Odon-herb in folk medicine

Overdrop-grass is a perennial aquatic plant of the family of Kuvshinkovs. Inhabits water with standing water or a small current: swamps, lakes, calm rivers. Has a powerful rhizome, which is a whole system of airway channels to keep the plant afloat and provide access to oxygen. The stem reaches 2 meters or more in length, the leaves are floating, dark green, heart-shaped. The flowers are white or white and yellow, rather large, issuing a weak intoxicating aroma.


  • Ingredients and healing properties
  • Types
  • Preparations
  • Application in medicine
  • In cosmetology
  • In cooking
  • Contraindications
  • In pregnancy and lactation
  • Other names of odolenium herbs are water lily, water lily, bathing-place, mermaid flower. Long since it predicted the weather, it was also believed that it can overcome any disease, clearing not only the body, but also the soul. In Slavic myths and fairy tales, the plant was endowed with a magical power, opposing demonic charms. He was made of amulets, used for privorotov, took with him on trips, used in folk medicine.

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    According to ancient signs, it was possible to pick flowers for medicinal purposes only at certain hours, shutting up their ears and turning to water lilies with affectionate words. It was forbidden to cut a plant with a knife, scissors or any other sharp object, because it was believed that then the stem may bleed, and the person who cut it off will be haunted by nightmarish dreams or taken to the mermaids. Flowers could not be brought home - this could lead to the death of livestock.

    To get rid of diseases and encroachments of evil spirits, flowers, rhizome or leaves of the odo-herb have always been carried in their incense. To save cattle from evil spirits and prevent the loss of animals, the shepherd went round the rhizome of the whole herd. It was believed that if he chews the root, the herd will independently find a shepherd in case of its disappearance.

    Black herb seeds were often used by hermits and monks as a soothing agent that can pacify the earthly desires, save from dizziness and seizures. Attached to the head, fresh leaves relieved migraine attacks. Dried root, suspended above the patient's bed, aroused his appetite. The plant was used by healers for the treatment of dental pain and calming the nerves.

    People believed that if fed by the root of the odo-herb of their enemy, then he will not be able to cause harm. Village folk, going on a date, always carried a grass that bestowed on them men's strength and ability to charm the beloved. Also, the water lily helped pregnant women and those who were waiting for litigation. Before being sent to a distant road, the travelers sewed flowers and plant leaves in their embraces in their capacity as an amulet.

    Read more about the indications and contraindications to the use of ginseng root, a plant that is also attributed to a lot of mystical properties http://woman-l.ru/pokazaniya-i-sposoby-primeneniya-zhenshenya/

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    Composition and medicinal properties

    Rhizomes and water lily seeds contain:

    • alkaloids( nymphein);
    • tannins and resinous substances;
    • bitterness;
    • essential oils;
    • starch;
    • proteins;
    • amino acids;
    • of sugar.

    In addition, organic acids, flavonoids, glycosides( nymphalin) are found in flowers, and oxalic acid is isolated in the leaves.

    Oedolene herb preparations are used:

    • As an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin lesions.
    • As an astringent and hemostatic agent for the speedy healing of the skin and mucous membranes.
    • As a sedative for calming the nervous system, fighting insomnia.
    • For warming effect as a mustard plaster.
    • For the removal of pain in joint diseases.
    • As a diaphoretic property that helps with fever.
    • For kidney and bladder diseases due to diuretic action.
    • To reduce the number of excretions in case of heavy menstruation.
    • As an easy laxative.
    • To reduce the sexual excitability of men.
    • With the frigidity of women.
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    Kinds of

    Water lilies are different depending on the depth of immersion and the diameter of the leaves and are mini plants or giants. There are about 50 varieties of these plants, the most common are:

    • white;
    • white;
    • hybrid;
    • blue;
    • fragrant;
    • dwarf;
    • is tuberiferous;
    • brindle;
    • four-sided.
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    All parts of odolenium herb are used for the manufacture of medicines:

