Motherwort in tablets and tincture instructions for use, medicinal properties, side effects and contraindications. How to take extract of motherwort to children, pregnant and breastfeeding?

Features of the motherwort in tablets and infusion of children and adults. Benefits and harm of motherwort.


  • What helps the motherwort: therapeutic properties
  • Motherwort in tablets user's manual
  • Alcohol tincture of motherwort, instruction manual
  • How to make a motherwort tincture?
  • Is it possible to drink a mother-in-law during pregnancy?
  • Can motherwort be breastfeeding?
  • Motherwort, instructions for use
  • Motherwort analogues
  • Motherwort, side effects
  • Contraindications to the motherwort
  • Motherwort: doctor's reviews
  • Video: motherwort - useful properties
Man is a piece of nature, and therefore draws strength from it. It is not for nothing that our ancestors observed the action of herbs and plants on the human body, studied the science of healing, passed on knowledge only to those who saw talent in this field.

Than is not more conspicuous than the plant externally, the greater healing powers it can possess. A bright representative is a motherwort, or dog nettles, or a core.

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From what helps Leonurus: therapeutic properties

motherwort growing in nature
Motherwort by the spectrum of action is equated to valerian and lily of the valley. However, the force of his influence exceeds the latter.

The core cures diseases:

  • of the heart - arrhythmia
  • of the vessels - vegetative vascular dystonia, thromboses
  • of the nervous system - stresses, depression, neuroses, insomnia
  • digestive - disorders in the stomach
  • hormonal - abnormalities in the thyroid
  • female reproductive system
  • skin, namely with wounds and burns
Motherwort has a number of medicinal properties, among which:
  • is spasmolytic, which is important, for example, with menstrual pains, in the stomach
  • sedatisince the motherwort acts calmingly with nervous excitement, neuroses
  • wound healing
  • blood pressure stabilizer
  • heart muscle activator
  • hormone control, in particular thyroid activity
  • hypnotics, which is important for relaxation of a person suffering from insomnia

Motherwort in tablets instructions for use

motherwort tablet between two fingers of a person
In addition to alcohol tincture, motherwort is produced in tablets. At the same time, its usefulness and strength of impact on the human body are preserved.

Take motherwort in tablets is acceptable:

  • one-time
  • by the course of
In the first case, you should crush a tablet or thoroughly chew it in your mouth and drink plenty of water. The best time to take is an hour before meals.

Indications for single use of motherwort tablet:

  • Neurotic Excitation
  • Severe Stress State
Only a medical expert will recommend you taking Leonurus tablets by the course and will determine its duration. Most often it is a month. If it is necessary to prolong it, be sure to make a two-week break between the courses.

If you suffer from chronic insomnia, then taking a motherwort in pills will be justified by the course. Drink motherwort an hour before bedtime.

When you are harassed by nervous tension and stress for a long time, a month of life with a motherwort in pills will protect your nervous system from exhaustion.

During periods of excessive stress on your nerves, take up to 4 motherwort tablets daily or before, or after a meal.

Remember that the motherwort weakens attention, because you do not need to drive behind the wheel after receiving it.

Alcoholic tincture of motherwort, instruction on the use of

alcoholic infusion of motherwort is measured in a teaspoon.
The most common form of release of motherwort is alcoholic tincture.

Indications for use:

  • insomnia
  • nerve disorders
  • excessive emotional reaction
  • epilepsy
  • vegetative dystonia
  • cardiac arrhythmia
  • hypertension
  • digestive system disorders
If you are worried about cardiac arrhythmia, mix 25 drops of core and 3 tablespoons of water. Drink the solution and lie down for a quarter of an hour.

For pain in the heart, increase the dose of the tincture to 30 drops.

Nervous system disorders, gynecological diseases treat up to 40 drops of motherwort tincture.

During menopause in women, admissible reception of the core up to 4 times a day.

Remember that alcoholic infusion of motherwort intensifies the action of other drugs, namely, sedatives, hypnotics.

The tincture of motherwort is also an antibacterial agent. Therefore, with abrasions and small cuts, wipe the wounds with cotton wool soaked in it.

How to make a motherwort tincture?

the girl considers or counts drops of the motherwort before reception
Though the medicinal tincture of the motherwort is presented everywhere and has the reasonable price, you can prepare it independently.

As raw material you can use:

  • dried grass
  • fresh, collected during the flowering period of the plant
Alcohol component can be a choice:
  • vodka
  • medical alcohol
  • home brewing
Proceed as follows:
  • if you use fresh raw materials, then grind half a kilogram with a knifeeither in a meat grinder and folded into a liter jar
  • if you prepared a motherwort in dry form, enough 100 g
  • pour a half liter of the alcohol component
  • put a container with the future tincture into a dark coolplace for a month
  • every two to three days shake the contents of the can
  • after 30 days strain the tincture and store it in tightly closed containers away from children and sunlight
  • take motherwort similar to the drug solution

Can I drink motherwort during pregnancy?

pregnant walks to calm down and do not take motherwort
Since the motherwort is a medicinal plant common in our area, you can take it even during pregnancy. The only time - avoid alcohol tincture.

Choose alternative forms:

in tablets
  • bags for brewing
Motherwort will help women in the period of bearing a baby in such cases:
  • the tone of the uterus, which can cause premature birth. Instead of the usual tea, brew a bag of motherwort to relax both physically and emotionally
  • high blood pressure. Only in cases where this is not a sign of a disease that was before pregnancy, for example, hypertension
  • poor sleep or insomnia, which often plague women in the
  • position with difficulty breathing, characteristic of the last months of pregnancy, when the fetus grows intensively and occupies maximum space in the abdomenMom. Or if you feel very tired after any physical activity
  • fears, anxieties, experiences, which, unfortunately, take place in the life of almost every pregnant

Can motherwort breastfeeding?

tired young mother holding a baby in her arms
A single answer, yes, you can. Because motherwort:
  • natural product
  • is digested by the body, if its individual intolerance is absent.
  • is easy to use, especially in the form of tea bags.
Avoid only alcoholic core infusions, since alcohol in any amount is harmful to both the baby and the nursing mother.

