Words of gratitude on graduation at school in verse, prose, SMS.Words of gratitude to teachers, pupils, parents, class, school

Graduation is a special event in the life of each student and their parents. Graduation is the time of warm words and thanks. To mark and hold this event is necessary with special trepidation. To say "thank you" is necessary for everyone: the school, administration, parents, teachers and the students themselves.

Content of

  • Thank you to the teacher for poetry and prose at the graduation ball from the students
  • Beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the graduation ball at the school from the
  • graduates. How to express gratitude to the graduates? Words of gratitude to the students at the graduation ball
  • How to express and pick up words of gratitude to the class from the leader?
  • Beautiful words of gratitude to the school and teachers from parents and alumni
  • Beautiful words of thanks to the parents of graduates at the ball
  • Beautiful children's words of thanks to the graduate for the concert and ball
  • Beautiful words of gratitude for the graduates from the teacher and the school administration
  • instagram viewer
  • Thanks for the help, work and support of parentsfor school at graduation
  • Gratitude in SMS for graduation for pupils, parents and their teachers
  • Video: "Touching congratulations for the class teacher on your graduation

Thanksgiving for the teacher in verse and prose at the graduation ball from the students of

  • Graduation is the main event in the life of every schoolboy and how important it is to be able to find the words for your favorite teacher and class teacher to remember this moment for a long time. As a rule, thanksgiving words are pronounced by the head of the class, but if you wish, you can always transfer them personally in order to make pleasant and honor your respect.
  • The gratitude to the teacher can be expressed both in verse and in prose. For this, there are a lot of options: before the event, after the graduation, solemn speech during the awarding of certificates, at a banquet table in the form of a toast, thank you letter or greeting card
  • Expressing gratitude to your teacher is a good and kind tradition that will characterize you as a conscientious person,will allow to lay down in the future friendly and warm relations, give the teacher a moment of pleasure and inspire in him the hope and belief that all these years he spent not in vain the
issueoh in school, thanks to the teacher at the graduation ball in prose and in verse

Master's words thanks to the graduation ball in prose:

  • Dear( teacher's name)!Today we want to tell you the greatest "THANKS" for the years that you spent on our upbringing. You could sprout from the "little seed" a real strong sprout, which has already grown strong and has the strength to become a mighty tree. Without your help, do not be us the way you see us now: restrained, calm, intelligent and educated graduates. Those( number) of years that you and I spent together have made us forever and now each time on the first of September we will remember your kind face, your open heart and gentle look and every September first we will miss you! We wish you many more years of creativity, inspiration and spiritual strength! Thank you for your work and endless faith in us!
  • Our beloved( teacher's name)!This day is both happy and sad for us because we are forced to say goodbye to you. As much as you would like, that in the further life you always accompanied and guided us on the right path. Thank you for believing in us all and never letting up your hands in difficult and sometimes even very difficult situations! Forgive us for not always appreciating your efforts, now, becoming adults in one day, we are sorry that they could make you sad.(Teacher's Name), you are a true teacher and leader from God. We wish you infinite happiness, feminine and pedagogical, we love you as a person and an excellent teacher. Thank you for the wisdom of life and priceless knowledge for ever!
  • Dear( teacher's name)!Today, there is a wonderful occasion to thank you for the many years of work that you have done every day, educating and teaching us to live in this world. Only now we realize that without you there would not be us. What a pity that we did not always understand you, and most importantly, we appreciated it. Forgive us our mistakes, our audacity and frivolity. Today we have become adults and in the future we promise to be your pride and your dignity, a bright gold medal on your chest. Thank you endlessly and we love with all our heart!
words of thanks for the class teacher at the graduation ball in verse and in prose

Thanks in the poems for the teacher at the prom:

"Thank you" the endless we want to tell you,
Give vent to these quivering and colorful words.
After all, you are not just a cool leader,
You are our faith, our mother, our savior.
Thank you for the fact that today you are doing good,
We have been warm for many years.
Let not you spoil anything today mood,
We wish you in the future only happiness and luck.

For us you are not just a cool head,
You gave us so much warmth for so many years,
So I want to say that everything went perfectly,
We were very lucky with you!
From the bottom of the heart, you accept congratulations,
Which we prepared only for you,
Our beloved native leader,
We wish you good luck and luck reserve!

