Why does the cheekbone and jaw hurts near the ear on the left and on the right, it is painful to chew: the reasons, the treatment. The jaw clicks on one side and the joint of the jaw and cheek aches when the mouth is opened: what should I do, which doctor should I contact? Osteoarthritis of the jaw: symptoms, treatment

If the cheekbone or jaw hurts, the medication is prescribed medication, folk remedies or physiotherapy procedures. Only a doctor will be able to choose the right treatment tactics for the disease.


  • Why the cheekbone hurts, the jaw near the ear left and right, it hurts to chew: the causes of
  • The jaw bone is near the ear and the muscle, when pressed: causes
  • The jaw crackles and it hurts: what to do?
  • The jaw snaps on one side and the joint of the jaw hurts, the cheekbone when opening the mouth: what to do?
  • Can my cheekbone and jaw ache for colds, runny nose, tooth extraction?
  • The cheekbone, jaw aches: to what doctor to address?
  • Pain of joint of jaw near ear: treatment of
  • Arthrosis of jaw: treatment of medication and folk remedies
  • Video: Why does the jaw click?

Pain in the cheekbone, jaw, near the ear is a frightening symptom. Such pain can indicate the presence of a large number of diseases in organs and systems. Teeth, ears, gums, lymph nodes, sinuses, soft facial tissues - diseases associated with these organs lead to pain.

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  • If there are unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the cheekbone, you should immediately consult a doctor. But it is important to know to which doctor to go: dentist, otolaryngologist, surgeon or another.
  • It is better to first consult a therapist who can refer to the necessary specialist. When diagnosing doctors help different laboratories, instrumental methods.
  • To understand the factors of the appearance of pain, you can consider possible causes using a special algorithm of actions. So, the jaw hurts, painfully crunched, when chewing, pain arises - what to do in these cases and where to go? These and other questions are answered in this article.

Why the cheekbone hurts, the jaw near the ear on the left and on the right, it hurts to chew: the causes of

Why does the cheekbone, jaw near the ear on the left and right hurt, chewing: the causes of

If there is pain in the jaw, then do not harbor the hopes that this will itself pass. Such a symptom occurs when a serious illness appears that needs to be treated. If this is not done in a timely manner, the condition may worsen and the disease may develop into a chronic stage.

Causes of pain in the cheekbones, jaw near the ear on the left and right, and when it hurts to chew:

  • Diseases of the jaw, jaw and temporomandibular joint .These problems are dealt with by doctors, dentists, maxillofacial surgeons. If there were jaw abscesses and phlegmon, then you need an operating dentist.
  • Inflammation of the nasal sinuses .On the sides of the nose are the maxillary sinuses, and behind the ear there is a cavity located inside the appendage of the temporal bone. The mucosa of this cavity can become inflamed and give aching pain in the cheekbone area. Such problems are handled by an ENT specialist.
  • Diseases of the larynx, tonsils and tissues near them. The disease appears as a consequence of a purulent-inflammatory process, an infectious disease and a tumor. Cure such a pathology can ENT doctor.
  • Disease of the peripheral nervous system. Nerve cells are inflamed, causing a build-up of processes and pain. Refer to a therapist or neurologist.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes .They become inflamed if infected lymph from the nose, larynx or ears gets into their tissues. Diseases of this system are practiced by therapists or pediatricians( in children).
Why does the cheekbone, jaw near the ear on the left and right hurt, it hurts to chew?

If the disease is started by delaying the trip to the doctor, then other accompanying, equally complex pathologies can develop:

  • Purulent and inflammatory processes: abscesses, phlegmon.
  • Infections in the mouth, nose, or ears.
  • Dismetabolic abnormalities in electrolyte balance.
  • Injuries - may occur due to strong opening of the mouth when yawning, opening bottles and other hard or metal caps with teeth. Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Inflammation of peripheral vessels and nerves.

If the jaw hurts after going to the dentist or removing the tooth, then you should urgently contact this specialist. Consultation may not be needed if a bracket system has been installed. In this case, an easy or tolerable pain occurs when a correct occlusion is formed. But, if such a condition does not pass after 2 months, then consultation of the treating dentist is necessary.