It makes sense for you to get a motherwort or filter bag when you:

  • suffer from insomnia due to excessive nervous excitement and concentration on the baby
  • feel headaches, blood pressure jumps in the direction of increase, asphyxiation and difficulty breathing after physical exertion, for example, the carriage of a stroller, the swing of a child on the hands of
  • are subject to changes in emotional state,jumps of mood, nervousness and feelings of
. However, remember that a motherwort is good for eliminating symptoms not of a chronic nature.

Take care of your health and come for advice to the right doctor in advance.

Motherwort, instructions for use

cheerful boy does not need motherwort
Many drugs even from herbs are contraindicated in children under 12 years old. So write in the instructions to the application of manufacturers to remove any responsibility from themselves. However, reasonableness and a sensible approach to treating a child will help parents avoid mistakes.

Motherwort is so safe that it is prescribed by pediatricians to babies from 2 years old in such cases:

  • hyperactivity, when the baby can not play quiet games at all, is excessively attached to his mother and requires her constant presence with him, often suffers from neuroses and hysterics
  • atrestless child syndrome, when tremors of the limbs and chin are observed, excessive fussiness of movements, increased speechlessness without the need for
In infants, the motherwort helps to cope with:
  • decline of strength and decrease in immunityordre
  • mood swings
  • fears
  • low threshold stress
  • insomnia
  • increased arousal at bedtime
  • epilepsy
  • vascular dystonia
  • migraines
  • irregular female cycle adolescent girls
  • cardiac arrhythmias
  • hypertension
Averages dosages pustyrnika for children are:
  • with2 years add water tinctures to the bath before going to bed to relax the crumbs. It is enough 15-20 drops per 5 liters of water
  • from 3 years brew a packet or a tablespoon of dry collection in a glass of boiling water and give on a teaspoon 3 times a day. Be sure to either dilute or give a child a half cup of water
  • from the age of 8 grind the motherwort pill and let's either drink it or mix it in a small amount of sweet tea
Young parents should avoid using alcoholic tincture of motherwort children, because alcohol can affect the formation and development of themthe most unpredictable way.

Motherwort analogues

infusions of herbal analogue motherwort in bottles
As mentioned above, the core of the degree of influence on our body is stronger than valerian and lily of the valley. However, in addition to these herbs, there are other analogues in the motherwort, that is, medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations, whose spectrum of activities partly duplicates it.

Among the analogues of natural origin you will find:

  • helmet
  • peony
  • melissa
  • mint
  • soothing herbal gathering
They are good at dealing with nervous disorders, depression, insomnia, irregular blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia.

Motherwort, side effects

the girl feels tired due to taking motherwort
Along with the beneficial effect, the motherwort can cause a number of unpleasant side effects. Among them:
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • upsetting of the chair
  • dizziness
  • increased pain in the stomach
  • drowsiness
  • lethargy
  • allergy
  • fatigue
  • heart palpitations
Such symptoms are most common in cases of overdose of the motherwort.

However, for drivers and people engaged in work with a high concentration of attention, the alcohol core infusion is able to weaken and even dull the reaction.

If you take a motherwort course on the prescription of a doctor and feel any of the above symptoms, discontinue treatment with this medication and go to the same doctor for additional advice.

Contraindications to the use of motherwort

doctor warns about contraindications to the motherwort
Although herbal medicines have a lot of positive properties, there are contraindications. The same applies to the motherwort.

It is better to refrain from taking it and pick up another drug similar in spectrum if you suffer from:

  • blood pressure jumps
  • stomach or duodenum ulcers
  • erosive gastritis
  • slow heart rate, or bradycardia
Note the time of year before taking the motherwort. There is an opinion that it reduces the resistance of the body to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, during a rest in hot places it is better to refrain from taking a motherwort.

In the open spaces of Runet you will find that the core is highly undesirable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In the first case, he, relaxing the muscles of the uterus, is able to cause premature birth, and in the second - to affect the emotional development of the baby.

Motherwort: doctor's reviews

doctor advises the patient about the mother-in-law's treatment
Nadezhda Sergeevna, gynecologist
More and more often teenage girls come to me with complaints about painful and irregular menstruation. With my many years of practice I know and prescribe to them a motherwort in tablets. After taking one course, girls talk about improvements in well-being during critical days, equalizing moods and reducing nervousness.
Semyon Viktorovich, neuropathologist
My patients are facing stress and nervousness every day. Both men and women alike suffer from nervous overstrain at work, pressure from other people, disruption of their household. Motherwort is the drug that helps in 90% of cases to smooth out or completely eliminate the increased excitability of the nervous system of the person on the irritable, which does not depend on it.
Vera Ivanovna, cardiologist
The main motor of our body - the heart - suffers from overloads every day. Few of my patients come for advice in advance, usually - when the thunder has already burst out and the disease has blossomed. However, the sooner a person turned to me, the more sparing drugs I help him. I love Leonurus for the softness of the effect and the lack of getting used to it from the side of the patient's body.
So, we have considered in detail the useful and side effects of the motherwort, have determined the contraindications for its administration.

Remember - you have one health, therefore consciously choose methods and drugs for treatment to extend it.

Video: motherwort - useful properties

  • May 19, 2018
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