Sounds today with our thanks to
It's better to thank you, alas, we do not know,
We know that words are just a little,
But you know, we respect you very much!
Thank you for the problems very sensible approach,
In the problem of each of us, the language and understanding of the general you have found,
You know, your work is invaluable,
You want to have longevity and happiness!

words of thanks to the beloved teacher at the graduation ball from the students of

Beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the graduation ball at the school from the

  • graduates. The first teacher is the one who passes the first four years of school life with each student. He lays the main foundation of knowledge, learning to read and write, introduces the world and creates a worldview in every child's consciousness.
  • . The first teacher at the graduation ball is worthy of no less than a class teacher. As a rule, a lot of warm memories are always associated with the first teacher, only pleasant emotions and something that is associated with a happy childhood
  • It is important to choose only pleasant and suitable words for the first teacher in order to properly repay him for hard work and motherly love thathe invested in children in the first stage of their independent life
beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the graduation ball from the students graduating

Beautiful words of thanks to the first teacher at the graduation ball in prose:

  • Dear( teacher's name)!Thank you for being the very first person to teach us not to be afraid of life and to be self-confident. Only thanks to you we became the people that our class teacher and the whole pedagogical staff of the school recognized us. Your work is invaluable and noble. We wish you youth spiritual and vital, so that for many more years you have brought up your children happily and knew that you are not living in vain! We remember you and love you!
  • Dear( teacher's name)!We want to thank you for once having taken us "under your wing", you managed to grow real and grown-up people from us. Only now we can understand how hard and difficult it was to cope with us, but now, let there be only pride and joy in you. We became successful graduates and we will never forget your contribution to our life!
  • Our beloved( teacher's name)!We want to thank you so much for being able to spend a lot of our forces, our love and patience on our upbringing. We are grateful to you for teaching us to read, write and be good people. Without you it is difficult to imagine our way in this school. Know, you work and live not in vain. For us - you are the first school mom and a man whom we will respect until the end of life!
words of gratitude to the first teacher in the prose at the graduation from

graduates Thank-you on graduation from the pupils to the first teacher:

You are our first teacher for ages,
And we will never forget you!
How anxiously taught us to write,
Read, fungi and apples count.
Thank you for your kindness and warmth,
We found your language and your approach to us!
The days, weeks and years are flying inexorably,
We will definitely never forget your work!

Discovered the educational basics,
Invested in us priceless works,
Do not be afraid of us you take in the beginning,
Now we do not want that you once met!
You are our first favorite teacher,
We would like to say for your hard work and for your zeal,
You have helped us in life seriously,
You did everything for us!
Now thank you for your attention,
For the kindness, patience, understanding,
Please accept our kind words,
We love you, respect always!

Do not just express our respect to you,
For giving us the teachings,
For the fact that they did not spare us,
Always kindly gave us and understanding.
We find it hard to convey love with our words,
And tell how proud we are!
You know that it's not for nothing that your efforts,
We have found love and upbringing,
You have found the most beautiful approach to us,
For this you are honored and our low bow!

words of gratitude to the first teacher in verses from the graduates at the ball

How to express gratitude to the graduates? Words of gratitude to the students at the graduation ball

  • In addition to the fact that the graduation ball is constantly heard by the parents and students to the class teacher and teachers, the efforts of the children themselves and to express special gratitude to them
  • should be noted. Gratitude is necessary for the students for the fact that all these yearsthey came to school, tried and received knowledge, did not oppose the learning process, took part in competitions, took part in school and extracurricular life
  • Thank-you words for studentsare able to inspire young people to be diligent students in future, to know their place in society, to try to receive knowledge and to be distinguished by special qualities, to be proud of their school
thanks to the graduate students at the school graduation ball

Thanks to the students at the prom:

You finished your last class,
You have grown up and are wise now.
Now it's time to think about who you can become
and where to continue your studies.
For school, for parents now
Your choice is important as if for the first time.
And again the first course, as the first class,
You become a student for us!
Now, you are a graduate, you are an adult,
But do not forget your school for ever,
After all the school is still proud of you,
For what you managed to achieve now!
And everyone here knows exactly the teacher,
What in life's best wishes to you,
To be less in the way of your stones
Met and that was more fun!

Your last call today,
He's both happy and unusual,
Graduate, forget your lesson,
You finished it perfectly!
Here's the teacher waved away the tear,
And your bouquet is pressed to the heart.
From sorrow and happiness sighed,
After all, you went off on a good journey.
On your already grown-up way,
Should you handle any stone,
So that the teacher and school could
You are proud and inspired!
Come back to us in your native class
A year later to your school in the evening.
You will remember everything, as if for the first time,
At a pleasant and joyful meeting!