Why does the cheekbone, jaw near the ear on the left and right hurt?

Important: The trauma surgeon should be consulted if the jaw or cheekbone began to ache after trauma. In this case, pain can arise, as from a banal bruise, and from a serious fracture, dislocation or abscess.

Aching of the jaw near the ear and muscles, when pressed: causes

Jaw bone near the ear and muscles, when pressed: causes

Such pain can be associated with both dental problems and diseases of the nerve endings. What are the causes of pain in the jaw bone near the ear and in the muscles when pressed? Several important factors:

  • Injury to - A severe blow to the head area can lead to a breach of the integrity of the facial bone. Constant aching pain, and also when pressed.
  • Teething wisdom tooth .This process is almost always accompanied by painful sensations, some people have less, others have more. There may be pain when pressed into the area of ​​the cheekbone.
  • Jaw osteomyelitis is a disease that affects the entire bone. The cause of its occurrence are active pathogenic microorganisms, which make their way to the root canals. The pain is strong and aching.
  • Caries and pulpitis can cause pain, which worsen at night, especially when pressing on the cheekbone in the area of ​​the patient's teeth.
  • Arteritis - pain in the form of burning in the jaw area.
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction - pain when mouth is opened and chewing food when pressed.
  • Furuncles, fistulas, phlegmon and abscesses - the jaw hurts when pressed and at rest.
Aching of the jaw bone near the ear and muscles, when pressing

Any unpleasant sensations can not be ignored! In the case of pain in the jaw area, when pressed, at night or if discomfort is permanent, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The jaw cracked and it hurts: what should I do?

The jaw cracked and it hurts: what should I do?

Jaw crackles frequently when yawning. But, if the mouth is opened too wide, then there may be pain in addition to the crunch. It does not pass for a long time, and appears during chewing, opening the mouth or even at rest. What if the jaw cracked and hurt?

If the pain does not go away the next day, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms can occur with serious diseases:

  • jaw arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • sprain of jaw muscles;
  • dislocation of the jaw joints.

The doctor will inspect and will take a picture. If the joints are in order, then the doctor can prescribe UHF and steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Within 5-7 days after the passage of physiotherapy procedures, the pain will pass.

The jaw snaps on one side and the joint of the jaw hurts, the cheekbone when opening the mouth: what to do?

The jaw snaps from one side and the jaw joint hurts, the cheekbone when opening the mouth: what to do?

Clicking during the opening of the mouth is often painless. Only discomfort is felt and a characteristic sound is heard.

  • Many get used to this crunch and stop paying attention to it.
  • This condition is due to the fact that the jaw joint leaves the joint bag during movement. It shifts to the side and when you return to the place, you hear a crunch.
  • This can occur because of the resulting injury, malocclusion, excessive strain of the jaw muscles( singing, reading poetry).
Jaw snaps on one side and jaw joint hurts, cheekbone when opening mouth

What if the jaw clicks on one side and hurts the jaw joint, cheekbone when opening the mouth? A few tips:

  • The correct diagnosis is .Often people address the problem to the doctor in neglected cases. Determine the root cause is difficult, because you need to understand how this state developed. To make the correct diagnosis, you need to contact the doctor with the appearance of the first pain. The doctor prescribes radiography, MRI, computed tomography and arthroscopy.
  • The dentists are engaged in treatment of violations of the jaw joint functions. Complicated cases require consultation of a dental surgeon. For the treatment, painstaking and long-lasting work is carried out to correct the occlusion, to repair the teeth, to replace the prosthesis and so on. Treatment of dysfunction of the jaw joint is performed by the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • At home, you can slightly ease the condition with the help of warm compresses, and with inflammation the application of ice will help. Do not load the jaw: soft and frayed food, full of peace.
  • Cope with the pain syndrome will help relaxation techniques .As prevention of the appearance of such diseases, you can use Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

Treatment of all diseases associated with jaw clenching and pain, depends on the degree and nature of the inflammatory process. General recommendations in this case - this is the complete peace of the jaw.

