How can I wash off natural henna from my hair at home?

In order not to damage the hair, many women try to use natural dyes and products, such as henna, basma and herbal medicinal herbs. Next, the article presents the positive and negative properties of henna, as well as recommendations and recipes, as after staining, wash it off hair.

  • benefits of henna
  • harm
  • Professional
  • Traditional recipes
  • oil mask
  • Alcohol
  • Kefir Sour cream
  • Acetic
  • Coffee
  • Onion
  • soap

benefits of henna

It is a natural, coloring preparation obtained from ground leaves of the bush lawsonite. This powder has long been used not only for coloring, but also for improving the health of strands. Natural henna has a positive effect on the general condition of the hair, namely:

  • actively combats dandruff;
  • stains the hair without disturbing its structure;
  • gives a strong and rich color;
  • strengthens the roots of hair;
  • prevents cross-section and delamination by smoothing scales;
  • gives the curls smoothness and shine;
  • instagram viewer
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates the problem of fragility of strands.

The product has virtually no contraindications and age restrictions, and also does not cause allergic reactions.

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It is not always possible to color the curls of henna, as it can appear unexpectedly on hair stained with chemical paints. This is because after staining in hair scales there is a coloring pigment that can enter with unpredictable reaction with henna, and create a crimson, gray or green hue.

In addition, the main drawbacks of henna:

  • overdry the skin and hair, so absolutely not suitable for dry hair;
  • with frequent use can disrupt the protective lipid layer of the hair, which leads to fading of color and appearance of the cut ends;
  • loses color and brightness under the influence of sunlight;
  • it is almost impossible to paint over with chemical paints;
  • she is unable to hide the gray hair;
  • can straighten curls after doing a perm.
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Professional tools

To predict the result of staining with henna is quite difficult. Therefore, you need to know how to wash the henna off your hair. To do this is quite difficult, since the coloring pigment penetrates deep into the structure of the hair.

However, do not despair, because professional cosmetic brands produce special means for washing henna. Consider the most popular and effective ones.

Colorianne Color System Brelil - breaks the chemical bond between the hair structure and henna. The product contains protein and fruit acids in the composition, does not harm the hair, does not discolor and does not lighten.

Estel Color Off - flushes henna after several procedures. As a result, the hair will acquire an orange shade, which can be painted over with other dyes.

Color Reverse Salerm Cosmetics Professional is not the cheapest, but effective, remover for coloring pigment. The result is noticeable after the first application, but to obtain the desired result, it is required to perform the wash several times.

BackTrack Paul Mitchell - is popular with professionals. Excellent cope with the removal of natural and artificial colors.

Decoxon 2Faze Kapous - professional cleaning. After first use, the hair will lighten by one tone. Perhaps the desired result will require repeated application.

Hair Company Hair Remake Color - gently extrudes the dye pigment, without destroying the structure of the hair. Not the most effective means for washing natural dyes, including henna.

Efassor Special Coloriste L'Oreal is a unique product that will quickly and effectively clean the hair of any paint.

Find out the best recipes for hair masks on the basis of colorless henna
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Folk recipes

There are folk recipes that can also be used to wash off henna from hair. Their use does not guarantee the complete removal of the coloring pigment, but to bring color closer to the natural one will certainly help. Folk remedies for henna removal can be used every 2-3 days. A complete elimination of ryzhin can be achieved after 5-10 procedures.

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Oil mask

Recipe 1.
Use olive oil to grease the hair along the entire length and hold it for several hours under the cover. Wash off the mask with shampoo for greasy hair.

Recipe 2.

  • 50 ml castor oil;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 15 grams of mustard powder.

The mixture must first be applied to the head, rubbed into the roots, and then stretched over the hair using a scallop with sparse teeth. Warm up the hat and resemble about 2 hours. After a good rinse with water, do not cause skin irritation.

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Recipe 1.
Since it is difficult to wash off black henna from hair, the most harmful but effective method is used for this. To prepare the mask, mix:

  • 30 grams of baking soda;
  • 50 ml of lemon juice;
  • 80 ml of alcohol.

The mixture is held on the hair for 1-3 hours.

Recipe 2.
Strands along the entire length should be treated with 70% alcohol. After 5 minutes, grease hair with vegetable oil. Wrap your head with a towel and hold it for about half an hour. Periodically, the head through the towel should be heated with a hairdryer. To wash off a mask it is necessary shampoo for a fatty type of hair.

To completely remove henna, you will have to apply this tool more than once.

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Recipe 1.

  • 10 grams of dry yeast;
  • 200 ml of kefir.

Wait until fermentation and apply to hair. Leave to act for several hours. To get a positive result, the mask should be used for at least 2 weeks.

Recipe 2.
Mix the white and blue clay in equal amounts. Adding kefir, bring the mass to an elastic, homogeneous state. Cover the curls with the resulting mixture and leave for a couple of hours. This is an ideal option for washing off both white and colorless henna.

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Sour cream

Sour sour cream evenly over the entire length of hair, put a polyethylene hat on your head and stand for at least 1 hour.

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In 3 liters of warm water dilute 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Immerse the hair in a solution and hold for 10-15 minutes. After that, you should thoroughly wash the strands, using a shampoo for oily hair and apply moisturizing balm.

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This mask will help to darken the red color.

  • 4-5 tablespoons ground coffee;
  • 2 tablespoons of henna.

Components mix and perform the staining as ordinary henna. As a result, the hair color should become substantially darker.

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It is necessary to grate a few bulbs of medium size on a grater. And mix 100 grams of the resulting puree with the juice obtained from 3 aloe leaves. The mixture is to treat the roots and length of the hair. Leave under the cover for 1-3 hours. To get rid of the unpleasant smell of onions, during washing, you should use water with lemon.

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Laundry soap is an alkali that can open hair flakes and remove henna.

First you need to wash your hair with soap and then lubricate your hair with any vegetable oil and leave it for 1-2 hours. To completely wash off the henna procedure will have to spend a whole month during each washing of hair.

  • May 20, 2018
  • 21
  • 151