Graduate, let today you are anxious,
This is a joy where sadness is a little bit.
Everything is possible for you now
And your life's path is open to you.
Not sure about yourself a little bit,
But you are waiting for big things,
Do not forget that trampled path,
With so many years of you leading to school!

thanking and parting words for graduates at the ball from teachers and parents

How to express and pick up words of gratitude to the class from the leader?

  • After passing a difficult path from middle to high school and releasing his class, the class teacher should sincerely thank the students for peacefully lived years, for work and for understanding, for an infinite number of days and experienced emotions.
  • Each class leaves its mark in the heart of the teacherhe is not without sadness and sadness says goodbye to children, releasing their adult and independent life
  • Farewell and thankful words of the teacher are able to inspire children and feel the whole moment of farewell to your beloved teacher, because allthey lived together as one family
thanksgiving and parting words to the class from the class teacher at the graduation

Thank you from the class teacher to the class:

  • Dear class, only now you can stop and think that this is our last meeting as one big and friendlyfamilies! For so many years together we have suffered ups and downs, experienced sad and joyful events, parted for the summer holidays and again rejoiced in September. I want to tell you that you will stay in my heart for a long time, that each of you is my child and I will certainly worry about how your life will develop in the future. Thank you for your understanding and respect!
  • Dear children! I want to tell you today one thing - I'm sad to understand that our joint life path has come to an end. I am used to you as to my own children. Thank you for giving me friendship, understanding, love and only joy for so many years. So it would be desirable to save each of you from further life problems, from misfortunes and bad luck. Know that at any difficult moment I will be happy to help you with advice and action!
  • Dear my class! Still on the rights of your class teacher, I want to congratulate you on such a long-awaited event - graduation ball. I'm sad and happy at the same time, because for all this time for me you have become your own and your beloved children. Thank you for your respect and understanding, you are my pride and my work. I wish you only success and good!
words of gratitude from the teacher to the class at graduation ball

Beautiful words of gratitude to the school and teachers from parents and alumni

Beautiful thank-you words from parents and pupils to the school will brighten up any graduation ball, please all present and create only good impression of the graduating class.

beautiful words of thanks to the school on graduation

Thank you for school:

Thanks to the school that gave us the knowledge of
and conducted a complex thorny path.
Thank you for not sparing your efforts,
Now we have something to bear our lives!
Thank you for the interesting lessons,
For the alphabet and for the pages of the alphabet.
You gave a hard work, not easy,
Thank you school and you teachers!

Director, learn, teachers - thank you,
Thank you from the alumni to the teachers.
Thanks for the love and wisdom, our school,
You in the vast world simply do not have any more beautiful!
Thanks for the wonderful moments,
For our graduation papers!
For the fact that the school, you did not give up,
Now we will be sick without you apart!

We are so thankful to all of you,
For what you graduated from us,
For the fact that on a difficult day you were near,
For believing in us and always loved.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom,
We, the school, will not forget all your care,
Thank you for what you did with the soul
And did an invaluable job!

Beautiful words of gratitude to the graduates' parents at the

ball At each graduation ball, the school administration or class teacher must thank the parents of the students for their constant cooperation, help in repairing the school and class, raising funds, raising children. Gratitude can be expressed in verbal form, but it will be much more pleasant for each parent to receive a personal official thank-you letter or letter.

Thanks to the parents of the graduates:

Today: this day and the hour
We should pay attention to
Parents that brought you
And made good people.
Thank you for always being with us
And in joy and when the trouble came.
Thanks that you drove away the sadness of
And we were never forgotten.
Forget all the quarrels and doubts,
You have beautiful, well-bred children.
You gave them your patience
And better than you for them in the world no!

Today the school wants to tell you,
What is so proud of your children.
Thank you, you helped her raise the
Children and gave everything they could.
For every step of the children and their success,
Thank you today only you!
Today, joy, radiant laugh,
At the graduation only heard from us!

Parents, today your children
Have taken their first serious step.
They are smarter and more beautiful than anyone else,
Leave school and home hearth. ..
Parents, today your children
Mature and wiser in a moment.
They will spread around the planet
And they will praise all their relatives!

