What is the spiritual life of a person?

  • Spiritual life of a person: the main components of
  • The basic elements of the spiritual life of a society
  • What is spiritual production?
  • The spiritual world of man and his constitutional rights
  • What is the spirituality of man?

What is the spiritual life of the human person? Spiritual life belongs to the category of non-material values, without which a person's life becomes empty and useless. It is not by chance that the highest intensity of passions - the pain of a heavy loss or great joy - is experienced not by the body, but by the soul.

It is the spirituality interpreted by Wikipedia as the "totality of manifestations of the spirit" that puts a person on the highest step of the evolutionary pyramid, distinguishing it from the world of other living inhabitants of our planet.

However, the level of spiritual development of the individual is a strictly individual one. Not every person reaches its top. The developed personality is guided by high thoughts and strives to achieve ideal goals, performing actions that correspond to its spiritual level.

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At the same time, a person with a low level of spiritual development, guided by the satisfaction of only the most primitive physiological needs, is unable to understand or appreciate the beauty of the world around him. The inner life of such a person is primitive and boring.

8 levels of man's spiritual development - description in video:

The spiritual life of man: the main components of

So what is the spiritual life of every human personality? The inner world of man, often called his microcosm, is one of holistic and at the same time contradictory phenomena.

The main components of this microcosm are:

  • Presence of spiritual needs in cognition of the surrounding world, in self-realization through various forms of activity( science, art), in the use of cultural achievements of mankind.
  • Sum of knowledge about the world of nature, human society, self.
  • The complex of values ​​that underlie the relationship of the individual with himself and with the surrounding space, reflecting his ideals and filling with meaning all his activities.
  • A system of beliefs that determine all spheres of human activity.
  • Conviction of the truth of one's own ideas.
  • Presence of certain abilities for certain types of social activity.
  • System of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, the nature of relations between people.
  • A complex of feelings and emotions that reflect the relationship between a person, nature and society.
  • Goals and objectives, consciously set by the person himself, to the realization of which he constantly strives.

The spiritual life of a person is inseparable from his world view, which is a holistic system of views on the surrounding space and the relationship with it.

Subdividable into different types, the worldview happens:

  1. The everyday( or ordinary).Its formation is based on personal experience and occurs as a result of the influence of life circumstances.
  2. Religious. It is based on a system of religious beliefs, beliefs and perceptions of a believer.
  3. Scientific. Based on the achievements of advanced scientific thought, it reflects the scientific concepts of the world and is enriched by the results of the latest achievements of science.
  4. Humanistic. This type of worldview is more a goal than a reality. It combines ideas about social equality and justice, moral ideals, ecological security with the most valuable features of the scientific worldview.
The spiritual life of a single person is inextricably linked with the spiritual sphere of life of the entire human society.

Each new human person, entering into a society with already formed spiritual fund, must by all means go through the development of all spiritual values, concentrated in it.

The main elements of the spiritual life of the society

What is the spiritual life of human society? It extends to all levels and types of public consciousness:

  • scientific;
  • political;
  • religious;
  • of the moral;
  • aesthetic;
  • legal.

In accordance with this, the spiritual life of human society is conditionally divided into four main components.

  • Religion.

The essence of this phenomenon can be briefly described as a community of the church, specific dogmas, myths, ritual and religious items.

  • Moral.

This term refers to the whole system of rules of conduct adopted in human society based on the person's ideas about good and evil, social justice, bad and good. All these rules can reflect both independent internal beliefs of a person, and actions taken under the pressure of public opinion.

  • Art.

This particular form of social intelligence is a system of artistic images that appeared as a result of the creative rethinking of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

  • Science.

Philosophy treats it as theoretically systematized knowledge obtained in the course of scientific research and clothed in the abstract-logical form of theories, laws, terms and hypotheses.

What is spiritual production?

The needs of the spiritual plan( as opposed to the needs of the material) are not laid down in the genetic program of the development of the individual and do not appear in him after the moment of birth. They can form and develop only in the course of a long socialization of their personality.

