How and where to wear a watch

  • Fashion trends 2017 year
  • What hand do I wear?
  • Why the watch is worn on the left hand - video
  • Watch and clothing with long sleeves
  • Watches and jewelry
  • Watch on the wrist
  • Watch on the chain
  • Watch with a long strap

The clock from the time measuring device has long been transformed into a stylish accessory and status indicator andrespectability of their owner.

Therefore, it is especially important to know how to properly wear a watch and how to choose them for the image, so as not to look ridiculous, but to create exactly the impression you are striving for.

Fashion trends 2017 year

As designers suggest to wear watches in 2017:

  1. The timeless classic, which is always in fashion, is simple but elegant and expensive models combined with short sleeves. The most important thing is to choose the model so that it matches the chosen style in clothes and the type of your appearance.
  2. The exact opposite of the first option is an image in the fusion style. It is recommended to wear watches made of precious metals from world famous brands with torn jeans, baggy T-shirts, T-shirts "alcoholics" and stretched sweaters of large mating. Conversely, with classic expensive costumes wear the most usual models on a bright silicone strap or a watch in a sporty style. Be sure to demonstrate the accessory: if the clothes have a long sleeve, pull it up or roll it up.
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  3. For women, a very elegant and stylish combination is offered - watch on top of thin leather gloves and outerwear with sleeves 3/4.Their color should contrast with the shade of gloves. Or choose a different material for the strap.
  4. If you can not without the watch even at a party, put on the same hand 2-3 bracelets in tone of the strap or a metal of similar color. At the same time, refuse from other bright massive and ornate ornaments, so as not to overload the image. It will be enough to have one ring on your finger.
  5. Very popular clothes in the style of "sports chic" looks great with a massive watch in a man's style on a wide metal bracelet. Give preference to models with simple and strict design, without unnecessary decorative details.

Which hand do I wear?

It is widely believed that from men and women, good-order rules require that the watch be worn with a certain hand. But this is completely wrong. The only thing to be guided in this matter is your feelings. Proceed from how comfortable it is for you to wear them on your right or on your left hand.

However, there are several theories on this score.

  • Utility.

Its followers recommend wearing the watch to right-handers on the left hand, and left-handeders to the right. Such a decision is more than justified, because you can specify the time without stopping from the main occupation, in which the dominant hand participates. If you put the watch on her, then writing, working on the computer, doing housework will be simply inconvenient.

Now that people are divided into right-handed and left-handed, even manufacturers take into account. On sale there were special models, in which the control buttons and the head of the plant are located on the left side of the case, which is much more convenient for left-handers. There are also options, in principle, not requiring a plant, universal and suitable for all.

  • Mysterious.

According to the ancient Chinese philosophical system "Fukuri", on the outside of the wrist, just below the thumb, just on the place where the bracelet or watch strap is, there are important biologically active points responsible for human health.

Correct influence on them can put in order the liver, bronchopulmonary system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system.
Wrong - to cause the body significant harm and even serve as a direct cause of premature death.

The most important of them, affecting the heart, is called "Cun" and is located in the men on the left hand, and in the women on the right. Therefore, depending on the sex, the watch should not be worn on this hand, so as not to accidentally stop your own heart.

  • Psychological.

In the choice of the hand involved and your subconscious. The right is often chosen by people, all thoughts are directed to the future - they are energetic in implementing their own ideas and plans, are not afraid of possible obstacles, have an active life position. Still this hand is preferred by creative personalities and representatives of the relevant professions.

The left is chosen by introverts, deeply immersed in themselves and dreamy natures. This is due to the fact that subconsciously the words "right" and "left" are associated, respectively, with the future and the past.

In the first case, a person thinks more about what he can do for the time he has left, in the second case, he looks through memories, concentrating on how much time has already been spent.

And yet, on which hand to wear a watch?

For men, business etiquette in this matter is categorical: only and exclusively on the left.
In addition, men by nature are more conservative, serious and do not like change. Even left-handers, for whom this is not very convenient, prefer this option. The right one is chosen by young people with a rebellious mentality, trying to reshape the world for themselves.

Women in this regard are more fortunate. There are no mandatory requirements. The only thing they are guided by solving this issue is their own taste and sense of style. The only exception is represented by ladies holding a high "male" position or preferring office clothes in a conservative style.