Can my cheekbone and jaw ache for colds, runny nose, tooth extraction?

Can my cheekbone and jaw ache for colds, runny nose, tooth extraction?

Colds and runny nose are accompanied by the spread of pathogenic microflora. Inflammation begins, which is accompanied by pain. Therefore, the question: can the cheekbone and jaw hurt with colds, runny nose, tooth extraction, we can say with confidence: yes.

  • If the pain occurs in the area of ​​the cheekbone , almost under the eye, then this is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Address to LORu.
  • Pain in the junction of the upper and lower jaw may occur due to a cold and runny nose. Bacteria enter the articular sac, its surface becomes inflamed. Will help get rid of the problem of ENT.
  • Because of a cold, the jaw nerve can be inflamed. The treatment of this disease is the neurologist.
  • Cheeks can be aching with otitis .In this case, the pain may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. Otitis is treated with an ENT doctor.

The pain in the jaw when removing a tooth can be negligible. But, if the pain is severe and worsens over time, the surgeon may have removed the entire tooth, so you should immediately call your dentist.

The cheekbone, jaw aches: to what doctor to address?

The cheekbone, jaw aches: to what doctor to address?

Often, when pain occurs, people panic, and do not know which doctor to contact. If this situation arises, then you can contact the therapist, and he will already send to the right specialist. What other doctor can I go to if my cheekbone, my jaw, hurts? You will receive such specialists:

  • dentist;
  • is a dental surgeon;
  • Surgeon, orthodontist;
  • neurologist;
  • ENT.

If the pain is sharp and unbearable, as with a dislocation or fracture of the jaw, you should call an ambulance.

The joint of the jaw aches near the ear: treatment

The joint of the jaw aches near the ear: treatment

From the above it is clear that the causes of the pain in the jaw joint are many. Diseases can be associated with ENT organs, neuralgia, inflammation of the joint and soft tissues, inflammation of the tissues of the teeth.

  • Therefore, treatment for a patient with a jaw joint near the ear or in the area of ​​the cheekbone should only be prescribed by a specialist.
  • He will be able to make the correct diagnosis or refer to another highly specialized doctor.
  • Often when treating pain in the cheekbone area is accompanied by the appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Almost in all inflammatory processes, the doctor prescribes UHF or other physiotherapy procedures.

Important: Do not self-medicate! This is dangerous for health.

Arthrosis of the jaw: medication and folk remedies

Arthrosis of the jaw: medication and folk remedies

Arthrosis of the jaw is a chronic disease of the bones of the skull, in which the cartilage is destroyed in the joints, which leads to deformation, pain and decreased mobility.

Medication should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to deterioration of the condition and uncontrolled reaction of the body. The main groups of drugs used in the treatment of jaw pain:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - non-steroid agents: diclofenac, ibuprofen, etorikoksib, ketorol. If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then drugs are prescribed that reduce acidity in the stomach: omeprazole, lansoprazole.
  • Vitamins - ascorbic acid( vitamin C), cholecalciferol( vitamin D), calcium.
  • Drugs that update cartilage tissue - hyaluronic acid.
  • Intraarticular injections for severe pain: Disprosp. Such treatment is carried out once in 6 months.

Women can be prescribed hormone therapy, especially during menopause, but under the supervision of a gynecologist and endocrinologist. It will also be effective to conduct physiotherapeutic procedures: current, paraffin, laser, magnet, massage, ultrasound.

Arthrosis of the jaw: treatment with folk remedies

Parallel with medical preparations, in the treatment of arthrosis of the jaw joint, folk remedies are used. Apitherapy is a therapy carried out with the help of bee venom. It contains biogenic amines, which anesthetize and act as an anti-inflammatory agent. The bee venom is used as follows:

Arthrosis of the jaw: treatment with the bee venom

This method has many contraindications( allergy, chronic diseases, malignant neoplasms, hypertension, diabetes mellitus).Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

In addition to bee venom, honey and gelatin can be used to treat arthrosis:

Jaw arthrosis: treatment with honey and gelatin

Video: Why does the jaw click?

  • May 19, 2018
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