What should a child be able to do in 3 months

The first three months are the most difficult adaptation period in the life of an infant and his parents, a period of getting used to life in new conditions, a period of establishing relationships and understanding each other. By the age of three months, both the baby and his parents have established a certain regime and routine of life. By this age, the baby is becoming more active, rapidly developing both physically, mentally, and emotionally, and parents every day happily notice the new skills and skills of their beloved child.

  • Physical development
  • Intellectual development
  • Emotional and social development

Physical development

In the third month of its life the child grows and develops not less violently than in the previous two. The intensive development of all its organs and systems does not slow down the pace.

Unscrew the child in 2 months - http://woman-l.ru/chto-dolzhen-umet-rebyonok-v-2-mesyaca/

Normally the baby's gain in weight for the third month of life should be between 700 and 800 grams,while the growth of the baby increases on average by 2.5-3 cm. Thus, according to the average indices, by three months the baby's weight increases by approximately 2 kg, and should be between 5.2 and 6 kg. The growth of a three-month-old child ranges normally from 55 to 62 cm.

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The volume of the head for the third month of life in infants is increased by 1 cm and averages 38-41 cm. It increases by approximately 1-1.5 cm and the volume of the chest. In three months it should be about 39-41 cm.

The baby's musculoskeletal system continues, but its bones remain fragile enough, so parents need to be very cautious in handling their three-month-old baby. It is not recommended at this age to tightly swaddle or often and long time to plant - all this can lead to serious deformation of weak children's bones. At the same time, experts strongly recommend strengthening the muscular corset of three-month-old babies. To this end, you need to do a daily massage( but not more than 10 minutes in a row), perform simple physical exercises with your child. This is especially important if the child's physical development does not correspond to the norm.

So, at 3 months the child must:

  • lying on the tummy, leaning on the elbows and pens, slightly lifting the chest;
  • in the lying position, raise the head by 45 ° and, resting on the elbows, hold it for 15 seconds;
  • firmly hold the head in an upright position;
  • in the vertical position to turn the head in different directions, reacting to sounds or movement;
  • "pull up" on the handles;
  • try to sit down, if you pull it slightly by the handles;
  • attempt to maintain the head on a level with the body at the time of planting;
  • try to lean on the legs when they touch the hard surface;
  • reach out to the subjects of interest and confidently hold them;
  • try to explore all available items, including your own handles, pulling them into the mouth;
  • open palms( this indicates the disappearance of the unconditioned grasping reflex);
  • in the position of lying to turn the head and look away towards the object of interest or sound;
  • to coordinate head movements and peephole;
  • follow the view of a slowly moving or hanging bright object;
  • roll over on a barrel from a lying position, in order to better consider what interested him;
  • with the help of handles to explore your face and body.

At the age of three months the baby's movements become more and more conscious and diverse, and grimaces and actions become meaningful.

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Mental development

As for mental development, a three-month-old child should normally:

  • to recognize parents and other family members;
  • navigate in the space of a familiar room;
  • with a glance to continue the trajectory of the movement of the object that emerged from his field of vision;
  • highlight speech among other sounds;
  • suspend the drinking or eating process when unusual sounds occur;
  • less cry and smile more consciously;
  • to demonstrate memory, waiting for the expected actions( for example, waiting for the feeding time and joyfully reacting to it, including smacking, active movements of pens and legs, a smile);
  • try to attract attention by using different sounds;
  • various sounds to report their needs;
  • walk in response to a conversation with him, try to conduct a "dialogue with an adult";
  • try to pronounce vowel sounds like "ay", "ay", "yy," and also add consonants "g", "n", "k" to them. It turns out something like "gyy", "nyy", etc.
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An important jump in the development of a three-month-old baby is that he begins to understand the cause and effect of his actions and actions. For example, if you cry - then Mom will do, if you get a rattle with a pen - it will tingle. All this helps the child to adapt in the world around him, contributes to his intellectual and social development.

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Emotional and social development of

Emotional and social development of a child at the age of three months is most pronounced. Parents have seen before that the child recognizes them and reacts in their own way to their presence and attention. But at the age of three months the child shows his emotions more actively. Now he can not only smile sweetly, but also laugh! Yes, at this age you can hear from your beloved child a real giggling laughter in response to positive emotions and pleasant touches to him.

Communication with the baby will bring you more and more pleasure, because a three-month-old kid is able to express his feelings not only with a smile and crying, as it was before, but with a peculiar facial expression and various sounds, movements and gestures. At this age, he already begins to be capricious, offended, embarrassed and even flirting. He becomes accessible to the whole gamut of human feelings and ways of expressing them. The child for the first time can show his character.

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He increasingly requires communication with people and prefers communication with toys or objects live communication. He joyfully reacts to people he knows and is wary of strangers, he loves eye-to-eye contact.

Read http://woman-l.ru/chto-dolzhen-umet-rebyonok-v-4-mesyaca/ about the development of a 4 month old baby.

At the same time, a three-month-old kid is able to do without a mother for 10-15 minutes, calmly contemplating toys hanging over the crib or looking at her fingers. His behavior is increasingly dominated by a calm and cheerful state during the waking period. He enjoys exploring the world around him and everything that is happening around, so parents need to spend as much time as possible with the baby during this period, talk and communicate with him, expressing different emotions, showing interesting subjects and doing homework in front of him.

  • May 19, 2018
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