Female happiness flower: care at home. When the flower blooms spathiphyllum Female happiness - signs and superstitions

What is it - Female happiness? Unpretentious, very beautiful, blooming and fragrant. It's all about him, about a room plant, which flower growers-lovers and esotericists attribute a lot of wonderful properties. In the article - big and small secrets of a wonderful plant.


  • What is the name of the flower "female happiness" differently, what does it look like?
    • Description
  • Flower Female happiness: how to care to bloom
    • Illumination
    • General care
    • Temperature
    • Moisture
    • Size of a flower pot
  • How to water a flower Female happiness?
    • How to soften water for watering indoor plants?
  • How to fertilize a flower Female happiness?
  • Earth for flower Female happiness
  • Flower Female happiness: how to transplant
  • Female happiness( flower): reproduction
  • Flower Female happiness does not blossom: what to do?
  • Flower of female happiness: yellow and blackish leaves
  • Why the flower wither Female happiness?
  • How to save a flower. Female happiness. Flower of female happiness of disease
  • instagram viewer
  • Why crying flower Female happiness
  • Flower Female happiness: signs and superstitions
  • Is it possible to give a flower Female happiness?
  • Video: Spathiphyllum. Care and reproduction

What is the name of the flower "female happiness" in another way, what does it look like?

Spathiphuillum wallisii came to Europe in 1824 from the Colombian jungle. The plant was first described by Gustav Wallis. The researcher passed several plant samples to Brussels, where the plants underwent adaptation and where they started their procession through the greenhouses of Europe.

. After 100 years, Spathiphuillum wallisii became a recognized favorite of amateur flower growers. In Russia, the plant is known as

  • Spathiphyllum / Spathiphyllum
  • Sail
  • Flag asap
  • Female happiness


  • Evergreen, perennial perennial, up to 60 cm high
  • Leaves glossy, dark green;grow directly from the soil, forming a dense bundle;the shape of the leaf varies from oval to lengthened lanceolate
  • What many consider a white flower is actually a lancet-shaped perianth( a color leaf) wrapped around the inflorescence. Inflorescence spathiphyllum is an ear, the color of which varies from yellow to cream. Over time, the color of the foliage and the cob are green
  • The plant blooms after 6 months of growth. Each flower lasts 5-6 weeks

Flower Female happiness: how to care to bloom

Blooming spathiphyllum

To stimulate the appearance of new flowers, the flower spike with withered cob and veil is cut with a sharp knife or pruner. Do it as close to the ground as possible

The flowering of the spathifillum is also affected by the illumination, temperature, humidity and size of the

flower pot. Illumination of the

. In the summer, there is a partial shade, in winter - full light. Never keep the plant in direct sunlight. Given the natural habitat of Spathiphuillum wallisii - a grassy tier of the rainforest - it is not surprising that the plant prefers diffuse sunlight and feels great in windows facing north

General care

Wipe the leaves with a damp sponge and do not use a polish for colors


In winter - not lower than 13 ° C, the optimum temperature is about 16-18 ° C.In the summer - within 18-21 ° C.The higher the temperature - the higher the humidity should be

Important: the plant is afraid of drafts! Even in the summer!


At a temperature above 21 ° C, the plant requires daily spraying.

The rest of the time:

• in winter - 2 times a week

• in spring and autumn( at a temperature of 15-20 ° C) - 3 times a week

Tip. If, due to any circumstances, you can not provide the plant with daily spraying, put the pot with the plant in a container( pallet) with wet claydite or pebbles. Make sure that the bottom of the pot does not touch the water to avoid waterlogging the soil

Drip tray for indoor plants( design options)

Size of the flower pot

The abundant flowering occurs only after the root system of the plant has flown over the entire pot. Experienced growers say: "The closer the pot, the more flowered the flower" and this simple truth applies to all flowering houseplants

How to water the flower Female happiness?

• In summer - 2-3 times a week

• In winter - once a week

Important: Water for irrigation should be at room temperature.

Do not use distilled, bottled or filtered water. Conventional tap water is a perfectly suitable liquid for watering indoor plants.

