warmed in the palms before use;
  • to wash out hair is necessary very carefully from the rests of applied means;
  • do not rub the hair with a towel, but only slightly moisten the moisture;
  • do not use a hairdryer, curling irons, curlers, foams and hair varnishes;
  • after washing the hair needs to be dried by the natural way;
  • can only be combed if it dries completely.
Read also about the best masks for dry hair
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Adjusting the power of the

The first and most important rule to keep is to drink at least 2liters of water per day.

Next, include in your daily diet products with a lot of healthy fats( sesame, olives, nuts, flaxseed oil, dairy products, fatty fish, etc.).Such products will help to fill the level of essential fats in the sebaceous glands, thereby the scalp will also get the required level of nutrition.

Discard the roast.

You need to eat more vegetable proteins.

Under the prohibition for dry scalp is alcohol, smoking, coffee and sweets except for honey, dark chocolate, dried fruits, candied fruits and a small amount of marshmallow.

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To prevent the problem of dryness of the scalp is to use a variety of cosmetic oils( tea tree, sage, grape seed, olive, linseed and so on).Oils can be combined with each other and applied to the hair and scalp as separate agents, and you can add them a few drops to enrich the shampoo or balm.

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Treatment masks and products

We offer you several options for preparing home masks and products for the treatment of dry scalp:

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Onion based

It is necessary to take two heads of medium sized bulbs. Peel them from the peel and grind them. Take a piece of bandage or gauze and carefully squeeze out the chopped onion juice. Pure juice is enriched with 5-10 drops of jojoba oil or argan oil. The mixture should be rubbed with massage movements into the scalp. Cover your head with polyethylene and put on a warm hat. After an hour, you need to wash your head with an ordinary shampoo and rinse it to eliminate the onion smell with a decoction of the pharmacy( oak bark, chamomile, sage).

loading. ..

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Based on herbs

Two spoons with a slide of pharmacy herbal collection( chamomile, nettle, sage, plantain) brewed with steep boiling water( 2 liters).The broth should be cooled and filtered. After, two tablespoons of oat flakes should be poured with a cooled broth and insist to swell. Formed porridge rubbed into the scalp and distribute to all the hair.

The head needs to be warmed with a towel. The mixture can be washed in two hours.

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Based on

oils Combine olive and linseed oil in equal proportions and heat them. While the oil is warm, rub it with massage movements into the scalp. Leave the mixture on your head for one hour. Cover the head with polyethylene and a towel. Wash off the mixture with plenty of water with shampoo.

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With lemon juice

Mix two parts of olive oil and one part of lemon juice( the amount is determined per application for your hair length).By the same principle as in the above recipe, you need to rub the mixture into the scalp and rinse after 20 minutes with shampoo.

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With avocado pulp

One ripe fruit of avocado grind in a blender. Add two tablespoons of olive oil, a spoonful of jojoba oil and one spoonful of honey. All mix and apply to the hair and scalp. The head in the application of this recipe to insulate is optional. Soak the mask for half an hour and rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

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With sea buckthorn oil

Mix in equal proportions sea buckthorn oil, burdock oil and liquid honey. Blend the mixture slightly. Apply to the scalp with warm, massage movements. Insulate. To sustain on an head hour. Rinse thoroughly.

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Based on cream

Mix 100 ml of creamy cream with plain wheat flour. Externally, the mask should resemble a viscous mass, like a dough for pancakes. Apply the mixture for half an hour. In the mixture can also add any useful vegetable oil in the amount of a tablespoon


Skin of the head is useful to moisten with oil, burdock or sea buckthorn, or can be combined. I put oil on the scalp, wrapped my head with a towel, held the mask for a couple of hours, then washed it off. Hair has always become normal and nourished.

  • May 19, 2018
  • 13
  • 135