Coloring and design of eyebrows with henna with photos before and after the procedure

Not every representative of the fair sex can boast an ideal line and a thick eyebrow. Some have to periodically tear them out, and some, on the contrary, draw or tint. Well-groomed eyebrows are the guarantee of the success and irresistibility of any woman, because eyebrows are the element of the person who constructs the appearance itself.

  • Coloring examples
  • Technology principles

Color examples

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Principles of technology

The most common means for dyeing eyebrows is henna. It does not harm even the most sensitive skin, nourishes and vitaminizes the hairs, speeding up their growth. Eyebrows, painted with henna, look natural. However, the stamina of conventional staining is much inferior to the procedure of tattooing. Despite the discomfort of the method itself, many girls prefer this kind of permanent make-up. This is due to a large number of advantages. But there are also disadvantages:

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  1. Tattoo is the application of paint under the skin with a needle. In the technique of performing the procedure is similar to applying tattoos, only the colors use different. Accordingly, the interaction of coloring pigments with the skin can be swelling, redness, irritation, which do not subside for a long time. Toning means to use is forbidden, therefore it remains only to wait, when everything passes by itself.
  2. This procedure is not cheap.

Girls who are not satisfied with the simple coloring of henna and classic tattoo, offer a new procedure - eyebrow tattoos henna.

Biotagogue henna does not require piercing, it's a completely painless procedure. Staining is due to the natural properties of the paint.

Tattoo can be performed any day and at any age. There are no contraindications even for pregnant women, although against the background of hormonal changes there can be an easy change in shade.

The biototage process itself takes about an hour and a half and consists of the following stages:

  • specifies the shape, length and width of the eyebrows;
  • is chosen a shade depending on the color of the hair, skin, eyes of the client. Henna in its pure form has a red color, so in salons apply hue henna or mix natural with other dyes;
  • the dyeing area is cleared of cosmetics, subjected to easy scrubbing and degreased, which will allow the paint to gain a foothold on the skin;
  • excess hairs are removed;
  • modeling of eyebrows with henna: first outline the main points on which the shape of the eyebrows will be built, then the master connects these points with lines, eliminating the drawbacks with a cotton swab. Staining begins with a wide part, and ends at the tips. The longer the paint on the hairs is, the stronger the final shade;
  • during the next 40 minutes, the process of staining occurs, during this time, you can also stain eyelashes;
  • cotton wool removed dried paint;
  • at the end of the eyebrow procedure and the area around is treated with an antiseptic and moisturized.
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See also examples of biorevitalization of the facial skin with hyaluronic acid

After staining the eyebrows with henna, you can not wash your face with cosmetics during the day and visit baths and saunas for 3 days.

The stability of biotagmatic henna is 1-2 months and depends on the age of the woman: the younger the client, the faster the pigment will be washed. This is due to the fact that with age, cell renewal is slower. The stamina is also affected by the type of skin: the owners of dry and normal skin will come to a correction later than those whose skin is prone to grease.

  • May 20, 2018
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