A unique feature of spiritual needs is the complete absence of the boundaries of their growth. The only deterrent to the spiritual perfection of the individual is only one volume of spiritual values, to a certain moment accumulated by human society, as well as the desire of the person himself to contribute to their multiplication.

To satisfy their spiritual needs, the most gifted representatives of human society are engaged in spiritual production. The product of such production are:

  • Creative ideas.
  • All kinds of theories and hypotheses.
  • Artistic images.
  • Spiritual values.
  • Public relations between whole groups of individuals.
  • Self-improvement of the personality of the person involved in the process of spiritual development.

The main types of spiritual production are:

  1. Institute of Religion.
  2. Enlightenment and Science.
  3. Culture and Art.

Spiritual world of a person and his constitutional rights

The spiritual life of every person is a product of its practical activity and is inseparable from the spiritual practice of the whole human society.

What is the spiritual world of each person? It is a single complex of knowledge, faith, feelings, experiences, abilities, needs and goals.

The spiritual world of every human personality is unique and unique. Each person reacts in his own way to the phenomena and objects of the surrounding space, as each person has his own mechanisms of thinking, memory and perception, a different degree of imagination, his own circle of communication, interests and needs, hobbies and interests.

The inviolability of the spiritual world of each person, referred to a private sphere, is enshrined in Article 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. According to this article, a person has the right not to let outsiders into his private life, because it guarantees the right to her privacy, as well as to preserve personal and family secrets.

How are the constitutional rights and spiritual life of each individual, who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, interrelated?

  • Being an active member of the society, each person has his own system of representations, formed due to the efforts of his own intellect, the presence of emotions and assessments, which can not but induce to certain actions. This is how the position of the individual is formed in relation to the place assigned to it in this world, and the Constitution consolidates this position, granting each individual the right to freely express their beliefs.
  • It is closely related to a number of other rights that guarantee freedom of conscience, as well as freedom of thought and speech. Any attempt to impose on an individual views that detract from any of these rights is an illegal intrusion into his personal life. Observance of these rights gives each individual the opportunity of spiritual self-expression in any sphere of life.
If desired, any individual can engage in creative, economic or political activities.
  • The rights enshrined in articles 43 and 44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation provide an excellent opportunity to realize spiritual needs. They make it possible to get education, to engage in individual creativity and use the cultural treasures created by human society.

Being engaged in his spiritual self-improvement, the individual thereby contributes to the enrichment of not only his own inner world, but also the spiritual essence of the people around him.

What is the essence of human spirituality?

Why is the inner essence of a person called spiritual, and not just intellectual? First of all, because spirituality is a broader concept.

In addition to the categories of intelligence and education, it includes many of the highest moral traits:

  • love;
  • kindness;
  • optimism;
  • conviction;
  • a sense of self-esteem and personal dignity;
  • recognition of the dignity and honor of other people.

A person who has reached a high level of spiritual development, seeks to understand the motives of other people's actions, sees the dignity of their internal appearance, takes into account the individual characteristics of each person, including the undoubted advantages and disadvantages inherent in his personality.

No child who has appeared in this world, is not distinguished by the wealth of his inner world. Each individual is free to form his internal appearance at his own discretion. Often the path to spiritual perfection is fraught with many difficulties and sufferings.

It is the state of the soul that makes an individual happy or unhappy, determines his physical well-being, creates prerequisites for success or failure.

Summing up all that was said above, we come to the inevitable conclusion that between the categories of spirituality and morality we can put an equal sign.

Spiritual, we can only consider a person who has a number of valuable moral qualities.

An immoral person - even with a high level of intellectual development and the most brilliant education - can not boast of the wealth of his inner spiritual world.

A person who puts himself above other people and denies them the right to realize their own abilities, deliberately dooms himself to spiritual poverty and the inevitable spiritual collapse. In the history of human society, many such examples( let us recall at least the story of the dizzying ups and crushing falls of Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini).


The main problems of the spiritual life of man( Fryazino, 2016.04.10) - Osipov AI.
AIOsipov. The main problems of the spiritual life of man. Part 1
Social studies. Society and man: The spiritual life of man. Online Learning Center "Foxford"
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