The use of kalgan root in folk medicine

Every herbalist knows the root of the Kalgan. It has powerful healing properties, it is often and productively used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. This root has practically no contraindications in application. Thanks to his healing power in the people, the kalgan got its second name - the mogul.

  • Composition and properties
  • Recipes
  • medicament for angina
  • Recipe 1
  • Recipe 2
  • If internal bleeding
  • Recipe 1
  • Recipe 2
  • When inflammation of the oral cavity
  • Recipe 1
  • Recipe 2
  • Hemorrhoids
  • When
  • diarrhea, jaundice
  • With infectious hepatitis
  • With anemia
  • With frostbite( sunburn)
  • With burns
  • With gout
  • With rheumatism
  • With thyrotoxicosis
  • Prescription 1
  • Prescription 2
  • With tuberculosis
  • Recipe 1 Recipe 2
  • When liver cirrhosis
  • When eczema
  • Contraindications
  • Harvesting and storage

The composition and properties of root

chemical composition is quite complex. It includes gum, gums, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, essential oils, organic acids, wax, trace elements.

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  • Cam( soft fiber): lowers cholesterol, reduces appetite, removes toxins, prevents constipation.
  • Resins: disinfect, detrimental to bacteria.
  • Tannins: remove toxins and slags( even when irradiated with radiation), stop bleeding, destroy pathogenic bacteria, stop the inflammatory process.

  • Flavonoids: strengthen the walls of vessels, increase their elasticity, neutralize free radicals, help in the formation of cartilaginous tissue.
  • Glycosides. These substances have a very wide range of action: diuretic, antibacterial, expectorant, antimicrobial, sedative.
  • Essential oils: normalize the motor function of the intestine, relieve spasm and inflammation, soothe, are an antiseptic.
  • Organic acids: participate in metabolism, slow down putrefactive processes in the intestine.
  • Wax: quickly heals wounds.
  • Microelements: manganese synthesizes insulin and thyroid hormone, copper provides bone strength and body oxygen saturation, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, zinc promotes healing of small wounds, regulates fat separation of skin and skin allergic reactions, selenium strengthens immunity, removes heavy metal ions,strengthens the central nervous system.
Learn also about the use in the folk medicine of chrysanthemums round-faced
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Recipes of medicines

Traditional medicine for treatment uses water broths, alcohol tinctures, extract,balms, ointments and powders from the root.

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With angina

The following recipes are suitable:

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Recipe 1

This alcoholic tincture is used for any colds( tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia).50 grams of the crushed root of Kalgan fall asleep in half a liter of cognac. Three weeks stand in the dark, periodically shaking the container. Take should be 50 drops. To strengthen the therapeutic effect, you can pour half a teaspoon of tincture into a glass of hot tea with honey.

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Recipe 2

To gargle, prepare a decoction on the water.1 tablespoon finely chopped root, pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. On a very small fire, hold for 15 minutes. Decoction to filter. This broth quickly removes the swelling and pain in the throat.

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With internal bleeding

The following recipes are suitable:

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Recipe 1

5 table spoons of the root of Kalgan put in half a liter of vodka. Keep the mixture in a dark place for 16 days. Strain the tincture, wring out the raw materials. Drink medicinal tincture before eating 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

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Recipe 2

2 teaspoons of root pour 250 ml of water, boil on the lowest heat, soak for 15 minutes. The volume of broth warm boiled water to bring to a full glass. Drink 50 minutes before meals three times a day for 20 milliliters.

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For oral inflammation

The following recipes are suitable:

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Recipe 1

100 grams of root are placed in half a liter of vodka. Mix the mixture for 21 days in the dark, in a cool place. With gingivitis and stomatitis, the gums are smeared with a mixture of tincture and glycerin( for 1 tablespoon of tincture take 4 tablespoons of glycerin).

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Recipe 2

Grind the root of the Kalgan.1 scoop the raw material to throw in a liter of boiling water. Remove from heat. After 2 hours strain. This infusion rinse your mouth with diseases of the mucosa.

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With hemorrhoids

Make lotions or baths from the root broth.30 grams of chopped root, pour a glass of boiling water, we stand for 20 minutes on the smallest fire. Decoction to filter and cool.

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For diarrhea

1 teaspoon of calgan root is poured with 150 milliliters of boiling water and leave on fire for 10 minutes. Filter through gauze. We drink it hot three times a day. Sugar is not added. Usually the stool is normalized in 3 days.

