The root of Kalgan: how correctly to take men and women? Therapeutic properties and recipes of broth, tincture and tea with the root of the Kalgan

Today we will introduce you to the healing root of the Kalgan. Our article will teach you how to properly prepare medicinal infusions, decoctions and teas from this plant, and also will tell you with what diseases these folk remedies will fight.

Contents of

  • Where does Kalgan grow and when to collect it?
  • The use of Kalgan for men and women
  • Kalgan, medicinal properties: at what diseases is applied
  • How to take kalgan for the treatment of stomach ulcers?
  • Calgan tincture for men to enhance potency
  • Calgary tincture recipe
  • Calgana tincture, recipe
  • Calgann tea recipe
  • Calgane tincture, contra-indications and harm
  • Video: Kalgan application, healing properties of kalgan

Health is the main value of human life,by the age we begin to pay more attention to it.

But no matter how we try to keep track of our health, our bodies periodically fail, and we still get sick. The first thing we do in this case, we run to the doctor, and then buy up a huge number of tablets.

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  • The most unpleasant thing we do not think about how these drugs will affect our body. After all, whoever that said, but absolutely all the tablets have their side effects. Therefore it will be better if you try to find an alternative to chemist's medications and will support your body with natural means
  • Our nature is rich in medicinal herbs that fight against many diseases quite effectively. One of the best is Kalgan. Due to the fact that it contains penicillin and aspirin in large quantities, it quickly blocks all inflammatory processes, increases the body's defenses and maximizes the quality of life

Where does the kalgan grow and when to collect it?

The basic rules for collecting Kalgan
  • Kalgan, or as it is also called spiny, is related to perennial herbaceous plants that have a tuberous tree-like root. Due to its taste and medicinal properties, this plant is very similar to ginger. Although all parts of the Kalgan can be used to prepare medicinal infusions, most often people prefer the root. Absolutely all herbalists claim that it is in this part of the plant contains the largest possible amount of substances that help our body resist various kinds of diseases.
  • If we talk about the place of growth of the Kalgan, this unpretentious plant can be found practically in every corner of the earth. But he feels most comfortable in Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, the European part of Russia and Western Siberia. The climate of these places contributes to the fact that the Kalgan in these places multiplies quite effectively and every year conquers all new territories. You can meet him on meadows, pastures, forest fringes and outskirts of the roads. For good and intensive growth, he needs moist soil, open space and good lighting.
  • You can collect kalgan twice a year. The first time it can be done at the end of May, when the plant blooms intensely. The second time to harvest kalgan will be only in the autumn, beginning in October and approximately until the middle of November. If you decide to collect this medicinal plant in the fall, then wait until the ground part begins to die. After you dig out the root from the ground, be sure to thoroughly clean it from the ground, rinse it with water and dry it. The prepared root is best folded into a clean dry jar and stored in a cool dark place.

. The use of Kalgan for men and women.

. The use of kalgan for the body.
  • . The Kalgan root has an equally positive effect on both the female and the male body. Means made from this plant are simply irreplaceable in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The therapeutic substances that are in their composition quickly block the multiplication of the pathogenic microflora, thereby stopping the inflammatory processes of
  • Also kalgan helps to fight with thyroid problems and quite well establishes metabolism in the body. Therefore, if you want to bring your body to an ideal state as soon as possible, then try to use it regularly, boils made from leaves and flowers of the Kalgan.

The use of the Kalgan for the human body:

  • For women. This medicinal plant copes very well with almost all female problems. With it, you can get rid of skin eczema, cracks on the lips and nipples. In addition, the calgane broth helps calm nerves during the PMS period, and also stops the uterine bleeding
  • well and quickly. For men, .Regular reception of Kalgan makes men more stress-resistant, relieves them of insomnia and uncaused irritability. But, perhaps, this plant struggles best with such a male problem as impotence. Due to the fact that this discreet herb maximizes the flow of blood to the genital organs, men recover erectile function and a large amount of vital energy appears.

Kalgan; the healing properties: in what diseases is applied

. The healing properties of Kalgan.
  • . The healing properties of Kalgan allow it to fight many diseases. Substances that are in its composition equally well cope with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, jaundice stomatitis, angina and cystitis. Moreover, the decoction of this plant can be taken not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of various diseases.
  • Essential oils contained in the calgan have a high antibacterial property, thereby contributing to a sharp decrease in pathogenic microflora in the mouth in tonsillitis, pharyngitis and stomatitis
  • .This, kalgan possesses antipyretic, wound healing and regenerating properties. All this makes it possible to use it for the treatment of dermatological diseases, scratches and purulent wounds

Useful properties of the preparations prepared on the basis of kalgan:

  • Adjusts the functioning of the circulatory system
  • Promotes the proper functioning of the heart and vessels
  • Normalizes blood sugar level
  • Minimizes the risk of cholesterol plaques
  • Beneficial effect on the nervous system

How to take calgan for the treatment of stomach ulcers?

