How to restore hair at home

  • Symptoms of damaged hair
  • Professional restoration of
  • Treatment of hair with keratin followed by lamination - video
  • Professional hair care products
  • Folk remedies
  • Restoring with masks

Hair restoration is something that any woman faces, sooner or later, after allin the struggle for an ideal appearance, all means are good. Permanent stains, drying with a hairdryer, straightening, styling products give the effect of temporary beauty, for which it is expensive to pay dry, lifeless strands, split ends, lack of volume. To restore hair really, it is necessary only to want, in it will help both salon procedures, and the checked up national agents, sparing cosmetics for leaving or care.

Symptoms of damaged hair

The structure of the hair is destroyed not only after chemistry or permanent staining, many external and internal factors lead to the fact that the hair lose appeal. Signs of violations:

  1. Split tips appeared.
  2. Leakiness, lack of elasticity, dryness.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Abundant fallout.
  5. Loss of gloss, volume.
  6. Too slow growth.

Before restoring hair, determine the cause of the damage:

  • Constant lightening or staining.
  • Frequent use of a hairdryer, ironing or curling iron.
  • Careless scratching or misuse of styling products.
  • Lack of vitamins or stress.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Exposure to external factors( sun, chlorinated water, etc.).

Many tools and procedures for hair restoration will help to solve the main problems, but the main condition for successful treatment is the rejection of the factor that led to the depletion of strands, or the replacement of it for a more sparing.

Be sure to cut the split ends once a month. You can not comb your hair after washing, you should wait until it completely dries.

Professional restoration

There are several highly effective procedures for hair restoration in a beauty salon:

  • Molecular recovery. Includes keratinizing and kerothermia( hot method), as well as collagen repair. The essence of the procedure is the application of special formulations with keratin or collagen, as a result of which the hair surface is leveled. On each hair a protective shell is formed, which reduces the damage from external factors.
  • Glazing - covering the strands with a special colored or transparent glaze composition enriched with ceramides. It strengthens the hair color, gives them glossy shine, returns elasticity, lightness, density. Creates a root volume.
  • Illumination - gentle painting with the effect of restoration. Finding a rich, stable color, the hair at the same time completely restore its structure, become more dense, stronger at the roots.
  • Screening is a complex of procedures for the treatment and deep restoration of hair, involving intense hydration with nutrition. On each hair a protective film-screen is created, shine returns, strands become obedient, strong.
  • Bioamination - application of a special organic composition, as a result of which the hair becomes smooth, shiny, elastic, protected from external influences.

With the help of salon procedures you can quickly restore hair, but the effect, depending on the species, will last for 1-3 months, after which you need to contact a specialist again. In addition, the cost of any procedure is quite high and depends on the length of the strands, so you should use a special makeup hair restoration products at home.

Hair treatment with keratin followed by lamination - video

Professional hair care products

With the restoration of damaged hair at home, soft moisturizing shampoos without silicones and sodium laureth sulfate, nourishing masks with plant extracts or oils, light air conditioners or balms will cope. They should add a couple of drops of any essential oils that will enhance the therapeutic effect of cosmetics. With dryness and split ends, fluids and serums, indelible oil-based products will cope.

Among the abundance of such drugs should be selected those that include keratin or cysteine ​​(due to them the hair structure will be restored), as well as micro-peptides, proteins, natural oils such as argan, avocado, jojoba, shea, herbal extracts.

At home, you can use special ampoules for hair restoration. They come with keratin and collagen. The former are restored at the molecular level, while the latter help to fix the result, protect against external factors, creating the finest screening film. It is recommended to add collagen to shampoos, and keratin also to masks.

Folk remedies

Salon procedures with professional cosmetics are effective, but often too expensive. Damaged hair can and should be treated at home, using proven folk recipes. Natural products are rich in vitamins, trace elements and can saturate dry hair, revitalize them.

Proper nutrition

The absence of vitamins is one of the main causes of dullness, hairlessness, hair loss and poor growth. Until the cause is eliminated from within, no cosmetic means will have the proper effect. Among the necessary elements:

  • Retinol( vitamin A).Restores structure, accelerates growth, returns shine, elasticity. It is especially recommended for increased fragility and dryness resulting from vitamin starvation, for example, after childbirth. In large quantities, this vitamin is found in dairy products, liver, eggs. Also need to include in the diet pumpkin, carrots, spinach, apricots.
  • Tocopherol( vitamin E) helps the assimilation of vitamin A, so it is recommended that they be taken together. Tocopherol normalizes microcirculation of blood in the scalp, thereby stimulating hair growth, strengthens the roots. It is much in vegetable oils, nuts, egg yolk, as well as in liver, dairy products.
  • Ascorbic acid( vitamin C) activates growth, improves blood flow to the follicles. It is rich in citrus fruits, cabbage, sweet pepper, currants, sea buckthorn, hips.
  • B vitamins help to strengthen hair, accelerate growth( B1, B12), heal( B2), reduce loss( B8), relieve dandruff( B6).Vitamin B3, B7 and B9 will help to make the head of hair more dense. All this can be obtained by including in the diet cereals, cereal bread, sea fish, offal, eggs, dairy products, chicken, pork, nuts, seeds.
  • Iron will cope with brittleness. Its sources: beef, turkey, beans, seafood, dried apricots, pumpkin seeds.
  • Iodine normalizes the level of hormones, eliminating the hair diseases associated with their imbalance. Sources: kelp, fish, shrimp.
  • Calcium and silicon are responsible for the structure of the hair, making them more durable. Sources: oatmeal, buckwheat, cheese, nuts, peas, garlic.
  • Magnesium returns elasticity( eat nuts, beans, cereals).
  • Sulfur returns shine, elasticity. Sources: meat, liver, poultry, eggs.
  • Phosphorus strengthens the natural pigment, returns elasticity. Sources: sea fish, cottage cheese.