    • Rhizome .Harvesting is carried out from July to September, preference is given to young plants, the roots of which are extracted from the bottom with the help of baggers. Raw materials are sorted, washed, cut into small pieces and allowed to dry out in the shade. Store in dark, well ventilated places.
    • Flowers and buds. Collected throughout the summer, but for each variety you need to know the exact time of flowering - the flower is suitable for harvesting only the first two days after opening the bud. In addition, at night, the water lilies close and fall under the water, also limiting the collection period.
    • Fruits and seeds .Flowers odoleten herbs live 4-5 days, then the peduncle twists and develops a fruit - a green capsule shaped like a ball that ripens underwater. When it bursts, the seeds, covered with mucus and similar to eggs, float for several days on the surface of the water, gradually swelling and sinking to the bottom. Collection of seeds is carried out with the help of a sieve, fruits are extracted from under the water by special hooks. Raw materials are washed and dried.
    • Leaves .The collection takes place from March to September-October. If necessary, the raw material is dried in the shade.

    The following preparations are prepared on the basis of the plant:

    • Broth .Prepared from roots and leaves, the remedy removes toothache, cramps, has antipyretic properties, helps with jaundice, eliminates constipation and other mild diseases of the stomach and intestines. On the basis of water decoction, applications are made for the prompt healing of wounds, burns, allergic rashes. The ingestion of root broth in wort helps with tuberculosis.
    • Infusion .The color-based drug is a cosmetic, bleaches and soothes the skin, is used to wash the face, is added to the baths. The infusion of seeds is used by singers to strengthen the voice.
    • Alcohol tincture .True for alcohol or vodka rhizomes and stems of the plant are effective as an external remedy for rheumatism, gout, arthritis. When ingested, the drug eliminates the inflammatory process, prolongs youth.
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    Shredded fresh water lily leaves are used as an independent tool - they are applied to the affected skin with abscesses, burns, hives.

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    Application in medicine

    Odor-grass is widely used as a folk remedy for a variety of diseases:

    • Prescription for insomnia, headache, hypertension, fever: 2 tablespoons of plant petals, pour 1 cup boiling water, infuse for an hour. Drink in small portions every 15-30 minutes.
    • For cystitis, urolithiasis : 1 tablespoon chopped roots pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, cool and strain, topping the boiled water to the original level. Take 0.5 glasses 3-5 times a day.
    • Frequent mouth rinsing with this decoction helps with toothache, stomatitis .
    • Syringes infusion are effective with thrush .
    • Tincture for back and joint pain : 1 part of dried rhizomes and plant flowers, pour 2 parts 70% alcohol or vodka, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain and store in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months. Use for rubbing patients places or take inside 3 times a day for 10-20 drops, with water, before eating.

    Water lily is a part of Zdrenko's medicine, used to treat gastritis and papillomatosis of the bladder, and is also an antitumor agent.

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    In cosmetology

    Odor-grass is used to eliminate cosmetic defects:

    • Masks made from chopped crushed leaves, rubbed with decoction of roots, help to get rid of freckles, age spots, acne, acne.
    • Baths with the addition of infusions bleach and smooth the skin.
    • Rinsing the head with decoction of leaves and seeds prevents hair loss, eliminates dandruff.
    • Rubbing the scalp powder from the rhizome, mixed with water, stimulates hair growth with alopecia.
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    In the cooking of

    Some parts of the odo-herb can be eaten:

    • The rhizomes of the water-lily contain about 20% of the starch and are very nutritious. Wash, sliced ​​and dried roots are ground into flour, which is washed several times with water to remove bitter and tannic substances. From such flour bakes bread and bread.
    • Also, the rhizomes are perfect for frying in vegetable oil. The roasted roots of odo-herb are an independent dish or served as a garnish.
    • White water lily seeds contain up to 50% starch. From the fried and grinded in a coffee grinder or a mortar of seeds, a coffee surrogate is prepared. This drink, although inferior to the taste and quality of coffee, but it is fully suitable for use.
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    Odor-grass is a poisonous plant, its use must be agreed with the doctor. Also, do not exceed the dosage, it can lead to negative consequences for the body: from hallucinations to poisoning.

    People suffering from hypotension, take plant preparations with caution - the water lily can reduce blood pressure.

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    In pregnancy and lactation

    There is evidence of a positive effect of the plant on the production of breast milk. However, doctors do not recommend the use of odolenium-herb preparations during pregnancy and lactation, so as not to harm the health of the mother and child.

    • May 19, 2018
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