With some reservations:

  • before watering the water should stand 24-48 hours. In this case, the liquid should be in an open vessel. This will allow the chlorine to evaporate, which, unfortunately, is present in the tap water
  • aroid plants, incl.spafiphilyumy, respond poorly to hard water
Effect of hard water on indoor plants

How to soften water for watering indoor plants?

The proportions are for 1 liter of normal tap water. Choose the one that suits you best

  • 0.1-0.2 g of oxalic acid
  • 3 g of wood ash
  • 2-3 drops of vinegar( 9%)
  • 0.3-0.4 g citric acid
  • 0.1 ml sulfuric acid
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice

Add the selected substance to the water and leave to settle.

Important: do not use boiled water( even at room temperature)!The effect of high temperature deprives the water of dissolved air in it. The use of such water can also cause putrefactive processes in the root system of the plant

How to fertilize the flower Female happiness?

In summer, feed the plant with liquid fertilizers for indoor plants( flowering).Feeding frequency: 1 time in 2 weeks.

Liquid fertilizers can be purchased at specialized stores. In the instructions for use, manufacturers necessarily indicate the required concentration of liquid fertilizer. Carefully study this information!

Earth for flower Female happiness

The ideal soil for a plant is a mixture consisting of 1 part of fertile clay soil and 1 part of coarse sand( not building and non-maritime)

Most companies specializing in the production of soils and substrates for indoor plants,indicate on the packaging information about which plants the soil mixture is composed for. Feel free to purchase a substrate made for aroids or flowering tropical plants.

Soil for spatifillum

Flower Female happiness: how to transplant

The plant should be transplanted immediately and after purchase. Then spathiphyllum needs a transplant every 3-5 years.

. The need to move the flower to a more loose pot is evidenced by the root-sticking root system of the

plant. Florists recommend plant transplantation in the spring, which is associated with natural biological rhythms of flowers. But the spathiphills have slightly different rules and requirements. The main condition is the air temperature in the range of + 20 ° C( not lower!), And the time of year does not matter.


  1. Prepare the pot for the transplant. Its diameter should be 2-3 cm larger than the diameter of the previous pot. Be sure to fill the pot with boiling water on the inside

Interestingly: experts in feng shui recommend using for spathiphyllums vases of a rounded metallic color.

  1. Carefully remove the plant from the previous flower pot. To simplify the extraction process - soak the soil in the flowerpot
Extract the spathiphyllum from the
  1. Be sure to release the roots of the plant from the drainage( if it was used) and soil debris
Clearing the roots of the drainage and ground
  1. Unfortunately, the peduncles need to be cut off. This will allow the plant not to waste time and effort on flowering and tying the seeds
Removing the peduncles
  1. To remove too young leaves and leaves that begin to fade. Brown peeling remains of the bases of old leaves also break
Pruning and removal of the bases of old leaves
  1. Be sure to carefully inspect the root system of the plant. Too long root threads and areas with rotting marks are pruned. Root cuts powder powdered with activated carbon or cinnamon
  2. Make sure that the vase chosen by you has through holes at the bottom( such holes serve as a kind of drainage system).Another prerequisite for the flowering life of the plant: the presence of a drainage layer on the bottom. Drainage can consist of small pebbles, brick fragments or expanded clay. The latter can be bought at any store specializing in the sale of indoor plants. The thickness of the drainage layer is 1.5-2 cm. And only now it is possible to pour a substrate substrate in the pot( half the volume of the vase).
  3. Place the plant in the center of the container. Try to evenly distribute the roots of the spathifillum, filling the entire surface of the soil. Cover the root system of the plant with the remaining soil
Distribution of the roots of the spathifillum during the transplant
  1. Note! In the natural habitat, spathiphyllum has a developed system of air roots. Air roots are also present in houseplants. Do not deepen them deeply into the soil!
On the left: what do the aerial roots of the spathiphyll look like. Right: position of the air roots when the plant is properly transplanted
  1. Lightly soil the soil substrate. Check that the flower outlet is securely fastened in the ground. Well pour the soil. During the first plentiful watering, it usually settles. To compensate for subsidence - fill up a little more soil in the pot
Flower Female happiness: how to transplant
  1. After the transplant, indulge Female happiness by spraying
Care after transplanting

Tip: if you can not wait to see the spathifillum flowering again, arrange a mini greenhouse for it. Wrap the flower in a transparent polyethylene to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture and create an ideal microclimate. Water and spray the flower as usual

Mini greenhouse for spatifillum

Tip: flowers are best transplanted during the growing Moon

Female happiness( flower): reproduction

Flower Female happiness multiplies by division. This means that the flower transplant is perfectly aligned with the propagation of

. After removing the plant from the flowerpot, you should gently and leisurely divide the main plant outline into several pieces. Make sure that each of them has a viable segment of the root system

Reproduction of the spatifillum

Next, follow the tips described in the previous part of the article

Flower Female happiness does not blossom: what to do?