Letter of thanks for parents of alumni:

Letter of thanks for parents, template No. 1
Letter of thanks for parents, template No. 2
Letter of thanks for parents, template No. 3

Beautiful children's words of thanks to the graduation for a concert and ball

As a rule,the ball is accompanied by a large and colorful concert - a solemn part, where there are many contests, songs, congratulations, rewarding students with certificates. At this concert there is a children's words of gratitude to teachers and administration.

Beautiful children's words of thanks to the graduation

Thanks words from the children at the prom:

Today we receive our certificates,
We have become wiser, more beautiful and more intelligent.
We are more confident with them,
For us, our school of all in the world is dearer!
We solved problems and equations,
We learned tables, poems by heart,
We wrote literate essays,
Today we feel warm sadness.
The school gave us everything we need,
We want to thank for this!
She gave us science and friendship,
Teached humble, believe, love.
Thank you, teachers and family,
You have done so much for us.
For us, you are the most expensive,
We will love you forever!

I wanted to wish you inspiration,
Teachers of success, a lot of strength,
Thanks for the iron patience,
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you luck in your heart,
Our successes were not easy,
But you helped us on a regular basis,
Today we are already graduates!

From all today's graduates,
you want to say "thank you" for your patience.
You have presented the endless love of
And inspiration has inspired us in the heart!
In the words of all wishes, alas,
Can not fit ours closely,
For us, always honor and pride - you,
We will all your way be proud!

words of gratitude from the pupils to the teachers for graduation party

Beautiful words of gratitude for the graduates from the teacher and school administration

The school administration, class leaders and teachers during the holiday must express their gratitude to the graduates. In a sensual moment, everyone should share their joy, in order to let the grown-up children with a good heart in a happy and independent future.

Thank you very much for graduates from the teacher and the school administration

Thanks words for the graduates:

Today we have a stir in our hearts,
The last call for us rings,
We want to remember for the moment of the moment
And the first day that is far from us.
We were brought up affectionately and strictly,
All those who were at this school were,
Thanks for the patience of the teachers,
Forgive us for being rude and ardent.
We became adults and wise now
And our way was before graduation,
Our door
is open to the future And in our life we ​​will not forget you anymore!

It raced for many years,
Not a few events happened here:
Sadness, difficulties, victories,
Successes and great discoveries.
Here we found our experience,
We found love, advice and friendship.
We are a school, bud-a native home,
She gave us everything you need!

Today we are graduates of
And we today wish you
Luck in life to find
And pride for us without edge.
Good luck without limitations,
So that the world was wider than a notebook.
Thank you for all the patience,
Let your life in a moment become smooth!

Thanks for the help, work and support of parents for the school at the graduate school

. Parents do a lot of help not only throughout the school year, but also give a lot of effort to organize the graduation ball. It is worth noting their efforts, work and support at the celebration.

Thanks for the help, work and support of parents for the school at graduation

Thanks for the help and work to the parents:

Thank you, dear parents,
For the long journey that together we passed.
Today, your children are winners,
They worked hard and long towards their goal.
Let the road of the
become favorable to them and the adult will be soft and serious.
Let their luck meet at the
threshold and will not allow them to turn off the road!

Looking at the years of life of their school,
And the first class that there seems to be in the distance.
So I want to say with my soul:
"Thanks to Dad and Mom, that you brought us to school!"
We have been teaching for so many years,
We received grades in diaries.
And every day we were happy
Just because we are students.
We are having fun today, but also sad,
Believe our sincere words.
We have a great colorful feeling,
To everyone who has given us the knowledge in school.

Thanks in SMS for graduation for pupils, parents and their teachers

Those who could not get to the event, you can send a congratulatory SMS to pay attention and congratulate dear people on the holiday.

Thanks in SMS for graduation for students, parents and their teachers

Congratulatory SMS with graduation:

I congratulate you on your graduation,
I wish you success in the future,
. Let in life you always be lucky!
And only bright you are waiting!

I wish you a nice graduate,
. So that you are happy today.
Let's get used to school already,
You've become a student. New forces!

I wish from the heart now,
You have fun celebrating the holiday. Let
in this kindly bright hour. In your hearts, only joy lives!

Graduate, I congratulate you,
You will achieve your happiness!
From the heart I wish everything to you,
The best and brightest of all!

Let the graduate, your desires come true!
But you often remember your school.
Your sorrows will soon be forgotten,
Be confident and do not know sorrow!

Video: "A touching congratulation for the class teacher at the prom"

  • May 19, 2018
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