In parallel with nutrition, you should take care of the intake of vitamin complexes, biologically active additives, regular use of which will return vitality, shine, and density to the hair.

External vitamins

Vitamin masks help to quickly repair damaged hair, especially they are recommended to women after childbirth, when the body is weakened, and the hair becomes rare, dry, lifeless:

  • Strengthening. Burdock and sea buckthorn oil( 1 tbsp.) Is mixed with the ampoules of vitamins B2, B6, B12, beaten egg. The mixture, spread over wet hair, keep at least an hour. This mask is recommended to do 2-3 times a week.
  • Power. Vitamin A( 1 tsp) is mixed with burdock oil, castor oil, pepper tincture( 1 tablespoon), add whipped yolks to the same place. The mask should be applied to the entire length of the strands, wrapped in a towel, left for half an hour. A two-month course is recommended every other day.

Restoring with masks

Natural home-made masks will cope with hair restoration after a chemical "attack".Ingredients in their composition work on hair reconstruction, smooth out scales, returning strings smoothness, elasticity. Regular use of masks actively improves hair growth, nourishes them, returns them elasticity, density.

All masks are recommended to use courses lasting from 2 weeks, after which there is a break. The frequency of using masks is every other day, but in especially severe cases they can be applied daily, especially oil.

After applying the composition it is better to wrap the head with polyethylene, and then wrap it with a towel. In the heat, the recovery processes proceed more intensively.

For clarified hair

Reinimate strands after discoloration is very difficult, because their structure is almost completely destroyed. After lightening, the hair becomes brittle, grows poorly and severely splits. Partially revive them with masks with aloe juice, cosmetic oils:

  1. Humidification. Mix honey with aloe juice and castor oil in equal parts. Massaging, apply on the skin, with the help of a hairbrush spread throughout the entire length. Hold for half an hour, then wash off. Rinse hair with any herbal decoction.
  2. Power. Honey mixed with olive or almond oil( 1 tbsp.), With yolk, vitamin A and cognac( 1 tsp).Spread across the head, leave for an hour. Do 2 times a week.
  3. Length and shine. Castor oil mixed with lemon, onion and garlic juice( 1 tbsp.), Rub into hair and hold for 20 minutes.

For colored hair

The natural color of the hair rarely suits the girls, but after numerous experiments some still come back to it. To restore the exhausted strands after washing and painting, nutritious and moisturizing masks will help:

  1. Against dryness. A mixture of burdock oil( 3 tablespoons) with glycerin( 1 tsp) and yolk to last an hour on the entire length of the hair.
  2. Moistening and softening. Once a week after washing the head, apply kefir, actively rubbing it into the skin. Warm the cap with a towel, hold for 40 minutes.
  3. Power. Boil the rye bread with boiling water, leave for at least 3 hours, then knead to the state of the gruel and, slightly wring out, actively rub in the skin and roots. After 20 minutes rinse with plenty of cool water.

After melirovaniya hair also need intensive recovery. Shine and smoothness will help them return a banana "shampoo", which you can replace the usual. To do this, mash half the banana in a mash, mix it with a yolk and a spoonful of lemon juice.

For overdried or burnt hair

Alas, not all girls know how to use tools for styling, as a result of which hair suffers the hardest. The deplorable results are observed after using ironing or curling, and unhappy young women are looking for how to restore burnt hair.

  • The optimal solution is a mask of burdock and grape oil( 3: 1) with the addition of vitamin E in capsules( 2 pcs.).It should be evenly distributed throughout the length of clean dry hair, warmed with a towel and left for about an hour. To wash it you need a lot of warm water, adding a little shampoo.
  • Honey with milk perfectly nourishes dry hair. In the mask of these ingredients, several drops of essential oil( for example, lavender, orange, sandalwood) should be added, then spread over the hair and hold for about 30 minutes.
  • The gelatinous mask will return smoothness and shine to the overdried hair. Gelatine should be dissolved in hot water, and when it cools down, add burdock oil with the usual balm for hair( 1 tsp), pour in a few drops of vitamin A. Mix the mixture along the entire length and leave it to dry.

After chemistry

Curly locks are a dream of every girl, so often many resort to the perm procedure. But together with the cherished curls come problems. Hair lose vitality, become thin and brittle. After chemistry( including carving), intensive moistening of the strands, saturation of their nutrients is necessary.

  • The elasticity and density of yolks mask with olive oil will return. The mixture should be thoroughly rubbed into the skin, then spread along the length of the strands. Leave for 20 minutes with warming the head.
  • Oily wrapping will saturate the hair, make them thicker, stronger. For this, jojoba, shea, coconut oil are suitable. Duration of the procedure - 2 hours, you can even leave the mask for the night, wrapped his head with a towel.
  • Effective restoration is facilitated by a mask of aloe juice( 1 tsp), yolk and vodka( 20 ml).The mixture must be rubbed into the roots, after half an hour, rinse.

It is useful to rinse hair with decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, nettle, plantain. They will help to facilitate combing, strengthen the roots. Timely care will save you from more serious problems!

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Hair restoration at home
  • May 20, 2018
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