Pay attention to possible problems

  1. Insufficient nutrients and plants need additional feeding
  2. The plant has not been transplanted for a long time
  3. The plant has too large a container
  4. Too dry air( most often)

Flower of female happiness: yellow and blackish leaves

Appearance of a "sick" spathiphyllum

Yellow and black leaves speak of two completely different problems. And the solution to these problems is different.

  • The yellow leaves of the plant indicate the presence of too much bright sunlight in the life of your pet. Provide a half-shadow to the plant and everything will work out
  • Sometimes the appearance of yellow leaves can indicate infection with a red spider mite. In this case, a spider web may appear on the back of the leaf plate. Be sure to treat the plant with a systemic insecticide, which can be purchased at the flower shops of

. Important: If you have many plants, you will have to process them all!

  • Notice which leaves turn yellow, old or young. For old leaves, yellowing is part of the natural process of dying off
  • Appearance of dry black tips on the leaves indicates insufficient moisture. Unfortunately, in a city apartment - this is a common occurrence even under conditions of frequent spraying of the
  • plant. Blackening, which affects a large area of ​​the leaf, may indicate the subcooling of the root system( especially in winter), excessive moisture in the soil( overflow), overfeeding with fertilizers

wither flower Female happiness?

Withered spathiphyllum
  1. Many flower growers admit the same mistake: they overdry with earthenware. Watering a flower in a conventional way( from above), you moisturize only the top layer of the soil. This may not be enough for a normal plant life, because the main root system is at the bottom. And the moisture can not reach the lower layers of the earth coma. That is why the soil in flower pots is moisturized in a very interesting way: simply put the container in flower in a bucket or a deep bowl with water. Thus, the soil is humidified from the bottom upwards, watering the root system of the plant and the drainage layer. A sign of sufficient saturation with moisture is the formation of a moist halo around the flower socket
  1. Another reason for the withering of the spathiphyllum is satiety with moisture and, as a consequence, the appearance of rotting roots. The main sign, indicating the rotting of the root system, constantly moist soil( even under the condition of rare watering).The plant must be transplanted immediately! How to do this is described in the beginning of the article

How to save a flower. Female happiness. Flower of the female happiness of the disease

In addition to the recommendations listed above, please note that the plant may suffer from a lack or an overabundance of some trace elements and also to be exposed to pests

Causes and symptoms of plant diseases

First determine the cause of the disease and only then take measures to save the plant

Why the flower is crying Female happiness

This phenomenon has a scientific explanation. For tropical plants, it is vital to be able to remove excess moisture. This is what you watch when your spathiphyllum allegedly "cries".The process of guttation( the release of moisture through the tips of the leaves) is particularly active before rain. The liquid released by the plant is not poisonous, and the process of guttation is completely unrelated to the psychoemotional state of the host of the flower.

Flower. Female happiness: signs and superstitions

Spathiphyllum became a worthy receiver of the once popular calla. Together with popularity, spathiphyllum inherited the magic properties of

  • . The flower is considered to be a female amulet capable not only to protect its mistress and her house from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes, but also helping to make the right decisions.
  • Esotericists claim that the spathiphyllum should be in the matrimonial bedroomsand children's rooms, as the energy of the flower strengthens family ties
  • It is believed that the plant helps a woman become more confident and attractive, waking up in her hidden energyreserves

Is it possible to give a flower Female happiness?

Female happiness is an ideal gift for a woman. However, never give your own Female happiness( even to a very close person).You can only sell your own flower, for example, for 10 kopecks.

Video: Spathiphyllum. Care and reproduction

  • May 19, 2018
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