Calgan for stomach
  • Gastric ulcer is a rather unpleasant disease that occurs due to excessive gastric acid production of hydrochloric acid. If this happens regularly, then after a while the balance of good and bad microflora is disturbed in the intestine and this leads to the formation of bleeding wounds
  • . A person who develops an ulcer constantly feels a pain in the abdomen, which can become quite strong after eating. But to cope with this disease it is enough to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. A wonderful alternative to tablets in this case may well be an infusion made from the root of the Kalgan

Prescription of the remedy:

  • Take a small piece of the root of the Kalgan and grate it on the shallowest grater
  • Boil the water and pour it with the crushed root
  • Leave the remedy insist all night
  • In the morningall strain and divide into three equal parts
  • Take the drug three times a day for thirty minutes before the start of food
  • To ensure that the treatment has given a positive result, infusion from the Kalgan should bereceive are not less than one month

Application galangal tincture for men to increase potency

Tincture to enhance potency
  • Even the most minimal problems with potency lead men in horror. Most of them simply close themselves and do not even try to fight this unpleasant problem. But in principle, if you apply at least a minimum amount of effort, then you can cope with this problem in a fairly short time
  • Most often, erectile dysfunction develops due to the fact that a person does not work properly in the circulatory system. For this reason, the arterial blood can not come in the right amount to the genitals and this leads to the fact that men have problems in bed
  • You can help to adjust the steam work of the circulatory system to alcoholic infusion of Kalgan. This folk remedy will quickly restore the work of almost all internal organs, will maximize the metabolic processes and contribute to calming the nervous system
Rules for preparation of tinctures from the Kalgan

Rules for preparing the calgan tincture for potency:

  • For the preparation of this remedy, it is best to use the calgan root collected in autumnafter the plant, measured the entire above-ground part of the
  • The root must necessarily be cleared from the soil, rinsed under running water andcut into small pieces( it is desirable that their size does not exceed 5 ml)
  • Place the crushed kalgan in whatever dark place and dry it well. This will take you about 5-7 days
  • When it reaches the desired consistency, fold it into a clean glass jar, fill it with medical alcohol and send it to the dark cool place
  • . After two weeks, strain the solution and pour it into any hermetically sealed container
  • Take kalgan teaspoon teaspoon three times a day for one month
  • If the treatment does not give the desired result, then take a two-week break and take a course of treatment again

Recipe for tincture of fecesgana

Kalgan insisted on alcohol
  • Calgary tincture is a powerful phyto-drug that can restore a person's vitality and save him from many diseases. A properly prepared drug has a beautiful cognac color and a very pleasant coffee flavor. If desired, in addition to the Kalgan, you can add licorice root, dried sabelnik and even walnuts to it. In addition to improving the taste of the medicinal product, these components will further enhance its useful properties.
  • . If we talk about the method of cooking, it is customary in our country to fill this plant with medical alcohol or moonshine. It is believed that due to this, the root gives all its useful substances as well as possible and after cooking it can be stored for a rather long time. But there are cases when a person for some specific reasons can not afford to take alcohol tincture
  • This may be due to his work or state of health. Such people can prepare medicinal tincture on honey. This tool will have the same properties as alcohol, the only thing you should consider, it is stored for a very long time, it can not, therefore it should be prepared in small enough portions.

Calgan tincture recipe for honey:

  • Boil water and cool it to room temperature
  • Dissolvein it honey and carefully mix everything
  • Add a couple of spoons of crushed root of Kalgan to the received liquid and send everything to infuse into the dark place of
  • Every three days, take a tincture from the pantry and a goodshake it
  • After two weeks, strain the product through gauze and store it in the refrigerator
  • Take 2 tbsp.l 3 times per day for 1.5-2 months.

Calgan decoction, recipe

Calgana decoction
  • A decoction made from the root of the Kalgan is a fairly versatile drug. If desired, you can use it as an internal and external drug. If you take a concentrated broth of this plant inward, you can get rid of almost all gastric diseases and problems of the cardiac and circulatory systems
  • Thanks to the fact that the fresh broth contains a huge amount of antimicrobial substances, it can be used to treat angina and acute stomatitis. If you use this drug as an external remedy, you can get rid of cracks, shallow burns, scratches, dermatitis and even acne.

. Recipe for cooking calf broth:

  • Take a tablespoon of kalgan and pour it with a glass of hot boiled water.
  • . Put the mixture on a steambath and protrime it for about half an hour
  • Strain the broth through several layers of gauze and pour into a clean container.
  • Bring boiled water to the volume of the resulting liquid to 250 ml.
  • Take the finished productin tablespoons 3 times a day
  • If you do not really like the taste of the drug, you can sweeten it with natural honey

Tea recipe with kalgan

Tea from Kalgana
  • You probably already understood that calgan is the perfect helper for the human stomach. He equally well cope with the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis and even banal diarrhea. Substances that are in the composition of the Kalgan quickly and quickly suppress the pathogenic microflora in the stomach and intestinal, and thanks to this, a few hours after the use of medicinal tea, the patient disappeared almost all the unpleasant symptoms of
  • . Also, tea made on the basis of Kalgan helps the body cope with the consequences of prolonged antibiotic intake. If you at least twice a day drink such a healing tea, then after 10 days your body will be completely cleared of all the bad substances that left behind the pharmacy products

The recipe for tea with kalganom :

  • Put the water on the stove and bring itto boil
  • Put in it crushed kalgan root and boil it for 10 minutes
  • Boil the tea on the lowest heat
  • When the time comes out, turn off the fire and put the tea to infuse
  • Take the medicine in a warm form without adding to itno honey, no sugar

Calgan tincture, contraindications and harm

  • Although some herbalists claim that the kalgan is almost harmless yet it is uncontrollably undesirable to take it. For example, if you drink it in large quantities and for a long time, it can provoke the development of an allergic reaction, which will be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Therefore, if you need to take infusion or broth kalgan for a long time, then periodically do at least ten-day breaks in taking the medicinal drug
  • . Also, with caution take alcohol tincture for people who have recently got rid of alcohol dependence. Uncontrolled admission and large doses can trigger a relapse and the person will again abuse alcohol

In addition, the Kalgan tincture is contraindicated in people suffering from:

  • Constipation
  • Hypertension
  • Acid acidity
  • With high blood coagulation
  • With susceptibility to thrombosis

Video:therapeutic properties of kalgan

  • May 19, 2018
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