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With jaundice

Apply the tincture of the calgan root inwards. Put 30 grams of root into 500 milliliters of good vodka. Keep the mixture in a dark room for 21 days and shake daily. Strain the infusion.30 drops of tincture diluted with water, eat three times daily before meals.

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With infectious hepatitis

In this case, not only the root of the Kalgan, but also the grass is used.20 grams of grass and 5 grams of crushed root pour 1 liter of water, cook covered, until the liquid will remain only 600 milliliters. This broth is insisted for 20 hours, filter. Drugs are taken in 1/4 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Do not drink it! Well, if you take a teaspoon of honey with a decoction.

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With anemia

For the treatment of anemia, an alcohol root tincture is prepared.25 grams of chopped root into a half-liter of vodka. Let it stand in the dark 21 days. Herbalists advise taking this medicine 30 drops before meals three times a day.

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With frostbite( sunburn)

For treatment of frostbite, prepare the ointment.5 grams of ground root mixed with 150 grams of natural butter. On a small fire, warm the mixture until the melting of the oil and another 5 minutes. The mixture is filtered and cooled. Ointment is stored in the cold.

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For burns

Take one tablespoon of finely chopped kalgan root and oak bark. Fill with 250 milliliters of raw water. Cook on low heat for 20 minutes. Filter and cool. With this decoction we moisten the gauze napkin and cover the burn.

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With gout

, 20 grams of root should be filled with 100 milliliters of alcohol 70%.Insist 6 weeks, always in the light. Strain the stored tincture in the cold. Take three drops a day for 40 drops before meals.

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With rheumatism

This tincture from the roots of the Kalgan and Sabelnik is used for both internal and external use.100 grams of kalgan root and 200 grams of sabelnik root are placed in a glass bowl with a volume of 3 liters. To the brim to pour vodka. Keep in a dark place. After 30 days, the prepared tincture is filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. Vodka tincture can rub the sore spots.

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For thyrotoxicosis

The following recipes are suitable:

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Recipe 1

For the treatment of the thyroid gland, tincture on vodka is prepared: put 100 grams of root in glassware, pour 500 ml of vodka. We endure 30 days in the dark. Tincture is drunk before meals 3 times a day for 30 drops a month, interrupted for a week and again repeat the course.

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Recipe 2

Treat thyroid gland and water decoction of Kalgan. To make a medicinal broth, take 1 tablespoon of chopped root, fill it with 200 milliliters of water and stand for 15 minutes in a water bath. Broth, chilled and filtered, you need to drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before eating.

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With tuberculosis

The following recipes are suitable:

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Recipe 1

20 grams of root and 500 milliliters of water 15 minutes stand on the lowest heat, allow to infuse. Use three times a day for half a glass 20 minutes before meals.

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Recipe 2

When hemoptysis prepare a complex infusion, it should be used in parallel with medications. First, prepare a herbal mixture: 2 parts of the root of the Kalgan, 2 parts of the root of the snake mountaineer, 2 parts of the mountaineer of the pochechuyny( grass), 2 parts of the leaves of the trifoli, 3 parts of the root of the wheatgrass, 3 parts of the shepherd's bag( grass), and 4 parts of the wormwood herb. In the evening, put in a thermos 3 tablespoons of herbal mixture and pour half a liter of boiling water. Filter in the morning. Drink the infusion in three equal portions per day.

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With cirrhosis of the liver

In a half liter of vodka, 50 grams of calgan root are placed. In a dark room it is kept for 21 days.30 drops of tincture mixed with half a glass of water and drink 15 minutes before eating. For the whole day you need to drink 3 such servings.

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With eczema

, 30 grams of calgan root are poured into half a liter of alcohol and left in a dark premise for 3 weeks. The mixture is shaken daily. To treat eczema alcohol tincture is used externally as a compress.

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Broths and tinctures of Kalgan have contraindications.

They can not be treated by pregnant women and people with alcohol dependence. If kalgan is used to treat a child, then only after consulting a pediatrician to clarify the dosage. Overdose can cause pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting. Kalgan can not be used with high blood coagulability, low acidity, propensity to constipation and hypertension.
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Harvesting and storage of

The root must be harvested in May when the plant blooms, or in September, when it begins to fade. At this time the concentration of nutrients in the rhizome is maximal. The root is thoroughly washed from clods of earth. Dry in a shaded place in the air. Store in glass containers in a dry, dark place with room temperature.

  • May 20, 2018
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