Why the watch is worn on the left hand - video

Watch and clothing with long sleeves

Certain requirements for how to wear a watch with a shirt, etiquette makes only to a man. You can put them on top of clothes only if you are going to spend time in an informal setting. At work, a business meeting and a similar watch, you must always hide under the cuff of a shirt with a long sleeve. It should be so free to cover up, without causing discomfort. Focus on the following: when you raise your arm, the cuff slides easily off your wrist and opens the watch.

For ladies, there is no such restriction. Based on the cut of clothes, they can fasten the watch and on the long sleeve, fitting the wrist, and under it.

In addition, ladies can afford to wear a watch and glove. Especially elegantly it looks, if you wear an evening dress of maxi length and lace or satin gloves on the elbow.

Watches and Jewelry

Girls are most often interested in how to combine watches and other ornaments. Previously, it was considered permissible to wear only bracelets, earrings and chains, which exactly match the color of the metal of the case and the watch bracelet. Now this rule is relevant only for formal ceremonial events and business dress code.

  1. It is perfectly permissible to wear one hand on one hand, and on the other - one or several bracelets, although in some this option causes associations with handcuffs or shackles.
  2. Option for the most bold and extravagant individuals - a few hours at once on one hand or even on both. Most people will find this unacceptable, calling tasteless kitsch. But this image is guaranteed not to go unnoticed.
  3. Bracelets on hand are worn above the clock. A win-win option is a color, a couple of tones different from the strap or metal bracelet. But you can experiment with shades and textures. Only in this case, both the watch and the bracelet should not be too massive and bright.

Wrist watch

A watch with a metal bracelet or leather strap worn on the arm is the most common option.

The model for men needs to be selected so that it fits to the wrist and does not slip when the arm rises, but does not rub or pull together, causing inconvenience. To check it it is easy: under the watch with a bracelet or a strap in the buttoned-up way the finger freely passes.

Women wear watches the way they like best: on the wrist, forearm, freely hanging, tight fitting, on a dangling bracelet.
The only exception is a strict classic business suit. Here the only way is for men, in this case bright colors, rhinestones, silicone straps, fantasy bracelets, hanging charms are out of place.
  • There are no such restrictions in the informal or everyday manner. Wear a watch with several straps, charms, on woven fabric or leather bands, complement them with a bright manicure, rings and bracelets.
  • Vintage models complement with a pair of garments belonging to the same time, make an appropriate hairstyle.
  • Putting on the evening dress a decollete dress leaving your arms bare, give up the watch with the bracelet. Particularly inappropriate look models in the men's style. If you absolutely can not do without a time measuring device, put on a watch-pendant or hang it on your wrist on a thin chain.
  • A massive bracelet and a wide strap in combination with a large dial looks inappropriately on a fragile wrist and a handle with long thin fingers. The converse is also true. But anyway, the body or dial should not extend beyond the edge of the wrist.

Watch on the chain

Pocket watch on the chain is predominantly a male accessory. But recently they are used by ladies who prefer vintage style in clothes. How to wear them:

  • The classic version is in the vest pocket. Remove the watch itself, and fasten the chain to one of the buttons. The image in the steampunk style is a denim vest with a variety of pockets.
  • Put them in the jacket pocket, pull the chain through one of the loops and put the key chain in the pocket on the other side.
  • Remove them in the pocket of jeans or trousers with a dial facing you, drag the chain through one of the belt loops, and let the key chain hang. Retro image: working jeans or overalls, an unbuttoned shirt, a cap and coarse shoes.
  • Variant for ladies - hang them on a long chain around your neck or fasten to your chest with a beautiful pin or brooch. Other ornaments pick the most simple and discreet. Nobody forbids them to wear them and in a man's fashion, in a vest pocket.

Watch with a long strap

Watch with a long strap that wraps around the wrist 2-3 times - a real hit in 2017.A classic thin leather strap is appropriate in a business image, all the others can choose from the following options:

  • Patterned metal bracelets reminiscent of Kaslin casting, or gold. Bracelets from beads, beads or rhinestones.
  • Bracelets made of silk or satin, similar in color to the neck scarves. In fashion, geometric patterns and large floral prints.
  • A print imitating stains on the skin of a leopard and coloring of other large predators of the cat family.

Correctly matched watches will harmoniously complement the image in any style. Most importantly - deliberately not to expose them for show. This applies to models of well-known brands. The clock is a necessary accessory, not the one around which the image is built.


On which hand do men wear watches?
How to wear a watch
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  • May 19, 2018
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